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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Thank ye most kindly for the praise, Mr Calin. We greatly appreciate it. And are working on more to get the public involved and interacting with the Crew. I'm looking forward to the 2 day scenario. I'm presuming this will be more like a weekend long Live Action Role Play? I'd like to see a bit more interaction and drama myself. Not just with the main characters of the skirt... but with the other pirates out there. If so.. how's about a place for the re-enactors (pirates, militia, etc) to have duels and swordfights. I'm more open to have a LARP... have more interaction between crews and Militia. Miniskits all weekend really that are improv and some planned out. I'm always up for a little improv skit now and then. Arrested by th' Militia for treason or piracy... the treason part can go well since I'm in the NWTA with the Militia... I could have abandoned my posts in order to become a pirate. Hehehe.. I can talk to Rob about that. Hmm... the Windy 2 a Brigantine? Hmm.. interesting. Didn't see the square sails. She's easily mistaken for a schooner. Perhaps one sail for us pirates... a private sail? I don't expect dinner aboard her or anything much.. but to be "out at sea" would give a great photo op for the crews. ~Lady B
  2. Cause it's drivin' me bloody damn nuts, Tom! :) I think I've heard every bloody PotC 3 rumor that is out there and various wild ponderings. Must PotC turn X Files here? Trust no one... the truth is out there... Gets rather tiresome hearing, reading, listening to every little thing. There is only so much one can handle from people swearing up and down they have PotC figured out and know what's gonna happen when in reality.. they are WAY off. Example.. I've heard nearly every story out there about who Calypso is... from Elizabeth to the Black Pearl to even Jack the bloody monkey! :::Groans::: enough is enough. Please... can't I see something real and decent about AWE for once? And NO MORE false trailer scripts. I've had enough of those, too. ~Lady B
  3. Broadside! My compliments, mate! Tis a fine coat ya got there! Casual yet elegant! I like! Swoon th' Ladies with that coat ya well! :) ~Lady B
  4. February? See... I see that as too long a wait. I'm not kidding when I've already seen more than my fair share of the supposed scripts to the trailers floating around. Last year with DMC... the 1st trailer came out in December... nearly 7 months before the film was released! So... why if AWE will be out Memorial weekend... why must it take longer for a 1st trailer to show up? Natives are getting restless! They need to quell the rumors and false ponders that are just rampant all over the Web! ~Lady B
  5. That's rather disheartening. Eager to see what others saw at Comicon. Almost no fair that footage was seen in July and yet nothing much is out on #3. Already TONS of schemes from various people are floating around. Lots of people are starting to get bored with little anything now. They are deducing their own little rumors and stories. It's causing a little chaos and doubts about whether ANYTHING said earlier is true. Something needs to leak that's true. Something like a trailer at least. All we have is what's been shown at Comicon. ~Lady B
  6. When can we expect to see the trailer for #3 - At World's End? Curious to see some of it. I know I heard some awesome stuff that was shown at Comicon. Can't wait to see it. Overheard that the trailer was suppose to be in theaters this weekend with the Santa Clause 3. Is it true? Or will it come out later? ~Lady B
  7. No more rum for you, Pete! And you'll get a whipping at Port Washington! Interesting... analogy though. Did help with my spirits. Thank you. ~Lady B
  8. Like shit... if I can get away with that. Plain and simple. Too much going on... yadda yadda yadda, blah blah blah... No pity party for me please. I'm just wanting someone to be a Hitman for me to take out the Fates! Yeah... having some issues, not liking how things are, etc. Stuff I don't want to deal with when I'm trying to complete classes so I can have an awesome career ( and for once bugger the hell out of my dad and tell him to F*** off! Long story there, part of my issues)... As I mentioned someone else... Piracy sounds SOOOOO good right now! ~Lady B
  9. Can't work days cause of my classes. They are generally in the days... a couple in the evening. And these 3 assignments are just incredible! LOL... amazing. I'll be SO brain fried when the semester is overwith. Yup.. I've thought about a job to help tide over.. but what little I get won't be enough to keep me going. Unfortunately. Tough, tough choice. Piracy sounds SOOOOO good right now. ~Lady B
  10. Hmmm... Well... at the moment... I feel like a Country Music song. Lady Barbossa... rather obvious, right? I mean... I fancy Barbossa. He's my fav character of all time now. No character tops him, even James Bond has a difficult time vying with Hector. I congradulate Mr Rush on such a fantastic character. But here is where it's more like a Country Music song. I may have the name... but more and more I am finding that the name means nothing or very little. Should see the amount of claimed Barbossa's out there who just don't fancy having a Lady with the same name. Automatically curses this lass. So... at the moment... the name is nothing more than that. The Lady I emphasize on most of all. But the Barbossa name - despite he's my fav character - has little meaning any more other than it's created poor Lady B into a devil of a woman, evil incarnate. Think Davy Jones but female... with a heart still.. and SO out to destroy. Amazing what happens in 3 years, isn't it? How a character can develope, either good or bad. I actually have her in a story somewhere pondering on becoming a vicious pirate hunter now. Hellish, isn't it? Brushing all that off... Lady since I am a woman... Barbossa cause I fancy Barbossa a lot. He's my fav... and he's no black and white character. Hell of a pirate... and he's more connections to reality than Jack does. ~Lady B
  11. I'm no Wench. I'd rather be labeled a Lady than I would a wench. Adventuress would be my second labeling. Wench isn't even on my list. ~Lady B
  12. Hi, Arthur. :::hugs::: It's a nice thought. Miss chatting with ya, too. I think you all may be right. As it was barely bothering me before but now it's just breaking me today 9since yesterday). I got rather ill suddenly yesterday and today just not having a good day in general. Feeling very overloaded, burdened, burnout, etc... too much to worry about when I'm trying to focus on school and just try to get through that so I can have a rather decent career and not have to worry about too much again. Well... between 3 majorly hard assignments I have to finish by Dec 5th... school is not what's burdening me. Cause that I chose and I want it. It's the other stuff that is burdening me that I did choose that is causing a lot of issues: finances (since no job and I'm in school full time, I've at least 2 money making things I can do lined up but haven't the time unfortunately to get to them), the necessity of finding a place to live which is incredibly difficult when I haven't a penny and I have a cat (no I am NOT getting rid of him, he's been my life line thus far) which actually reason for finding a place was what I wanted to do a year ago but was talked into living with my parents while going to school. Bad idea now since they are wanting to move farther away, so this leaves me with a burden of what to do now. And... vehicle issues... again, a job but haven't had the time to go look for one since I have far too much to work on with classes, and then there is the minor stuff that is getting to me like my health, my family (bothering the hell out of me with stupid things)... That's just to give a general overview. Lots hampering me down since that dream. Wish that dream meant something else. At least perhaps a blessing that things would get better. One can hope. ~Lady B
  13. I know that there was a thread about this already started... but I tried to find it and couldn't... nor do I have the time to do an extensive search. So... my question is... who out there is a Dream Analyzer? I'm curious what I dreamed about last night... something in specific. Oddly enough I was in the presense of General Washington. Though he was striken immediately with a stoke or heartattack in my presense. Of course, I comforted the pain inflicted - possibly dying General - Not once but twice was his hit with the incredibly pain. But... the interesting issue of wanting to know the mean of.. would be this. During one of those moments he was down, prostrate on the ground, him in my arms in comfort... I received a long, warm, slightly suckling and wet kiss upon my left cheek by the General (or should I say President). So... can someone explain to me that meaning? Corny and odd ... I know. But I've a feeling that there is a deeper meaning to that. Especially since it highly involved with detail the Father of our Country! ~Lady B
  14. Thank ye, most kind of ye Lady B. Yo'r most welcome, Captain. ::: elegant bow::: :) Am I presuming you will be attending Hampton's Fest in June? Rather harsh that Port Washington and Hampton is on the same weekend. ~Lady B
  15. Bess... grand t' see ya, m'dear. I pray all is well? And to Madame Dalma... a pleasure an' honor to meet the infamous one. And... I be th' one to inform Siren of the hair. Th' jar that holds the hair is hanging from the ceiling... nigh over the table of yo'rs. :::sly grin::: I seek nothing. Yet. But I do offer my services to thee. ~Lady B
  16. Was just there to the site a couple nights ago. New layout and look. A little bland at the moment but not bad. Obviously they are working on some things. But I am looking forward to Port Washington. :) I'm STILL hoping they get a better looking Pirate ship in besides the Windy or Windy 2. Granted it's a nice schooner. But one ship is not enough. ....... Ahhh... wow, that felt almost close to a certain Davy Jones line. Anyway. I know that there are some nice Tall Ships on the Lakes and a couple not all that far from Port Washington. I pray they are able to make it to add to the atmosphere. Especially something for us pirates to enjoy instead of watching the ship sail in and out wishing we were on it. ~Lady B
  17. My God it's been a while I've haunted th' Pub. Aye... I'm excited about the Re-enactors Fest. Again... whether I can go or not is still up in the air. I, unfortunately, won't know if I can attend until... well, once classes start in Mid-January. Unfortunately. But.. I am praying! I am hoping! I REALLY want to go! I know at Cantigny a couple weekends ago they were handing flyers out for the Re-enactors Fest. Oh! And Sterling! LOVE the picture of you in the site's photo gallery. You are at the bottom of page 2.. but such a fetching image! ~Lady B
  18. Going to be? Shoot! He IS a force to be reckoned with! Rateye! You an' I need t' meet up again. This time with a bit more understanding of who is who. We shall see, all, about my time whether I can make it to RF2 or not. It's not just getting there.. it's whether there is a Horse Show or Horsey event that same weekened. If there is, then I have to work the horsey event and can't go to RF2. ::le sigh::: I suppose I best get use to the time issues, right? I'm having the same exact trouble right now. I'd LOVE to go to the 225th of Yorktown the 2nd weekend of October.. but can't go because of time. I can't really skip out on my classes. Last year I knew that Yorktown would be difficult (even when I REALLY wanted to go) because of College Classes. But.. hey! There is always the 250th Yorktown! I'm sure then I will have more opportunity. Yeah, I saw pictures of RF1.. and heard it was a blast! One really can't argue about the location too much as it's half way... especiall for those out west. More than just pirates and cowboys out that direction, too. I know that there are a few Civil War groups, WW2, even a regiment or 2 of Rev War. Plus a lot of Spanish re-enactment groups. Conquistadors are always welcome as well as more groups for the Seven Years War as the 250ths anniversary events are in full swing. Chole... Will look forward to meeting you face to face officially next year at Port Washington. PETE!!! You simply MUST stop by and see me at the Legion Camp or where ever I may be. Super Saturday night at the camp... big beef brisket and pork roast... sweet potatoes and more! LOL... damnit my boys need some nurishment! OH! and Pete... If EVER you want to do Rev War in the future.. I am seriously considering re-starting up a 1st Maryland Regiment (possibly 2nd Maryland as well). Long story there why I want to bring it back. Tarleton's is on the backburner.. that is still a possibility. The Maryland Regt are Infantry. I'm working on some ideas and all. But again, it's a possibility. It won't be in the near future like a year or 2. I've still a LOT to work on yet. Can spread the word, too. Rateye, more than welcome, too. You can also attend one of the Rev War events if you like. ~Lady B
  19. This was an odd meeting! I met Rateye this past weekend at the Civil War re-enactment at Usher's Ferry in Cedar Rapids, Ia. What a hoot! Reason why it's hilarious is cause... WE BOTH DIDN'T KNOW EACH OTHER AS PIRATES! I didn't know it was Rateye and he didn't know it was me, Lady B until AFTER the event! Rateye... mate.. you are awesome! And a hell of a Union soldier! I'm hoping we can cross paths again soon. I hear Pete is heading to a Civil War event. Have a few there for me... I'll have a few at Cantigny (in Wheaton, IL) in honor of you both. ::le sigh:: again, we are all passing ships in the night. I suppose this means I REALLY should make my way to the Re-enactors Fest in February, eh? Sterling! You've yo'rself a HELL of a gent here! he should be WAY more than a Ship's Surgeon! Once you've seen him on the battlefield... you'll want him as First Mate! Damn fine Officer! And, Rateye... tell everyone in the 1st Wisc thank you again. I really had a good time. ~Lady B ****Not just a Pirate, but a Patriot as well! Amazing how many of us out there who do other eras *****
  20. If you REALLY need a great laugh, then check it out... just make sure you do NOT have food, water or ANYTHING in or around your mouth, below your head or within fist distance... it's that hilarious, folks! Jerry Frog Productions PotC:Dead Man's Chest - puppet version I'm serious about the food, drink or anything bit. Guaranteed you will be hurting, folks... it's that hilarious. ~Lady B
  21. Curious to know how many of you from the Pub are on MySpace. If you are... become my friend! I recently gave in and am on MySpace now. The URL: http://www.myspace.com/ladybarbossa Or the link: Lady Barbossa's MySpace Profile I'd like to teach some fools on there that I not be lying when I state I am a pirate. That and a few are getting under my nerves. More than welcome to raid, pillage, plunder and pilfer your weaselly black guts out to torture the Hell out of them. By all means. You may be kinder to them than I would. Pirates unite on MySpace. I just want to cause some hell for some who bother the hell out of me. I'd love to have some of my Brothers and Sisters of the Brethren here on the Pub to be by my side when I do so torture them. ~Lady B
  22. I'm startin' to feel rather out of range now. I'm at least 5'10". Even I tower over my Captain. But with the boots and hat... I'm sure I can reach 6ft easily. ~Lady B
  23. No... Pete... that's an image of your latest victim in the brig of the Fool's Gold. ::crossing arms:: Ya better release her before MerryD finds out that you are locking women up in the brig again for fun. ~Lady B
  24. Yup. :) I had done the same (picture taken infront of the store) when I was there a couple years ago. If ya notice those earrings I wear (hemetite, silver and black pearl)... It was at that Black Pearl store that I bought them at. I couldn't pass them up! Commandeer the Dreadnaught in my name. Tell Mr Breza hello and I do hope he makes it to Port Washington '07. ~Lady B
  25. I doubt they have whiskey or rum there. They didn't last I was there. So.. since I know a couple places there had wine... then wine it be. I'm not much one for stout or other drinks. But.. if you wish and prefer... drink what you wish... just toast me, luvs! :) And then afterwards plunder as many folks as ya can. Including one of the Lords with LOTS of jewels adorning his person! ~Lady B
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