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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Yo'r right, Mary. One simple question. Easy enough. Hmm... possible locales in the Chicagoland. Well, toughy really. The Sheridon has been a great place for the fest, but the Fest has grown too big for the Sheridon. Unless the Sheridon plans to expand in less than a year to three times the size. ~Lady B
  2. Indecent says ye? Well, I'm sure it can be arranged with delight. And aye, ransackin' Panama has been done as well. Indeed alas, the good ol' days of gettin' away scot free for us pirates be gone. So, all best we can do is... well... CAROUSE! Aye, I can't seem to inspire ol' Jones t' take souls even if I give him a thousand of them. Poor devil. Two drinks. Ye be owin' me, m'dear Dutchman. :::wicked grinz::: Name yo'r price on payment then, mate. ~Lady B
  3. alas, MadL.... the quota of business nowadays is "Quantity over quality". aye, they need to refund ye, send back the pairs. No, granted ye'll have a fight on yo'r hands if they don't comply easily. Otherwise, just round us all up and we'll go hunting after these people all piratical style. I'm sure someone out there 'll be able to supply ye with the proper pair ye desire. ~Lady B
  4. Arr, curse me luck! What I meant to say was; I'll be putting up a blockade of Charleston harbor! There be some ransom money for the pickin', methinks. *Quickly swallows his free rum, before she changes her mind* I recall Blackbeard doin' that already, luv. And b'fore ye think of sackin' Nassau without firin' a single shot.... well, Jack got to that b'fore ye. Runnin' out of options, Mr Falkenberg. I'll accept other means o' payment for th' drink. ::: evil grinz::: 100 years b'fore the mast? ~Lady B
  5. Here be th' best piratical wishes to ye, mate, on yo'r day. Hope there be plenty o' drink t' quench thy thirst and gluttony of yo'r fav feast... hows 'bout some lasses t' entertain ye? A blessed happy Bday to ye, Ol Man of the Sea! ~Lady B
  6. Or worse, think "Captain's Quarters"... alone with someone. ~Lady B I like the way you think! PIRATE! Aye, Arella. Or worse when you try to type normal and instead of "you" ya type in "ye"... using "Thou", or "m'self" or "olde", well, you know what I mean. Oh, here is one. When everywhere you go, somehow a conversation ends up with pirates and finding someone who likes Pirates. Went to a new chiropractor yesterday, and he told me "Say 'hi' to davy Jones for me" as I forgot I was wearing the Tia Dalma necklace and he recognised it! LOL What a hoot. HAHA or better yet... go to Long John Silvers for supper. When you leave, strike the bell and call out for the dog watch to end and begin the first watch, etc. ~Lady B
  7. Haha... ye risk this emmensely, mate. But ye owe me handsomely. Be quick. Last I knew, ol' Bart Roberts be after the Gov'ner of Martinque, too. Intreguing on the stories of the various sightings. Not much ye get online or elsewhere. I guess most landlubbers considering it still a curse and bad luck/bad omen to even think of the cursed ship or even poor soul. Dutch men being devilish. HAHA imagine that! Well, bring on th' stories and legends. Such souls have my attention and curiosity. ~Lady B
  8. I adore all 3 of them. Now rumors be running abound of a 4th in the works. :angry: Granted I'd like to see a 4th film, too. But I pray to dear God it's not what folks are saying the plot is suppose to be. ~Lady B
  9. ::points to Falkenberg::: SEE! Sterling he said I can keep him! Tis a pleasure though, Mr Falkenberg. And ye've got me might intregued with such tales of the Dutchman. Aye, I'm fascinated, too. Granted not done extensive research that ye've done, but have looked at a few of the legends. So, there's been a sighting recently? How wicked! Wasn't it back in the mid or early 20th c the last sighting of the doomed ship was? And around it was attempting to make port a Cape Horn? Thought that t'was interesting. The Dutchman (ship and man) be most interesting curiousity. ~Lady B
  10. Yeah, saw it. :) The Barbossa fans on LiveJournal have been going berzerk over this! Wish we knew how much for it? The one that was released in Dec via the parks (and you can find it on eBay) is WAY too much. Around $300 - $400 for it. Oh, what we Barbossa fans 'll do for another piece of Barbossa. ~Lady B
  11. :::Stumbles in exhausted::: Welcome to th' Pub, lass. Well, ye've come to th' right place since ye fancy pirates. Sit an' regale us with yo'r stories. In th' meantime... I'll have a hurricane. ~Lady B
  12. I'd LOVE to have a knife set in a nice wooden block sittin' upon m' counter with something above it or below it (or both) sayin': DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES! ~Lady B :angry:
  13. Hmmmm.... sounds like Iowa, too. Oooo... I like 'im already! He likes Barbossa better than Jack! Glomps him::: Oooo, can I keeps 'im? Welcome to th' Pub, Falkenberg. Tis a grand pleasure t' have ye here and fantastic that ye found us. Aye, there be no better pirate forum on this vast earth than this 'ere Pub. An' tradition bein' on th' Pub, the newcomer buys round o' drinks fo' all. So, being as I be in quite a fanciful mood, I'll take a glass o' fine, sweet red wine thank ye. Do enjoy yo'rself here, mate. ~Lady B :angry:
  14. Working on a couple possible ideas with a fellow pirate, and hopefully will do one sometime. But has anyone out there made their own pirate film, short or long? ~Lady B
  15. Not sure where exactly this'll go but I'll try here. I'd love to learn swordfighting and the sort. Be there a video or DVD set out there to help? Difficult for me to just find a few folks around to learn. Already tried that, can't seemed to find some blighters. So, figured that if there was something I can watch in the comforts of m' quarters to help and practice, at least I know what th' devil I'm doing. ~Lady B
  16. Aye, tis true, Cheeky. Last year it was DEFINITELY noticeable that there was twice as many folks (participants and spectators) in attendence. Exciting! I've been spreading the word about this event. Johnny... Hope to see ye there, mate! Can't wait t' see ye in yo'r new outfit. ~Lady B
  17. Just a little over 3 months away from Port Wash! Can you believe it? Heard Cedarburg was a good event from TJ (Jack Sparrow). He and his Wife (does a rather good Elizabeth Swann) enjoyed it and are looking forward to Port Washington with great anticipation. Bouncing up and down with joy, seeing some info that are putting plans forward. Stressed? Hell, no! Excited beyond measure. Gettin' th' guns ready and the Colours are ready to be hoisted high! ~Lady B
  18. Oy! Why do I have th' feelin' that we will NOT get ANY sleep at this event? Lookin' forward to meeting you all. Especially ye, Runba! Oh, dear God, mates! New Orleans 'll not know what bloody well hit them! I DEFINITELY want a pic of m'self with Singleton, Treva, and the rest of the Actors who portrayed Barbossa's crew. Haha, what a hoot that will be! ~Lady B
  19. :::follows in after MerryD::: Aye! ye be well missed 'round here, Sealegs! But, Happy Bday to ye always, lass! May it be filled with rum, gold ... an' cabana boys! ~Lady B
  20. Bleedin' irritable, annoyed, an' ready t strangle someone! Just goes to show you what kind of day I had. I feel like Scar from the Lion King - "I'm SURROUNDED by idiots"... Pondering something for supper not sure what to get or where to go. Don't feel like cooking, so I'm going the restuarant route. Maybe. Don't really want to get out and about either. Sterling... I'd say lucky you (well, ok, Lucky you to have a break)... but, at least you got snow... AND WE DIDN'T!!! :: does the AristoCat butler dance::: But I'm still irritated, annoyed and wired. Oh, and in some major pain. Right shoulder and neck are killing me. Have been all week. ~Lady B
  21. Broken foot?!? On top of the bummed wrists?! What th' devil is yo'r crew doin' to ye, Sterling?!? Dear God, man! Skip the victuals... grab th' man a port or cognac! Something stong if he keeps this up! ~Lady B
  22. :::covers mouth; stiffles a giggle::: I'm not being cruel or mean. But how ye puts it Sterling is bloody hilarious! Yes, mean doggie. I sympathize. Pets can be just as hazardous as kids. As I told everyone else when Magellan got me on the eyelid an face... I knew I was a pirate, but I didn't want to go as far as getting an eyepatch! I suppose, tis a good thing you still have two hands instead of two hooks? Ye know... if the Fates were cooperative, we Ladies would pamper ye. But, for now... ye'll have t' manage a mental image of fine ladies tending to yo'r every whim an' need. :::hugs to Christine::: Girl... :::Shakes head::: Tis horrible what our bodies do to us, aye? ~Lady B
  23. Welcome to th' Puv, Rage. Grand t' have ye here with th' lot o' us. Minnesota, eh? Not t' worry, mate. Aye, there be a few here on the Pub who be in Minnesota. Ye be in good company. I be south o' ye... in th' not so tropical waters o' Iowa. Right now, all our water be frozen. Hunker down, carouse with us... an' I'll b' havin' that concoction called Hypnotic. tis good. ~Lady B
  24. Thanks, Cascabel. That solves one dilemma. Question, though, too. How do I stretch the brim, too? That seems to have shrunk and warped (with the constant use in a few years, it's taken a mind of it's own). :::runs to eBay::: ~Lady B
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