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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. OW!!! OMG, I am really hurting laughing here. That's hilarious! Better than the Black Pearl one! (Literially in pain from laughing) ~Lady B
  2. Welp... as refered earlier while at Port Washington... we should start booking some rooms in advance, a good block of rooms together. Aye? The hot tub is mighty nice an' so is th' pool! I thoroughly enjoying these pictures. I've not taken my in to develope yet. Soon, though. I promise. Already, Bloody Davy Kidd (my nephew) is swearing NOT to miss next year. He's bummed out that he missed this year. ~Lady B
  3. Sparrow glove doesn't encompass his whole hand. Just the palm of it. Both generally do wrap around the wrist. Honestly, I don't see how a wrap would "protect" a hand against a sharp cutlass or saber. I wasn't sure if it was only weapons related or not. I thought I heard somewhere that it also had something to do with shipboard duties. What? I don't know. ANY info would be appreciated as these people are utterly confused. ~Lady B
  4. I obviously live in th' dullest city in th' world! Awesome images there, mates! Glad th' lot of ye had a grand time. And hope ye enjoyed the movie. Pity Toby wasn't there to have fun with th' lot of ye. ~Lady B
  5. Some folks on a PotC Costuming chat list are curious why Jack Sparrow and Barbossa's left hands are gloved and protected. I'm sure someone answered this at some point in time a couple years ago, but that thread is lost now I'm sure. So, if someone can clearly elaborate on the subject once more... greatly appreciate it. Is there a reason for it? ~Lady B
  6. Cap'm Jim! How else would Sterling mess with th' Regulars when drunk!? Tossing in twins does the job might nicely! Trust me! I'm sure I'll be hearin' 'bout it at Cantigny while carousin' at the White Horn Tavern! Course.... I'm sure th' lot of ye will be accepted for evening events there. Nothings more fun than a slew of "old friends" coming to cause chaos an' mayhem! And to haunt th' poor lads an' lasses of the 4th Mass and Dragoons who were at Port Washington. Course, we could convince more from the NWTA to join up at Port Washington! Including the Brit units. ~Lady B
  7. Aye! 'Bastian be right there, Cap'm. I t'was only ensurin' that our "Goods" be vendored in the proper routes as it was obtained. A bit o' bargaining and persuasion, some convincing of and nature... and finalized with more rounds of . Th' Regular didn't protest. They received their share as I know I can keep an eye upon them with no trouble Captain. Yer First Mate was doin' Duties that day and th' previous to ensue all was accordin' t' plan! I'm highly eager fo' next year. Hope t' be seein' th' lot of ye next year. And... perhaps... do some improv street skits of sorts. Anything to add to the experiece of the Port Washington Pirate Festival! What say ye?! ~Lady B
  8. Very awesome attire, blackbonie. My compliments to ye, lass. Jack... charming! Grand outfit. Very b'fittin'! I-Con where? And by any chance... be that a certain gent Todd Davis? Just noticed an extremely well done Davy Jones outfit only that someone pointed out. Recently got in touch with the gent. Amazing Jones I have to say! Looks like th' gent! Cptn Pogue... loves it I does! Both yer outfits! Devilish lookin' duo. My compliments. ~Lady B
  9. Mad Jack... Christine... toss over some of those serious pain meds! I'm in a world of severe pain currently. Took a spill from a horse today... sharp turn that was upon me before I knew it. I wasn't the only one who had a problem, but I think I was the only one who flew off. And I'm not kidding when I mean flew off. I know I should go see a Doc... tough to convince someone to take time out of their personal schedule to drive me there. Most likely will go by morning. I'm still feeling rather mildly out of it. Concussion? Very likely. I know I blacked out for a while and can barely remember a few things, some things I can't remember. Like how the hell I got back on my horse! And they say being a pirate is a dangerous business! Horsemanship is worse! Course... the path could have been marked a wee bit better. I was doing rather fine until there was that very sharp turn. Right now.. my bum hurts horribly. I've a couple abrasions on my forehead from the velcro rubbing against the skin that was after the accident though. Bruised ribs I'm sure. I'm being rather careful. We shall see if I can ride tomorrow in a parade. My bum hurts. I'm sittin' upon a plush pillow currently. Anyone have some moraphine or other serious pain drugs to ship to me? ~Lady B
  10. WAHHH!!! Wish I could be there. BTW, what city is this in? Maybe someone else I know in MI might be able to go. ~Lady B
  11. Fantastic images, Sterling. Always a thrill to be in the presense of the Archangel. Aye, Sebastian... t'was great t' be with ye, Flintlock Jack and of course the Regular. Aye, bought off they can be. I know them all too well. Next time I go to a reenactment, we'll be sharing some drinks at the "local tavern". So, I can harass these folks til their brains burst! One Militia person at a time! They will convert. Scuttle Sally... Pete's pet did WHAT?! Again, great to meet and see ya, Crownest Kate! Look forward to seein' ya next year carousin' with th' lot of us once again! Oh, and yes... the set up with the table, chairs, backdrop, etc... that was just a random set up scene. I LOVED it! I pray it returns next year! Hopefully, I'll get my pictures developed here soon. Haven't been able to take them in to get done yet. Been rather busy... and exhausted. I'm eager to see them though. BTW... anyone extend th' invitation to th' Governor who was Julius Caesar in a former "life" to come to th' Pub? A charming gent he was. Gov of Tortuga, wasn't he? ~Lady B
  12. A grand pic, Diamond! I have to admit... that was one of my fav places to hang was that particular spot... the chairs, table,... the setup was perfect! It was a grand pleasure to meet you, too, Ransom! Must do so again! Flintlock Jack! T'was th' devil whom bought me a drink. I owe ye, mate! T'was grand to enjoy a moment's chatter until the sirens went off to spoil our fun. Aye, Bounding Main outdid themselves for the parade! I like the moving land vessel that the Scurvvy Dawgs were on! I WANT IT!!! Oh, we begged Pete to have a pic with him, his shark on one hand and the hook on the other! Sebastian... Oh, how we can capitalize on the pirate/smuggling business, mate! OY! Speakin' of Bilgemunky.... Let's hear it for his DJing on Saturday night! A splendid round of piratical songs that was purely enjoyable to dance to or sit and listen to. Either way, with the amount of pirates at the Buccaneer Bash... it was a blast! Whether with or without the fireworks. Pete... I can't help but to enjoy recalling you singing Spongebob Squarepants while in the basement. The kids enjoyed that. That pinapple will be forever famous until it's finally used. You have to admit about the bank.. they CAN'T blame us for stripping it! it was already stripped before we arrived! Fantastic pictures everyone. Hope to get some of mine up as soon as I get my pics in to be developed. Would LOVE to add them to the wonderful lot of them here. Already starting to prep for 2008 Pirate Fest! ~Lady B
  13. Aye, Rats! An' glad t' make it one of yer best! Th' "I'm a Pirate Princess" bit was fantastic! Again... Happy Birthday to ye, mate! Aye, Red Bess... seems like 2 days is just not enough any more! But, the Port Pirate Fest is absolutely incredibly grand! So much to do... not enough time to do it in. Aye... the weather didn't help any whatsoever. But... it is the weather. We work around what we have. OY! T'was great to see some old faces - Sterling, Cheeky, Chloe, Madd D'Ogge, Mr. March, Aurore, Red Bess, Sea Rover, Long Shot, Pete Straw and many many others including the former Julius Caesar from Reenactor Fest who is now Governor of Tortuga I believe! Oooo... And of course was spectacular to see new faces I've only spoken to via the Pub - Duchess, False Ransom, Crowsnet Kate... and others. To the member of the Pub... can't recall his name (Aurore/Sebastian.. help me out!) who bought a drink. I owe ye, mate! Pete makes great grog, too! MerryD's Pirate Initiation Drink is a MUST HAVE! Rakhshanda had some splendid French white wine.... Oooo... aye, t'was very good. And... of course to the locals who kept us well drenched with various drinks. This pirate GREATLY appreciated it! What a thrill it was to be seein' everyone! Aye, the Tornado added a different twist and spice to the events already. Pete and I were in the basement of the deli entertaining those who took cover, singing with the kids, playing games and helping a poor gal who was afraid of the dark when the lights went out. The pirates stepped up the plate on this one with the tornado warning helping to get people under cover. The fog was erie... I was waiting for a ghost ship to sail in! Aye, I took advantage of it, too. Stating it was Ghost Ship weather. Hehehe, people loved that. The crew of the Windy 2 were absolutely fantastic! A grand crew they were! Could never have had a better voyage! Got some pics of Sea Rover an' I hoistin' up/settin' th' main sail! Did it like naturals we did! I have to add.. that the Blackbeard BBQ.... FANTASTIC! I pray they return next year! GREAT food, mates! Give 'em yer doubloons next year for a treat of Black Rat (steak) on a stick or White Rat (chicken) on a stick and more! Decent price for what you get. Whoever did the tavern/captain's cabin set up with that table, chairs, backdrop, cannonballs, barrels, etc.... FANTASTIC! That most DEFINITELY needs to return next year! Thieves Market was indeed larger than last year and better! I pray they return next year and more vendors come, too! It was great having a large variety of piraty stuff to purchase. Oh, Pete!!! And yer shark!!! We look forward to you an' yer pet shark again next year. Parade was much better this time! No so fast... and well strung out.! Huzzah! 2007 Pirate Fest was a smashing success!!! HUZZAH!!! Hopefully this'll convince many more of ye to come to Port Washington in 2008!!! ~Lady B
  14. Eager to see it again. But other things keep me from doing so at current. I just returned from donating plasma (like donating blood), and the folks that went to see it already LOVED it! Thought it was fantastic! And once again, more people adoring Barbossa. Barbossa is swiftly becoming a favorite and the leading pirate of AWE. ~Lady B
  15. Oooooo.... I'm seeing a good skit there for the Tavern! ~Lady B
  16. Hoping that it will be fantastic weather, too, Sterling. I tell ye what.. couldn't have asked for better weather last year. It was perfect! Everything 'll be absolutely fine Ransom. :) Thrilled and eager t' see ya at Port Washington! Yer gonna have a blast! Currently... I'm just going. Not in any bad moods or whatever. Not on major highs either. Happy for Port Washington this weekend. Want to see PotC AWE again, not sure when though. Classes are rather mellow this semester: Drill Team, Trail Riding, Western Horsemanship. Had fun this morning playing a makeshift polo riding bareback with cheap lightweight brooms and beach balls. T'was very fun. Tomorrow... is a water balloon fight... bareback! Hoping to finish my new waistcoat by this weekend. I, unfortunately, won't have the new frock ready... nor other new outfits ready. Bummer. And I was hoping to have a Davy Jones outfit done by now... hahah! Yeah Right! That one is proving to be more of a challenge than first thought. I knew it was going to be a challenge, but didn't expect it to be THIS challenging! I survived the trip to Florida and Kentucky. Didn't get to the Magic Kingdom to go on the PotC ride. Bummer. I was denied that joy and Bday wish. Hopefully I will still be able to go someday soon. Went camping this past weekend with the family. TOok my cat, Magellan, with...and he did fantastic! LOVED camping. I'm thrilled cause I had imagined Magellan as a good pirate kitty to take to events. He's a rather friendly kitty and gorgeous. Loves getting out and about, car rides.. I've taken him to a few horse shows... now camping. Aye, he's nigh ready.
  17. Oy, dear God! Cheeky in somethin' less ladylike! I'm still prayin' for the same exact weather we had last year! Couldn't have asked for better weather! Randsom... I promise... yer trip here 'll be more than worth it! ~Lady B
  18. Tis good t' see ye upon th' Pub, Angus. Do mill about an' enjoy yerself here with th' locals! ~Lady B
  19. Arthur! Welcome back, luv! Ye've been well missed! How's 'bout lots o' drinks and merriment, m'dear to celebrate yer joyous return? ~Lady B
  20. Each to their own, Long Tom. Course, youngin's have been exposed to terrors for thousands of years. Parents can only do what they can and so much to protect them and hide them from a world that is not perfect. Gonnies also had a dead man who was a Fed Agent with a hole in his head. Many movies have certain levels of graphic violence. But for the amount of what was in there, you have to admit... the blood level was severely down! Compared to other films. Sleepy Hollow had 2 dozen times more blood and far more violent than AWE. But again, each to their own with violence. Another way is to talk about violence with your kids. Help them to understand it in this mortal and immoral world. But, by God... we ARE Pirates! I know I don't cringe at blood. Spiders and corpses, yes, everything else? Hell no! The carcas of a dead deer on the side of the road was far worse a sight than what was in AWE. ~Lady B
  21. The Kraken can't truly be controlled. Jones can summon it, but can't control it. And what Beckett can't control... he destroys. Generally another is he didn't want Jones to use the Kraken against him either. as to Jack... I plead the 5th on that. But I think that's a part of his dementia.... and the Locker. I remember understanding that Jack once worked for Beckett. Beckett wanted Jack to take slaves to the new world. Jack took them to the island where Tia Dalma was hence all the darker skinned folk in DMC. But Jack was found, captured and, sentenced so to speak. He was branded, I believe sentenced to hang after his ship the Wicked Wench was set fire and sank. Jack escaped and went to find his ship the Wicked Wench which is where be made the deal with Davy Jones to serve as Captain for 13 years then surrender his soul to Davy Jones for at least 100 years of service. As to what exactly Jack did personally to Beckett?... hell, I think Jack made Beckett a eunich! I'm guessing those in the water were killed by drowning or the sea itself while the ones in the boat were killed at sea on a ship or boat and didn't drown. Or perhaps they were just the pirate souls that were killed. Those of the Flying Dutchman I'd imagine were bound to Jones so they didn't have to be ferried to the other side. Forestalling their Judgement. When Jones passed on and Will took over, I'd say that what Jones had established was ended. Starting all over and anew. Will obviously taking on the rightful duty that was at first entrusted to Jones which Jones abandoned - ferrying the souls of sailors to the afterlife or something else. I'd imagine those souls who were bound to the Dutchman then had a choice whether to continue to serve or to move on. I'm a wee bit bewildered also about the monkey. Did it going to the Locker and back release the primate from the Curse? Cause eating a peanut and other things... doesn't seem like the wee furry critter was cursed any more. And, I know of several folks unhappy about Jones. Is there something I can assure them about Jones? Bess.. .you hinted to something. Did Jones go to join Calypso for eternity? Or did he go to the afterworld? Or is he in the Locker? What was his afterlife Fate? Jones as mighty charming in appearance in human form. Tenticles or not, the loss of Davy Jones is very, very sad. What was the dog with the keys name? I saw him bring up the keys to Teague. And please tell me that Jack will NOT get the Black Pearl back. I'd imagine that the Black Pearl when it was the Wench belonged to Barbossa and Jack won it from Barbossa previously... or perhaps... stole it/commandeered it? ~Lady B
  22. :::Points to m' name:::: Need I say more? Hell, Bess! I'd be right there along side Hector fighting with abandon and vigor. ::points to avatar::: I'll be wanting to take my fair share in the bloodletting and plundering! Always have been loyal to Barbossa and always will be. And Bilgemunky said it there. ~Lady B
  23. ....I know something you don't know!! (ducking) What do you mean? Bess! Spill it, woman! Whether I tell th' other girls out there... well, most likely not! I like m' little secrets! And yes, th' lasses are REALLY drooling over Jones in his human form! He was mighty charming there! Tenticles or not, Jones was a hell of a character that... by God he shouldn't die! LMAO! an M&M Barbossa... now THAT's a hoot! Wonder how Rush feels about that? I got that feeling with Will and Elizabeth. Nice touch despite it all. Though the very ending at the credits... did leave some folks wondering would that spur off the 4th? Now folks are wondering if a 4th WILL happen. Red Bess... and here be another... who says that Norrington's really gone? I know, could be thinking too much into this... But Will has his new job and by all means, Norrington could either be fully to the other side...or became a part of the ship... or a new member of the crew. Wouldn't that be ironic! Rogue Mermaid.... the very ending after the credits is indeed a necessity! You have full permission to slap those that wanted to leave... cause now they will be lost. One really HAD to stay after the credits. They owe you now... they must buy your next ticket to see the film. YES!!! Another for Hector... one less for Jack! :::evil, manical laughter::: And was thrilled to hear Barbossa's first name. I REALLY thought Jack was going to be strangled then and there when he said "Hector". LOL... aye, Longarm... Barbossa and the Black Pearl were meant for each other (despite what all the Jack followers say!). And yes that was classic of performing that wedding! I have to admit.. I was strongly hoping that Barbossa would be Pirate King. el Pirata.... ALL Reviews that say "it sucks" generally... you know it's a pretty good movie! Most films I've seen where the critics generally didn't like it, but the audiences adored it... example Curse of the Black Pearl... And they say never trust a pirate! hell, should be NEVER TRUST A CRITIC!!! Siren.... I tell ye.... I was thinking about ye through th' film! You and Calypso... battling it out.. now that would be wicked! Siren would of course win! But, aye.... sad about Norrington. I was hoping that wasn't true when that 56 pg bit of the rough script leaked out. Oh, well. Hehehehe... Pre-order the DVD.. hell, yeah! I'm hoping they put on there deleted scenes, and so much more, too. Even the trailers... or make a trilogy set that has all the lost footage, deleted scenes, all the features from the other films, a directors cut and so much more! That would have been awesome to be there Sophia. I was in Florida at the wrong time. Drat! Aye, Caraccioli... it was great to see Murtogg and Mulroy back... as well as Groves (that Officer). I don't think many recognized them. But how in the devil can you forget them!? Unless yer not really into the films, for don't care. The monkey shot from the cannon was a grand blast at that one! Jack's dad played by Richards was fantastic! He was rather grand. And yes, I cracked up with Barbossa and Ragetti with the wooden eye. It was a very nice touch there, Asukaru. That boy at the beginning. There were many in the theater who reacted to the kid though, "Awwww" from all around knowing the boy's fate. And welcome to the conversion, Asukaru! I'm sure Barbossa would be glad to know he's another supporter. As to Elizabeth and Will.... Oh, I'm sure there were times that Will and Elizabeth met as passing ships in the night so to speak. But for her to sail with him on the Dutchman... That's a bit hard to explain. Granted Will was on the Dutchman before and not dead.. but nor could the Dutchman dive underwater and/or return to the other side to "Ferry" the souls to the other side as Jones was suppose to do. So, really, Elizabeth wasn't able to join Will. Not yet at least. I think Bess might be able to explain this one better than I can. But, I can generally understand why. And it would fall well with the legend of the Flying Dutchman. I would have seen the film again this weekend if I could. Alas, I was commandeered to go camping. But, will go see it soon enough. And hopefully will take my nephew to see it. It was great fun torturing him. And so VERY much looking foward to seeing Barbossa again! ::le sigh... with glee::: OK... Bess... be ready for the bombardment of questions, m'dear! as soon as I see the film again to recount all the parts I missed. ~Lady B
  24. Already I begun to sing that. A catchy tune and easy enough to remember! Thanks for the lyrics! ~Lady B
  25. I KNOW!!! Is everyone psyched or what?!?!? Only a couple more days! ~Lady B
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