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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Intreguing crew, Hurricane. To all those who attended PyrateCon, curious to see pictures and better yet a sound off to know ye made it back to home port in one piece. Would LOVE t' hear yo'r stories, too. I've heard one story (albeit a small one) already from a lass who was down there this past weekend, where she saw a Barbossa step off the elevator then a Jack step off and Jack screamed at him "Where's me ship!?" Then the Barbossa turned around and screamed at him "Where's my charts!?" and the both of them argued for a wee while. Hehehe... cute! I heard the PotC Interactive was canceled?!? ~Lady B
  2. Haha! Brilliant, Cheeky! I've a feeling there will be a couple Ladies showing up in such fine facial wear next year at RF5. Great way for a Piratess to keep herself concealed, too. Make that easy getaway. :::Evil grinz::: ~Lady B
  3. Very nice images, Mr Calin. :) Been curiously an' patiently awaiting some info and response to questions. Especially and mainly the gunpowder issue especially for the main scenario, if we are to bring our own gunpowder charges or they supply them there for us for the scenario? Also, hoping to do some scenarios with folks. I see that the Breakfast with the Pirates is back. Awesome! Need to draw more folks in for that one. Greatly looking forward to this event. Now... be easier to spend our gold if the gas prices lowered. ~Lady B
  4. Now THAT I be with ye on. Indeed. Tough t' serve out as a ::cough:: "proper" pirate Captain when ye can't pull off th' punishments that ye SOOO desire t' do. Keel haul, hang from the yard arm, and as ye said the belayin' pin to th' skull, etc. The other part is FINDING the able-bodied crew willing, able and wanting to pirate. Lots o' folks out there who adore piracy, but many of them not willing and wanting. A very few minority are unable. Granted unable in one area of expertise but not in th' other. Eager t' hear about these new recruits, Hurricane. Now... can they handle their rum an' other liqueurs well? Blackbead. I hope I can make it next year then since I missed out this year. So, plans are being made already to make it down there. Which Hotel do you recommend, mate? I hear plans are already in the works for next year. ~Lady B
  5. ahoy, Aurora. Pleasure t' have ye here upon th' Pub. Aye, do sit an' spin yo'r stories of yo'r travels, lass. I'm sure th' lot of us 'll enjoy hearin' 'em. (yeah, not much into the storytelling creative mood today. Sorry) ~Lady B
  6. Hahaha... hey lookey here Ladies! Fugawee shoes, black in size 8b are up for grabs! you got 3 days to bid for them. $85 with free shipping! I'd bid for them but they are not my size. Fugawee black shoes on eBay Lots more plunder on eBay. Anyone find good stuff on eBay? Bought for yourself or see something that someone else may want? ~Lady B
  7. The pirate party is for boy scouts May 29 in Terre Haut Indiana. To volunteer for this party to make their event all the more piratey, please contact Lee at IronHook@dishmail.net ~Lady B
  8. Aye, that be a nasty glare, mates. Suddenly in a fowl mood. I easily get there. Mutiny says ye? I see no reason. KTTC I can see a mutiny as th' rules be WAY too strict there or even better a mutiny and piracy and other things against the high rise in gas prices! Mutiny against th' Pub, dear God we could do better! Aye, I warned ye... I be in a fowl mood suddenly. Have fun at PyrateCon all. RumbaRue... Hi. ::: Waves::: Tell Oderlesseye Happy Birthday. Hope it was celebrated in style. Tell Bilgemunky Hi and Bilge to tell Scuttle Sally Hi. OMG, there be SOOOO many people down there who I wish to say Hi to. I was thinking about calling Rumba... but I lost her bloody number! NNNOOOOO!!!!! Oh and as to the BARBOSSA's (not Barbarossa, different folks and spelling, mates).... be sure that one is not a woman. I know that Jenn be down there and has a Barbossa like outfit. Well, at least she and perhaps another person. I know of one Barbossa portrayer that's there. All the others were not able to attend to my understanding. Eager to see pictures upon everyone's return. ~Lady B
  9. A grand happy Bday to ye, Oderlesseye. Granted ye'll be readin' this post PyrateCon. Hope ye celebrated in piratical style whilst there. ~Lady B
  10. Unfortunately, I didn't feel it where I was. The ground was able to absorb the shocks apparently and couldn't feel it. However, my sister felt it! She said it woke her up and the kids woke up (except Dalton). Everything was shaking. After she got home (I was watching the kids for 45 minutes until she got home)... she raced around to check out the house. A couple new cracks outside on the limestone foundation, a couple new cracks inside.. everything on her vanity, tables and shelves were moved around or knocked over, the drawers on the dressers and filing cabinets were stuck out just a slight bit, some no more than an inch, some just barely a crack. Said she felt the aftershock around 10:15 this morning at her work at North Liberty, Iowa. I, unfortunately, missed both. Kinda... surreal to have earthquakes in the midwest. Last one I remember ( and didn't experience that one either unfortunately) was in 1990. Aye, Bo. Tis a strange world. Who knows... perhaps another quake will come along or maybe it'll be another 15 or more years before another quake happens in the midwest. ~Lady B
  11. I think that Buccaneer Bay started before this thread. :) But, Aye... I'd LOVE to go there! Looks like fun! I've had Buccaneer Bay on my Favs for a while now. ~Lady B
  12. Depends upon how far ye be willin' t' go, Captain. Aye, I believe PyrateCon be goin' on this weekend. Many pirates attending that this year. There be a forum that discusses and shows many of the pirate events around the US and world. Pyrate Festival forum ~Lady B
  13. ::: whimpers; sniffles::: bloody Hell! And I missed seeing her down there, too. Oh, horrible! Well, hope she has fun down at PyrateCon. As to the hotels.... yeah, it's rather twisted. Holiday in most likely won't do a thing. Big company hotel... not gonna do a thing. The only thing with the holiday Inn is that it was right there, so only walk out to the event instead of driving from a couple or a few miles away to get to the event and try to look for a parking spot. Perhaps this will be the challenge every year. Who knows. But the more and more this grows... the more and more people will come... where are these people going to stay? Not just the participants, but the spectators? Camping has always been something I did with the NWTA. Cheaper for the participants. Plus, opens up hotels for the spectators. And some participants still get hotels. :::Shrugs::: I'm sure it will all work out eventually in the future. Hopefully. The hotel being a decent price helps as the gas prices rise. Lord knows it's nearly a dollar more than what it was last year. Even that worries me with how many spectators will come to this event with gas prices being so high. Here's to hoping the gas prices won't keep folks away from the Festival. ~Lady B
  14. A pleasure t' meet ye, Captain. Glad ye came outta th' woodwork t' carouse with us. Eager an' curious t' hear 'bout yo'r tales. At the moment... gimme th' strongest damn thing there is in this world! and add about 25 more drinks t' that. ~Lady B
  15. :::hugs to Christine::: Hang in there. Yeah, Doctors can be rather worthless. And they went to many years of med school for what? I find nurses to be more helpful than Doctors. Or even pharmasists. Don't just dismiss something like that as merely hormonal, m'dear. Let's hope that it is just that. But even hormones can cause other troubles, too. Worse comes to worse... could find a witch doctor. Have Jack Sparrow as the interpreter. :) ~Lady B
  16. Loving this! Gawkin' at everyone's outfits and images. Stunning... as always. :) :::Stunned::: She cut her hair?!?! She cut her hair!!?!!? Still, fantatic images of ye both, Burke... or Jack... or whoever th' devil ye be. :) Will ye both be attending Port Washington again this year? Hopefully... no midwestern hurricanes (tornadoes) this year. Absolutely fantastic outfit, Joe! My compliments to ye. Splendid. Ye put many t' shame. Lady Snow... ye LOOK cold! Crimeny! I'm gettin' chills just lookin' at the pic! :) ~Lady B
  17. Gotta get rid of them. I have a Pirate wench outfitthat's up for sale. A hand sewn blue womens colonial outfit 7+ yards of purple silk dupioni. Take a look. Spread the word. Gotta get rid of these things. ~Lady B
  18. WAHHHHH!!!!! We miss you already, Rumba!!!! :::sniffles::: Have fun. Tell everyone Hi. Terrorize in my place especially those from here and KTTC. And especially Greg (a Barbossa) and tell Marty Klebba hello from me. ::ponders::: who th' hell am I missing? Oh, well... just terrorize in general. Take care, stay safe. Aye. I'm hoping storms don't interfer with yo'r drive. Can't wait t' see th' pictures upon yo'r return. :) ~Lady B
  19. Oh, I'm sure it will be placed in th' proper thread, Jack. :) None t' worry 'bout that. Not sure which would be m' fav pirate punishment. I suppose one that I'd administer cause t'would be more fun fo' me I suppose. Only one I've administered thus far is when a street thief stole m' hat. MerryD was there as m' witness. I hunted down th' street rat, pistol aimed at them, obtained m' hat and marched them to th' jail where they remained for a spell until released. I realized she was released cause she was following me around like a little puppy dog after that. Not sure why, but she wouldn't mess with me again. I suppose she wanted t' join me on some venture. Normally, I would accept such a wee thing. She's mighty good at her game. But... being landlocked... no vessel... aye, th' street rat remained where she was. I'd call her upon m' crew in a heartbeat if I found that street rat again. For various reasons t' pickpocket those who be cheatin' me of m' valued items fo' sale. Otherwise, I fancy th' stories told of Bart Roberts... and even some of Blackbeard. I'm all up for doin' th' worst to a being for crossing and doublecrossing me. I'm no heart nor tolerance fo' people who annoy an' anger me. Marooning? Ehhh... What's th' fun in that? Ye don't see th' devils die. Well, unless I just want t' get rid of some bastard, then I'll maroon them an' ensure that not a soul or vessel nears them to retrieve them/rescue them. But... whippin' the blood & flesh out of them, Keel haulin' them. If th' sharks haven't eaten them up by now... I'd string 'em up from th' yardarm an' use 'em as target practice. Then let th' sharks have at 'em. Or even better yet, sail to th' Sea of Cortez and just drop a fool into th' waters as dusk an' let th' squids there enjoy 'em... after they'ved had a whippin'. Maybe sail to th' north an' maroon th' poor devil on the snowy land with no food nor water no means fo' hunting and only with what clothing they have on their back t' keep them warm. Or sell them into slave trade if I knew they would turn a grand profit after cutting out their tongues (if someone wouldn't mind that). Depends upon the torture and punishment administered. But with m' crew... that's a different story. It all depends upon how loyal they are. They may lose only a share on the next vessel taken, or just a minor whipping at the most. If a crew member wishes t' fight them... I pray it won't be to th' death but only t' blood drawn. Aye, to m' crew I would be more favorable to ... ONLY if they be loyal. Otherwise, th' poor fool 'll find th' same fate as above. Aye... I'm a twisted mind. But then again... would ye REALLY tolerate someone doin' ye wrong? ~Lady B
  20. AMEN, Dorian!!! Aye, you are right. Nothing's worse than being Politically Correct. Annoys me most when people come to things like this and then bitch about it, expecting something else that is not true. If they didn't want their kids to be affected, then stay home! But true, Sterling. I don't often see kids bothered by such realities. They are stronger than what adults credit them with. I think it's more our sick perception and our own past troubles, assuming what others are going to do or thinking. Sad. Very sad. Oh, it's a twisted society we live in. Thanks, Red Bess and Christine. Step Dad is fine. His procedure went well. Grandma is stable but still on the rocks. But we had another scare yesterday. My niece was sent to the hospital to get some tests done. Apparently a mass was found in her lympnoid (?). They ran some tests yesterday. It put everyone on edge and quite the scare. No way is she out of the woods yet, but they are conducting more tests and she's going in on monday to see the Pediatrican about this. So, keeping our fingers crossed that it's not the advanced stages of the deadly kind. She's only 7 years old, mates. A co-worker told me "well, when it rains, it pours"... I told her "In this case, it's a bleedin' FLOOD!" :::Hugs for Christine::: madness, isn't it? And one feels kinda helpless cause it seems the doctors can barely help. Prayers ye get better, Christine. I can sympathize. :::another hug::: Have fun, Rumba! :) Be safe lass! Looking forward to seeing the pictures when you get back. ~Lady B
  21. :::hugs for Christine::: I sympathize, m'dear. Aye, it's a tough thing to shake. Hang in there. Think wonderful piratey thoughts. Step dad goes into surgery today to replace his defibulator. He'd been with it for 2 years apparently with a dead battery. I nearly floor him the other night for that. So, after work (which I've been called in to work at the other location cause folks are leaving), I'll head down to check up on him. Sis and step-Sis will be there (they are rather paniced). Hopefully will go down this weekend to see my Grandma. She's still on the fence with her condition. On top of the normal usual stuff. Well, no tornadoes hit around CR last night. They were all south of here. Bummer. ~Lady B
  22. :::does the AristoCats Butler's dance:::: Oh I am SOOO eager to get to this one. Praying to dear God that I can and nothing else gets in the way of not going to another event. Already a couple things threaten it. But, dang blast it mates! I'm gonna go this time!!! Missed out on RF4 and now PyrateCon cause of life issues. 3rd time's a charm, aye? And already, making prayers to God and Calypso and whoever else that weather is cooperative this year. I'm thinking the same weather as 2006. ~Lady B
  23. Haha.. aye, Perkeo. I was planning on driving down (unable to go now), instead of fly. I know some folks don't have troubles and always say it's safe and easy to fly. Haha... I worked for a couple airports... I know better. I'll drive thank ye. I'll flay if I want to go see my dad. Here's to hoping that folks make it to their destination next weekend. Whether it's AA or SW or United or any other airline. I don't think this will stop at the MD-80s or MD-88s. Keep a weathered eye on th' horizon. Oh, and those driving. Safe passage with little or no storms. This is the season for those nasty storms around Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Tennnessee, Kansas, etc... Generally, Tornado Alley. Stay safe on yo'r trip south, Perkeo. I'm crossin' m' swords, mates, for th' lot o' ye. ~Lady B
  24. :::bewildered::: Moth-eaten? I shall not ask, Will. ~Lady B
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