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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Aye, Christine... I'm with you there. 1st, Critics suck! We all know that. No point in saying more there. 2nd, Aye, Barbossa stole th' show here! Yes, there were many in the theater, sold out all the way. Even had to add an extra show! 5 shows all this evening, all sold out! And they CHEERED gloriously with Barbossa! Barbossa had more backbone and personality to him. Lee, Mackenzie, Marty, Kevin.. and the whole lot were great. It was great to see Angus and the other gent reprising their role as Murtogg and Mulroy. And the other gent who reprised his role as Groves. T'was VERY sad about Swann and Norrington, too. But most of all, I was sad with Davy Jones at the end. I liked him... a lot. I know many lasses who are bawling their eyes out. Davy Jones was VERY much fancied! 3rd... The final battle scene was just.... incredible! I would have thought a wee bit more into it... but it's rather Genteel of what they did. A Gentleman's battle it was. I won't be sayin' much more now. As I don't want to be givin' away too much until the vast majority have seen th' film. Again... BARBOSSA ROCKS!!!! ~Lady B
  2. That's what you think..... Ooooo... you have me intregued now, Bess! Be ready for th' bombardment of questions then. Christine... I'm with you, girl! I'm VERY, VERY eager t' see ol' Barbossa in action. It's been FAR, FAR too long for us fans of Barbossa to see his glorious image grace the big screen. I'll be at a local theater, too. ~Lady B
  3. By then they won't be secrets, Bess! But most likely you will be bombarded with questions to clear up some confused souls. I picked up the Soundtrack this evening... listening to it right now... just started track 10... and thus far I'm loving it! I'm overly eager for the movie now. ~Lady B
  4. As Mr Hand stated there are pirate Festivals out there. Plus (I've not gone to it) there is Buccaneer Bay which is supposed to be a period town for tourists to explore. Generally if it's a perm, year round site, not only for pirates to explore but like Sea World, Disney, Six Flags, etc. That's one option to have it set up like a theme park. Or if more true to form like a Festival that's for a weekend or two.... more like Buccaneer Bay... with real ships, a town like Williamsburg (or even Port Royal) to walk through and even purchase period items, taverns to have drinks at and enjoy good food, Inns to stay the night like a Bed and Breakfast, have demos or "acts" like trials, commandeering, drunken stupers, wench auction, etc. Sea battles would be awesome. Aye, I think on the grand scale. Usually to capture the modern mind now, ya have to think of thrills, chills and on a grand scale. Course if you had an actual island... could be a real piratical haven for us to move to & tourists to enjoy. Again, stores to shop in, a market where pirates sell wares, taverns and inns, a government of pirates that run it, various "events" and "shows", can go with more than just the Spanish Main, but add in various piratical views from the Barbary Coast, Asia, Madagascar, etc. Carriage rides, perhaps, too. ~Lady B
  5. Aye... Tis a grand pity about the Cutty Sark. Always sad to hear legendary vessels take such a nasty beating. ~Lady B
  6. Hmm.... had this discussion before. But... if it were an actress playing our character... the only people alive who I would like would either be Jane Seymour or Catherine Zeta-Jones. But if it be ourselves.... bleedin' hell! I'd rather play m'self in a movie! Or even as my own pirate persona. ~Lady B
  7. Ooooooo.... Bess... yer makin' me drool an' eager with anticipation!!! I'm lookin' forward t' seein' this installment of PotC. ~Lady B
  8. Very astute observation, m'dear. Aye, Barbossa strikes me as more th' pirate than Jack. More of the legends I read and heard about when I was a younger girl who was fascinated with piracy. Hector is more a multifaceted character that is easier to relate to than Jack. Jack 's as flamboyant as a teen (and dork youngin' as I had to deal with them for 2 weeks). Hector is more mature, more devilish, more cutthroat and ruthless, thinks as well as reacts, is not ashamed of taking a route that is dangerous and ousting or rival a peer or foe. The other was how human he was even though he was cursed in the first film. His desires for wealth remained but moreso strongly was his want to be mortal, normal and human again. To drink, eat, feel, etc without suffering. He's darn good taste in attire. There is something about Barbossa that is highly more appealing than Jack... despite what many will say. ~Lady B
  9. Brilliant! Aye, I am greatly lookin' forward to Barbossa's glorious return. Tis not cheerful news when now th' story is less satisfactory for ye, Bess. They reduce the time? I would have been prefectly happy with 3 hours. Shoot! could have 6 hours and I'd still watch it! Can't wait to see it next weekend! ~Lady B
  10. Alas, everyone wanted to go see the bleedin' animals at Animal Kingdom. Course, didn't help when a couple people claimed the Magic Kingdom was kiddie rides and for the kids. And going to a fancy zoo is any different? Aye, I was told about the transportation system. We shall see about that. I still haven't a clue how I'm gonna deal with this as no one 'll discuss with me some stuff despite my asking. It's getting to be mighty annoying. Anyway... I be leaving in a few hours, so.... I shall tell what happened upon my return. Tah ~Lady B
  11. Lovely frock coat. And adoreable kitty! I once had a kitty that looked EXACTLY like him! No joke, too. He'd be 2yrs old now. So does the kitty have a piratey outfit? Or just the hat? I LOVE the wee hat! It's grand! ~Lady B
  12. :::Shrugs::: If I can, I will. But was generally told that I needed to go with someone I knew and I'd have to find a way there or someone picks me up to take me there. :::Shrugs::: I don't think I could be confused even moreso with this issue. I've never been to Florida let alone the Magic Kingdom (either of them). If there is no one about, then perhaps I may go alone (I truly hate that word). :::Shrugs::: I still haven't been told what day it will be yet, despite my constant badgering. ~Lady B
  13. OK, mates... here's th' deal... I'm leaving the 8th for a 2 week trip with some classmates of mine. We get to go to 3 theme parks. And alas, the Magic Kingdom isn't one of them. Everyone wants to go see th' bleedin' animals at Animal Kingdom. BUT... I can go to the Magic Kingdom IF someone kidnaps me for the day. Not sure which day it will be (yet)... either the 11th... the 13th ... or the 15th. I'll post here immediately when I find out what day.. Hopefully before we leave. If not... best to contact me via cell phone But isn't there some pirate out there who's willing and able to commandeer and kidnap this pirate Lady so she can enjoy the PotC ride at the Magic Kingdom? PM me or email me. Please? ~Lady B
  14. Proms are highly overrated. I feel for Josh, Callenish. Missed one Prom cause we moved. And then I was niavely talked to taking someone to Prom at a school I just started attending barely 2 weeks. And, aye, had the worst time of my life! Bawled when I got home. Well, If it were possible, I'd say we'd all have a Pirate version of Prom... something that's more fun. Til then. If he's another chance at Prom... I wish him luck the next time around. And aye, I've seen and heard of others go in piratey attire to their proms... but he looks rather good. ~Lady B
  15. So we get th' glorious joy of finally seein' Josh! Aye... a handsome young lad he is, too. ~Lady B
  16. I agree. That was just stupidity upon the school's part. Discrimination in my opinion. Besides, they had no right to segregate her for something on MySpace! Discrimination in my opinion! Shoot! They should have NOT given the whole class their diplomas cause guaranteed they all drank, too! Hopefully this woman is awarded MUCH more than what she's sueing for. ~Lady B
  17. Twisted! The very critter it gave to me ... is the very critter I am most petrified of... a spider! Gonna take th' damn thing again. ..... .... .... Ok.. tried this again... funny enough, my Daemon ended up being a Lynx. Which is funny cause it looks like Magellan! Alchaeon be his name. I am Competitive, spontaneous, clever, shy, and proud (yup!). Now... m' pirate persona's Daemon... Now this one be interesting. The Lady B Daemon is a Snow Leopard named Achaeon. Lady B's personality (not much different): Competitive, spontaneous, clever, modest and shy. This is pretty cool! ~Lady B
  18. I think Barbossa put it well WHY he mutinied against Jack... "The only way a pirate these days can make a profit is by bretrayin' other pirates." Not just he wanted to, he also had to. To survive. After all, he is a pirate. Aye, I know several people who said they were disappointed with DMC. Yet, oddly enough, those people have the DVD and watch it more times than I do! ~Lady B
  19. Left behind, so to speak, in the most unkind fashion? We'll defend ye, Bess. If somethin' ever happens to ye, we'll fight hell an' high water for ye. ~Lady B
  20. Maybe. I don't want to spoil m' appetite yet. But then again... which book?
  21. And yer not able to give us info either, are ye Bess? Damn yer a grand pirate! Keepin' so many secrets! ~Lady B
  22. It does look like a fun game. ~Lady B
  23. And I thank ye for that, GoF. It was my nephew who wanted to know, so what you and other stated he's reading. He wants to better his outfit not just for this year, but next year he's getting an all new outfit (he's barely fitting into this one!). So any words are good words of advice. Unless someone starts cussing at th' poor lad's outfit. Then, I'll be puttin' m' foot down! Again, what you stated was good advice and constructive criticism. Thank you. ~Lady B
  24. :::hugs Bess::: Hope ye get well soon, Bess. Hate t' see a fellow pirate ill. ~Lady B
  25. Amen, Christine! :::Gives Christine a hug::: I, personally, do feel a little trashed by this. Apologies if I was bein' a pain in someone's side for posting m' nephew's costume in Rabble Rousing. He was curious about his outfit and wanted some words. Poor kid is only 13 yrs old. Currently, I am having seriously rough times myself. and by God, damnit... if not a single soul out there is sympathetic and empathetic... and only see a sobbin' soul and hurt spirit as something pathetic, then by God ye need to be lookin' at yerself better! Now... if someone DOES ask what ye think... then by God, give yer bleedin' opinion! Good or bad! If ye can't comment on it cause you've no experience in that area, then that's understandable. Ignorin' only makes it worse... really. :::Raises hand::: trust me on that issue! And no... I'm NOT lookin' at puttin' m' name in lights! I tire of people having to point out shyte like that. Had a teacher who was that cocky. Can't we accept people for who they are? And not what we would like them t' be?!? Sometimes... sayin' something, whether good or bad, helps a person. Talk to people, give yer opinions or not, chatter with 'em, etc. Ya just may liven up their life for a day or more. And sometimes just keep 'em alive! Harbourmaster... true, honesty tends to hurt... but not Feelings... it hurts someone's pride if they are unwilling to hear what others think. Jill has a point I suppose. If you don't want to or can't give an opinion, then don't. But remember, that someone has asked for your opinion. And to ignore someone, it's rude. I praise people when I can on their pirate attire. I, personally, may not wear it, but I am not them. Their outfit or how they feel is how they are. Deal with it! And offer them some comfort. I'd could to ramble on and on about this... but I won't. I gave you my treasure's worth on this subject. If I raise Hell and the wrath of others cause of it... then, so be it. But, damnit... I won't suffer nor will I let others suffer at the cost of someone's bashin'! Now that I've said m' peace. ~Lady B
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