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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. :::Coughs and spits out rum; coughs and chokes::: 8 bloody thousand dollars?!? ::Coughs some more:: Mate...yer gonna kill this Lady yet with the amount of pistols. Damn... ~Lady B
  2. Cool. I'll have to swing into Toys R Us and see if they actually have it. The local one here is rather poor on having a large variety of toys... more of a variety of clothes, movies, video games and books than toys. Sad, I know. oh... nearly forgot to mention the new PotC Trading Card Game by Quickstrike/Upper Deck. Found this at Wal Mart for a little over $10. I'm completely at a loss how to play it, though my nephew can understand it as it's like - as he explained - playing YuGiOh or something along those lines. The art is rather cool. ~Lady B
  3. Oooooo... Callenish.. ya know exactly how to make a Lady drool! ~Lady B
  4. OOC Apologies, Mr Hand. BIC: A few on the Resurrection jumped at the sound of the cannon from the Fort. One man was jumpy enough that he darn near fell from the topsail! The mate next to him grabbed him and chewed him out for being so damn jumpy and after a couple more exchanges of banter and a bitching at from a Master's Mate, they settled. As Lady turned her head to the Fort she smiled. All was good and it put her at ease to know that they were apparently welcome. The Resurrection sail into harbor, dodging if you will the other boats and ships.
  5. My God! Callenish... you have this Lady just in awe over your arsenal. Bloody hell! Lucky man! A couple of those flintlocks REALLY caught my eyes (no... not blinded). The shape of a couple was like what I had in mind with the custom pistol I want. The 2 that are facing up and down (the very big, long pistols)... I LIKE those! Custom pistol! I can see that as the style for the custom pistol. Those 3 silver pistols... I've seen one and they are fancy! My compliments on such a collection, Callenish! How many of them are you hauling down to PiP with ya? ~Lady B
  6. Pete.. ya know I would join ya for a fair game of Dread Pirate if I could. Perhaps our next meeting we can give the game a spin. ::le sigh:: Though I wish that game would have been one of the prizes for the Ladies instead of just the men. I can help you with Dread Pirate then you can help me with Sword & Skull. OH! I did see at the Portico the PotC Pirates (Liars) Dice! Damn how I wanted SO DESPERATELY to buy that! Apparently there is a pirate card game (can't remember the name) that my nephew (Bloody Davy Kidd) spotted at Wal Mart.. must attempt to pick it up sometime. But one game currently that I will whole blackheartedly support is Morgan's Revenge! A simple game (despite it's gambling nature).. something so easy to do that even my 3 year old neice LOVES to play and she caught on quick! Use more coinage and some jewels...or even play with pennies, dimes, nickels, quarters, etc. And I be with ya there, Pete... about Pirates! from WizKids. I haven't played it much recently. Both playing and collecting is exciting! ~Lady B
  7. Hmmm... Tis a pity. I shouldn't say coordinate times as there is something already for that on sunday evenings. ::Shrugs:: I'm sure we'd all get a chance to chat in the room. ~Lady B
  8. Having heard word of a "service" in honor of those who served under Admiral Morgan's fine grand fleet but died from the ship having exploded, the thought crossed her mind to at least pay respects. If not enjoy a moment's release upon land. Port Royal appeared to be that very a momentary place. A fine ship of red and black with red sails sailed towards the harbor. In tarnished silver-gold fancy letters the name on the side said RESURRECTION All eyes on the Resurrection were upon Fort Charles there on the cliff overlooking all. Flying the English Union Jack as they approached the Port, all aboard attempting to act natural and wondering if they would be allowed to sail into port to at least anchor and take on provisions, pay respects to the fallen sailors. On the Quarterdeck, the Lady stood in a black dress trimmed in crimson red... Watching the Fort and the Port, appearing more at ease and calm than some within the crew. But she also prayed that those manning the cannons at Fort Charles would simply allow them to pass and not think them a threat. Well, for now.. they were not a threat.
  9. And oh does that hook befit ya, Pete! I STILL laugh over that little kid! Too hilarious! It's a fine coat. And better yet... a coat that JI wore. ::Le sigh:: again, I miss out on JI stuff. I know a lass who was able to obtain one of the Tavington outfits... yes, the WHOLE thing. Including the helmet. Lucky girl. ~Lady B
  10. I've a black coat with my black outfit. The black stands out well enough as a pirate. Working on 2 new waistcoats of a very lovely fabric and very expensive, too. The colors in one will be dominately crimson red with black and gold design. The other is black silverish-gold design. Plus will eventually make 2 more coats, one of crimson red velvet with black and gold embroidered facings and cuffs. The other of a green velveteen. Then a white satin oufit with some gold in it. Basic colors I think have drawn attention as well as the designed. As long as the coat or outfit looks smashing plus both worth the price and affordable. Affordable is the hard part now. Emerald green, black, deep reds, navy blue, royal blues, royal purple, black cherry red, .. and of course fabrics with period design (like Pete Straw's coat). But it really boils down to the look of the coat more than th' colors. I've seen some fabulous colors used for coats but the look of the coat just sucked. ~Lady B
  11. Where be ye all? I know I'm not th' only one who visits th' room... any worse, visits th' room but no one shows up. A pity! Oh, what fun we all can have on th' Pub chat room! BTW.. Silkie an' I are there right now. ~Lady B
  12. Francois! Ya lucky devil! Ya look just as fine in it as Jason Isaacs. I know many a lass who would be drooling and whimperin' cause o' that coat. Which event was it? Do you do Rev War? ::Shakes head:: bloody hell I love th' detail of that coat! My hat off to ye, Francois. :) ~Lady B
  13. :::Bits finger so as not to say a word; but is whimpering over what Mad Matt said::: Aye.. a bad pirate indeed. :) MerryD... I need t' buy m'self a flogger! ~Lady B
  14. Damn ye, Blackfoot. :) Now.. how's a Lady suppose t' say no to an invitation? I'll attempt t' make plans but again, can not make guarantees. I'm wanting t' save m' doubloons for Pirates in Paradise! :) But... a chance t' meet the lot of ya... if I can't make it for Council Bluffs Faire... then, by all means... I'll be interested. ~Lady B
  15. Tis a pity. I pray, either way, will see ya. Again, not sure when I will be in Chicago for the event. I at least want to see the good Captain of the Royaliste... and this infamous ship. :) ~Lady B
  16. Mad Jack.... No matter how many times ya take a picture of yerself and show us all... you will always look fabulous! Yer a right handsome pirate, mate. That Lady of yours is a VERY lucky lass! :) Kudos, mate! A fine as ever! ~Lady B
  17. Hey, Long Tom... Trading may be your game then. I do quite a bit of it if the trade is a good one. I've acquired a good amount of ships and crew that way. Including the game prizes the busts of Blackheart, El Fantasma and Calico Cat. The Yahoogroups Pirates of the Spanish Main chat list has a trading list. Course, I'm sure there can be some trading done here. I generally get ahold of the Pirates in each set. Some American stuff. This time just the Cursed and the Pirates. Most everything else is trading fodder. Not having much luck in obtaining a monster? I've had decent luck... bought 5 packs and got 2 monsters in 2 packs. So, they are not all that rare. Shoot... even got Davy Jones! So... don't give yer hopes up yet! This is an awesome set! ~Lady B
  18. Ooooo... strong words there, Blackfoot. I admit... now that ye've given forewarning.... I just may be lookin' over m' shoulder... with a welcoming smile. I admit... it would be a pleasure to meet ya... finally. ~Lady B
  19. Submarine? Oh, dear God I hope not. Interesting nonetheless. Where did you hear this, m' dear PEW? I've barely begun to enjoy Davy Jones' Curse. I was lucky enough to get Davy Jones... this far. I've a LONG ways to go yet with this set. ~Lady B
  20. Oh, I promise to be at the Tall Ships fest in Chicago, Pete. Make no mistake about that! It's when is the question at current. And the other question... is do I make arrangements with good Captain of the Royaliste to do a "photo session" aboard the Royaliste? Hell... it IS the Royaliste after all! How can I pass up this opportunity?! Been eager to see her and her fine Captain since I joined the Pub. ~Lady B
  21. oh, by all means, Mad Matt.. it was an incredible pleasure to have spoken with ye. Granted I was a bit befuddled from the day's pilfering, plundering, drink, carousing, and all around mayhem...but I still enjoyed having fine words with ye. I still pray that I get to meet everyone here on the Pub whom I have had the pleasure to acquinting with. ~Lady B
  22. Ah, yes... Jack Sparrow... You made an impression upon him, Pete. So, Pete.. ya devil! Ya get to see the bloody Tall Ships every bloody damn day when they be in Chicago August 3 -9!!! :::Whimpers::: Do take images of them sailing in if you can, old boy! ~Lady B
  23. Tis ok, Pete. Someday. We have lots in mind but never got to it. Perhaps next year we will be able to do a lot more. ~Lady B
  24. Many thanks for th' drink, Ms Lilly. A might kind of Madame Kass to offer such means. :) :::Then hands hera rope::: The good Captain Sterling may be in the trade of children and Brides... however... I think you could be in the business of hauling him off to keep all by yer oneies. ~Lady B
  25. ::leans over to Lilly::: Acquaint yerself with more pirates, ye just may afford him.. one way or another! Alas, Sterling, that I've no desires for Brides or Children. But, dressed like ye are... I can see why the Ladies 'll be wanting yer attention! :) I DO so fancy that black outfit of yours with the fine (white or silver?) trim. Ooooo... Makes any Governor ripe with jealousy. Botha... a fine beast. Looks like he could feed a crew of pirates! True... But having some attire/garb/ whatever ya call it... does make it fun. Besides... better t' run around in the pirate attire than t' run around in none. I don't think folks appreciate the butt cheeks streekin' look. Pete... and yer coat was just fabulous! Hehehe. Oh, Ladies an' Gents... keep 'em comin'!!! ~Lady B
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