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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. ah, Bo... I'd enjoy doin' the same... walk in the woods. Alas, not many good woods around us... worse... there be ice and fallen trees and branches all over. Luckily the fallen power lines are back up. Now it's snowing here, too. All on top of the ice we have. I have to admit, though. The trees look pretty. They've all turned to crystal! HAHAHA... Michael.. you could move to the waste land called Iowa!!! Where it's bad weather nigh every day and constant bombardments of Political adds from every freakin' candidate running for President! ~Lady B
  2. Pirates vs the Sea.... oh, classic! That ye be right there, Chole. ~Lady B
  3. I would think since these are grads and undergrads as well as pro archs and professors, etc... they have the ins and out of information and research at their fingertips to find out what vessel they discovered. Eventhough if a bell or some other form of visable ID was found, they'd confirm it with documents, testing, etc. I copied down on Word the article. It's pretty cool what vessels have been found thus far. ~Lady B
  4. Agreed, Ransom. Then we wouldn't have all the Cosplayers and Costumers out there wouldn't be doing their worst to prove they were exact and correct on the PotC costume they are making when in fact it's not yet there. Oh, well. But seeing more about the outfits would be fantastic. Hell, not sure what I'd do but would LOVE to know those Penny Rose secrets! Hehehe.... Aye, most true, Rats. Hector made the movie. Was (and still am) thrilled beyond imagination over Hector's scenes. Always considered him the rightful owner of the Black Pearl. Seems a more befitting ship for him than Jack. Aye, there be a LOT of Jack replicas out there. But so few of them out there who can really pull him off. Kids like him, can't argue with that. But that's ok... give me Hector any day! And LOVE learning more about this wily ol' Pirate Lord. ~Lady B
  5. Permission?!? Oooo... right proper he is! Welcome to th' Pub, Edward. Pleasure t' have ye within the piraty ranks here. Sorry I didn't meet ye at PiP. I swears it... one of these years.. I'll make it down there! Yes, that's a threat AND a promise. Glad t' hear ye had a grand time. I hear that a lot from folks who's been to PiP. Do sit down an' tell us stories of yo'r PiP adventures. Curious t' hear them! An' in the meantime... I'll have something with rum in it. ~Lady B
  6. Sorry missed out on the Parade. But heard from Jack Sparrow - uhh, TJ - that it was a rather good event. Chilly and rather cold, but TJ got a lot of cheers from people happy to see the Pirates back and they can't wait til June to see us all again! I think we are doing our jobs right if people are SO VERY much looking forward to the Pirates returning! Ironic, isn't it? I see one of the next event gatherings is the same weekend as Reenactor Fest 4. Ouch. Sorry won't be there for that one either. Any more developements and news on the Fest? ~Lady B
  7. What!?! RATS! No mention of Barbossa?!?!! Oh, come now, Rats! You enjoyed that bit of leg from Elizabeth (that most folks swear is NOT Keira's leg at all). ~Lady B
  8. Ready? No. Working on my new gown. FINALLY just started it. I'm pushing my luck to have it fully finished in time for RF4. :::knocks on the wood of the Black Pearl::: Hopefully it'll be fully done in time. Otherwise, I'm ready... I think. Poor Rats. Just... becareful with doing "shout" this year then at the Ball late night. Oh! Cheeky... If I may... offer a recommendation of a Speaker some year. Dr Anthony Scotti has studied the British Legion for many years. I've heard him before at a couple symposiums held in SC. And his information on not just the British Legion but some battles in the South are priceless! There are a few good Researchers who are fantastic in the era of the Rev War with their information. ~Lady B
  9. Thanks, HildeKitten. Aye... I've the links as well as those images - several of the same ones as people continuously sent the same ones to me. It really is locating the fabric of the waistcoat that is the most difficult. But what kind of fabric it is makes the search far too wide. Hence, asking more knowledgeable folks who have done research on 17th and 18th c clothing a lot longer than I have. But thank ye for the ideas and such, HildeKitten. May give it another shot to get ahold of someone who worked on those costumes. ~Lady B
  10. As some of ye know I'm making Barbossa's outfit. Trying to make it EXACTLY like that in the film. It's a slow process with all the research and constant gazing at the pictures I have, etc. The only major trouble I am having is with the Waistcoat. Can anyone shed some light out there on it? I'll see if I can scan in the best picture I have of it. Otherwise, if anyone has the AWE Calender, look at June with the centerfold of Barbossa (guaranteed not nude racy) and the detail is spectacular, gives you detail of the waistcoat and pattern. Can't seem to figure out if it's a linen or silk or cotton or a mixture. Better yet, WHERE to obtain this exact fabric. I've made a guess that since Barbossa is the Lord of the Caspian Sea, it's a Indian Cotton or linen of sorts that is illegal in Europe and some other areas of the world. I'm guessing that the lining to his frock coat and the waistcoat are of a linen/silk or a linen. So, I'm wanting to ask some of ye out there (Kass and whoever else) on your opinion and advice. Plus, expecially if ANYONE knows where to get that fabric for the waistcoat. You have NO idea how many long, long, late nights I've spent online searching for that particular fabric with that pattern. Help! ~Lady B
  11. Staged? Ahhh... good. It was an excellent scene. I was expecting a couple other deleted scenes though, too. Such as the one where Norrington apparently explains to Gov Swann about the Heart of Davy Jones and shows him the heart. Oh, well. I admit, I am pleased with what there is. Good amount of features. And at least this one has deleted scenes. I hear ye, Ransom! The costumes are fantastic and better yet, the Navigational Charts would be a fantastic addition to a pirate collection! I know a couple PotC Cosplayers who are making an attempt if not wanting to make that chart. Absolutely fun. However, I'm about to hit m'dad as he can't seem to shut up during the film. Likewise with my sister's kids. Really spoils the fun, the understand of the plot, etc. ~Lady B
  12. Davey... :::arm around yo'r shoulder::: if ye were nearer... I'd be encouragin' ye in the most piratical way t' join m' crew. Now... be ye mighty good with those instruments? If so... I'm sure many o' pirate crew will be wanting to press gang ye into their crew. Surely they want a knowledgeable Navigator or Sailing Master. I wish ye th' most luck for th' '08 season o' fun! ~Lady B
  13. Ahoy, Dutchman... I fancy that name. Mighty intreguin'. Dare I ask how ye came to gain such a name. Now, pray, be careful none of 'em send ye flyin'! Any drink ye see fit fo' this Lady, mate. A pleasure t' meet thee. Rev War folks, eh? Dear God in heaven if I may know any of 'em. :) ~Lady B
  14. James, eh? Fancy name. :) Welcome to th' Pub. I'll let ye pick th' drink fo' this Lady. Ye find me in a mighty grand mood so... I'll be game fo' nigh anything ye can toss at me t' drink. Do come an' sit. Tell us many a tale. Sounds like ye have some. ~Lady B
  15. Welcome to th' Pub, Black Anne! A pleasure t' meet another Midwestern from this bleedin' frozen wasteland! I'm a wee south o' ye... in th' not so tropical waters o' Iowa. There be a couple others here whom hail from Minnesota. :) Lookin' forward t' be hearing more from ye and more carousing. ~Lady B
  16. That was very good! Course so were the other bloopers by Rush: "NAY! B'lay that!" pause... "Do somethin' else!" or how's about "Beckett Cutler... err, otherwise known as Cutler Beckett" Was ill all yesterday and sleep a lot. What time I didn't sleep and work I watched AWE. Especially the Special Features. Now, the one I found hilarious but rather wanting to give ol' Rush a hug was the Deleted Scene "Two Captains, one ship". Did Johnny apologize non-stop after that? LOL... Rush looked like he was in a world of pain. Poor thing. Most interesting information about Barbossa, though. Though what was also interesting in the leaflet in the 2-disc that has the question and answers bit. It mentioned that Barbossa's story had yet to be told. Ditto with Elizabeth and Will. Ooooo... I'm curious. As to Barbossa's story... very cool. Makes a few things easy enough to link between the Lady and Barbossa. I'm watching it again and again and again. My need for more Barbossa is.. insatiable! :::Evil, hungry grinz::: I'm enjoyin' EVERY minute of it, Bess! ~Lady B
  17. Gained the gal's permission to advertise it here for her. She's an awesome costumer and one hell of a Tia Dalma/Calypso look alike! And she has a reproduction wig of Tia's/Calypso's hair up for sale on eBay! Check it out, mates! anyone ye know wanting to doll themselves up as Tia or some other mysterious type... here's their chance! Tia Dalma/Calypso wig ~Lady B
  18. I think they are a fine pair! I know I'll be havin' a link to them for members of m' crew and others I know out there wanting pirate attire. Thank ye, Nash fo' th' link. Period authentic to the very specific or not, anything piraty helps really. Better than wearing Dockers with skull and crossbones printed on shoes, with dad's shirt and some modern vest with a blazer and some cheesy hat. Trust me, I've seen it. Again, thanks fo' th' link. It's a step closer to something a little more realistic. ~Lady B
  19. Well, I'm going to send him off the pictures. Just for fun. He left a lovely review of our CD so he well knows about the Sea Songs and all.... Let's see, how to phrase it... (Thinking like Lady Barbossa here...) "Dear Geoffrey, Nice stick!" No... that wouldn't work Gives a WHOLE new meaning to "speak softly and carry a BIG stick!" Oh, I'd LOVE to hear his reaction to the intreguing item. :) ~Lady B
  20. What would Mr Rush think?!? It's a nice piece, Bess. :) I know I would fancy it more as a weapon of prefered choice... which I suppose is another manner of making certain music. Mighty nice, Bess. Mighty nice. Oh, and for once... something with Barbossa that DOESN'T have a bleedin' apple! ~Lady B
  21. :::hugs::: Poor Rats. Perhaps next year, m'dear. I feel for ye though. Tis a bad twist of Fate. ~Lady B
  22. A week left. It's going to be a LONG wait. I've been having Barbossa withdraws for a while now. It's been since June since I was last able to see it. :::whimpers::: I'm SOOOO craving seeing Barbossa in action again! Can't wait for the special features. I trust your word, Bess, that I won't be disappointed. :::whimpers::: Need AWE... need Barbossa! Oh, and how oddly wonderful it is... might brighten Rush up a bit... that the Barbossa fandom has severely grown since AWE. I think there are now more Barbossa fans than there are Jack fans! But for some of us Ladies who've been ever so faithful to the Pirate Lord... we'd always stick with Barbossa instead of Jack. 1 more week. 1 more week and I get to see Barbossa in action again. ~Lady B
  23. Eewwww... GROSS!!! Might I highly recommend th' Black Rat or even th' White Rat next time. Already on a stick in case o' situations of that sort. Aye, MAd'Dogge, Port Wash survived a tornado... so to speak. Though it didn't hit the specific grounds.. but I tell ye what, most were soaked like drowned rats, cats and mutts if not stupid to want t' try and have a look see by stayin' outside or up against windows in th' Midwestern Hurricane. Calypso - Ok, actually Mother Nature - unleashed her fury ... an' we pirates survived it! ~Lady B
  24. The fog was VERY cool! Especially when we took the cruise on the Windy 2... very foggy out there on the Lake. I was expecting the cursed Black Pearl to appear out of the fog... or even the Flying Dutchman! Either way, prayers that the weather won't dampen the Fest... too much. :) ~Lady B
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