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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. No need to be cautious?!? Yo'r a pirate! Thank you. Despite having not crossed pathes before. I guess like everyone, my persona is always being improved upon. Just like my attire. 70 feet below sea level...Underwater? Are you sure you are not Davy Jones in disguise? Join th' club, HarborMaster. Nor do I at times. But, then again, we are pirates. The underwater pic was interesting. I'd be rather baffled and spooked if you were in pirate attire with a cannon strapped to your ankles. :::hands ya bottle of rum::: ~Lady B
  2. Virtual hugs to all since I can't give ye all hugs in person. Both for your sakes and mine.
  3. :::looks at HarborMaster oddly; cautiously::: On a list I am on discussing PotC Costuming via Yahoogroups, there was a recent mention about appropriateness (in more ways than 1). One of them was Pirates at a timeline event that was apparently meant for honoring WW2 vets. And, I suppose I can see various sides of the spectrum there. Indeed we all have ideas and opinons. Interesting to hear what everyone has to say. Hollywood pirate just baffled me and occassionally annoyed me. Reason: Why bash outfits made by Professionals? At least it get's our minds pondering and strikes our curiosities to do the research. But, as Patrick originally began with this thread... I am more or less a Historical Fiction. I will do what I can to have a historical look. Most likely won't be 100% historically accurate. Or even 90%. Being a fancy fop m'self, my outfits will be rather bold and generous such as the one I'm working on now that is crimson velvet with a matching hat. The outfit will look at best 60% historically accurate. Now... linen... I agree... it's fantastic. However, expensive and a couple other issues with it that I honestly wish not to use linen. Cotton, being as expensive as it was back then, is something not only affordable to me, but I prefer. Same as I will prefer silks (in it's various forms) and velvets (in it's various forms). Wool, rarely (after nigh killing myself at Camden a couple years ago, I learned my lession with wool) and linen, with a couple items (mostly a weskit I have for my dragoon impression). :::Shrugs::: don't know, mates. I think this'll be a topic that'll bug folks for a long time. ::looks back at HarborMaster::: Wish I could play Pirate, mate. Alas, doesn't happen. We dress up... that's one thing. Now, portraying a pirate, either historically accurate or along the lines of Pirate Lore... that's another thing! And doesn't happen often! Walking around in garb... cool. But, dull. Becoming the part (in scenarios with battles, or tavern gigs, in the stocks or a hanging, etc) that's the major fun there. Nice pic of ye underwater. And yes, my apartment in Iowa is far from the ocean beach. But I finally did make it to the ocean and I tell ye... the calling to sail upon the Atlantic's waters was SO strong. I was lost in the waves for hours, calm.. but darn near in tears when I had to leave. I've no ship of my own, only set foot upon the Bounty and the Nina and never felt more at ease than I have ever been in my life. All about the Pirate in us, eh? ~Lady B
  4. A charming pair, Foxe. My compliments, mate! So far, Will's mighty envious and drooling. ::: hands Will a handkerchief to wipe up the drool::: ~Lady B
  5. Why, thank ye all. Warms m' black heart to hear such words of comradery. ~Lady B
  6. True enough, Silkie. Historically authentic... it's a challenge. And VERY pricy. Hence, I'm looking at insurance for my historical stuff! No, seriously! I've a LOT of money invest in all that... if anything happens to it... umm, replacing it all will be very pricy again. Ooh, I don't know, Foxe, about cotton. I've a good shirt made of cotton and I've used it around my carbine and has done good with it. Likewise with another cotton shirt. Cotton being cheaper now... but far more expensive then. Depending upon what the cotton be and from, etc. All in all, I've a good array of clothing with cotton, linen, wool, silk, and now velvet. :) The only closest I have to not 100% natural fibers is that new waistcoat of mine and that's half/half. But still fanastic. I guess I can't critic ye there, too much, Foxe. I'll explain to a lot of people about the importance of natural fabrics, too. Especially when I wear that black outfit of mine in the summer... everyone's sweating just looking at my outfit and I'm fine. Why? It's all cotton. Light, breathable and is SO holding up against the test of time. LOL... I think this 'll open up another thread - natural fabrics or man-made? Or why natural fabrics? :) ~Lady B
  7. Naw, Foxe and the others are right. Honestly, it ruffles my feathers ::: takes hat off and adjusts the feathers::: with the loose bounds of Hollywood pirate. And more Hollywood films I usually observe for what is possibly historical and what is not was PotC (I can't compliment enough on the direction of Penny Rose for the costuming of those films), and Heston's Treasure Island (as Foxe pointed out), maybe a wee bit of Peter Pan (one Jason Isaacs is in) and even a couple things in Cutthroat Island (I said a couple out of the vast aray of attire there). Other than that... not much. There are some other period films, too, that I watched... but they are not as historical, not by a long shot. Classical films have a farby look most of all. But you have to admit, for as old as they are, those costumes ROCK! Then there are the 70's and 80's where those were so-so. 90's is where that was starting to catch on as to historical. And the better part is around 2000 is when historical looks was better. But Foxe has a good classification there. And the unfortunate part with Hollywood... is it's TOO wide of a range. I honestly have to say is PotC had some rock on awesome costumes and doing what research I have been doing to see how correct those outfits are, they are darn near spot on. Nearly. Just depends upon what decade you are looking at. And the ethnic appearances, too. I'm a foppish Hollywood (new style) pirate. I steer clear from Polyesters and the sort as much as I can and try to find fabric with at least 60% natural fabrics if not 100%. I'm a picky pirate. And will do what research I can to make the outfit look rather historical in appearance. Though, it might not be doccumented as historically authentic (again, I leave that to my Rev War reenacting) but at least when I look at engravings, and other images of information of the era, I use those looks and designs. Or try to. But, cause of that, would I be called Hollywood? No different than some of the newer movies that are coming out with that authentic look. ~Lady B
  8. I know I am posting double here. But after looking at a couple threads of new pirate looks and the want to be historically authentic... Am I missing something about these outfits how they differ from Hollywood? I know I will drive you all nuts with this - again, what is Hollywood pirate? And how does it differ from some of the outfits we wear? I wish I could show you the pictures I have of the costumes from PotC; Curse of the Black Pearl. And with those as some encouragement to do research, I have been doing just that to see what's really authentic and to what decade. Some of the shoes I have seen were authentic to the era from PotC after close image inspection and rather surprised. Kudos to the costumers of PotC(which btw are Professional people and have the connections and the info at their finger tips, you'd be surprised what places out there helped with PotC). So... is one authentic to the Golden Age of Piracy IF their outfits range beyond the Golden Age? And look no different than the images I have from PotC? Some of these outfits - and no offense to the lot of ye - don't look exactly Golden Age. There are a few of you, however, I must compliment on for being accurate to the era and better yet, to a particular decade! And falling in with what Silkie said... it's true... out pirate attire never ends. :) And hence I can't really call Hollywood as bad, cause you have to admit, it gets your mind rolling and inspires to. ~Lady B
  9. A very nice array of attire there, Chris. My compliments to all versions actually. However, as much as I will interceed here about the Hollywood part... from some images of some PotC pirate outfits... I have to say, those are hell of a lot piraty than most give credit. Guess depends upon which movie one wishes to refer to. But, anyway... again, great look with all three. :) The headscarf on the first one really compliments ya emmensely. ~Lady B
  10. Right now... just wondering about a couple of items... if they will ever hit the shelves. Better yet, if new items really will be coming out! I FINALLY checked that link... and more of that stuff has been out for at least a month or two already. For has been expected to be released for at least 4 months or so. One figure I'd LOVE to get my hands on would be the Zizzle wave 2 human Davy Jones! I've seen him on eBay. And he's sold for nigh $30 (that's with the shipping). Pricy... for a wee figure. I don't care HOW rare. He's coming out of that bubbly package anyway! ~Lady B
  11. Well, tis a lot in the Period attire so to speak (some of it I got to get rid of). Now, can't remember if I still have the following or not. I think I do, jsut stashed away somewhere. 1. Star Trek Next Gen Bajorn (?) officer 2. Pioneer gal 3. Wench Others I got rid of already. I think I'm forgetting another... but can't remember. Yeah, wish I had the time, space and coinage to make other outfits. I've a drawing pad half full of costume designs I'd LOVE to do. ~Lady B
  12. ::applauds::: Bastian! I'm highly impressed! Very impressive indeed... the lot of ye. I would LOVE to go on raving and complimenting... but you have left me speechless and in awe! Here's to ye both fo' such splendid attire! As always, Patrick... great shot o' ye! :) ~Lady B
  13. Very cool, Mary. Aye... I've seen them. And will consider those in the future. I know there is one pair I would fancy to have. But... first things first. Do inform us if you get other styles of Colonial footwear in. ~Lady B
  14. Well, depends upon the street performer. I think. Why, what had ye in mind? :::Glances around::: I haven't seen Chris or any of the others on since June. I know they woudl have more info on what you ask. All I can say is.. just come. I know my own crew will be seeking some interaction with other pirates, civilians and militia. We've a couple ideas in mind. ~Lady B
  15. I know what ya mean, Cheeky. Been gawking at all the fine silk shoes of that era online and have been DYING for a pair of my own. I am trying to find an old pair of white leather shoes that I want to convert into the silk shoes. Gotta find them first before I can do the experiment. Course, after I do the hat and the other outfits! Someday, Cheeky. Someday. I agree with ya, though. Tis a high price for shoes that one wears but a few times a year. Or less. ~Lady B
  16. Pretty cool, Chloe. :) I am pretty much with the late 18th in the Rev War era. I've not had the time to really expand historically beyond that. I'd LOVE to do the Seven Year's War timeperiod and more of the various decades of the Agrarian Age. But... in due time. All I know is that my clothing changes the more I do research! ~Lady B
  17. Mighty awesome vessel, Blackjohn! I'm droolling! I WANT! :::Whimpers::: Sad loss. Eehh... I see your point, Patrick... ::: looks at the sword; then attempts to smile innocently::: But.... even authentically? ~Lady B
  18. Very nice, Ransom. Very nice. :) Careful that it doesn't fall into another pirate's plunder pile or worse, a pirate or pirate hunter's trophy case. ~Lady B
  19. Pogue... why not find a fabric that is historically correct or darn near close to it... that has red, green, blue and gold in it? Distress it... Or... Get two fabric - blue and green... stain a couple spots on it with red like it's blood... and some green from grass.. and some tar... not too much of all.. but a little to add some "color" and "Flavor" to it. Then ye got's a colorful pirate's waistcoat. Otherwise, when you find the fabric.. you will know.. it will jump out at ya and you just CAN'T resist it no matter what. Even if you try to reason the price and all. ~Lady B
  20. I'm buyin' a couple o' pairs o' boots and a pair of th' mens shoes from Mary... and I tried on th' boots... and they were fantastic! I'm THE toughest customer about footwear for various reasons. And those boots are fantastic. Better than my old boots. Worth it, mates. Absolutely worth it. ~Lady B
  21. I know it be early but perhaps it's not since I received the Entertainer's Application not even 2 weeks ago. It would be good to get some of us non-stage pirates (and militia) to doing some more interaction. Scenarios, perhaps? Doesn't always have to involve weapons... Looking forward to the '08 Fest. ~Lady B
  22. Very nice, gents. As always. Always intregued why most go with some sort of cookie cutter European/Colonial pirate look. Did anyone's pirate persona sail around to different areas of the world? Or not? Just never see a Pirate from Madagascar or Asia (Indian, chinese, etc).. or a pirate in a kilt or a Russian pirate... or an Islander pirate (like Quyquag)... etc. I like the Smuggler pirate/buccaneer look that Bastian goes with. I also thought this was more a discussion on Authentic historical or Hollywood. But, I think at the moment, that's kinda an oxymoron question considering that some new pirate hollywood films have been going with a more historical look. The ones who are NOT all that historical are the lower budget ones I think (I can think of a couple right now that are cheesy). But, can you REALLY complain about PotC, Peter Pan, Cutthroat Island, Treasure Island, etc. They are not 100% authentic, but they are pretty close. Remember, they have the professionals working on those outfits making them, doing the research and have the connections to get the fabric as needed. Again, I personally like the mix of both: the historical look (but doesn't have to be 100%) with the added mythical and pirate lore. ~Lady B
  23. M' mind was almost in the gutter at that point in time, Patrick. :::Attempting to look innocent::: Interesting, MAd'Dogge. True... what's the point in getting a pricy banger if you won't or can't use it? Tis my issue right now.. m' dragoon sword, more from Rev War, great looking (then again, Barbossa's was a Rev War era French Cavalry sword, too). It is a banger, heavy as hell and more meant for use on horseback. It's not sharpened, but I am awefully careful with it still nonetheless. Either way, it can still do damage. :::points above, possibly previous page::: That be m' dangerous arms. ~Lady B
  24. Very nice, gents. M' compliments to th' lot o' ye. Still looks like boxers, Snail. :) But very stunning attire. Perkeo... be that a quill through yo'r nose?!? ~Lady B
  25. Oderlesseye... the Barbossa hat is by no means difficult to make. Made my own really. Generally is a hat blank, feathers and a hat band. Easy as ever. I'm currently in the middle of making another hat... this one made from crimson velvet with black lace and gold metallic trim. Wanted to step away from the felt and add something a little new. Whenever I can get those pics uploaded to my comp... I'll post the work in progress. Pellon is being used to make this hat possible. So far... it's working mighty well. I plan to make another out of ribbed cotton or courdroy after this one. And also a newer Barbossa hat. Eager to make my own hats now that I have a general clue of how to make them. Now... once finished... it's onward to making shoes! Or at least attempt to. Oh, Patrick... I could see using the wool felt to make hats, too. I wish however I had the wood blocks to make hats. I can easily get the wool felt (in limited colors). Just comes down to $$$ and space (THE biggest factor). Oh, and Patrick... suggestions when distressing hats made with Pellon? What to do and what not to do? ~Lady B
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