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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Not sure what I want in a pirate any more. I think I've pretty much given up on men and the hope of even havin' someone t' fancy me let lone Love me. :::shrugs; sighs::: It's depressing. Especially when I thought I met The One last year. Damn, ^*(#@&%R#, was I WRONG! Bastard. One with a heart to Love one woman, one with a spirit for adventure, a love for the hobbies, desire for fun, a need for companionship, want for a future of hopes and dreams come true, and the soul to support me cause I will most definitely support him! And yes, he better enjoy piracy and reenacting. As well as horseback riding and most definitely my cat! One who's willing to make an effort to have a good life with me. He's more than worth the world. And guaranteed, I'm a loyal woman to that lucky, special man. Don't break my heart. Guaranteed, next one who does, no one will be able to hold me back... for I will break his neck! ~Lady B
  2. THAT is bloody fantastic, Matt! OMG, absolutely great! Rumba... I say, make that a banner and take it with ye to PyrateCon! ~Lady B
  3. :::whimpers::: Already I'm feelin' th' pain o' not bein' there! Alrighty, mates. Looks like we should find another event t' connect at. PyrateCon? Port Washington is a given. Sorry I didn't get t' meet ye Mae. Really wish I could'a been there. ~Lady B
  4. Sounds like a right fantastic plan, Hurricane. ~Lady B :angry:
  5. Happy Bday to ye, Sterling. Here's to yo'r safe sail t' RF4. And I'm sure ye'll have a blast there. Just, b'sure not t' use Hamilton's Artillery. Cause some havoc and carouse and by God, do have some incredible fun! I am curious t' know what they'll be doin' to ye. We shall chatter another time, Captain. Do enjoy yo'rself. ~Lady B :angry:
  6. Still eyein' th' heeled Ladies boots. Hopefully they fit 'bout th' calves. Now, Mary, m'dear.... any new colonial style shoes that ye may be sellin' soon fo' we Ladies? ~Lady B
  7. T'was hopin' it wouldn't be a bad year. Yikes. Sterling, would be MORE than happy an' willin' to oblige ye with snow! More than 'nough here! Thank ye, Cheeky. I'll look forward to seeing them. Granted I'll be whimpering cause I was unable to go. Will definitely see ye there, Kate! Ye won't be disappointed with Port Wash. Granted, hopefully less rainfall. And less rolling of the fog. And well, the Midwestern Hurricane came in and cut th' Fest short. But, oh well!!! If there be another of that sort... I says PICTURES!!! We can all make our own AWE Maelstrom scene! Again, MerryD... hope that Grandson gets better soon. And also glad that ye be ok from that accident on Monday. Bloody hell girl! ~Lady B
  8. I wish I could be there, but can't. Missin' everyone already. Tis ok, Mary D. Getting a nasty storm right now here. And more projected for tomorrow...and Friday... and monday. Yeah, this has been the most active snow year I recall! It's unbelievable! Well for those who go, have fun. ~Lady B
  9. Thank ye, Jill. I shall look for it at my local supermarket. My immune system has been crappy as of late. Concerning the hell of out me. I've always been the healthy one. Now I'm not. Truck? :::looks both ways and sways; holding head:: Ooooh. What truck? BriarRose... hope you feel better soon, hun. ~Lady B
  10. Everything is too weird nowadays. But, true, Pogue. You poor gents don't have much to wear that would be considered piratey. I guess a start for ye men... use haversacks (decorated or plain) and CORRECT the idiots who would call them Man Purses! Aye, that camo tricorn was just beyond corny! Art?!? HA! Far from it! Art was the attire of the 17th and 18th century. Look at the fancy embroidery and workmanship that just astounds me still! Gorgeous stuff! Today... NOT EVEN CLOSE!! It's made crappy, cheap or not. ~Lady B
  11. Happy Bday to ye, Michael. My most sincere apologies that I can't wish ye happy birthday to ye face to face this weekend. But, I do pray that those at RF4 will show you a grand time just like last year. Many wishes to ye, mate ~Lady B
  12. Alas, it is with great regret that I am unable to attend RF4. I'm no where near better and even if I was better by Thursday, I wouldn't be ready either (since I haven't been able to pack due to the nasty illness).I'm highly bummed and sad as I was SOOOO looking forward to seeing the lot of ye and enjoy the seminars as well as shopping (whether "window" shopping or actually purchasing). Hugs to you all. Have fun this weekend. And I can't wait to see all your pictures following the event. Sterling, hope to talk to you soon enough. MA d'Dogge... That musket stock, I'll get a picture of it taken when I feel better. Michael, was so eager t' meet ye face to face. Perhaps another time, mate. Have fun though! And to the rest of you... my sincere apologies and will hopefully see you all when the Fates allow. ~Lady B
  13. Oh, dear God! If I could pull off a good piratey look of what I'd have in mind, I wear it. Generally, denims and decorated pants (tastefully decorated in Baroque and Roccoco designs in rhinestones, embroidery, etc) with a belt that looked at least somewhat elegantly period with or without a sash. Or maybe just the sash. With a shirt that at LEAST resembles the period in some fashion, perhaps a vest in a wesket style or a wasitcoat tastefully styled, coats would look nicely done. I've a duster that I've turned the cuffs up. Kinda looks piratey. Jewelry (not too overdone, etc)... hair in a good style, could wear beads. well, you get the picture. Would look NOTHING like that shown above! Guaranteed! It's no fair that wee girls only wear the lavish looking jeans that are way cool! ~Lady B
  14. Fabulous pictures, Mad Jack. Both of them! :::applauds::: An' th' B&W one with yo'r lass.... Oh, so luverly. ~Lady B
  15. Thanks, BriarRose. I'm hoping I get well soon, too. Alas, won't be soon enough. I have full blow Influenza. So... at the moment, it's highly unlikely that I'll make it to RF4 in Chicago this weekend. I was SO looking forward to it. I'd bawl, but my eyes are already tearing up from them burning and stinging. ~Lady B
  16. If ye noticed in the end of At World's End, Murtogg wears one. They are a type of general work cap. In the market for one? Jas. Townsend & Sons has them: Linen Work Cap by Jas. Townsend & Sons I wish ye great luck on th' Bootstrap look! Don't see one all that often. ~Lady B
  17. Not sure if you may be interested, Rumba. But I have these shoes I made a few years ago. They are black, a bit distressed, there is a heel to them but you can adjust the tongue and tie in front. Here's a picture of the shoes: ~Lady B
  18. Oooo... rum cake says ye?!? :::Drools::: I'll take a few slices in yo'r honor, James. A very happy Bday to ye, Master. Here's t' more ripe pickin's upon yo'r path. ~Lady B
  19. Rum mixed with champagne? :::ponders this; wonderin' if it'll be a good drink::: :::Snaps back to reality, sort of:::: bloody hell, sick a weekend and look what happens! Jacky's a celebratin' a birthday! Well, here's to ye, Jacky. To th' treasure ye obtained and more ye'll obtain in th' future! Huzzah! ~Lady B
  20. ahoy, Anne. Lady Barbossa at yo'r service ::: removes big black plumed hat and bows elegantly::: t' answer yo'r question. Bein' th' First Mate of this crew... I'll inform th' Captain that ye be wishin' t' sign Articles. Quite literially. I think we could use another pair o' hands (still attached to yo'r body and ye alive) t' sign more Articles. ~Lady B
  21. Poor Silkie. Here be a virtual hugs for ya, m'dear. At the moment... SICK! I really, really hate being sick. Hoping I feel better so I can go to RF4 next weekend. ~Lady B
  22. Coolies! Thanks for the info, Cheeky. Starbucks had sandwiches?!? Didn't even see that! I saw they had cookies and brownies, stuff like that. I don't think I want to leave the hotel. Not that it's going to be freezin' cold out... but, because I don't want to miss a thing!!! I was thinking just that, Sterling. Some veggies and fruit, cold cuts, bread... whatever else. Still hoping I get this gown finished. Barely able to work on it today. Sick. ~Lady B
  23. ATM, huh? Oh, dear GOD! That's WAY too dangerous, Cheeky! They need to remove it before the reenactors arrive! However, I'm contemplating on breakfast, lunch and supper. Recalling last year when really you hadn't much of an opportunity to eat and when you did, it was the outrageously over priced restaurant or the Starbucks (which didn't really have anything to sustain a wired -or-17-hours-without-coffee reenactor). So, I'm thinking some snacks, sandwich makin's, or whatever else. Pizza delivery available? Or Chinese? HEY! It's been a while since I had pizza. ~Lady B
  24. Ouch Same weekend at PyrateCon, mates. I'm with Hurricane- No weapons... no show. Meaning... I don't go. Welp, have fun at the event. A fine list of vessels. Silkie... definitely want t' see pictures of your time on the Kalmar. Tis a fine vessel and I'm rather a bit envious. :) ~Lady B
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