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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Ahhh... a walk down memory lane! Aye, like Syren, I watched the old cartoon series back in the 80's. Grew up on it. I admit... I'm a big Transformers Fan. Went to a big Transformers convention in Chicago back in 2003 about the time that Pirates came out. It was funny, cause Pirates was the talk of the convention! Course, that's when I got to meet the original voice of Grimlock! It was cool! I was thrilled hearing Peter Cullen's voice once more as Prime. But, that's about all that truly thrilled me. Other than some of the names: Jazz, Bumblebee, Ironhide, Ratchet, Starscream, Megatron, Bonecrusher... And of course, when Prime said "One shall stand, one shall fall"... Ooooo.... classic! Took me back to the animated movie. But, as much as I enjoyed Transformers, it still didn't thrill me as AWE did. I'm too much of a Gen 1 buff. And Megatron... Ehh... I'm a HUGE Megatron buff and a Decepticon sympathizer, I have practically every version of Megatron... and I have to say, I adored Optimus Prime above all else in this film. That says something right there. Aye,... was enjoyable. Brought back memories. Worth seeing. But, I'm more wanting to watch the old Gen 1 episodes on my DVD sets than watch the movie again. But... IF they do another... I'll agree with my nephew... they should bring in Grimlock and the Constructicons... more Decepticons and more Autobots! The ones we know so well from Gen 1. Sam?!? They couldn't keep with Spike? Made the dad look dorky. And we all know Sparkplug was NOT a dork! Oh, and did anyone stay through the credits to see Starscream bolt out into space? LOL... classic! ~Lady B
  2. I don't expect authentic. I have to deal with it all the bleedin' time with the Rev War reenactments to be perfectly 100% Colonial and period. So, Piracy... if I so choose to, I like the fantasy, historical fiction, legend and lore you read in novels/books, the hollywood styles you see on film, and the all around what you know loosely of pirates that you see out there. It's what captured me in the first place when I was young. It was treasure and treasure maps, galleons and cannons, pistols and swords, fancy dressed Captains with iron fists, Hooks and eyepatches, skeletons and ghost ships, and so much more! And it's the kids who go for that. It's what captures their attention! They LOVE Jack Sparrow cause he's just that type of pirate to capture their imaginations. To a kid... they don't think about authentic... they think about fun! Heck, for all we know about the Locker now... Jones could be forever locked in his Locker, doomed to remain there for eternity. Not giving up what is sent there. Or he could have been taken to the other side by Turner. Or he became a part of the Sea with Calypso. :::Shrugs::: so much one can believe there. ~Lady B
  3. Pixar? Oh, Christ NO! That's like doing Star Trek in Claymation. Cartoon PotC would be ok.. cause I know kids would go for that! They snatch up Jack like they were at a candy store. They LOVE pirates! I can actually see a 4th in a couple or few years from now. And that being it. Honestly, having 4 films would knock it out of the ordinary. You see trilogies, sagas of 6, duos... but rarely do you see a saga of 4 films. Oh, and if they do make a 4th... BOOBY TRAPS!!! Lots of them. Barbossa and Jack going at it... Oh, and that young lad, Spencer - from the Disney Adventure cartoon -, the fountain of youth bit is a grand touch!... bermuda triangle?... Oh, what else is still missing? Mermaids? Sirens? Not just with an explaination with Beckett... but more on WHY Jack and Hector fight over the same ship! Why do they both claim it's theirs no matter what? Lots of fun to be had with a 4th. Then I say call it quits. ~Lady B
  4. Tis been a few days since I've been able to pop on. I'm with Bess and Christine on this one. It's obvious it's not Rush... but a nice Barbossa look alike. Hell, for all I know it could be one of the slew of gents around the US who are dressing up like Barbossa. If Bess says it's a stuntdouble.. then, most like is. I'd believe it... cause of all the gents dressing up like Barbossa... that lookalike's outfit and get up is WAY better than many! The beard and hair is what gives it away as well as the distressing of the outfit. It's a wonderful photo nonetheless, Alyx. Thank you. ~Lady B
  5. Drab? Patrick... ye are who ye are. And yer not drab. Not in the slightest. Yer sexy th' way ye are! Very charming, Mr. Kenneth! Impressive outfit. ~Lady B
  6. I was SO in awe of the magnatude of this contest and the sight of the Black Pearl... I barely caught it! ANYONE who has Verizon... GO FOR THIS!!! Remember yer piratical friends... invite us! PLEASE!!! ~Lady B
  7. Correct me if I am wrong, too... Anyone recall well the old stories of Calypso? Not only told by Shakespeare but also of the Ancient stories? How's about Oedepus(? I know I mutilated that name)... where she tricked him to stay with her for years upon an island, until Poseidon forced Calypso to release him so he could return home and to his Wife. Sometime after that, at least a century I believe, Calypso was allowed to return to the sea. I believe Poseidon banished her to that island for a time. Perhaps Calypso is indeed too much of a loose cannon. And poor Jones was a man who couldn't resist. One of the few who unfortunately crossed paths with her. I think Calypso is more a demi-Goddess who is as Cheval stated.. "Moody". The only one she MUST listen to is Poseidon. But, perhaps Jones is lucky. He could have gotten involved with someone worse! Calypso is perhaps the most merciful of all the mythical beings and creatures. ~Lady B
  8. Aye... And to think he's in Michigan! He's also improving upon it. So, b'ware mates! Davy Jones IS out there! Hoping to make it to DragonCon this year, he's planning to be there along with a slew of other PotC lookalikes and various other pirates. ~Lady B
  9. That's not ths only time Calypso has been in human form. But, she is a part of the sea after all. And Goddess, demi-Goddess, Immortals, etc... they have their own forms. Who's to say she's all crabs? Tis her symbol, not her form. She's in everything. Hence why Jones fell in love. Tis an interesting concept, Christine. Possible. Besides, Jones was human and not all tenticlely. From the sounds of it, he became that way AFTER the betrayal. He was a mighty sharp lookin' fellow when in human form! Stories abound of the Flying Dutchman and it's Captain. The Locker will also be Davy Jones' Locker. True for all we know Jones could have been sent to the Locker for all eternity. Or, Calypso could have melded him with her and he could have became a part of the Sea. To this Lady, the Sea will always be Davy Jones. Turner is just some soul bound to service until his demise. ~Lady B
  10. :) Sterling may be a fop, but we LOVE Sterling no matter if he's a fop or not! Aye, nay t' worry, Sterling. The pair that has lasted the longest - and still going strong - are a blue pair like that without clocking. All others have worn out already. Well, except for the white clocked ones I did buy at Williamsburg back in 2002. And aye, be nothin' wrong with th' color of yer stockin's as long as it looks fetchin'. Sharp an' fancy ye are, Sterling! Dorian... I'm impressed, shipmate! I especially fancy th' waistcoat. Mighty nice. Oh an' I hope ye all don't mind this at'll... but I figured that this deserved an honorable mention seein' as how this would have been the greatest challenge! Costume done by a Mr. Davis and worn by said gent. We all know who it be. If ya don't, yer in trouble mate. ~Lady B
  11. I don't know, shipmates... I prefer Davy Jones, either with or without th' tenticles. Many folks I know are mourning the demise of Jones. Now, be there be a Saint William, Protector of Sailors? ~Lady B
  12. Oh dear God! Did Jerry B an' the others see that, Bess? That's bleedin' hilarious!!!! ~Lady B
  13. Ouch Prayers an' rum that ya get well an' better soon, mate. I sympathize to an extent of accidents. Well, now ye have me curious t' see yer outfit. Welp, haul in my direction what is needed when you can. No rush unless you want to rush it. And I'll get ye said pantaloons. That way we can see th' pictures! ~Lady B
  14. Aye, Bess. Now I saw them. Goldish. Brilliant. :) Tis a lovely sword nonetheless. Though I'm still moreso partial to m' own saber. Ahhh, NVBarbossa... are ya lookin' at attemptin' "negotiations" with Bess? Careful, luv... she's a tough woman. ~Lady B
  15. I'll be a keepin' m' mouth shut in response there, Mr Hand! But ya look smashin' as always. Very nice, Atala. ~Lady B
  16. Welcome back to th' Pub! Gives a whole new meanin' to "Prodigal Son". Alas, aye... yer old posts have been sent t' Davy Jones and he's not about t' release what's been sent to his Locker. I attempted to talk to him, and he says "no". Sorry, luv. Now... how's 'bout that drink ya owes us? Surprise me, mate! But no Brandy. Despise th' bleedin' stuff. ~Lady B
  17. Welp, Calico, m'dear'n... how's 'bout a variety o' drinks whilst listening to yer stories of th' old days? This Lady 'll very well much enjoy such tales. ~Lady B
  18. Maggi... welcome to th' Pub! I fancy th' yer signature image. Tis eye candy to m' eyes, m'dear'n. Enjoy th' carousin' here. Ye'll find no finer bunch o' buccaneers elsewhere's upon th' World Wide Web.. than here on th' Pub! I'll b' havin' a tankard o' Pete's grogtini. ~Lady B
  19. Hey, diddle diddle... it's WILL FIDDLE!!! I'll b' damned, mate! Grand t' see ye here! Aye yer music was a very warm welcome one! Do ye have coinage 'nough t' buy this Lady a drink? If so... hows 'bout a good tankard o' whiskey! I be in a frisky mood! :::evil grinz::: ~Lady B
  20. So... Bess... have ye obtained th' waistcoat now with the baldric? I have to admit... I would LOVE to have that baldric. So, what else have ye that's "borrowed" off of Barbossa? Oh, and pictures yet? Eager t' see ye in the outfit! ~Lady B
  21. :::whimpers uncontrolably::: Bess... ye tease!!! Lemme guess... tis th' one by Sword an' Stone? I know they made a couple at least. And weren't cheap either! ::: whimpers some more::: Oh, I would SO love to have one. I doubt the Master Replica ones are functional for sword fighting. So, that be yer new weapon of mass destruction, eh, Bess? Lucky woman you! ~Lady B
  22. No trouble, Ransom. :) Aye, they are comfortable. Ye saw me in my outfit... the pants I had were just like Barbossa's pants but with a couple additions to the knee band and side adjustments. They are roomy yet elegant, comfortable and practical. My Barbossa pants don't have a drawstring, but it does have side adjustments as well as the back adjustment just like regular breeches. And the front is a French fly style. They are very roomy and come to a band that can sit at yo'r calves just below the knees with buttons or a tie. Mine has both, buttons for actual use and practicality, the ribbon ties for decoration. And as to historical, I trust the Professional Costumers who worked on PotC in their ability to research. And I did find some recent patterns that are VERY close to the Barbossa pantaloons and the style being late 16th to early 17th c. But, historical or not... I don't dress up as a pirate for the historical part... I dress up as a pirate cause as a little girl I was fascinated by pirates. I've always wanted to be a pirate. And it's the legend and lore of pirates that fascinate us all especially as children. I want to be that type of Pirate of Legend and Lore, the stories you remember as a kid like Treasure Island or the old pirate films. :) I emailed ye, Smoolie. Hope to hear from ye, soon. Ya plan on making a Barbossa outfit? ~Lady B
  23. Ow... aye, that it was! :) Rats... Pete... you guys make Jack Sparrow look like an ametuer! ~Lady B
  24. Ahoy, Smoolie... I posted something under the Twill thread. But will do the same here. At current I don't care about the historics of it, since the costumers of PotC did it, I won't argue with them on issues. But here is a pic of the actual pantaloons: Now, I made m'self a pair very much like those. They are easy enough to make really. And I used a simple Simplicity pattern (which that pattern is now out of print). Oddly enough, I still have that pattern. Yo'r choice, can either make the pantaloons for ya or whip up a pattern for ya. Or you can take the image there and have someone else conjure somethin' up for ye. Notice though... the front is not a fly but more like a french front that buttons down all the way. ~Lady B
  25. Side tracking from the historicals of it... but, here ye are Smoolie... if you be wanting the basics of the Barbossa pantaloons... I made m'self a pair very similar to... Here is a pic of the actual Barbossa pants... Again, I'll post this under plunder, too. ~Lady B
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