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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. I hear ya, chole. I noticed a few schools closed and dismissing early. In all honestly, is no where close to bad out there! It's been worse. Amazing how they take the not so bad snow days and act as though it's a disasterous blizzard like what we have over an month and a half ago. But when it comes to the very bad snow days, they play it as though it's just a walk in the park! Drives me bonkers! I swear it... one of these days I'm gonna start writing internet columns about issues of today. If people see it as complaining, so be it. I'm just pointing out problems, issues and situations. I leave that up to some other folks to figure out solutions for it. ~Lady B
  2. Jack Sparrow as Elvis...... Now there's an wierd idea........ I think there is a pic of someone dressed as Jack Sparrow imitating Elvis. As there are various pics of Jack Sparrow as a storm trooper, Santa, various Depp personas, etc. You name it, I think it's been done. Except Sparrow portraying George Bush. ~Lady B
  3. I'm often accused of my beef still mooing. I like mine medium rare. When I cook it, it's VERY juicy, tender, and full of flavor. I do season my steaks - as well as pork, chicken, turkey, etc. And the bigger they are... THE BETTER!!! As long as they are good and juicy... forget the A1 sauce! I sometimes do like mushrooms and onions with them. I sauntee those rather well, too. Sides with them - mashed potatoes with thick brown gravy, veggies (lots of them) bread, cheese, and whatever else. ~Lady B
  4. aye... had that happen, too. And the opposite where people are excited you are a pirate. Stranger yet... when people dress up as a cheesy pirate. You give them a card with your pirate crew info and they look at you strange or just barely give you a thought, thinking you strange. Hell, they are the strange ones dressed up as a cheesy pirate parading through the bleedin' town lookin' like a dumbarse! Bad enough you see more Jack Sparrows than you do Elvis! ~Lady B
  5. Oh, dear God! talk about deja vu! I admit... I was told that, more cushion for the pushin'. Rather funny, not sure exactly how to take that. I'd say I have that cushion for the pushin'. As to what size I fancy. Well, I don't care too much but if I must be picky, I prefer meat on the bones. That's ALL the bones not just the one, boys! Jeez I like something to hang onto. And taller than I, so.. 6 ft or more is a good height. ~Lady B
  6. :) Naw... what's worse is when you look at the fabric content of every piece of clothing you buy to see if it's 100% natural fibers or not. ~Lady B
  7. At the moment... I can hear my neighbor (right beside my room as we live in an apartment complex)... and, he's none too quiet either screwing someone. Kinda something I don't want to hear right now. Long story. It's not gross... just... something that bothers me at current and don't want to hear it. ~Lady B
  8. Chapman... I agree with ya about the Bald Eagle. They are awesome to watch. Oddly enough, during the winter season, there are at least 5 perhaps 7 Bald Eagles in Cedar Rapids. And will see at least 1 a few times a year. Peregrine Falcons are an awesome sight, too. A few in downtown CR. The Redtail Hawks are a joy to watch and see often. But I have to admit... my fave... has to be the small Sparrow Hawks. They look much like a falcon and there are plenty around here. Oddly enough, there is one that is around the Equestrian Center at Kirkwood and I consitute it as a grand sign. I'd LOVE to do Falconry someday. And if I do... I'd want a Sparrow Hawk. They remind me of the Egyptian Falcons that represent Horus. And of course, as myth... the Phoenix. ~Lady B
  9. Why in th' bleedin' devil are ya trying to talk him out of it? ... When they are predicting a snow storm... and all you can think about is doing a photo shoot in the snow wearing your pirate outfit to co-inside with PotC 3. ... When you watch over and over again the trailer for AWE and have a sudden craving for chinese and sushi. ... When you walk into your bathroom and suddenly a song from a pirate movie pops into your head - specifically the erie background music in "the Goonies" when Mikey opened the hatch and entered slowly into One Eyed Willie's quarters. ... When you watched last nights Dancing With The Stars and thought Joey and his partner were cheesy pirates cause of the way they dressed. ... When others talk about Glocks and other guns you start talking about your flintlocks and have no interest in their weapons cause your weapon is just WAY TOO COOL!!! ~Lady B
  10. Hope you feel better soon, Hetha. Going through the same thing, too. Suck being sick, doesn't it? Getting a snow storm tomorrow supposedly. Grrr... so, we shall see what happens. Insane having a snow storm in April. Still bummed. Still stressed out. Starting to feel burn-out. Getting ill too easily. Heartache, of course. It's sad when I prefer to sit and watch TV or sleep rather than do something, clean, draw or write, or be online. That's just not me. ~Lady B
  11. Welcome to th' Pub, Sil. Tis all ye need is the interest in Piracy. Th' rest 'll follow. ~Lady B
  12. You now thay have his neck piece available... http://www.thesabervault.com/MasterReplica...ssaPendant.html Yup. Know about that. :) Haven't purchased it yet as I'm saving up my coinage for other events in May. Eventually I will obtain one. :) ~Lady B
  13. Rats... sometimes I wonder about ya, mate! ~Lady B
  14. Mental vacation for th' lot of ya. I'm having a mental image of my own... with Rush dressed as Barbossa minus this coat, waistcoat and baldric since Bess has it on and lord knows what wickedness those 2 are up to. Fancy, Bess.... very fancy. Lucky you! I know perhaps nigh a dozen gents right now wanting the fabric for the coat and waistcoat if not wanting the coat and waistcoat... and especially the buckles and baldric. If they could see you now... they'd be all over you like wolves on fresh meat. Can't wait to see a pic of you in that outfit, Bess! Now ya need th' hat! Ahhhahaha! Actually... th' coolest, Bess.... is you in some Davy Jones attire! Now THAT will rock! SO eagerly looking for more! ~Lady B
  15. Oooooo... Bess! Tis fantastic and lovely! I'd say I'm jealous.. but I'm more envious! I'm drooling! Tis a fine ring. Was about to ask where the hell you obtained it from so I could get one, too! Oh, well. Honestly, I'm just awaiting copies or replicas of Barbossa's ring. Been wanting one since the 1st film. ~Lady B
  16. Thanks, Jacky. :::hugs back::: My give-a-damn may be busted later... but right now... I haven't a give-a-damn. And luckily, it didn't end up to be "Before He Cheats" by Carrie Underwood. I know a classmate who is on his way towards that right now. Would hate to see that happen to him... and her as both are good people. God help us. Trying not to listen to the radio too much. Cause too much of it I can relate to and I'm at too much of a fragile state to even hold up to one of those songs and listen to it. Aye, Cheeky... :::hugs to Cheeky::: prayers that this month is better. At least the hope is there. Maybe when AWE and Port Washington comes out... we'll cheer up a bit more then. ~Lady B
  17. :::Covers mouth and is ROTF:::: OMG, Pete... now that's scarey. And yes, you did all that. I can vouch for it,... saw ya do it, the pix are not Photoshopped. I admit... I am looking forward to RF4 in 2008. I have my Instructor very interested in coming, too. Perhaps a classmate or 2. ~Lady B
  18. Thank ye, Black Cat. Most kind o' ya. ::Tosses back the whiskey::: So... do ye have stories t' tell us, Cat? Most eager t' hear them. ~Lady B
  19. Today is not as half bad as it was yesterday. But, still... it's not grand like I hope it to be. Here's to hopes you don't get sick again this year, Christine. It so very much sucks to not be up to par and ill in any manner of fashion. Need a group called "the Joy Luck and Hard Knocks club". I tell you what... what drives me nuts the most when I am feeling worthless is the type of people who are detacted, unsympathetic and unempathic! I just want to punch the daylights out of them and come darn near close to it. Nothings worse than someone making you feel worse than you already feel! A good hug and someone saying "sorry" along with some sympathy helps before someone gives me some helpful advice. And if I am open to advice. Sometime, giving advice at that point in time is just NOT the best time. :::hugs MerryD:::: she helped me get into a better mood today. Both of us in the same boat so to speak, so... She's been a very good friend as well as Captain. And yes, Asukaru... the world is going to hell in a handbasket. A Piracy Island where we pirates can escape the hells of this world is sounding VERY, VERY, VERY good right now. ~Lady B
  20. Aye, Jill, m'dear. I don't think I was being fooled. And I pray I didn't fool him. It just... seemed that whatever there was there... slipped away. And I really thought he was the love of my life. So much we had in common yet we were both different and seperate individuals. So, this is so very tough for me right now. I think MerryD can vouch for me on how well guarded I am of myself especially before I met him. Crying every night doesn't help either. I'm not gettin' younger. I'll be 33 next month.. m' Bio clock is tickin' away. And all dreams I've been having since I was younger continue to just float away with the wind. Alas, mates... It'll be harder for Love to waltz into my life. Th' heart is shielded once more as it once was. Again, I'm no whore. All I wished for was a life forever with the man I loved to have some kids. Doesn't appear that God and the Fates be willing to allow me that luxury. ::Le sigh:: Otherthings that keep me still on track and provide just a wee bit of comfort: My cat Magellan. He's just been my baby ever since he was born. 2 more days and my kitty will be a full 1 year old! :) He'll get something for his Bday. College. Despite all the troubles both no vehicle (long story) and my hips just killing me... and other things, too... it still invigorates me. I still feel the passion and want to work with horses. It won't be easy, I know. But what I am learning is in valueable info that I know I will take with me where ever I will go. I guess... another is hope. Granted my hope is dim that the future doesn't seem so bright. But the hope is still there. I'm just trying to take things one hour and one day at a time. But, oh how I pray things will get better, and that my dreams come true.
  21. A coronary may be better if women were about flirting or otherwise. Die happy. At the moment... From what I said earlier... Let's just say Love life is not at a halt. And frankly, Life sucks. I won't say shyte about men. Why should I? Just... that... I'm a bloody unlucky woman who won't get what dreams she wants. This includes Love. To all ye out there... blessings to ye all for th' Love of yo'r life. That it may be eternal and fulfilled as much as your life be, too.
  22. Rats.... I would wait to drink the said bottle of rum with you when the time allowed. ~Lady B
  23. Happy Bday to ye, Mr Thatch. ~Lady B
  24. Aye, Rats.... A TV series may be something rather interesting. PLENTY to work with really. The issue is... would it be live action or animated? Again there is plenty to work with. Take a bit of history or lore and add in some fiction or fantasy. If ya like it, ya like it... if ya don't you don't. I've known MANY shows I once watched growing up that had historical and real place worked into something fictional. It gears up the mind, makes a mind curious enough (especially a young mind) to "investigate". And that, my dear friends is call research and using the head. It's amazing what seems so stupid so someone can be very good and educational to others... especially youngsters. Sometimes older folk who've not heard of it before or may have forgotten it. Pop culture was created by what strikes the interest of people. And currently, yes, Piracy has made a come back into Society. It's nothing new. And like Pat Parelli says "...It's so old, it's new again!" Hey, Rats... I know I have a role playing forum that has some PotC role playing and one of them is a possible ongoing series following the films. But, no takers yet. Plenty of ideas to work with though. If you can think it, it can be done. ~Lady B
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