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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Welp, tis official. My crew - the Resurrection - 'll be attending PyrateCon. So... looks like I'll see th' lot of ye down there! Eager to FINALLY meet ye, RumbaRue! ~Lady B
  2. Not to mention having to pay them a good amount of coinage for their loss. Already, I have begun praying and begging, hoping and wishing for good weather. Good being exactly what we had in '06! ~Lady B
  3. Velvet?!? I musta been blind not seein' yo'r velvet one! :::whimpers::: I'm making my own hat made of velvet (pain in the arse)... and recommendations on stiffening it without ruining the velvet would be appreciated. Back to the felt hats.... Aye, I'm having the issue with my wool felt hat that it's loosing it's proper shape around my head and the back is going down, etc... It needs to be reshaped but not sure how to do it without the proper equipment, again, I've no block to stretch it on. So, I was wondering, about if the fur felt would be good investment? I know Townsend sells fur felt hats. $80 for them. Ye fancy th' fur felt better, eh, Sterling? :::nods::: I'll take yo'r word as it's weight in gold. ~Lady B
  4. I've been contemplating a fur felt hat blank to make my own hat from. I like the dove gray. But was also contemplating the black as I want to make a new, updated Barbossa hat. Anyone have a fur felt hat? Would you be able to state the pros and cons of it. And also the pros and cons of the wool felt (I have two, but finding they are in need of some reworking). Also, with the one wool felt blank I have, I'm wanting to reshape it so to speak. More pull it to have a wider brim. Is it possible to totally reshape it? And how can I do that if I have practically no equipment to steam and reblock? Friend of mine suggested to go to the dry cleaners and have them redo it. Good idea or bad? ~Lady B
  5. I've an interest in this as well. Hoping to get at least one member - now or eventually - that looks like a Corsair from the Barbary or even from the Mediterrainean. As well as India and other areas of the Orient.. Russia, etc. Trying to encourage another to wear his kilt. :) The corsairs and other raiders and pirates around the world are always overshadowed by Europeans. Keep the info coming, mates! ~Lady B
  6. CHARITY!!!! :::Runs up to her, pounces upon her; hugs galore!::: Ye've been well missed, m'dear. It's been far too silent 'round the vast internet sea. Clobbered moreso by these new youngin's to Barbossa. They have little respect for those of us who have adored Barbossa since the beginning... openly. Anyways... :::hugs::: hope yo'r health 'll get better soon. Prayers that it will. Don't be a stranger too long, m'dear. :) :::whips out a couple barrels of rum::: ~Lady B
  7. I think she's quite a dandy and wouldn't mind havin' her. I can have her standin' right next to a couple other Barbies I altered a wee bit attire wise. One of them looks like Elizabeth Swann in the Barbossa dress from the first film. I'll have to get a pic of it sometime. But it's a nice outfit that that Barbie has one... for a pirate at least. It could be worse. ~Lady B
  8. Sounds good, Joe. I'll get something to ye soon enough. ~Lady B
  9. Catch ye if we can? Bad aim? Ransom not paid? Sterling... all I can say is... Wait til Port Washington! ::::evil grinz::: Or next we cross paths. ::: evil laughter::: ~Lady B
  10. It's a very cute and sweet image of the Siren and her wee girl enjoyin' themselves. Most kids don't have an opportunity to play with their parents like that. Siren's daughter 'll grow up to be a siren and heartbreaker just like her mama, eh? Tis a sweet pair. ~Lady B
  11. Very, very lovely, Cheeky! My compliments! Don't ye just LOVE that trim? :) ~Lady B
  12. That be hilarious! Lookin' forward t' more chapters. ~Lady B
  13. Very cool, Patrick! Nice layout. I generally don't upkeep a blog of any sort. Tried a couple including on on LiveJournal. Generally abandoned it all. My life is too complicated and dramatic to even think about putting it down for all to read. If there be ANY Journals, I've 4 of them, leather bound that I purchased from Barnes and Noble looking at least somewhat period correct in which I intend to use for the purpose of Crew logs, Captain's Log and such. They are not big by any means. 2 are rather small pocket size but lots of pages. All 4 are mighty nice. ~Lady B
  14. Curious to know if there will be a "Poster Board" at the Fest. One where not only a schedule will be displayed, but wanted posters and "King's Notices" in any language and whatever else. Hehehe.. I'm a wealth of ideas, shipmates. Dangerous as the Devil I be. ::: wanders off singing "Hoist the Colours"::: ~Lady B
  15. Ahhh... a gent who sides with Barbossa. Ye be more than grand in m' eyes, mate! Warm's m' black heart it does. T'was a gent who was on here not but a couple months ago lookin' fo' some folks and a crew in the Omaha area (lest that be ye). I pray at least we cross paths someday then, Morgan. Pray tell, what be th' name of thy vessel? I be workin' on m'own crew to man th' Resurrection. I would be honored t' call ye as an Ally. ~Lady B
  16. Very nicely done, Amanjiria. But where did you get the hat blank at? I be lookin' for hat blanks with a brim around 7 inches. actually, what I'd LOVE to do is block my own hats. But the lack of equipment and space don't allow me to do such. Cause I be lookin' at making my own hats someday. The color has always been an issue as well as the equipment. Plus... has anyone changed the color on a hat blank before? Or used the 80% - 100% wool felt to make hats? ~Lady B
  17. Aye, LongTom. But that be how I feel currently. And generally to keep m'self going, I've had to lock away my emotions. Tis interesting how so many can relate to Jones. He was a character that was liked yet disliked; generally we can relate to Jones in one way or another. Or even Calypso. All in all... I shan't allow m'self to be so easily taken by some man who wishes to seduce for his own pleasures. I'm a pirate... not a whore. Would be grand to have a Barbossa at my side. But I'm not getting my hopes up too high. At the moment, this Lady be sailin' solo. Thank ye, Jenny. Nay, t'won't comfort at all, but the thought is what counts. 'specially comin' from a fellow pirate. Welp, LongTom.... aye, ye don't know the story.. but here be some of it. Started when a gent came to me after I sent him a few links on Barbossa's outfit and where to procure the items. A romance grew from here, I was completely smitten. He came here, drove up to visit his family over Christmas - yes, I went with. I met his family, he met mine, had LOTS in common (despite what he may think otherwise, course this be my opinion), He's spoken to a couple others from here, was on here after I mentioned this place to him. Generally, decided on his own "we had no chemistry" which is a SUPER lame excuse no matter what. All in all, he decided to go elsewhere with his life and with other gal (whether he's with her still, who knows). But again, his actions have effected me and it hurts that decided to do what he did. And again, just continue to tell myself he's not worth it all no matter what. That he played me for some strumpet whore, leading me on to believe what I dreamed of and hoped for in someone I wished to spend the rest of my life with and more. Generally, that he wasn't for me and nothing more than a bastard liar. Scoundrel? Not even that. Aye, harsh words from me. But, who says I'm sweet an' innocent any more. ~Lady B
  18. Yeah, I remember that New Madrid quake back in '90, Bo. Alas, didn't feel it cause we were on a spot of land where apparently the waves just shot on through and didn't shake the ground. However, most around - family members else where in eastern Iowa - felt it... like in Washington, Iowa... my grandma felt it then. Her lights swayed. Tis quite the distance from the southern tip of Illinois down south of St Louis. I remember that they even felt that shake all the way up into Minnesota. Who knows. Maybe it'll be a while before the New Madrid rumbles. Oddly enough, I feel the earth move here around the Cedar Rapids area. Again, it's odd. welp, glad that 5.+ quake didn't do all too much. Heard it did a bit of damage though. at least it wasn't a huge one. Don't need that on top of the recent fires. ~Lady B
  19. Not that! The weapon pike! ~Lady B
  20. Horizontal buttonholes have been what I've been doing. Never really mind doing buttonholes... just sometimes they are time consuming when I haven't the time. ~Lady B
  21. Fantastic as always, Pete! Though I must admit... yo'r cream colored authentic coat looks splendid! Careful, may come up missing! Welp, no new pirate attire... yet. But, here be m' revised wench outfit that I wore during the daytime on Halloween: Hopefully, the others will come soon. Including the new waistcoat WITH a new frock coat. ~Lady B
  22. I have some raw octopus I could wear on my head... Octopus trimmed off with pinapple rings and sushied shark? Serve them on the RC Black Pearl? Or will ye serve each piece on the hook? I'm sure it'll make a nice eating utensil. I noticed DeadBishop's post on the 2007 thread. I pray they post here, too. More to chat with, the better! More our devilish heads can come together to conjure up ways to commandeer, carouse and cause absolute chaos! ~Lady B
  23. Omaha says ye? Not all that far from where I set up port. By chance, go to Raids and have a look see at the Port Washington pirate fest, mate! I pray we see ye and th' others there in June. ~Lady B
  24. Another Mad Jack. Welp, welcome nonetheless, Mr Morgan. Eager t' hear yo'r stories. And thank ye fo' th' rum. I'll take th' offer of rum... then I'll have an Irish Cream, please. And whatever drink that I'll leave ye to decide. Ye've found no finer place for carousin' with likeminded lot than here on th' Pub! ~Lady B
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