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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. I'm curious who all will be attending the Ball on Saturday Evening? I am SO looking forward to that Ball! I'll be wearing my finest (that I have at current). ~Lady B
  2. McCrack... Not gonna bash ya, mate. But I did ask that very same question m'self... and others asked that, too. All it is is simple error. It happens. Things happen, just gotta do your best to be prepared for them. The crew of the Royaliste did their best at that time. And all that we can do at this time is to lend them financial, moral and any other support that we can handle and provide. As Black Hearted Pearl pointed out about the Cruise ship that ran aground... again, things happen. Ask your questions. Good to know that you don't want to presume. But also, one can figure out what happened with what info has been given to them. ~Lady B
  3. We'll be hoisting a couple in honor of ya both! Ditto as Cheeky... I'm SO looking forward to seeing a couple of you again and meeting a lot of you for the first time! And I am STILL bringing drinks with me. Well, at least the Cask and Cream and the Hot Sex. Perhaps I will bring a good rum from the Caribbean with me. Looking forward to the Ball... as well as Saturday and Sunday. Won't be there on Friday cause I have classes til the afternoon. But will be seein' a lot of ya bright an' early Saturday! And Rats... This time... I'll know who you are! ~Lady B
  4. HUZZAH! Glad to hear she's out of her entrapment. As to the bastards who stole items... Well, I'm thinking something rather evil... but... Perhaps if possible - is it possible? - that the Local Authorities can be notified of stolen items? We won't give up on th' ol' girl! Vive La Royaliste!!! ~Lady B
  5. Gary, Do let us know what all you guys need at the current time. I'll try to spread the word around various historical places, too. I know some Rev War folks in SC perhaps they will help. Clothes, personal items, any assistance of any sort. I'm rather strapped for cash but hell, I'm not above myself to help someone else out! If we send you a care package where can we send it to? ~Lady B
  6. Ooooo... Bess! I'm drooling! Absolutely fantastic coat! Now... oddly enough to me... kinda looks like one of Beckett's coats. But still... nonetheless... the coat is absolute sweet threads! I'm envious of ya. ~Lady B
  7. aye ^^ this boy be doin anything for a bit of copper! well, almost anything Almost? Dare I wish or want t' know? Or is that a secret best kept closer to yer vest? ~Lady B
  8. Ahoy an' welcome, m'dear. There be no finer place for pirates to congregate! Pray tell us about your name, missy? Yo've got this Lady right curious. :) Irish Cream if ya please. Thank ye, lass. ~Lady B
  9. As I say to many who enter this here Pub blindly or with wide eyes seekin' some carousing... Welcome! Aye.. yo've come to th' right place, missy! :) I'll be havin' Irish Cream, thank ye very much. So... b'ware th' black ship, hmm? Which black ship be that? And I agree with Bess... a right wicked name. ~Lady B
  10. This I wrote on the other new Port Wash tread... but figured I would post it here, too. Aye, Crew of the Fool's Gold will return. Lots of ideas being tossed around right now. And... As I would LOVE to do quite a bit of off the wall, improv and impromptu skits with various members of the Fest. We can chat ahead of time with basic ideas like an arrest, prison break, capture of a pirate for "auction" (Cheeky, I think we started chatting about something of that sort. Still not sure if Toby's gonna make it but would be HILARIOUS if the 2 of us "argue" of Sparrow so to speak after capture of him). Maybe a warning to folks at the docks of possible pirates attempting to take their boats (imagine that! ) and just as the group of pirates have tied up the folks and are trying to work out how to work a modern boat.. the Militia come in to save the day. Lots of just off the wall things that we can all do. Hehehe.. .maybe a "fight" over Bounding Main... since ship crews VALUE musicians! Capture... barter... bargain... whatever for musicans. Maybe a duel at the swordsmanship roped off area in which the person dies and has to be buried or miraculously resurrects due to some Shaman/shamaness or a surgeon.. or some other mystic... or even a Priest... Pete can give a Pirate's Church sermon on Sunday! Ahhh.... what we all can come up with. I'd like to talk to you guys at RF2 about some general ideas we can do at Port Wash. :) Like the above mentioned. ~Lady B
  11. Nope... the old thread is still around. :) Aye, Crew of the Fool's Gold will return. Lots of ideas being tossed around right now. And... As I would LOVE to do quite a bit of off the wall, improv and impromptu skits with various members of the Fest. We can chat ahead of time with basic ideas like an arrest, prison break, capture of a pirate for "auction" (Cheeky, I think we started chatting about something of that sort. Still not sure if Toby's gonna make it but would be HILARIOUS if the 2 of us "argue" of Sparrow so to speak after capture of him). Maybe a warning to folks at the docks of possible pirates attempting to take their boats (imagine that! ) and just as the group of pirates have tied up the folks and are trying to work out how to work a modern boat.. the Militia come in to save the day. Lots of just off the wall things that we can all do. Hehehe.. .maybe a "fight" over Bounding Main... since ship crews VALUE musicians! Capture... barter... bargain... whatever for musicans. Maybe a duel at the swordsmanship roped off area in which the person dies and has to be buried or miraculously resurrects due to some Shaman/ shamaness or a surgeon.. or some other mystic... or even a Priest... Pete can give a Pirate's Church sermon on Sunday! Ahhh.... what we all can come up with. I'll post this in the other thread as well... ~Lady B
  12. Rats?!?! Tis yo'r Bday that weeked? Well, bloody hell, mate! Glad ya spoke of it! Aye... ::: evil grinz::: we'll get ya what ya deserve. I mean... aye, we'll celebrate with ya... for ya... or whatever. Ya know what I mean. I, too, have a Colonial tent.. more Dragoon type tent... but it's a period tent. And I know that Bess and Sea Rover has a fantastic wall tent that we used last year (HUGE kudos to the both of them for that tent!)... and love Pete's wee tent... t'was great. I've some tarps that could be used (At least I hope I still have them) to be used as shade, yes, proper canvas... And a few 18th c items I often use at the reenactments. I know folks in the NWTA who may come would fancy the idea. If it's not something possible now.. perhaps in the future. Hey, who knows.. may be larger in the future where it's a true city wide event ( some by the pier, some in various other locations). If the city sees it getting larger and would like some input... to make this a hell of an 18th c or pirate event... they could - maybe in a couple years - bring in a horse drawn carriage or 2. It's always romantic. Allow pirate weddings. If there is a theater there see if they can do nothing by pirate movies... Restuarants having employees dress up piratical. Port Washington can promote and encourage businesses to have employees to dress piratical during the weekend. :) There were a couple places that were slightly piratical. All in all... I don't think there will be much of a trouble for a period camp. Maybe if some want we can have a private contemporary camp, too. I know some folks camped at one of the local grounds and they felt rather lonely. ~Lady B
  13. Hmmm... Only things I have that's PotC is the Aztec Gold, the Zizzle Barbossa, the NECA series 1 Barbossa and the Zizzle Davy Jones. Nadda much of anything else. Besides the DVDs. Ok.. wait... yes, a couple more things... the wee Davy Jones compass (like Jack's but brown) which is holding jewelry... a poster from the Curse of the Black Pearl... a Theater standee (freakin' huge! 7+ feet I'm sure! easy!) and a small 4 ft standee of Barbossa from the first film... when it was released to DVD. I think that's all I've purchased thus far. I'd have some games if they were still available at the bleedin' stores! 6 months and they are off the shelf! What th' devil is that? Awww... come now, Rumba... ya know you want to! :) ~Lady B
  14. That's just cool! :) Aye the guitar is awesome. But my fav image of Depp is STILL the one of him dressed up as Ichabod Crane with a huge super soaker and a cigar in his mouth with a wicked, childish grin. ~Lady B
  15. I've heard that there will be a trailer for At World's End during the Super Bowl next weekend. Can anyone shed light on this whether it's true or not? ~Lady B
  16. Thank ye, Sterling. I still plan on coming... despite. Needing some time to mellow. And I'm hoping I can kick back a couple drinks. I never drink when I feel down, only drink when I feel good. I be looking forward to spending some fun time with friends. It'll cheer me up.
  17. Welcome to the Pub, Silver. A pleasure to have ya here. Glad you can join the lot of us here. No finer place. Being in my state, how's about a jaegerbomb to start off with... then the tequila (no worm) ~Lady B
  18. Ahh... welcome back, Filch. Or, ahh... Cassanova. ~Lady B
  19. Thanks, all. And I TOTALLY feel yor pain if you are in the same boat. I can handle one or a couple things .. .but not a whole slew of crap dumped upon me like a sudden avalanche. Honestly, I hate waiting and hoping for things to get better and having my hands tied unable to do anything at current. Again, Piracy has NEVER looked better!
  20. Not telling yet? or not telling at all? ~Lady B
  21. GoF... Not really having pirate burnout... but having burnout on life... Piracy or any other reenactment.. is just a fun little side thing. Something to relieve the stress of everyday freakin' life. It shouldn't been a chore. If it's become more a hampering and chore than something to relax and enjoy... aye... a sabbatical and time away is needed to help refresh. Even from here from time to time. You have a family and a life to take care of... that should be your main priority, I hope. :) Relax... enjoy time with your family... get back to the basics of life... and hope to see you 'round in the future if the Fates allow. ~Lady B
  22. Sorry about things not going well for you Lady B. But I also agree how 2007 so far has not been a good year. I already knew it wouldn't be some time back around September. Since then I've been right. Each month getting worse than the last. I just take one day at a time and see what happens. That helps a little bit, keeps me from becoming even more depressed than now. Well, Lady B, here's hoping 2007 gets better because if things continue the way they're going......well, let's just hope things get better soon. :) Amen, Christine. I keep hoping it gets better for not only myself.. but others. sister, classmates, friend... even those here on the Pub who are struggling. Though 7 was suppose to be a lucky number? Aye.. I hear ya. Trying to take one day one step at a time. But... today is my depressive day. I just haven't the drive today to do anything really other than seek a shoulder to cry on. To vent... Hope things will get better soon for ya, too, hun. Nothings worse than when there is no light at the end of the tunnel.
  23. Today.... completely in the dumps. I'm suppose to be at class right now but I'm not. Not really sick.. just so deep in the dumps with so many issues right now... I can't think, I can't stand, I can't do much other than type and the desire to talk. No Lady B today, folks. That wicked and wild, fun-loving lady is just totally gone right now. Yeah... THAT deep in the dumps. Here's my plight... as I am tired of having SO many struggle in life that it barely gets me anywhere, with little success. Honestly, I am SO tired of hearing freakin' success stories... especially those stories where someone's been helped by others. Makes me utterly sick. Why am I in the dumps? Please, folks... just... allow me my chance to groan, moan and b***h... nothings worse than someone who rolls their eyes and says "that person needs to stop complaining and just do something". Kinda hard to not complain cause that often leads you to thinking and finding better ways, etc. Anyway... My situation... well, few know of this... I've returned to college (yeah, great for me) so I can have a pretty decent career... to be a Stable manager, horse trainer and breeder. Aye. I LOVE my classes! So much it usually invigorates me and I look forward to every day. But... since I started classes 2 weeks ago... I've had little drive. Very little fun. And VERY little invigoration. My plight... Well... I've no vehicle. it's dead. Transmission busted. No money to fix it. Tough enough getting a job, but for some reason jobs around here are harder if you are over 25 and in College. I'm not the only one who's finding it's impossible to have a decent job let alone any job when you are over 25 and in college. I have 2 classmates who are like that... actually, 3. It sucks. We SO want and need the money. But... it's not happening. How to remedy it? :::Shrugs::: I've almost given up on Cedar Rapids. pit of a town that it's becoming... don't waste your time here. So.. no money to fix a vehicle or get it. Despite friends and family are "searching" for a vehicle... nothing's come up yet. Which is a MAJOR hinderance cause... I have classes in different buildings. Not... granted, in the summer or spring or fall... aye, no trouble walking back and forth.... but it's the winter... with 7 inches of snow on the ground that I'd have to trudge through... the cold weather wrecks havoc on these lungs with if any of ya remember... I got a severe case of Inflamatory Pnuemonitis last year and I finally didn't recover from it until May. I got the IP in Late Feb of last year. Long time to recover. I finally got over lung issues but Oct. Long time. So, walking back and forth between buildings with no walkways, in cold temps, and nigh 50+ lbs of equipment (as I have to carry it with me cause there is no place to put it)... it's a major problem. I had it always in my jeep. The bus is completely out of the picture cause of the equipment I have to haul around ( and hate hauling it around cause it bothers my back and shoulders and neck).... and mainly the time... the buses only run from 6am to 6pm... some of my classes start at 6am and some end well after 6pm... not gonna work. Too much time inbetween classes and not much to do. Comp rooms are taken during those times by other classes... I've been having to rely upon my parents ((major groan)) for transportation. Now, that's a hinderance unto itself! Cause... they are not always the most reliable and towards me, the most communicative people in the world. ALWAYS butting heads with them. No money, no vehicle, no place other than staying with my parents (which I hate)... practically no freedom. Nothings worse for me than having no freedom! I feel horrible enough that I haven't a job, no income, no money to support myself... I'm trying to go to college to have a better life... but can't really do anything cause I am so very much hampered. My comp is being a pain... again butting heads with mom, sis is having it VERY rough now, too. Dad couldn't give a crap... etc. Why is it when you try and try but God beats the living shyte down and out of you... all I want is to have a place of my own, have a good working vehicle I don't have to worry too much about, be able to enjoy what I am doing without troubles I can't fix, be able to eat and drink without wondering when I will eat and what there is to eat... and oh, that hope of one day having a family of my own... still seems so very, very far away cause life just seems to beat me down more and more. I honestly and tired of struggling. I'm tired of having both of my feet in quicksand and unable to get out. Tired of trying option after option only to find it's not possible with me... but hearing success story after success story that just makes me sick. happy for those folks, but where is my chance without being beaten down? I just needed to vent. I'm tired, I'm having a VERY bad day. The only thing I have at the moment... well, sort of, only THINGS I have are my hopes and dreams that all this will just go away and I'll have a better life... that I graduate from college (never been able to get through college before without any major trouble of some sort)... and of course a certain Gentleman who makes me smile even when I'm down and out. I can't praise him enough for being the light of my life. But... with all this crap and bad luck that surrounds me... I don't want to be a huge burden to him. I feel as though God has abandoned me. I'm tired of trying every option without going out to the streets to beg or whore myself out or other crimes... I'm tired of the struggles that go no where. I don't mind struggles that actually get me somewhere.. but it's the struggles that I get no where that just push me into the ground exhausted. I'm SO tired of people telling me what they don't want to hear.... which to me is the reality of life. How else do things change if people don't bark out their lives, if people don't b***h and complain... hell, the American Rev War happened cause people complained... ditto with Labor laws... people tried and tried... most didn't get any where... some were successful at it.... but events don't happen cause people are quiet. I'm still working on how to dig myself out of this hole. Hard struggle, so hard that it's beaten me down. As I have explained. I haven't much strength to get out of bed. Depressed? hell yeah. I know I am. I admit it... I'm no perfect person. I have my fair share of Opps moments and various other moments. That's also reason why I cherish the good moments and the fun times like spending time with my nephew at Ryan's steakhouse or any of the Rev War or pirate events... or even talking to my special gent each night. Things that give me hope and keep me trying. Things that make those memories and life worth living. But ... when does it become less of a major struggle with the options and possibilities? Not looking to win the lotto... I'm more a realist, folks, I gave up on the lotto ages ago. I just want to be able to get a job that won't conflict and people won't look at me odd. I'm an honest person. If businesses don't like the honesty and sincerety... if they don't see me as their perfect slave... they don't deserve my time and effort I put into being loyal... am I THAT screwed up that I may as well give up? Am I more of a problem to people than I am a joy? Am I not what people what? Cause frankly to me, I don't give a damn about people or businesses trying to make me into something I am not. Trying to tell me to do what other folks do, be a cloned copy it seems, etc... The way they work may not work so well with me cause I just may have a better way to do things that works for me and not anyone else. Read if you like, I don't expect any of you to reply... I just needed to get this BS off my chest. I'm just tired... I'm very depressed today... And just trying to figure out what now. What am I going to do? Be thankful, all, for what you have. Cause, granted things can be taken away in an instant... fire, accident, etc... but, worry is when you have no insurance, you haven't a job and can't get one, can't get any support, physically, mentally, financially, spiritually... it's when you really have nothing to lose but also have nothing to gain... it's when you have nothing and you are still living that is truly when things are at their worst... and they never seem to get better no matter what you try to do. If you feel that way... you have nothing to lose, but finding it's impossible to gain... and stuck in that quicksand unable to move.... At least you can say something. And thank you for the Pub... such fine folks here who are fun beyond measure. Speak up here, especially in this thread. If nothing you can do but to provide a virtual hug and understanding, maybe a word or two of empathy and sympathy... then, hey... all is not lost. Hope is always the last to die. I still have my hope... I just wish things would stop being such a struggle that I can't win. I'm off to lay down. I've sick to my stomach and have a headache. Aye... again, that down today. I just want things to get better. I just want a decent vehicle... some income while I am at school, and to have a place of my own away from family without conflicts... and no conflicts I can't handle. Too much turmoil in my life already and the same applies with so many I know of. An Instructor's hubby has terminal lung cancer.. .my aunt has breast cancer and it's not good... my sister had surgery to remove a mass in her mouth hopefully that's the end of that... my grandma is not doing well as she had another heartattack last week... everything is just chaotic right now. Again, only thing stable is this wonderful man I so adore and love. 2007... not a lucky year so far. I hope it gets better soon. I'd say God help me... but at the moment, I don't think God is around.
  24. Very nice, black fox! can't wait to see the new black coat. the green one is very funky! ~Lady B
  25. Patrick...I think these Models 'll need extra padding first. Besides, you might get thown into the slammer for messing around with minors. Most of these models are no older then 18!!! I bet ya most of them are 14. Sick... isn't it? Here we go, Ladies! No matter what size ya are... YOU model a modern day pirate inspirated outfit! Don't matter how long it takes.. then post it here or on Way To A Pyrate's Heart. How's bout it? Ditto with ya Gents! Model what ye can come up with! We'll prove to those pinheads and pencil necks and chicken legs that real is beautiful! ~Lady B
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