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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Yeah, saw that one, too, Christine. I tell ye... interesting fodder. People get SO excited over something not there. Geoffrey not interested? Oh, really? Changed his tune, eh? Unless he's booked already with projects and unable to do a 4th. One may never know what'll happen. :::Looks at Bess::: our little pirate spy for the mouse. Hehehe... kinda like playing around with Beckett! ~Lady B
  2. Th' more ye drink, th' more ye owe me, Dutchman. Th' kneecap? Ye be soft, luv. I'd have him whipped with th' cat, strung up th' yardarm to hang an' shoot him t' let him bleed an' slowly die, then toss his corpse into th' drink fo' Jones' pet sharks to devour. Make an example of th' devil or devils. Ye've got t' prove t' me that yo'r payment is worth it's weight in gold, mate. Otherwise ye might find yo'rself less a captain an' more a captive. ~Lady B
  3. Awesome. Thank ye. Aye, Bo. Do let me know about yo'r hats when ye get them. I previously looked into them on red hats that would match my new crimson outfit. Completely forgot that they might have something. Thank ye, Alyx. I'll keep them in mind, too. ~Lady B
  4. Charity events? Like that "Party on the Black Pearl" from Verizon for Verizon customers? :::Whimpers::: Wish I could have tried for that. Not with Verizon though. Bugger. Would have been INCREDIBLY fun to have a party with all ye here on the Black Pearl! Course. walkin' on the decks of the Flying Dutchman would be fun, too. ~Lady B
  5. Ahhh! Tis bloody snowing again! :::Glares at Sterling::: I'll get ye fo' this, Pirate Hunter. That'll be fo' sure. ::: wicked sneer::: Aye, Johnny. Tis nasty here as well. Bloody well can't fight all the ice that has built up outside the doorway. All comes drippin' down from the roof. &%^%$#@%!@^$&!!! ~Lady B
  6. Aye! I'll be hoistin' a tankard up in honor o' Phil! May it be a grand one for ye, mate! ye be well missed 'round here. Th' wenches are becoming sourly salty. They need ye t' sweeten them up! ~Lady B
  7. Aye, mutinous dogs 'll be delt with in improper fashion accordin' to th' Code. Taken with great delight. That's what allies be for, mate. T' deal with others when one is unable to. Now, on to his planned payment - we have an accord. ::wicked smirk::: By all means, Mr Falkenberg.... :::motioning with a sweep of the hand::: lead th' way. ~Lady B
  8. :::Narrows eyes back at Sterling; with an amusing glare:::: 70s he says. Nice an' luverly out in Virginia, says 'e! Warm an' comfy out by th' coast... :::Looks around self::: Aye, true... but I am doin' something. Finishing up on my new white satin ruffled shirt. Fancy one. Just... ::Looks around again;:: Rather snowlocked. AHhhh! Can't believe more snow is one the way!!! :::whimpers::: when will it end! :::perks up; cheerful for a moment; then frowns with a worried look::: Uhh... the way the snow is 'round here... there is predictions of major flooding. An' I don't have a ship yet!!! ~Lady B
  9. Very nice! :) Now, I've a question... where is everyone finding the flat, large brim hats at? And where do you recommend and what do you recommend? I'm wanting to remake the Barbossa hat (as my old one is well out of shape now). And I need a large/wide brim hat that is also a flat brim. Pictures online can be deceiving. So, wanting recommendations. I know wool felt is cheaper, but it's a smaller brim and some blocked ones are not a flat brim but turned down some. The fur felt say it's a bigger/wider brim and looks like a flat brim but is pricy. ~Lady B
  10. Very nice, Matt! Very eye catching. That be two great banners from ye for two great pirate lasses. Oh, and I LOVE the black heart necklace used in the banner. Where can I obtain it? I WANT! Oooo... Skinner. Tis a very fine baldric. Ye'll make folks drool and whimper in want. Careful that they don't attempt to procure it from ye one way or another. Ok... added and edited bit here. FINALLY finished another item. Here is a white satin shirt I've been working on and finally finished. It's got the ruffles in the front and ruffles on the sleeves. The sleeves are trimmed with a type of tatting lace and french knots. Now... on to other projects. ~Lady B
  11. Ahhhh...:::ponders::: what to do with... or do.. or... ehhh.. ahh, forget it. MerryD... we'll do something, m'dear fo' yo'r Bday. If not then... then ye KNOW we will do something for St Paddy's Day! Like we always do. ~Lady B
  12. AHHHH!!! I be with ye, Jack. Tis been months since I've been able to do anything fun. Rev War, piratey or anything. The snow be gettin' to me, too! Hey! But think of this... 3 months til Port Washington! And for some... PyrateCon is next month! :: Does the AristoCats Butler dance ::: ~Lady B
  13. :::All Beckett like::: Who are the Pirate Lords? Where are they hiding? What is the purpose of the nice Pieces of Eight? Sorry, m'dear. Couldn't help that one. Well, lass... nothin' 'bout info yet in which ye haven't asked. :: Takes a coin; slids it to Ray::: Hypnotic, Ray. What is it that ye be wantin' t' know? :::drinks the smooth concoction::: ~Lady B
  14. Ooooo... Brash, brazen, bold and bawdy. B'lay th' thwackin'? ye DID pinch th' barmaid too hard, luv. Oh, an' I'm sure ye haven't seen th' likes o' me in which ye'll ne'er see elsewheres. Awww... tis a pity. I would greatly fancy listening t' thyne ideas. :::Glancing around::: most on th' Pub are not young... nor are they by ANY means innocent, either! FAR from it. A single night? Oh, now... that'll be too short of a payment. How's 'bout continuous arrangements either monthly, e'er 6 months, or annually... or whenever ye make port and I be in port as well? Surely we can come to come mutual agreement of drink and pleasurable company? And aye... more than by thunder, but cause thunder t' rumble from th' likes o' us. ::pouts:: Now, now, Dutchman. I'll not be hearin' 'bout Black Spots. If there be threat upon thy life.... guaranteed with th' Lady as thy ally, ye'll find that no man, woman, beast or being 'll harm thee. :::pets and pats chest::: So... now back to this manner o' payment ye be suggestin'.... :::wicked grin::: Tis probable t' harbor th' likes of ye, m'dear Dutchman. By all means, lead th' way, luv. Curious t' partake of this indecent proposal. ~Lady B
  15. Oh, don't get me wrong, mates. By all means, I adore Tall Ships of all sorts. Wish I could set foot upon all of them. Been upon the HMS Bounty m'self. And the Nina. And of course the not-so-period vessel the Windy 2 based out of Chicago. Even hoisted the mailsail with Sjoroveren last summer. Hell of a sight we were. Each time walking on th' decks and seein' a ship with sails sturs m' soul to no ends. Just curious where those giant prop ships (last I heard they were made into working ships, granted not fully tall ships, with all the stuffing inside and out, but still seaworthy, etc.)... had gotten off to. Especially the Black Pearl. Aye, last I heard that the Dutchman was at Castaway Cay but was being hauled out due to it wasn't made to sit in water and do nothing. Normal of a vessel. It'll deteriorate if left in the elements and nothing is done with it. Easy enough to know the location of the Dutchman. But curiosity of others sparked my interest in knowing where now the Black Pearl is berthed. Again, don't get me wrong about all the tall ships out there. I'm utterly envious of Silkie right now for being on the Kalmar Nyckel. Fantastic looking vessel, I whimper reading Silkie's reports and saw the images of the ship. One of many I wish to see. Curiosity, mates. Curiosity. ~Lady B
  16. aye, RumbaRue. Those vids on YouTube were from during or after the production back in 2006 and I think someone even had one from 2007. :::Shrugs::: I'll have to go back and look. But I am mighty curious to know what has become of these two legendary vessels. I still think they should be made into proper tall ships and go to pirate fests and other events around the world or at least around the US. ~Lady B
  17. Ye'll never see me dancin' at th' end of the Hangman's Necklace, that be fo' sure. Oh, I'm sure I can imagine th' story ye be thinkin' workin' upon a vessel titled Venus. Wench? WENCH?!? M'dear Dutchman... I'm a Lady. Fair an' proper. :::wicked smirk::: Pirate Lady that is. I don't be servin' drinks or other services t' no man. There be a difference b'tween the pirate women and th' landlubber women who serve drinks to the likes o' those here on th' Pub. Stuffy? Why? Ye callin' me out? Or have ye somethin' else in mind? :::Curious smirk::: :::Then thwacks his hand with the flat of her sword::: And that be fo' pinchin' th' barmaid... too hard. ~Lady B
  18. I know. But you have to admit, it's interesting fodder. ~Lady B
  19. I know there was a thread on this somewhere, couldn't find it. But I remember there was talk of the Flying Dutchman being removed from Castaway Cay due to it's state and condition of being idle too long. Tis interesting the videos on YouTube of several people taking video of the Black Pearl in a couple places around So Cal. Where be these two infamous vessels now? I believe someone was pulling my leg when they said the Black Pearl has managed to attend a Tall Ship fest or two along the western coast. Be this a truth or as I suspect, a folly. hehe, we all know thus far what the Lady Washington and the Bounty be up to. ~Lady B
  20. Just watched the news this evening and saw that RAGBRAI (Registers Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa) will be rolling into North Liberty, Iowa Thursday, July 24th. The planning committee decided to have a theme for the event and they picked Pirates! I'll have more info on this, but this may turn out to be a possible one time event for pirates willing to entertain. RAGBRAI is a HUGE, International event. Lance Armstrong rode in it last year. Many celebs have been on this bike ride. Lots of people from around the world ride across Iowa each year. Anything to enhance the memories of those who attend. This is not my first RAGBRAI I have attended and helped with. So, guaranteed, the pirates can help with this in MANY ways. Again, will keep the lot of ye updated. ~Lady B
  21. Oh, Bess. I've heard so much about it already it's pathetic. From Jack and Barbossa doing a buddy flick in search of the Fountain of Youth (which in my opinion they both found it since both characters are now at Walt Disney World ).... to again, a Jack and Barbossa buddy flick that involves the Fountain of Youth to eventually finding Atlantis with flying machines! Aye, all of them have been Jack and Hector buddy flicks. Sad, really. ~Lady B
  22. :::applauds to Silkie::: Oh, you are wicked, Silkie. A two week class sounds like fun! ::le sigh; glancing around::: Terrible being a landlocked pirate. ~Lady B
  23. :::bouncing up and down, clapping::: Oooo, sounds incredibly exciting, silkie! LOVE hearing these updates! Keep 'em comin', m'dear. And if ever ya get the chance for pictures... Would love to see 'em. But it is ever so much fun to set the sails, isn't it? ~Lady B
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