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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. :::Again, dusting self off of seaweed::: I get some shoreleave! Anyway,... Hmm... I don't often keep a recipe book (yet) of what I cook at events. I usually make due with what I have or can get. Last year I brought to a Rev War event at the Cantigny Park in Wheaton, IL a couple of roasts (Beef, Pork and Lamb), roasted those next to a fire in a dutch oven, veggies in a tin boiler on a rack over the fire with some herbs in it (sage, parsley and some salt), and potatoes in another pot. I'm still acquiring cooking items, but also still attempting to figure out cooking potatoes in a fire without burning them or losing them to the ashes of the fire. Generally in the past at events we received "rations" of beef, potatoes, carrots, and onions. Prep those, put in a dutch oven. Add some various spices (which ever ones any of us had) and cooked as a stew over the fire. Cooked corn on the cob over a fire, too. Tricky, but obtainable to husk the cob partially, leave some of the husk on, butter the corn cob, then put back the husk and place over the fire to cook. it's just like grilling corn on the cob on your own grill at home. I've a couple books on 18th c recipes. One of these years I'll try them out when I get the chance. Including one for Saurbraten. Perhaps I'll mention more delights later. ~Lady B
  2. :::Resurfacing from the Depths; picking off some seaweed::: well, the Locker I didn't stay. Jones is mighty fun, btw. Welp, Rats... Despite my availability is mighty slim this year, I am hoping and making plans to attend the Reenactors Fest in February. Now, if there be any other event before then or even after, do let me know. I can't guarantee I can make it. Pirate Lords know I want to terribly! But all said types of events sound pretty enticing nevertheless. :::dash back off to the Depths once more::: ~Lady B
  3. Jill has given ya gents THE secret. And it's true. Despite how women will say otherwise. Women don't want to be treated like a Goddess and placed upon Mt Olympus... nor do they wanted to be treated like yer lazy dog. They want to be treated like your equal, like someone who is your other half... and in most cases they are that other half you are lacking! They are a reflection of you. So, becareful, gents! If you are loving and loyal to your woman... she will be loving and loyal in return til the end of days. And yes... I agree. If anyone finds someone like that... let me know. Course, I just may have a heartattack. As many times as someone has attempted to be as said mentioned, turns out to be a lie in the end and... Ouch, does that hurt, mates! All it does is make a heart hard, cold, black, and devastated. Think Davy Jones, mates. There be a reason why he's one of my favs. ~Lady B
  4. I'm just glad that Mad Jack, Red Bess, Sea Rover and others here on the Pub are well and were not there at the time. As to the tragedy... it's astonishing. But, never fails to humble me as a human being of the many, many faults in this world. ~Lady B
  5. I've lots of issues to deal with, shipmates. And for now, won't be on the Pub a lot, just to let you know. ~Lady B
  6. Hmmm.. a rather deep thought provoker, Syren. :) 1.) What period would you visit and why? Not so much as what period... but what people I would like to meet. George Washington is one person I have ALWAYS been fascinated with. He'd be one of the first ones to meet up with. Johann de Kalb would be another as he's fascinated me, too. A long story there. I don't know where else I would go. Or who I would see. Well, I suppose I would go back to visit Blackbeard as he fascinated me as a young girl. Still does. 2.) What do you wish to see and do or accomplish..just remember that altering the past changes the future. American Rev War, obviously. Do or accomplish? Nothing in particular really. True, that de Kalb and Blackbeard would die. No, I wouldn't warn them of that fact. 3.) Would you bring back something to remind you of your trip or several things and if so what would they be? Possibly. Not sure what though. 4.) Would you share your momentos with others or keep them private and explain your reason for doing either. I MAY share them with someone special and worthy of seeing them, and listening to my travels. Otherwise, no... I most likely wouldn't let many know about them. They are, after all, priceless. ~Lady B
  7. Hmmm... I LIKE this question! oooo... what fun one could have with it! Where? Not sure yet. Too many possibilities. What would it contain? Well, pirates of course. Open to anyone wanting to come. Dress as a pirate, buccaneer, corsair, smuggler, etc from anywhere in the world. Entertainers, of course. Fictional characters (Jack Sparrow, Davy Jones, Long John Silver, Cptn Hook, etc)and non-fictional historical personas (Henry Morgan, Blackbeard, Bonney and Read, Kidd, etc). Have Celebrity Guests and Guests of Honor like they do at Conventions. A portable Margaritaville or even one with a permenant one nearby. Other Topical themed restaurants (some put on by the celebrities). Concerts! Jimmy Buffett, Toby Keith,Sting, or other singers/bands, songs with piratical hints in them, tropical themes. Piratical & period looking taverns, mobile or not. With plenty of rum, other drink and various period food. A Tall Ships Fest at the same time. Invite as many tall ships as possible from around the world(the Bounty, Lady Washington, Royaliste, etc) and even have the Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman there, too. LARP and reenacting. Trials and escapes, sea battles, sword fights, historical demonstrations, etc. Interaction in friendly LARP with all the personas. Pictures available as photographers will be around (like they have at Sea World). A theater playing nothing but piratical movies. The whole town getting into it wearing piratical attire. Using a circulation of period coinage or only US coins for that time period of the fest. Or trade items. A pirates market by the docks to purchase various piratical items (clothes, fabric toys, weapons, spices, ship necessities, etc). OH! A Midway! Piratical themed rides and games. Like that galleon that swings back and forth. A parade! A cross between what DragonCon has and Mardi Gras! A Masquerade Ball, Governor's Ball & Pirate Party on a pirate ship or all of them (maybe like what Verizon did, Party on the Black Pearl). Garb/costume/ attire Contests, personality contests, deck hand contests, etc. Have one or two of those period photo studios. Dress as a pirate or Civilian or Naval Gentleman (if you already are not) and get an old time photo done with yourself, friends or the family. Sign on with various Crews that are there to Apprentice for a half hour, an hour, a day or the whole Festival time. Receive a pirates share in the end for your time spent as a pirate. A gaming room or place for folks to play piratical board games and even the Pirates constructible card game or other pirate card games. Souveniers of course. Glasses, shirts, hats, a plushie, anything that people would buy. I could think of a lot more. But that's a general overview of what would be a dream ideal Pirate Festival. ~Lady B
  8. Very dashing, Mr Porter. My compliments to all looks. LARP sounds like fun. I've seen people do it. It's rather interesting. It's kinda like reenacting... but, like he mentioned, the new word out there: reenlarpment. Tis a good term when you are not fully historical but you are acting it out in live play. Especially with Movie and other Fictional characters. Wish we could do more of that at the Fests instead of just walking around. It's tough getting someone into the fun cause of fear factors and rules. But, tis easy enough to work around them, says I. And, very cool duds, Galvon. ~Lady B
  9. :::rolling on the deck laughing til m' gullet aches:::: Oy! Sterling! I will forever laugh at that pic! And enjoy those memories til the day I die! I bet ya... on my deathbed I'll be laughing at the memory of old Pete Straw and his new pet shark! GREAT screensaver! ~Lady B
  10. Thanks, Bonie. They are rough drafts. ~Lady B
  11. Tis a very good ornament. But... I'd prefer Hector. Or even Davy. Hell, give me BOTH! ~Lady B
  12. How's about this, Patrick... having a Transformer vehicle. That way, when someone pisses ya off... your vehicle transforms and blows away the vehicle that gets in your way or pisses ya off. ~Lady B
  13. JUST finished up a fantastic truffle called French Silk. Fine mix of milk and dark chocolate with such a smooth and creamy center that just melts in yer mouth! THE best! ~Lady B
  14. Jenny and Silkie have good points. ::Le sigh:: It's more of a mindset than a list of things. Is he wanting just someone to have for a temp thing and then blow off? Or is he sincere? I don't do the F***buddy system thing. I had hoped to hold myself for my Husband (IF he ever comes along ). Didn't work. Is he a Gentleman or not? Is he sincere about life? What similarities do we have? And are those differences workable. I was told what is it that you can't live with? Me, it's someone who will disrespect me, my family, friends, pets, etc... one who is abusive either physically, emotionally, mentally, etc. All along the lines of that. Is he looking for life, adventure, commitments, family, etc? I will be utterly loyal to him til the end of time but only if he gives me reason to be. And will he be the same? There is so much more but I won't bore you. Are there no Gentlemen in this world? I truly begin to wonder. And I am on the edge of giving up hope. ~Lady B
  15. Why is it that people cannot seem to drive the speed limit? It's either above the speed limit or below. And when someone infront of them is driving the speed limit, they ride up upon that person's butt/tailgate to urge them faster. Why don't people realize that other people share the road. And why must people conflict to make one person feel superior and the other feel horribly inferior? ~Lady B
  16. A Welsh tart, eh? B'ware, lass. The gents 'll want to inspect ya see if ye are a tart. Welcome aboard th' Pub. As I tell all who come here, you've found no better place for piratical fun! Now, as custom t' buyin' drinks... why not a round for me of Cap'n's Tattoo. ~Lady B
  17. Gotcha, Lily. Thank you. :) Well... to say the least... I'm feeling rather inferior. Mostly cause of an issue yesterday in which made me want to quit everything I was doing including school. I had worked my project horse for an hour, walked him for over 5 minutes, then took him in the back, removed the saddle and briddle, put him in the stall to cool down a wee bit more as he was mighty warm and sweaty. While doing that, I put the saddles away and swept up after myself ( before anyone else would, which they are not suppose to do). Reason for my letting him cool in his stall for a couple minutes was the water is super cold, ice cold there. And I was NOT about to pummel him with cold water after working on a hot day as it was yesterday (granted I didn't work him too hard, just some basic walks, halts, slow trots/jogs, turn on the forehand, turn on the haunches). Now, what pissed me off and made me feel incredibly inferior was a couple classmates decided to take my project horse out of his stall without my permission, without talking to me first, and brought him up to the washrack, telling me "that my horse comes first" and that I should continue on sweeping they will deal with my horse for me. It took me twice to get them to back off, as I told them he's my horse to deal with and I will give him a rinse off, again, I told them that twice. Finally they backed off. But for them to remove my project horse from his stall without my permission and tell me I was neglecting my horse when honestly I wasn't... it really hurt me terribly! I was in tears for over an hour yesterday and it's still taking me this long to calm down. It's like someone ripping your kid away from your house and then telling you "you are not fit to be a parent". Ouch is right! Sorry, but if it's so wrong to douse a hot or warm, sweaty horse with freezing cold water, then perhaps I'm in the wrong business. I'm not about to throw a horse's body into shock from the extreme of hot to cold. I know how it feels, it's not pleasant. I've nearly stopped breathing from it myself. Again, I'm not going to put a horse through that when I know he's not too fond of cold or cool water. And I've seen him many times. He doesn't like buckets much with water in them for a variety of reasons. Mostly he's too smart that he likes the fresh water from the auto waterers rather than from the buckets that gather dirt and other gross stuff too easily. He wants fresh water, no bucket water. So, that's my issue... feeling mighty inferior. There are a couple other issues that are bothering me, too. But at the moment, I will not explain. So is my life, folks. A drama, isn't it? I wish it wasn't. All I want is absolute peace. ~Lady B
  18. I am now officially pulling out of this project by some urging. I hate doing this as I really wanted to do this and it's most unfortunate that it's come to this. But... this is not a fun project! Not with such pressure to make something that's suppose to be fun a priority to mail out more than anything else. I'm sorry if I caused so much grief for all and delays. I received equal amount of grief over it cause I was being slow. Again, this project became VERY unfun. I shall send off Boots' by next week. The one I sent off was Patrick's journal. Alas, PEW, if you haven't received it by Friday (which you were suppose to have received it by Wed) then I don't know where it is. Cause I did send it off last week. This means I will not send off my journal so as not to clog your schedule and time. I'm sorry to do this, but I feel I had no choice in the matter. Again, especially when something that is meant for fun becomes the opposite of fun. I'd say, next time another of the Art Journal mailings is done... think about reworking the rules. ~Lady B
  19. Yikes! Hope no more happens, Bess. Prayer be with ya. And prayers with the doggie, Sam. That's a sad situation. No classes again tomorrow. My Instructor's hubby is in the hospital again. Not usually a good sign. So, our fingers are crossed. But will go in and work Bubba nonetheless. I worked him today despite being sick. We didn't have classes today either cause of said issue (instructor's hubby in the hospital). But, despite being sick, I worked Bubba anyway. Oy, has he a lot to work on. So, feeling better than I was this morning. Tired now. :) Spent the day doing some necessary shopping. My niece was with me, so we had a girl's day out and had some fun. Took her out to Olive Garden this evening. She was SO excited and had fun. Now my nephew is begging to spend a day with me again. Hehehe... I'm the fantastic & cool Aunt that they love and adore. I take them places, do stuff with them, have the cool stuff, etc. ~Lady B
  20. I have a couple for you all to ponder. 1. I was run over by a car 2. I went to at least one horse race 3. I once guarded the President of the United States ~Lady B
  21. Aye, Jack. I'm with the others. Not easy to remain committed and devoted to one another despite the daily issues. An inspiration to all of us. Huzzah to you both. But, as for me... pardon my words... shitty. It's been a rough day. Between horse issues (chewed out over trying to keep up in Drill Team cause my temp horse is slow - Bubba was injured and couldn't ride him - Reco is slow despite spurs and a whip cause that's just the way he is and worse... he hops when in a trot and canter so it throws you SO off balance and I feel I am chewed out for that. As well as Chewed out for doing a couple parts of the pattern wrong which I have it memorized just the Captains are screwy and change the ideas too much. The daily BS of the drivers in Cedar Rapids (and I swear, these people cannot drive! Let alone share the damned road!), feeling horrible enough and can't "call in sick" for tomorrow, it's not possible... just getting something to eat somewhere was hellish cause either the place was closed for some unknown, spontaneous reason... or I given the silent treatment at the drive thru, long lines I didn't want to wait for, etc... Tired of the yippy mutts around here, makes me SO glad I have a well behaved cat; he doesn't bark loudly at ever damn thing that moves! And to make matters worse, I have other issues going on... which a select few know what it is. Life sucks more than it's enjoyable any more. ~Lady B
  22. Pleasure to have you with us, Mr White. You've come to the right place for Pirates. BTW, since you are buying drinks - as is the custom of the Pub - I'll be having a full bottle of whiskey, please. ~Lady B
  23. ::Pants; making it onto the thread; rubs nose too, whimpering::: Ok.. I have a break this week so this means I can finish up with Boots' sketchbook. Yes, Boots, you best enjoy it. :) I doodled up a nice scene for ya. A quick one, but took some time. Otherwise, Patrick's is on it's way to PEW... and mine is going to be mailed off soon enough, too. Delayed as I have another issue to deal with (I'm just surrounded by trouble!). ~Lady B
  24. Awww... absolutely adorable! ~Lady B
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