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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Some fine hats indeed. I've had a dilemma m'self... trying to find a good fabric to make a nice new pirate for myself to make a new pirate outfit I am making. I've checked around with various hatmakers and found that they either cannot do a custom dying... or it's incredibly expensive. So... I'm still looking into avenues to make this crimson pirate hat. Hint... it's suppose to look much like the hat that Jason Isaacs' Hook wore in the recent Peter Pan film. The same goes with a couple other ideas I have in mind... but the colors are unavailable anywhere: White, green (matching velveteen), navy blue. I did fancy (and cannot remember where I saw it) the Davy Jones hat that someone was selling. Was that Captain Jack's Hats? Pricy hat but fantastic looking. ~Lady B
  2. I've seen a few sites out there with the PotC song from the ride "A Pirate's Life For Me"... both either costing you a couple of bucks or for free. But as I said... I can't get them cause they don't service to US Cellular customers. Which terribly sucks. Tis horrible when Verizon can claim they are able to allow your phone to play actual music but it's only selected music. Oh, the day I will enjoy using music that I pick out on my cell phone! ~Lady B
  3. Again.. AMEN, CHRISTINE!!! True.. there should be more Barbossa stuff. LOTS of items out there on Jack: Jack's compass, Jack's kiddie outfit, Jack's sword ( both the kiddie fake and the hundreds of $$$ one), the pistol (fake electronic kiddie version and the couple hundreds of $$$ ones), Jack's ring, Jack 12 inch and other sizes verson dolls, etc. Nothing much on Elizabeth except 2 action figures. A few on Will. 2 of the same action figure of Barbossa by Neca. And some of Davy Jones. Pintel and Ragetti action figure by Neca. No Norrington or others. Looking forward to more with with PotC other than everything being about Jack. I think PotC is what it is with everyone else, too. Not just Jack. I'm still wanting Barbossa's ring... and also his pistol. The sword is easily obtainable to my understanding as it's a French Cavalry sword. A couple other gents who have a fantastic Barbossa outfit found that out. And... well, Barbossa's hat... not too hard to construct yourself. I've proof of that. :) They need more merchandise for us adults, too. Not just the kiddie stuff. Master Replicas is doing a fair enough job. It's just hard to obtain Master Replica items unless ordering it online via their site or eBay. My nephew mentioned he'd like to see a model or 3D puzzle of the Flying Dutchman. He adores Davy Jones and loves the Flying Dutchman. Barbossa's ring, his pistol.. sword, snake pendent, and other things. Even Davy Jones' chest (as the key is out there), his musical pendent... and more. More adult stuff. :) ~Lady B
  4. The enjoyment of re-enacting is a catch 22. Granted I've only been re-enacting the colonial era for a half dozen years. But from what I seen is... mostly folks could care less how accurate you are. The only one's who really a sticky and snobbish on how accurate you are... are the historians and other re-enactors. Historical snobs. I'm just a person who enjoys it. I've no major desire to go to extremes on accuracy and authenic appearance unless I'm paid a handsome sum for my troubles. If that sounds outlandish and silly... PIRATE! Why spend ungodly amounts of money for something that brings emotional fun for me for the moment but can be extremely costly in the long run? I've found this when doing Rev War and talking with many others who do many other eras as well. Re-enacting shouldn't be just a hobby any more. It's too costly, too pricy for just dressing up for a weekend to portray a historical event. I enjoy being a character pirate. Kids love it, so do adults. They don't look at the historical impact of it, they look at what they have in mind. All I get is "is that gun real? can I see it? Nice costume!" etc. Face it.. no matter how historical one can attempt to be... the fantasy of piracy is now engraved in the minds of Americans. History is only based upon what someone said, be they alive still or by what someone wrote hundreds of years previous. Until someone's willing to hand me over a paycheck for my troubles or allow me to commandeer a ship for the hell of it without being arrested by the Coast Guard (granted how many of us would REALLY love to commandeer some of the Tall ships out there? Hmm? There's some nice fine vessels). Difficult to just commandeer a vessel for real. Not all that easy and simple as it was 300 years ago. With GPS and long range missiles. Hell, we saw those poor pirates what happened to them off of Somolia. Perhaps piracy was the only way they could obtain ANYTHING and our own Navy had to drown those hopes! I commend those however who are able to portray a real historical character. I pray you all get paid handsomely for it, too. Personal satisfaction shouldn't just be your only reward. Capitalism... ya got t' hate it. Perhaps.. that's why the most hated image in "Pirates of the Caribbean" has to be Lord Beckett cause he's the exact replication of today's corporate society running the poor folk and the free like we pirates into the ground and out of extinction. ~Lady B
  5. Was about t' join ya 2 gents in dispensing these 2 ruffians. But appears ya done so already before my arrival. I feel rather denied. Perhaps the next round of scraps that appear bellowing about in need of a swift end to their miserable lives. ~Lady B
  6. I'm just trying to find a PotC ringtone... could be of the song from the ride or one of the songs from the movies. Doesn't matter to me. That and cell phone covers... images to put on my cell. The only issue I've come across... is I found only a couple sites that have the free ringtones... but they don't cater to those under US Cellular. I'm still up a creek. HELP! Need decor for my cell phone!!! ~Lady B
  7. Amen to that, Christine. Well, about Elizabeth and Barbossa at least. ~Lady B
  8. Haven't bought the Disney PotC Liar's Dice yet (eventually will, though). But with the amount of dice I have... my nephew and I played it briefly the other night. Rather fun and easy really. ~Lady B
  9. Aye. After hearing of the Giant Squid nearly a year ago that was found and documented ALIVE by a Japanese Research team... how can one argue? Evidence is out there. Though... I love the giant robotic Leviathan in Disney's Atlantis. Wicked beast. I always continue to wonder about more of the sea tales. And like hearing them. ~Lady B
  10. Oh, too good, Jack! I think most women prefer the first image of Davy Jones.. the former Monkee. Either way... both are musical. Ok.. as twisted as this sounds though... when seeing the Trailer back in May... Jones playing the organ.... Oooooo... moving tenticles and more... again, twisted as it is... It's rather kinky. :) Besides... Davy Jones has some AWESOME blue eyes. :) ~Lady B
  11. Bilgemunky! Antagonizing th' poor woman?!? Either way, Bess. I look forward to what ever little tidbids you can release to piratical ears. Especially this one's ears. :) Where's The Rum shouldn't be the only place to obtain spoiler images and info. Honestly... it's rightly annoying that that place gets the monopoly on Spoiler PotC stuff. ~Lady B
  12. Pity. Either way... perhaps the version for the youngsters as today in McDonalds the kids were just soaking up Jack Sparrow and the Pirates of the Caribbean stuff. But.. for us adults... :::whimpers with big, innocent puppy eyes::: don't forget we rum-soaked pirates. ~Lady B
  13. Ahhh... now she's boosted our egos! ~Lady B
  14. Any activity upon the Resurrection had been nigh silent and low profile. The ship had departed from the docks only to set anchor nearby away from the docks. The waves rocked the crimson and black ship. Aboard Ana was drinking herself drunk. Bordom... fear... she ached for something to hunt and haunt. To search for something odd and off the wall. Bad enough to be recent under the deguise of a Merchant ship. Granted a fine and fancy one. But... they'd no done any pirating recently and she'd a feeling that if nothing came up soon enough... she'd find herself either mutinied upon, marooned or dead and her supposed trusted crew taking off with her beloved ship. It seemed to her too quiet. Either Admiral Morgan was conjuring up something or they fleet had suffered that much. Weather had actually forced the delay in leaving. But she hoped in 2 days time to leave Port Royal. Unfortunately... it lacked character. At least... to her. Naples was far more exciting than this Caribbean port. What's worse... the recent man who wished to join her... hovered about her during the Memorial... disappeared once she showed her true colors. Narrowing her eyes as she saunted out onto the main deck.. gazing back to Port Royal. Taking a drink of her mixture of grog... pondering. She didn't like Mr Read knowing who she was. More than likely... he'd blab her identity. "Mr Graves?" she called out then took a drink. "Aye?" the fine man with long curly hair and a striking face replied as he strode up to her. "I do believe our cover is in jeopardy. We've need to go ashore and find a certain Mr Read." taking another drink. "Otherwise we may find ourselves dancing at the end of a hangman's noose." "Aye. Understand." Graves turned around and sent a couple men ashore to hunt down Mr Read. Ana stood there... wondering what to do with this threat as she drank.
  15. By th' sound of it, Bess.. you DO want to share with us. I know some people are attempting to formulate their own ideas on the 3rd film. I'm just curious about how Tia got Barbossa's body. And who this Lady Love of Davy Jones was? Or is? I'm presuming that the Isla Crusades (?) will be explained, too? I was curious why Jones picked that locale for this chest to be buried. I noticed also his apparently hatred of the Crucifix. Obviously the Devil will not fancy the likeness of Christ near him. I also look forward to watching Will and Elizabeth working side by side with Barbossa. What a hoot! Oh, please, tell me, Bess. I've been super good at keeping secrets until the film. ::huge grin attempting to look innocent and sweet with a tarnished halo above head. Oh... and Bess.. if you are able to pass it along to Mr Depp... I took my niece to see Pirates last night.. and she LOVED it! She thinks Jack is the most awesome pirate! She loved Elizabeth, too! Now she wants to be like Elizabeth. :) All in all.. she loved the film... and this comes from a 6 yr old girl!!! ~Lady B
  16. Beg pardon, Grace? 2 million? Explain.. please? People or profits? ::Points to the above posts::: Is not $132 million in 3 days well over that? The theater again today was packed for the showings. And they all love it. Some haven't seen it yet since shows still sell out I believe... some are returning to watching the 2nd or more time. From what I was told by the local theater here... the numbers are still strong. :) Huzzah! ~Lady B
  17. Aye... I did notice that... the first time around. Why was it with all those jewelry... ok, wait.. NM.. I know, you can't say... watch the 3rd film, etc.. :) AMEN, CHRISTINE!!! I'll 2nd that! ~Lady B
  18. Oh, the questions. Aye... some people are indeed impatient and are bitching about it... claiming to be lost, etc. But as Bess pointed out to me before when asking how the devil Tia got Barbossa's body so she could raise him up and a couple other things... she did mention it will all be in the 3rd film. I am resigned to enjoy Dead Man's Chest and deduce some clues to a conclusion... such as the hurricane (which haven't a clue why the hurricane other than it happened whilst Jack was searching for the question to his Davy Jones trouble by searching for the Key... and the sinking of the Isla de la Muerta is such a trouble to folks along with a few other things which to me appear totally spelled out). It's how Tia got Barbossa's body, and how she got the other Davy Jones pendent/locket. I think a couple people I know felt rather bewildered and thought the intro for Jack in DMC was dumb and made no sense as to why he was searching for the key. ::Rolle eyes:: This IS a fast movie and Jack is a fast man... his mind runs a million leagues an hour! The Isla... well, I can just attempt to figure out that it had an issue... since it's a volcanic isle. "The Mysterious Cities of Gold" animated series had a couple instances where the cities and the treasure within them were swallowed up and destroyed. None too difficult to believe. Imagination and deducing... use it! I found the film rather easy to follow. Fast.. but easy to follow. It's when I've seen #3 and I don't find the answers that I will be asking the questions. Such as who was this Lady Love of Davy Jones. I beg and pray that Davy Jones won't remain in the enslavement of Beckett... feeling painful love lost would be FAR better than to be controlled by a power-hungry and greedy mortal like Beckett. I know! And it's killing me! :) OK.. not really. :) But I am eager for the 3rd film. And in return why I hate the East India Company. Hard to describe. Must be a past life run in... but have a buried deep annoyance and loathing for this old corporation of the era. Either way... I am looking forward to seeing more of what becomes of Davy Jones. Seeing Elizabeth and Will teaming up with Barbossa. Hell... Davy Jones and Barbossa in the same film... FANTASTIC! I do agree with whoever said earlier in another thread... I'd love to see Davy Jones and Elizabeth come face to face.... to see Jones' reaction to the heroine. I find the sight of Elizabeth's other gold gown being claimed by the sea a fantastic one. First the Ceremony gown in the 1st now her wedding gown. Will that wedding gown appear in the 3rd one? Ahhh... Bess! This will drive me nuts.. but I suppose I can wait 10 months. Considering waited for 2 years for Dead Man's Chest. I just pray ol' Davy Jones is released from Beckett's hold. I'm gonna love watching Will and Elizabeth around Barbossa... considering they were a part of his demise. Oh! Will there be another major female character presence besides Elizabeth and Tia Dalma? Hehehe... yes, filled with questions.. but I can remain silent until metioned date next year. Granted the 3rd will be out a couple weekends after my Bday... I can live with that. The wild part is... that the 3rd will be released the weekend before Port Washington Pirate Festival! Oh, what a riot! What do they plan to do with the Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman, Bess? I pray they won't just scrap the 2 vessels. Putting that much time, effort and money into building them both... I would see it a waste to have those 2 completely dismantled. They should be added onto and made into full fledged sailing vessels... just like the Bounty, Lady Washington, Rose, etc :::HUGE grinz::: Tis a pity they can't be sailed to various locales. Would be awesome to set foot upon the deck of either vessel. :) ~Lady B
  19. Amen, Joshua! I'm thoroughly with you on all those statements. The Dutchman is awesome. Jones is awesome... the whole cast was awesome. And yes... LOVED that 'pop' he made after saying the word "Prize?" Hell, I can go on and on about this film. I noticed the Will "sliding" down the sail with the knife the first time around and laughed.. fantastic! Jill... about Barbossa's return... Tia is a Voodoo prietess.. she brought him back with the voodoo if I understand it correctly. The Aztec gold's curse is non transferable. ::ponders a moment:: LOL, sounded like Polar Express there for a moment. ANYWAY... I am eager to learn of this lost love of Jones. And what became of her. Always curiousity that I have. Never kills this cat. On the organ in the film... I noticed the various "carvings" but most noticeable was the same image that is the musical locket.. and the angel facing away from the keys towards the "painting" of a ship flying off into the sunset with Angels following it... rather odd. Oh, and not all the Angels were Angels.. I saw one of the Angels with the wings of a bat. Perhaps a demon? Mad Jack.. I LOVE the idea of a drinking game! ~Lady B
  20. Hehehe... yeah... and I STILL am jealous of ya for having that Key! Would LOVE to get my hands upon the Key. Course.. I would LOVE to get my hands upon the musical locket of Davy Jones. :) ~Lady B
  21. Commercial? Haha.. hardly. I do really enjoy this movie. 4 times and I am more than eager to see it a million times over. Wild ride... hell of an adventure.. but the ending with Barbossa's return and everyone desiring to bring back Jack does play hint to "it's not the end yet, folks!" And still... it's grand.. how many people are still stunned over Barbossa's return!! ~Lady B
  22. Are ya talkin' about the Trading Card Game by Quickstrike/Upper deck? I have it. Haven't played it. Yet. My nephew has looked it over and says it's more like playing YuGiOh or something along those lines. ~Lady B
  23. I'll toast to that, Pearl! Loved the film... eager to see it again. I've seen it 4 times since it came out. And can't get enough of it! And just as I thought... Davy Jones has become a fav of mine. All the characters were fantastic! Bess... do give my compliments to them all. ~Lady B
  24. Even Superman can't stand up to the Pirates! Huzzah! ~Lady B
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