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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. ((OOC: Appears either Morgan is unavailable. So... I'm moving my character forward. I've no clue what to do now... )) Ana and Graves waited and waited for Admiral Morgan's return from where ever he was. But.. that did not come. They had stayed longer than 3 in the afternoon. Ana was none too happy and nodded to Graves who in return stood and was starting to leave the Parlor when a Servant entered. "I'm afraid Admiral Morgan is detained-" "Quite alright. Please give our regards to the Admiral and a pity we overstayed our welcome. We must be off. Good day." With that.. Graves and Ana left. Their horses were brought to them. They mounted and rode back to Port Royal. Back in Port Royal... and rode the horse, she rode the horse hard all the way back. And Graves knew she was furious cause not a word was spoken from her the whole of the time. But the time they reached the stables, she dismounted, threw the reins to a boy who ran up to get the horses and marched off. Graves dismounted swiftly, gave the boy 3 silver coins as his eyes lit up and raced off after Ana. The whole of the time Ana did not say a word but she was marching in a very fast pace through the streets with a wicked scowl upon her face and her eyes were just glassy with fury.
  2. Well there is still Reenactor Festival in Feb... maybe things will work out for that! Aye. Perhaps. If God and the Fates be willing. Depends upon how my schedule is in Feburary. ~Lady B
  3. Only you, Pete! Hmmm.. Gerard is a nice casting. I wonder how Pierce Brosnan would look in a pirate film. Doesn't mean he is a pirate, I'm sure he'll look just as fine as some Officer. Matthew McCoughenhy (? I KNOW I mispelt his name)... I think he'd make a VERY nice looking pirate. Ladies.... I think we could go on and on on men who would look VERY sexy as pirates or in a pirate film. Course... don't know... Jack Davenport REALLY looked... Yeouzzaaahh!! Hot! Mates, Davenport was fine as either a fancy, elite "ice cream" topped Commodore or the scruffy looking former shadow of a Commodore. ahhh... must make one more add.. if ever any could play my persona I suppose... if not Shania, if not Catherine... then, I'd say try Jane Seymour (the Actress). Something wonderful about having your character played by someone who was Solitare with James Bond, a Princess in Battlestar Galactica, Marguarite in Scarlett Pimpernel, and Dr Quinn... amoung other roles. Lady B being played by some fresh young hot thing? No... Couldn't work. Some older woman who is sexier than that fresh young hot thing? Yes, it will most definitely work. :) ~Lady B
  4. Can't believe I constantly miss out meeting the lot of ya! Alas, I won't be able to make it to Bristol... variety of reasons. ::le sigh:: as always.. have a few drinks for me. I keep praying that someday we'll meet. I'm trying not to be reclusive... I just am by twisted, evil quarks of Fate. Welp... perhaps next year at Port Washington! ~Lady B
  5. Welp.... they cast Jason Isaacs as Captain Hook. And my GOD was he a FANTASTIC Hook! But... to turn this a wee bit around... actually is someone would be cast as my pirate persona... oddly enough.. my first choice would be Shania Twain. Now, knowing her... she wouldn't go for it. So... my second choice would be Catherine Zeta-Jones since she's a very close 2nd. All the other actresses I would have choosen are .. well... dead. Just can't seem to pick out anyone else at the moment. Haven't given it much thought really. ~Lady B
  6. Ahhhh... question. With Hurricane Chris heading towards that general vicinity... what precautions are being taken to ensure the safety of the Flying Dutchman? Would hate to see anything horrible happen to that ship! It's such a fine visual spectical! Still can't believe they decided to leave it in one stationary spot instead of taking the Dutchman to various ports. MANY people would LOVE to see what infamous ship. Ditto with the Black Pearl... in which I have heard story after story of how people were just swamping around the Black Pearl anchored there around the LA area. If people are so eager to grab a glimpse of the Black Pearl.. imagine fully outfitting her.. and the Flying Dutchman and taking the vessels to various places? Corny.. I know. Not likely, I know... but tis an idea. Considering people I know continuously state they would LOVE to see the Black Pearl or the Flying Dutchman up close and even stand on their decks, etc. Those 2 ships are legendary now. ~Lady B
  7. Oh, you need to come over to the studio for lunch lad! Her teil you ALL dat you need to know! You are a wicked woman, Bess! Sometimes I think Tia is based off you! :) I wondered also why Barbossa's theme was used a lot in this film when Barbossa wasn't around. And I somewhat agree with ya, Mad Jack. Not just in her shack... but listen to the music on the soundtrack... the part when Jack opens the chest to see the heart.. the music with it is the Davy Jones theme AND Barbossa's theme! Oooooo... Plus hearing lots of Barbossa's theme when they are at Tia Dalma's the first time. Like that fly over the Black Pearl as they head up river. The locket music was I thought incredibly close to the music box from "Anastasia" animation, too. Which I adored that. I've the small music box with the key locket. The toy version since they never made a realistic version. And if you remember the words of the Lullaby - not the song - "On the wind, across the sea Hear this song and remember; Soon you'll be, home with me Once upon a December." The Davy Jones theme is an erie waltz. Somehow, oddly, I can invision a mixed scene from "Anastasia" and "Legend"... demons and devils of the darkness waltzing, or perhaps like the Ball scene in "Labyrinth"... the Devil dancing and entranced or in attempts to seduce and distract the young innocent beauty? :::ponders::: Ooo... that makes for a nice little twist.. I should use it for one of the RPGs I am in. :) Amen, Christine. Yes... Barbossa is becoming a popular character. I wish I was going to DragonCon this year. Apparently, Bill AND Joey will be there. ::le sigh:: wish I could meet th' both of them. Wade and his friends 'll all be at DragonCon as characters from PotC. Jack Sparrow, Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann (one girl in the Barbossa dress another as the pirate Elizabeth from DMC), Norrington (1 in the Commodore uniform, the other in the scruffy pirate look), Barbossa (Joey and Bill), Gibbs, Scarlett, Tia Dalma (hopefully), and a few others. Wade has a whole compliment of comrades who look absolutely fantastic! Course... Toby will be at DragonCon, too... from my understanding. But eager to see Bill and Joey. Bill's outfit is as accurately closer compared to everyone else's Barbossa outfit. And I only know of Bill, Joey and Lee having a Barbossa outfit. Apparently there is another gent in Ohio who wants to make a Barbossa outfit, too. Finding the fabric used for the Barbossa coat is impossible to get ahold of.. so, some folks (including myself) are going nuts cause we want the fabric but cannot find it. Wade was pretty darn lucky to have found it before. I wouldn't say that PotC is for the diehards. I spoke with a friend the other day.. she's no diehard nor are her daughter, her husband, her daughter's husband... they took the grandson to see Dead Man's Chest cause a young 3-4 year old just LOVES Jack Sparrow! And they all enjoyed it! Laughed and thoroughly enjoyed all the punchlines and all. Granted the little twirp didn't get the punch lines, most kids don't.. but he REALLY enjoyed the action, the adventure and characters. The movie appeals to the kid and the kid at heart. It's utterly how much you can let your imagination go at the same time connect the punchlines and moments. To allow the film to take hold and allow your imagination to believe what's being tossed at you. Jib... I think the importance of the Black Pearl and her speed will be explained in #3. Bess can correct me on this if I am wrong. But that's what I understood. Hehehe... now.. I won't be tellin' anything either, mates. I'm by NO way associated with the production.. but.. amazing what info one can gather even by accident. :: attempts to look innocent:: Pirate! :) And for the long wait... only several months. Not all that long, m'dear. Really. Compared to having wait 3 years for this sequel... a few mere months is nothing... I can wait. When the DVD for Dead Man's Chest comes out... guaranteed I will be buying at least 2... maybe 3. Just in case I wear at least 1 out. I have 3 of Curse of the Black Pearl. :) Just eager to see the behind the scenes, the deleted scenes (like Mercer and Norrington at Tortuga), and whatever else.. just like what they had in the Curse of the Black Pearl DVD. My nephew even asked if there will be a 3rd Lost Disc like they did with CotBP. :::Shrugs::: guess we will find out. Ok... I shall end my rant an' raving. ~Lady B
  8. Again... amen, Christine! When I listen to PotC 2 soundtrack... the bit at the end of track 11 "Hello Beastie" as that's the music for the ending... Oooo.. I like to play that music over and over since the last 45 seconds worth is the part with Barbossa! Ooooo... just stirs your blood and makes you incredibly eager for more Barbossa in #3. I think there are more people eager to see Barbossa in action in #3 than eager for Jack's return! LOL... woohoo! And I'm INCREDIBLY curious about everything that Barbossa is linked to in #3. ~Lady B
  9. Oblivious to the drama surrounding the woman she brought to Port Royal, more as Ana didn't care. The issue had no effect upon her nor did it endanger her life - yet. If the Actress woman decided to spread word then Ana would have to take action. But for now... having no care about the drama surrounding Mckinney. What concerned her... was getting to Sir Admiral Morgan and taking care of this Mr Read. She worried for her neck may be on the line. And as much as possible, she would portray herself a Lady. Pondering again.. perhaps she should seek out McKinney and persuade the woman to keep her trap shut on cases of Ana being other than a Lady. Soon enough, as the day warmed up considerably, Graves and Ana rode up the road to where they would meet Morgan. Dismounting as a man took their horses. Striding up to the door, knocking. "Yes?" the doorman answered. "We are here to speak with Admiral Morgan. He's expecting us," Grave informed the man. Stepping aside and turning. "Of course. Come in." The Doorman then led Ana and Graves to a parlor. "Wait here. The Admiral will see you when he returns." Ana then glanced about moving to a chair to sit as Graves stood gazing at a painting. Both patiently awaiting Morgan, both keeping quiet about any issues concerning their transaction with Ransom or other business ventures... and Read.
  10. What th' Dutchman is referring to is Pirates Constructable Card Game by WizKids... I do believe. Pirates Constructable Card Game I'm sure some of you have checked it out already. I'm with ya, Dutchman. I'm havin' a hell of a time obtaining packs of the Davy Jones' Curse. I was lucky enough to come across a a small box with just a few left. I was only able to purchase one pack. I've more than enough for trade and am hoping to do some trading still. As there is still quite a few from other sets that I need and nearly half from Davy Jones' Curse I still want to acquire. Including the Flying Dutchman. I haven't gotten too far into Pirates of the Caribbean Trading Card Game. I do have one of those huge start packs though. ~Lady B
  11. Ya know.. if I remember correction from watching the old Monkee's TV show... they actually HAD an episode with pirates. Hehehe.. I'm surprised that they didn't pull a Davy Jones thing there. ~Lady B
  12. Dressed in a fine, crimson riding habit and strode out upon deck to meet Graves who was dressed in a navy blue and yellowish outfit as he overlooked the process of the long boat being put . Ana smirked, "Careful there, Mr Graves... th' Ladies may find ya handsome enough to beg you to stay," she joked with her First Mate. Graves chuckled in return. Then the both of them climbed down to the boat. The long boat rowed from the Resurrection heading ashore. As it came close enough, to men jumped out of the boat and secured the boat to the docks. Graves and Ana exited the boat, taking a route to a nearby stable where they obtained a pair of horses. Cheaper than obtaining a full carriage. Within the hour.. they were off with the instructions of where to meet Sir Admiral Morgan. And so... they took the given route to reach their destination just before 3.
  13. ::: Shrugs::: I'm unfamiliar with how far back that type of chair style goes. I know the concept of the "folding chair" has been around a couple hundred years prior to the 18th century though. But the exact style of the folding chair has been a true mystery despite the etchings and pictures. I know I've been looking into the folding chair since when I began re-enacting. It's been a challenge. And this particular chair sold by Townsend is obviously not the only design during that time for a folding chair. But... the flat folding ability did make it easy as a documentary on the HMS Victory stated (i saw briefly on Public TV) easy for swift removal during a battle and to lay flat against a wall or elsewhere out of the way of the men. ~Lady B
  14. Was looking at Jas Townsend and Sons website to help a costumer out with finding boning for her stays and low and behold I see on their new items they have a oeriod folding chair now! Period? Well, let's just say... they are the type that are on the HMS Victory... in the Admiral's Quarters. So... if anyone has seen those... that's what it is. Ya want to see it? Here's the link: British Campaign Folding Chair I'm HIGHLY excited that these are out now. Pricy as it's $235. But... with them already documented and hell, that type of chair being on the HMS Victory... they are more authentic than those crappy canvas ones. If anyone has the ability to check out the HMS Victory often and take a look see at the Admiral's Quarters... take a look at the furniture. I'm sure if folks can replicate that furniture.... it would help the re-enactment community. That's my 2 doubloons worth. ~Lady B
  15. A fine, fine coat there, Syrcuse. My hearty compliments! They make ye smashingly dashing! Again, grand images, Pete. ~Lady B
  16. Aye, Mr Gage... that be VERY true. Pete! FANTASTIC images! My compliments to your troops there. The young ones there look fantastic! I pray at least William will be able to make to Port Washington next year... t' have fun with the other boys. :) Hehehe... Both of him are great. The ship is a nice accent. ~Lady B
  17. Not taking anymore to drink, Ana stood watching this new ally. "I've a matter to attend to here in Port Royal first. Perhaps it best you sail whenever you choose and I shall set sail another day then rendezvous within a weeks time at say... west of Jamaica.. near a small isle," and she gave the other woman coordinates that placed the island between Jamaica and Mexico. "But for now... I must bid you adeu." With that she place her hat upon her head... Then made way out of the cabin and up upon the main deck, informing her own to prepare to cast off. As her crew scrambled and got down to the boat.. she smirked at the other woman then climbed down to the boat. Within the minute... the long boat cast off and was returning to the Resurrection. On the Resurrection, Ana made note of what happened in her own log. Where she locked it up then. By morning... a courier had brought news to the Resurrection that Sir Admiral Morgan was willing to speak with Captain Graves and his sister at 3 in the after noon. And so... Ana then began to prep herself... becoming the Lady as Graves adorned himself as a good Captain.
  18. A fine weskit, too, Francois. My appreciative compliments. :) Mr Gage.. .you are a devil! My compliments to ya, good sir. A find coat ya have there. That hat, Gage.. you are a wicked man. :) ~Lady B
  19. Pondering on this a moment. Was it wise to be pirating Port Royal right under Morgan's nose? Would be a fantastic pull if one could certaining get away with it. Taking the paper and the quill... writing up the words that marked the 2 vessels in accord and alliance until the pact was broken. Writing her name to it... then obtained a red wax, melting it to a small spot on the paper and using her ring she stamped her seal. Always the elequent pirate. Then turned the paper to Ransom... gazing at the other woman with a hard, haunting stare. "Last chance to pull from this." Then leaned back against the chair. "As for provisions... despite the warehouse at the docks... there is plenty of shops. But.. you'd need supplies rather than wealthy procurements. So.. " as she drummed her sharp fingernails on the table a brief moment... "I'd be willin'... to loan you some coinage to buy provisions so as not to raise such a stench to Morgan of our business transactions. Would be deadly for the both of us. But.... I do expect to be paid back in full... with interest." Enphasing on the 'interest'... as there was always something in particular and odd this woman wanted.
  20. "Short... to th' point.... Equal apportionments between our vessels. Wouldn't b' fair to our crews if we horded the other' shares, correct?" Leaning back against the back of the chair. "Nothing as so laid down and bloody damn formal as Admiral Morgan's stringent an' half-witted authored nonsense." A brief pause... " With.. you an' I having th' largest ... of th' shares... of course," grinning partially. "If you've th' paper an' ink... I'm sure a diminutive declaration 'll be swiftly authored."
  21. Taking a hefty drink of the rum. "Morgan only commandeers our vessels if we so allow him to. He'd have to commandeer mine from th' bottom of th' Ocean in order to have it." Then takes another drink. "You propose something common." Ponders a moment... "But possible. As to profitable... depends upon what's within our reach. With Morgan going after the Spanish... honestly.. that leaves little else for us to procure and obtain. Meaning... we'd have to jump ahead of Morgan to gain the rewards that he intends to gain himself. Meaning..." leans a little closer... " WE attack the Spanish. As well as the merchants. Including that devilish East India Company," taking another drink. Ponders again. "Perhaps with th' 2 vessels we can find ways to confiscate said prizes." Then giving the other woman a wicked grin. "Shall we formulate an' sign Articles?" taking another drink of the rum to finish it.
  22. Apparently some folks cannot wait even 2 months for PotC 3. Odd, I know. I know.. I've waited a couple years for Dead Man's Chest... I'm sure I can wait 10 months for the 3rd installation of the PotC swashbuckling adventure. ~Lady B
  23. If you do that Bilgemunky... PICTURES!!! I WANT PICTURES!!! Not sure if I will ever make it to Bristol this year. And I am not even sure I will make it for the Tall Ships fest. Deprived Pirate I be. Everything is too far for this Lady. Damnation take it all t' Hell for living here in th' middle of Dullsville! I know Toby wasn't around last weekend since he was out in California at ComicCon. Lucky sea dog! Pictures of the new ship, folks. I'd like to see it ... even if I cannot be there in person. Tell Mr Breza hello for me. ~Lady B
  24. Now ya know why I am VERY eager to be getting the 3-in-1 game set! Yes, I saw that they were metal pieces. I'd like to get my grimmy paws upon the PotC Life and the PotC Monopoly. ~Lady B
  25. Just learned from someone who's attending ComicCon this weekend that they got some preview glimpses of PotC 3! Some non-dialogue action scenes that appeared rather exciting. Are we going to be seeing these scenes soon now? Kinda appears no fair with so much speculation and spoilers all over the place now. And unfair that the Pub remains so completely silent about this. Makes us pirates feel... unimportant. ~Lady B
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