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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. I LOVE to cook (but can't clean up all that well worth a spit). Bought some salt Pork the other day (was and still is available at the HyVee supermarket here) and started experimenting with it on a few recipes I have for reenactment cooking. So, I began to wonder (as I often do) about all you out there. Your cooking and recipes, etc. How's about some swapping of recipes or some ideas? What have you tried and is good in a dutch oven or on a spit... or in a copper boiler... maybe over a brazier... I'll type up some recipes here when I get some more time. But in the meantime... let's hear yours! Who knows, may put this into a REAL cookbook to pass around to the Pub members. ~Lady B
  2. Still checking around (albeit slowly)... Ideas on what year to start with? 2007? or 2008? ~Lady B
  3. Tis a grand find, Kidd. I'm sure ye'll enjoy th' both of 'em til they stop workin' fo' ye? Now... have ye wandered down th' Halloween isle(s) yet? A few piratical things already. Kiddie-ish, but better than they have been in the past. A mighty fine toy pistol, sword, hook (and again, better than they have been in th' past)... gold coins ($1 for a pack o' 2 dozen)... an' more. I was b'side m'self and all grins. Don't be fo'gettin' the Liars/Pirates Dice! Look fo' that in the games. Course... then again... the fabric dept is a dangerous place t' be, too. ~Lady B
  4. GoF... it looks well done an' put to'gether. :) My compliments to ye. All I can say is if ye fancy it... then it's good. We be th' toughest critics upon ourselves. As long as you have what vital info out there for all t' see... then you have a good site. Oh, an' btw, GoF.... I hate CSS as much as I hate HTML. :) ~Lady B
  5. I tried the newest flavor by Snapple of the sweet Earl Grey chilled and liked it. Course, Earl Grey (hot or cold) is my favorite tea. ~Lady B
  6. Hey, if used improperly... that cork pistol can be a dangerous weapon against men! ~Lady B
  7. Aye... true enough, Jill. To get TRULY AUTHENTIC... you have to either use the EXACT same things they did (tough enough) to make the items or you have to go back a couple hundred years to obtain them. The modern world has changed a lot. We use different things to make certain items. Even the reproductions. Many of those arts have been lost. My curiosity with that onion bottle on eBay... is why so cheap, and rather fantastic looking for being stuck in a jungle for nigh 300 years! Dorian... as to your bottle. I fancy it, too. I wish ye luck on the historical aspect. ~Lady B
  8. Won't be askin' how ye got's that name. :) Welcome and customary fo' newcomers t' buy we old timers o' the Pub a drink. But, since it be yo'r Birthday on TLAPday... I'll have a keg o' rum t' help supply th' parched lot. Quite th' Bday surprise t' be celebrating TLAPday on yo'r specific day! Got special plans, m'dear? Or be th' wild lot have plans in store fo' ye? All in all, I hope it's a grand day fo' ye? ~Lady B
  9. Fantastic image of ye, Rumba! I'm highly impressed. Gents... I'd say she more than a force to reckon with! ~Lady B
  10. We have the same type of idiots here in Iowa, too. I don't know where they all come from or why. But, aye, they do frighten the hell out of me. That is VERY frightening, Jill. I have heard MANY, MANY stories like that. I was HIGHLY tempted to just simply touch my brakes this evening (After picking up my niece from school so I can take her home)... cause of some gal who was literially on my bummer. I didn't cause I wasn't about to get into an accident. But I tell ye... the pirate and the person who wants to prove a point REALLY wants me to do things like that cause I get SOOOO sick and tired of people out there who have VERY LITTLE CIVILITY!!! I always tell family and friends when they say "be careful".. I reply, "Oh, don't worry. I'll be fine. It's the other people out there you have to worry about". ~Lady B
  11. I'm keepin' m' mouth shut on this 'n, gents! A fantastic shot o' ye, Foxe! My compliments. Now, dare I ask WHAT ye got into that got yo'r breeches all dirty? Blood stained? Can't be rum stained, if rum be that black... RUN! M'self... I'm nigh 5'11". Tall Lady I be. ~Lady B
  12. Bloodandbones... I'll leave th' choice o' drink to ye. At the moment, I'm more up fo' decent piratical company to put me into th' drinkin' spirit. So, do please regale us with yo'r fantastic tales of yo'r seafarin' adventures and I promise ye I'll toss back a few drinks with ye. ~Lady B
  13. Plan to go see the Nina this Saturday with my Nieces, Nephew and Step Dad. Mom 'll be working, so she'll miss it... and my sis, well... doubt she'll go, she never goes anywhere. Stick in the mud. Learned a little more. The Nina will have an extended stay in Davenport til September 23rd now. :) $5 for adults, $4 for senior citizens, and $3 for kids 5 to 18, kid 4 and under are free. Won't be missing this one. It'll be a great experience for us all. ~Lady B
  14. Thank, Rose. Tomorrow's Friday. Hopefully, it'll be better. What would release all my tensions is if I were to make it to a reenactment. Can't due to a few issues. Pumpkin pie latte? Interesting. ~Lady B
  15. Ye'll have t' work harder t' make this Lady swoon, m'dear. :: evil grinz:: And aye! There 'll be PLENTY o' drink 'n cel'bration o' yer ret'rn. ~Lady B
  16. In general... having a rather bad day. Tried being myself. But got folks saying I should tell someone else to do their job (and I'm no manager or in charge of them, I have no right) or someone said they deserve compensation eventhough it's free (can't compensate something that's free for something that is NOT free)... and the slightest little things today are just setting me off (cause they are coming a lot and rather random), people giving me advice and telling me what to do when I didn't ask for advice or ask for someone their opinion or what I should do. On top of a busy one. Neice didn't like the idea of my making a dress for her, a Princess one (which she was talking about for a while)... and wants a Witch dress (which will cost more). Yikes... So... yeah. Having a VERY bad day. Too bummed to even have a drink. ~Lady B
  17. Aye! Deleted Scenes!!! There are more folks I know who were disappointed with the DMC DVD cause of no deleted scenes. They are hoping that AWE will have at least some deleted scenes in it... if not all of them. ~Lady B
  18. Amen to that! I know more folks (girls mostly) who want a Davy Jones poster. Tis fantastic news, Bess! I saw Curse of the Black Pearl more times in the theater and AWE less times in the theater. But enjoy both equally the same. Course, CotBP was in the theater much longer than AWE. I'm VERY eager for the DVD release. I hear lots and lots more people EXPECTING a 4th movie! Crazy, isn't it? ~Lady B
  19. Oh, dear Lord! Pirate Grenadiers! ::: Starts whistling "British Grenadier"::: ~Lady B
  20. Hmm... tough decision indeed. Honestly, I think your kit looks fantastic as is! Add a few things slowly like it's been stolen or washed ashore and you have a hell of a buccaneer look. My question is for you... what look are you going for? I know folks look at the clothing, whether patterns or what other folks have... but it all boils down to, what look you are going for, who yo'r persona is, where they are from, where they are now and why. ~Lady B
  21. FILCH! Shipmate! Grand t' have ye return to this wily port! Sit for a long while and carouse with th' lot o' us in th' Pub and toss back many, many drinks. Ye go by Thomas now, eh? Tis a grand an' gentlemanly name t' be sure. Tryin' t' make we Ladies swoon? Tis workin' already! ~Lady B
  22. Ok... this is an edited update on the Nina. Got the newspaper and read up on it. The Nina replica vessel will be at Onieda Landing in Davenport, Iowa until September 17. So... rush to Davenport to check out this small vessel. My dad's seen it in Little Rock a few years ago and even he says it's more than worth it! ~Lady B
  23. What cottons and linens I have and have had... what I've seen is what Patrick said... Linen does wrinkle easily. But, as Will Red Wake stated to me, Linen is indeed more comfortable in the long run, especially in the warmer months. Cotton can be finer and smaller threads (that's what I've seen most of the time) than linens. You can get the rare finer thread high count linen but that will cost you some pretty doubloons! And the two old linens I have are VERY old antiquish that belonged to my grandma and stepdad's mom. My suggestion, hun... is to obtain swatches of the real thing of both cotton and linen. The best way you will learn about fabrics... is to research, learn, look, etc. The more you know, the more powerful you are. But, I even had a half linen half rayon shirt (not period) and it was still the most confortable shirt I ever had. ~Lady B
  24. But...but..... blue and grey are cheaper........ Give ya all three guesses why I wear those colors.......... Gee, Patrick... I wonder... Thanks, Cheeky. I'll have the full outfit ready for Port Washington next year. MAYBE I'll have it ready for a Winter Invasion. Aye, Rats. I was going for a more blood color with black, evil type of pirate look. LOVE the coat, Hilde. :) ~Lady B
  25. He is. He's my precious baby. :) ~Lady B
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