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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. .... when a classmate/friend of yours has a beltbuckle that is practically all studded with rhinestones and very "shiney"... and the first thought that crosses your mind is "you want it! Gotta have it for your treasure! Need to plunder that belt buckle!"
  2. Currently, trying to finish up on a couple Regimentals that I have to ship off by this weekend so the members of the Legion can have by next weekend. On top of working on a couple finals... which are this week and next week. And beginning to prep for packing for the trip in 2 weeks . Most of these projects... well, ok, they are not projects. All my projects I want to do are on hold. Including 3 outfits I thought I would have done by now. Goes to show how busy and unavailable I've been. Oh, and also getting up my personal Website. That hasn't happened yet either. Again, haven't had time to work on that.
  3. Awww... bummer. Missed seeing that. Had to clean out freakin' horse stalls.
  4. I feel for ya, Christine. Hope you go have fun soon. Just severely down in the dumps. Same as always. Nothing's changed. etc.
  5. Apologies if it sounded rather cocky of me.
  6. I'm with Sterling on this one. Events I've attended with the Northwest Territory Alliance are paid by sponsors, this includes the camping to the food (unless someone else forks out the money for a large feast). If you want, I'd suggest talking to the 4th Mass/Fife & Drum Corps about help on ideas for a historical camp. I believe they have done events like this or a few of the other members have knowledge in that field about camping and more. And Sterling has a point. It's VERY, VERY bad for reenactors with weapons to leave them elsewhere expect within arm's reach. This coming from experience. I've lost weapons that way. By the sounds of it... they really don't want us there to camp. If the camping doesn't work out this year, then perhaps they should attend other reenactment events in the area (I know there are several they can swing by and talk to the reenactors - from Rev War to Civ War) to talk to reenactment groups to get feedback, advice and ideas. Groups have rules to abide by. The city has to work a little harder if they REALLY want the Pirate Fest to work out for the future. And it's understandable that they don't charge. But, if you guys have a donations booth or bucket, sometimes... that helps. And, sponsors help, too. I know we have done our best to spread the world and we've advertised far and wide, even to Europe. Free advertising mind you... so to speak. Aye, give my thanks to the lot of ye who work on the event. Breaking yo'r backs just to make it happen. But, If the city is still expecting the event to prove itself, they are blind beyond imagination! I think it already has proven itself! Seriously! I've not been to any 2 year old event this THAT many people. And how many you project to attend this year... I think it's more than proven itself. Height of piracy here with the PotC films! Great event that I am eager to return. But the way the City is continuing, they will kill it if they don't get involved, too! Especially the Chamber since they can empower the businesses to help sponsor the event. And better yet the Tourism bureau (unless the Chamber also does that). Time to crack that whip on them and step up to the plate. Events that are not city sponsored or supported, I've seen go belly up. And it hurts the city when they don't do a thing about it. Keep up the good work on the Festival! Loving it. ~Lady B
  7. :::shrugs::: I usually try to stay out of this question. As I support the troops (nothing more). But... I guess, what goes around, comes around... didn't we supply Madass Insane (Saddam Hussein) with arms a quarter of a century ago so that they can battle against Iran and the Soviets? Oil? ehhh. Didn't France benefit for years of cheap oil bein' buddies with Saddam? WOMD? Ehhh... Who knows. Saddam was one of them. His mind blew us away. Remember the image of the camel with a SCUD coming out of it's back end during the first incident in '90? Political? Ehh... Iran's not making it any easier for us to pull out soon. Nor are the Insurgents. Cover-up for Afghanistan? Ehhh... So as not to pay too much for tsunami victims and Sudan problems? Who knows exactly why. It's not the first time America has put their nose into something for some stupid reason. Our history is littered with stupid stunts pulled off by presidents, politicans, and the American people. We can't help it if we don't learn from our past mistakes. But, I suppose... next time people go begging to the UN... the UN better listen to those exiled people and refugees. That way the US is not left to do the dirty work and get lots of people mad at US. It's a multi-lane interstate of chaos the issue with Iraq. And God knows what will happen cause of it. Deal with issues now so it doesn't errupt into stupid issues like this later. One stupid thing we didn't do back 16 years ago when we had the chance to berid the world of the madass Saddam. Now... here goes Sudan again. Sounds almost like Somalia and Afghanistan and other places.... doesn't it? Notice a pattern? Yeah... we don't learn. Intelligent life? Like hell we are! I need a hammock, a good drink and Jimmy Buffett playing while enjoying a nice warm day. Oh, and Sterling.... LOVE the Hilary C. Ghost Visitation joke... t'was fantastic! One can only handle so much of her. She's ALWAYS visiting Iowa. Caraccioli, Very true about the US during WWII. Concentration camps in our own boundries while we fought to free others in Europe. Twisted, mates... twisted. ~Lady B
  8. Oooo... Soak in enough sun for me, too Cheeky! Tis a wee bit chilly here. Always gotta love those moments to yerself. I'll be thinking of everyone while I'm on the trip. Guaranteed. The trip or the horses? Darn near forgot that I got to collect from a Stallion this morning. That was rather interesting. You've never experienced life until you either skydive, hold and alligator or collected from a Stallion! ~Lady B
  9. I sympathize totally, Christine. My condolences. Painful to lose a pet. At current.... sore and achy, but in decent spririts. Tired. The horses are feeling "burnout" and well, my burnout is subsided. But, after working out Twister (which nicknamed Tweeter, another alias for Twit, long story)... my whole upper body aches, mostly my shoulders. Yeah, woke him up but he thought he was going to rebel and had the notion he wanted to drag me from one side of the arena to the other. Didn't work, I held my ground. Not bad for dealling with a 1,000+ lb animal! But, I'm paying for it today. Out of shape? Oh, hell ya! And, well. Amazed I've remained on a horse so far. Christ! Bubba spooked when I was trying to take a hoola hoop off the fence. Something about the fence now, he's just not liking. No troubles if I have the item in hand while riding. It's only if there's something on or along the fences. Something that will have to be dealt with properly and worked on. He's a good horse... just a knothead a times. Spirits are up as in a couple weeks I'll be heading on a 2 week vacation/class trip to Florida and Kentucky. I'm excited as ever! And, by the sounds of it... We will get to go to the Magic Kingdom! WOO HOO!! I get to go on the PotC ride! I'm excited! Going to have lots of fun. Ok... gotta dash, return to class. Jeff Griffith is at the Equestrian Center for a Clinic til Sunday, we are watching that again today. Joyful. Seen the bleedin' Clinic twice before already. I'm sure I will see it again. Have fun today, all. ~Lady B
  10. ::Does the Butler's dance from Aristocats.::: 3 freakin' awesome hours! Aye... stock up on Popcorn and pop my arse! I'll be too glue to the fun onscreen to even THINK about munchin' an' drinkin'!!! Thanks, Bess! ~Lady B
  11. Oh, now we're on Perfumes and Colognes. I wear Lady Stetson usually. But for some Reenactments and pirate events, I lightly use Rose Oil. ~Lady B
  12. Most of the time... Chai. Otherwise, I'll enjoy Earl Grey or Lady Grey. Sometimes with milk and sugar. Don't often drink coffee unless it's a specialty coffee like a Cafe Mocha, Mocha Latte, Mocha Frappe or Cappencino. Rarely an occassional Esspresso. ~Lady B
  13. The image I use as my Screensaver and such... ~Lady B
  14. Well... the teeth look nice. But, imagine... no teeth or a space of teeth... easy enough not to be bit and better yet... allow some Frenching. Why so spooked, Doc? Have ye heard how dangerous I am? That's only if and when you piss me off. ~Lady B
  15. How in th' Sam Hell did I miss this post!?! Tempting, Sally... very tempting! I'm very torn now, m'dear! I LOVE walking the route cause that allows me to be up close an' personal with the crowd. But to ride on a Harley?!? DAMN! This may be my only chance to be on a Harley. If ye've not enough women for the ride, Sally... lemme know and I'll be more than willing. ~Lady B
  16. Aye. I don't really follow along suit with the Global Warming stuff. Cause, it's snowed a nasty blizzard in the past even in April many times. Go to the weather records and most will find the weather has been screwed up since the ancient times. Flukes happen. Granted I don't like the wintery weather in the spring... but it's to be expected. Besides... isn't this an El Nino year? Weather is F***ed up anyway? But, yup... this snow images are something. The Governor wasn't kidding when the whole state was a State of Emergency. West had the nasty blizzard while we had the Ice Storm. I don't think there was county that was spared from that. ~Lady B
  17. Ummm... it's a link to some awesomely surreal images of the power of Mother Nature. A link that was sent to me just today by my Aunt of the Iowa Blizzard of 2007. It's one that's gonna be talked about for a long time. Iowa DOT 2007 Blizzard pictures ~Lady B
  18. At the moment, taking a break after attempting to get a new Regimental finished for a Legion member. The issue is making it specific to the dad's measurements despite what they gave me. Cause the last 2 DIDN'T FIT and they were as the measurements said that were given to me. So, I'm taking my Regimental and using that for a basis as that actually fit him rather well, spooky enough. 3 freakin' Regimentals for the Legion before May. I hope Art has the buttons! Cause, I don't. ~Lady B
  19. Not that I am aware of, Doc. No, MerryD. No need to go to that great a length. ~Lady B
  20. BUMP! Always looking for people! Whether to sail the ancient waters, the golden age of Piracy, or the future... Adventure is calling you!
  21. Aye... it was discussed. But the thread is long gone by now I'm sure. As I said before... it was "The Goonies". The thrill of a treasure hunt and One Eyed Willie was too strong. Which that soon led me to read "Treasure Island" and "Blackbeard's Ghost" (the book, not the Disney movie). It snowballed from there... then slacked off until a few years ago when I began to fancy it once more just before PotC. ~Lady B
  22. Well, Ben.... Why don't ya sit a spell. We'll make sure ye don't be swingin' from the Hangman's Necklace. Very, very good convincing, mate. Kudos to ye. Now... since the newcomers buys th' drinks first... I'll be havin' m' special... just let ol' Ray over there know that it be a drink for Lady B. ~Lady B
  23. To a good man and good pirate. Here be to ye, Mr. Porter. Enjoy th' rum, the women... any whatever else ye want to yer heart's content! ~Lady B
  24. Yeah.... no snow! Hopefully! The rainstorm on Friday night I can handle again. That was rather spectacular! LOVE the poster!!! It's AWESOME!!! Looking foward to the fun. ~Lady B
  25. Ahhh.... Bess. Ye seem to know how to put a smile upon my face after having such a gloomy day. Aye, Jones looks wickedly delightful as always. And not much of Jones' crew at heart, but sympathiziers of Jones. So easy to understand and relate to his situation. ~Lady B
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