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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Tis a pleasure t' make thy acquaintance, Captain Flint. Ye'll find yo'rself right a home on th' sea here at th' Pub. Tis no finer place t' be, that be true! I'll be havin' a glass o' sweet red wine, please, m' good man. So... do tells us 'bout yo'rself, Captain. Ye have this Lady mighty curious. ~Lady B
  2. Ahoy an' welcome, Sea Witch. Tis a grand pleasure t' meet ye. And will hopefully meet ye at PyrateCon '09. And perhaps elsewhere. I be not far from ye... so t' speak. On th' other side of Iowa I be... more closer t' the ol' Mississippi though. Hahaha... none t' worry 'bout, Morgan there. We can deal with him AFTER ye take th' waistcoat back. I'll be havin' just a glass o' fine sweet red wine if ye don't mine. ~Lady B
  3. Coat envy and pistol envy, too. Trying to hunt down that other Barbossa, who he is, to talk to him about the pistol. Greg mentioned he made the pistol. I keep seeing more and more pictures from PyrateCon. Especially from a couple other places. How much fun folks had. Hoping to attend PyrateCon '09. Hoping being the key word. Already some are asking when '09 is and what's being scheduled! Some folks are ready to book rooms and wanting to start getting ready for '09! :) ~Lady B
  4. Oooh, is that the other Barbossa I see in the pictures is Ron? What be his Myspace addy, I'll befriend him. :) Yes, Greg makes a pretty awesome Barbossa. He mentioned he wanted to take off with the other Barbossa's coat. :) ~Lady B
  5. Hehe... well, once she starts posting, she'll be addicted like th' rest of us! But, aye, pass yo'r compliments on to her. Tis a fine outfit. ~Lady B
  6. Ah, but I will only whisper it in yer ear, sos you'll have to wait until we meet in person to hear. Damn, lass... ye strike a hard bargain. Though I must admit... I have been startin' t' think about the Fair down there. When ever it be. Only cause my dad be harpin' upon me t' come visit him. I need another reason to go down besides going to visit m' dad. That and I need t' conjure up some coinage to go. Lovin' th' pictures, mates. ~Lady B
  7. Oh, I'm sure many of us are eager to learn and perform a trade before the eyes of the public. Lord knows I'd love to. And I'll agree that may be a good time for the event is September. ~Lady B
  8. Very nice, Macnamara. Tis a good shot. Lovin' th' coat! Tis a nice coat. Congrats t' Taldory on th' win! Bet he's been blushin' an' proud of th' title. Mad Jack Morgan... My compliments to ye, mate! Tis a very fine outfit. Lovin' the look of it! Love th' waistcoat. My compliments to whoever made it. an' Joe... as always... lovin' th' outfit. especially th' coat. Gee... ye gents have such fantastic coats. Perkeo!... shipmate... ye look fantastic no matter what outfit ye be wearin'! Aye, having more than one outfit only seems natural. An' most definitely WON'T be missin' ye in that hat. ~Lady B
  9. Hmmm... tis a good question on financial backing. There is a group of folks creating an 18th c fictional town in kentucky. Perhaps they have some ideas to help. They are springing the place up it seems. Middlecreek Station Contact them and see if they can offer advice. The local government did something similiar to that I believe, from what I understand. I could be wrong. Done the Midwest Old Settlers and Threshers enough times I know the place like the back of my hand still. Generally the local churchs get in on it, too, such as having massive tents selling food and drinks. They do charge admission now to keep the place running and it's a city park, but the Foundation runs primarily upon donations and grants as a non-profit organization. They have renovated trains that function. Perhaps talking to and getting advice from places such as these may help. See where they suggest to start. Would a grant or donations help? That is one awesome gift, mate! Thrilling to say the least! If it be a careening village, what's about a mock ship that's careened on it's side? Have folks chipping off barnacles? A boucan for smoking? A place for the coopers and shipwrights to work on repairs of the vessel? How's about a trading post like fly or area where pirates can sell their obtained items from various areas of the world? I say pop out the ideas, I'm sure we all have done the research. It's what vision everyone wants to go with. But the careen "town" sounds fantastic! What be your idea on what you'd fancy to see there? ~Lady B
  10. No, ye be correct, Matt. Seriously, who wants to return to an event that's the same each year? Perhaps keep some things the same, but spice it up, offer more, allow the pirates and non-pirate portrayers have at it with some ideas, props, etc. Definitely will attract attention if you have a vessel or two or more. And better yet a sea battle that can be seen from the shore. Or scenarios often. One of the largest attractions at the Midwest Old Threshers reunion is the Snipe Run gunfights and old west shows that happen every hour. Kids LOVE it! Pictures are done every year and made into mass amounts of small posters for kids to have the Gunfighters autograph! Been going strong for years and years! And has never faltered. But, aye! Who wouldn't love to see a battle between Jack Sparrow, Long John Silver and James Hook! And who would stay home if they heard the Black Pearl or even the Bounty was docked or anchored nearby? Have a Goonies Treasure Hunt. Make it fun, exciting and bring to life people's fantasies! ~Lady B
  11. Thank ye fer yer kind welcome. A tankard of Hpnotiq fer the Lady! a tankard?!? Oh, dear! I'll be passed out flat on th' floor after drinking THAT much of HPNOTIQ! And ye be most welcome fo' the welcome, Pilsner. :::looks at MerryD::: warm apple juice? :::Then back to Pilsner::: Oooo, images! Eager an' curious t' see them of ya and the event. ~Lady B
  12. Woo hoo!!! Happy Bday, Mary Diamond!! Salutes galore and drinks all 'round as everyone celebrate yo'r special day! Here's to ye... oh, great supplier of awesome piratical footwear! Ooooo... a party! I LOVE parties! Do have incredibly amounts of overwhelming fun, m'dear. And hope ye obtained what treasures ye want. Lookin' forward to crossin' paths with ye soon. ~Lady B
  13. Oh, I figured Greg was a ham during the event. Jo gone wild! Now that's somethin'. Haha, oh, tis a bummer I missed it all. But there is always next year. Greg said he was about to commandeer the other Barbossa's coat. Now that would have been hilarious! A Barbossa chasing after a Barbossa. Aye, Pearl! Tell! I be glad that the event was a grand one. I've seen a good many pictures. ~Lady B
  14. Rats! I be lookin' forward t' havin' a few drinks at yo'r Tavern! Have ye cleared out th' dead body from 6 months 'go? An' th' drunken gent who fell down them steps t' stumble 'pon th' body? All in all, do look forward t' having a grand time with debauchery and carousin' and whate'er else at thy Tavern. Toss around a couple scenarios there, too. I'm up fo' anything if ye be willin' t' participate in some scenarios. Poisoned drinks, bar fight, etc. Oh, I am SOOO lookin' forward t' this! And with a new pirate outfit, too! Not just my black one now... but the new crimson red outfit. And maybe another one if time allows. ~Lady B
  15. Mighty fine image of ye, Matt! Grand lookin' attire. Spiffy! Talderoy looks splendid, too. I heard he won "Pirate of the Year" at PyrateCon? Be that correct? Th' both o' ye look smashin'! ~Lady B
  16. Wonderful Bday wishes to ye, lass! May ye be granted some of th' best plunder a gal could ever want. And then some. Huzzah to ye on yo'r grand day! ~Lady B
  17. Absolutely LOVE th' name! Unique indeed. Glad t' have ye post with us. I'm sure we've provided a long time amusement for ye. HPNOTIQ for me, please. ~Lady B
  18. Exhausted. Too tired to sleep but sleepy nonetheless. Seeing photos from PyrateCon has been helping me keep my mind on track. Difficult since my memory really is starting to get bad. Forgetting lots of things mostly within the short term. Long term is not too bad. Still lots going on with real life... but it's kinda at the plateau stage. :::hugs to Christine::: I'm still prayin' for ya. Aye, stress and anxiety is a major problem and that's not cool if it's causing issues when you go to work. What curses we women have. Tis not fair. Get well soon. And hopefully that blood pressure will come down soon enough. To everyone else... hugs as well. ~Lady B
  19. And here I thought I missed another Bday of a beloved pirate! Happy Bday to ye, Ransom! To a grand lass and wicked piratess... with a multi gun and cannon !!! Pray crossing paths with ye again in time. And may he obtain what treasure ye desire, m'dear. Huzzah to ye! ~Lady B
  20. Rats! Ye DO live! :) Don't feel too bad, mate. Likewise here. Still rather bummed out about RF4. But will do my best to make RF5. Having missed RF4 and PyrateCon due to life events... I don't plan on missing out on Port Wash. Need an event BAD! And RF5 having the promise of more vendors... aye, major drooling! I'll be starting to save m' coinage so as t' buy, buy, buy!!!! Cheeky... do they know when we can start reserving a room? Will there be a discounted rate for RF5? And I LOVE RF5 admission price FAR better than PyrateCon. Keep the admission price down! ~Lady B
  21. Yuppie Vikings? Good Lord. Ooo... thank ye Captn H! :) I saw some piccies of Jo and Greg on their MySpace albums. Hahaha... I have to admit, the most hilarious of Jo's... was her and Scarlett Harlot with Jo nearly "buried" in SH's bossom. Poor lass! And of Greg... it was a toss up of him and the other Barbossa looking surprised and terrified at the same time! Great images of them both. Hahaha! Gregbosa? Oh, interesting nickname! Shark coming out of the neck? Coolies! I see a couple familiar faces in some pictures. :) Again, thank ye, H! Tis brilliant! Oh my God! That is hilarious, Pearl! Perkeo... I have to admit... you can NOT be lost in the crowd when you wear that hat. Hahaha... education?!? Of what? The locals and tourists on how wild and wicked we pirates be? I think we prove that time and time again. Keep 'em comin', mates! Lovin' this! ~Lady B
  22. Well... Cascabel... I've been pondering about making hats similar to the one I made and a couple others. I need to do another prototype or two though. Plenty out there that are wool or fur felt or straw... but not many hats out there that are other fabrics. And yes, it's difficult as the devil! But all in all in the end... the hats are fantastic! But the real test will come soon enough on how well it holds up. After all... it's made with velvet fabric. Who knows... perhaps in a year... I'll have custom fancy hats possible. ~Lady B
  23. Ooooo... Very nice, Cheeky! Aye, do let me know! I'd like to put his name and link up on my website (when I get the bloody thing working properly). But I'm droolin' over th' wig for the ladies. Better than attempting something drastic with my bland, straight, uncooperative hair! ~Lady B
  24. Thank ye, Cheeky! Aye, the boxom side o' me is indeed a side I don't let loose often. Tis a rarity. The wench outfit was fun to wear at times. Last time I wore it was on Halloween at the BBQ place I work at. Hehehe, I was right at home servin' up th' food an' drinks. I was rather elated. Both outfits sold. Tis a couple more items to be rid of and now a couple more to be sold soon enough, too. Must make room for other things as well as make it easier for me to move (I'm dreading it, I don't want to move!). Hopefully, soon enough I will have some fancy waistcoats available for both men and women. Now... my BIGGER problem is getting that damned 7 yards of purple silk dupioni sold. Hoping to be rid of that and use the coinage from it to purchase black silk dupioni or black silk twill for the lining for my Barbossa coat. Yes, I'm making a Barbossa coat. It's quite th' pain in the arse. But thank ye, Cheeky an' Hurricane. Ye make this Lady blush an' feel mighty humble. ~Lady B
  25. Awesome pictures, Perkeo. Eager t' hear yo'r stories. I see ye got a pic of Bilgemunky and Scuttle Sally. Saw one of Greg (the Barbossa ye happened t' capture. each pic I see of him, I don't see Jo, though). Cascabel be there as well. Good Lord, ye look like ya had a grand time, shipmate. LOL.. yes, "business" cards are rather a good thing. :) But one gets use to it.. being halted for piccies. LOL... rather fun, too. Saw quite a few awesome pictures of folks who attended over on Keep To The Code. Can't wait for Rumba to return to see the pictures she has and hear her stories. Matt, I'll have t' swing by the MySpace page tomorrow. Keep th' piccies coming, mates! ~Lady B
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