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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Where be these images, Red Bess? I'm eager to see the Bristol ship. I can't guarantee I'll be at Bristol this year. ~Lady B
  2. Thank you all most kindly. The pistol is something I've been pondering about for over a year. I like the idea of the ebony for it's dark evil looking color and the silverish metal for silver is the symbol of death. Thank you most kindly. I can get a jist, but I very much welcome any more suggestions and all. I've also thought about a blunderbuss. I've a stock for a Brown Bess musket I bought rather blindly where it's fowled up. Can't make a Musket or a carbine out of it.. but, I do believe a blunderbuss can be made from it. So, I suppose that's another curious route I am looking at. Curious who would be able to make a decent blunderbuss. I'm looking for a fairly inexpensive route on this one but it must be functional. Reason being.. I'm not made of money. But need something functional to use for events other than my carbine (that's a wee bit big to haul around). So.. if anyone could make the weapon for a cheap price ($400 or around that or less, I bought my carbine for $200, it can be done) I'm willing to listen to what everyone has to say. ~Lady B
  3. Ahhh... brilliant, Red Bess. Thank ye! :) ~Lady B
  4. BlackJohn! Do tell us how that went? Any more images? Would LOVE t' see them. Even if they are on the Pub Gallery. An' do tell us how that went! Eager an' curious t' hear! :) Oh, an lucky ye for bein' there in Annapolis. Would LOVE t' go there m'self... for the specific reason of taking a picture of a statue of a particuler Gent who graciously gave his life for our freedoms... th' Baron de Kalb. ~Lady B
  5. I'm looking at possibly (someday) having a custom made pistol. Once concern of mine is who to trust. What gunsmiths out there are reliable at best. Not just quality (not a lot of broken, poor quality parts) but something that's affordable, too. My idea is to have a pistol to go with my outfits. The pistol I have in mind will be an ebony wood stock with silver inlay, silverish metal bore, and other parts (just look silver, doesn't have to be silver). And yes it will be a functioning pistol. I'm still pondering at what kind of pistol I want... but... at current if ANYONE has recommendations on gunsmiths to check with... please, let me know. I'm open to talking to anyone. I guess... I haven't a clue on a budget since I suppose I need to talk to the gunsmith first and see what quote he/she can offer me on such a pistol. Again, who do you recommend (besides Dixie Gunworks, Loyalist Arms, and Track of the Wolf). ~Lady B
  6. My compliments to ye both, Gentlemen. Ya both look right dashing! :) Ye always know how to bring a smile t' this Lady's lips. A smart look, BlackJohn. Has that... Blackbeard and Roberts mix to it. I think I am missing a couple other Pirate Gents ya look like as well... but it's a nice mix. Right nice and 'nough for a Lady t' fancy. Hope ye enjoyed yerself, Theobald. ~Lady B
  7. Fork over th' gold? Oh, come now, Pete... We be pirates! We don't give.. WE TAKE! :) Bu' can ye imagine th' looks on their faces when we attempt t' tell 'em that this be our e'eryday attire and that we'll be a'takin' their swag! ~Lady B
  8. Very nice, Mr Porter. :) My compliments. A black coat, eh, Mr Gage? Hmmm... I'm rather eager t' see it once finished. Ahhh... so many fine Gents here on th' Pub. Ye does a woman good! ~Lady B
  9. Hmm... good point, MerryD. Welp... I still like the idea of the PotC Interactive. A GREAT way to raise money IF a movie theater is willing to produce such an event. An' ya mentioned the radio stations around. Z 102.9 or 98.1 would be awesome since I know the guys on KHAK in the morning (Brain and the Bear) are big fans of PotC. Plus... which Theater? Wynnsong? Or Galaxy 16? Tough, tough question. Aye... would be great to have a Disney approval on this with some trinkets or something... make this a hell of an event! ~Lady B
  10. Nay th' good ship windy.. nor Miss Purdy Pinker or any other wench to be bashin' heads in with... Generally e'erythin' that says "pirate" all o'er it, Pete. Sorry, mate. I know.. I'd LOVE t' be there to see it. Hell... I'd propably be fightin' along side ya! What pirate doesn't like swashbucklin'? But... no blood lettin', mate. I know... I'd love to see that or join ya. A pity really. Lookin' forward to th' contest though. Though... who says this be costumes fo' us! For all we knows... it's our e'eryday clothes.. lest we be wearin' our good "sunday" clothin' to th' contest. :) ~Lady B
  11. Ne'er really thought about it. Though... if it's open to us.. AYE! I'll be goin' for th' glory an' prestige! an' I'm with ya there, Mate! Eager for th' fun! Eager t' be seein' e'eryone! ~Lady B
  12. Indeed... I appreciated and fancied it... it suits ya. A fine hat fer a fine Gent! :) Ahhh.. Hot Topic... not been there fer a while. Though I should return. ::Ponders::: or maybe not unless I want t' spend my whole coinage on items there that I be holdin' ont' for Port Washington. Oh, Mr Gage... will you be adding a certain outfit to that hat? ~Lady B
  13. "Thank you," she replied in a weak, scratchy voice indicating she was exhausted. Yes, a good rest, something decent to eat and some proper attire other than a shift and the remains of a daydress that barely covered her that was dirtier than ever and her haphazard hair that cascaded all over and wet from the rain. Looking nothing like a Lady. Her eyes shifted towards the door slowly upon hearing a knock.
  14. Mr Gage.. yer a fine man. and... nice hat! :) ~Lady B
  15. They had the protest in Iowa City, too. Honestly, it demeans those immigrants who came over here LEGALLY! I feel for them! If the Illegals think that obtain passes into the US is hard... umm... HELLO! I wonder why? This country is only so big... it CAN'T handle EVERY populace in the world! We'd become worse than China! Russia is large than America... let them go there! Unfortunately, both the legals and illegals are all playing off each other. Do they REALLY understand what is being said about the new bill? What of the Indians? The French? the Russians? The Middle Easterners? So... the Spanish speaking folk need to stand out more so than they? Doesn't seem fair and is rather prejudice to me! I find it stupid and silly that folks be going out there on that day, legal or illegal (which would have been a PERFECT chance for an Immigration raid)... to march about and say "we want rights!" when they are not even citizens! Hey, our Forefather's set up some standards! LIVE BY THEM! No citizenship, no rights! Like all immagrants who came here before... come in the FRONT DOOR and work hard for it... not the side door or the window and just kinda work the system like some whore! I do so like the statement that Ben Franklin made about those who give up liberty for safety deserve neither liberty or safety. I agree... this country has become too soft and too full of itself. Best watch out... were a imploding in upon ourself! Illegals.. go home, find a proper way to get in and be patient. If you can't get in I think that's telling you something there. Don't ruin it for those who are here legally! ~Lady B
  16. Hope to see ya at the Tall Ships Fest in Chicago in August, mate! I'm knockin' on wood to find ways of being there. ~Lady B
  17. Now... Bess... what would Jack's reply be about the "telling"? Hmm. I'm trying to make sure I don't hear some spoilers but fontunately... they seem to be EVERYWHERE one can't really help but hear. I've threatened to keelhaul folks who let out the story in detail... which someone DID try that having said they received the junoir novelization of the book and was starting to spread all over the whole of the story! Yeah... didn't go over well with a good amount of us so we stopped it for ya. :) Good to see Norrington and the ladies who fancy him...:::nods::: Mmmhmm... they like him, too! Drooling going on there! So much for the ice cream on his head, eh? Oh, true about some not returning. Tis a pity some others even from Norrington's side back in "Curse.." won't be there. A pity. Everyone's been asking why Giles won't be returning to reprise his role as Murtogg. I tell ya though... eagerly awaiting a certain other pirate captain though... And Barbossa's "return" is as anticipated as ever! Lots of people wondering how in the devil he's coming back! Will he be with Jack? Will he be with Davy Jones? Hell, I just wanna see their faces when they all meet up again! Eager to see Dead Man's Chest! ~Lady B
  18. I'm already laughing at "oh, Bugger!" As many times as I've said that... now Jack states it... just as bad as him saying "Savvy" - which is a word that drives me NUTS since my dad would say it ALL the bloody damn time! And you can imagine my face when I heard Jack say that word a few times! ..... CRINGE!.... Oh, I believe it, Bess... I whole blackheartedly believe it. A killer for me that broke me out into a smile and chuckle was seeing Davy Jones there at an organ playing! LOL... had a Phantom of the Opera moment there. Plus... great twisted "tribute" to Davy Jones of the Monkees! LOL... Who's got th' lovely singing voice now? ~Lady B
  19. Being kind to those who did assist even though they somewhat put her on edge, she could not withhold from them her appreciation for at least rescuing her from what would otherwise be a horrible fate. Having thanked Mr Lasseter, she made way with assistance to see the Surgeon as he was so called. Not attempting to think who the person was really. Guided to the Surgeon- "Where is this gentleman whom will heal us?" she asked looking at the mildly gruffy gent. But the man only gazed at her oddly and chuckled. Gazing blankly back at him wondering what was so bloody funny.
  20. Watching every, not trying to be uncivil.. but, true.. she was not use to this type of lifestyle if you call it that. "Again, thank you. I do appreciate your concern and willingness to help," she gave him a weak smile. Standing and glancing at all the men around her then her eyes fell upon Murin she moved towards her, "Is there something I can do to assist in your burdens, Murin?" Those eyes of hers were sincere. Something at least to not make her feel as though she was not wanting to pull her weight. Then followed all from the cave along the beach towards their destination... the small boat that brought the men ashore.
  21. Those hollow hazel emeralds turned to Marchande who stood before her. As though pondering with a hopeless spirit... but there was a sparkle in her eyes once more at the prospect that they were being rescued and will be returned to civilization. Outstretcher her hand in a graceful manner to Marchande, "Thank you, good sir," replying in a weak but happy genteel tone. "Most kind of you to offer such generousity."
  22. Ana gazed at Claude blankly. "Yes, it is only the two of us," replying in her well brought up tone of voice, sweet but frightened at the moment. Her arms crossed infront of her as she looked them all over. Questions were arising but she would not speak them now. Her eyes only watched the strangers.
  23. Ana watched carefully the newcomers as they approached Murin... not leaving her spot at the entrance of the cave. Then noticed a couple gents heading her way. Stiffening as her eyes widened a tad. She stepped back 2 steps a we fearful of them. Fear was wanting to take hold of her. But, she reserved herself to see what these gentlemen wanted. Praying to God to spare them from any horrible Fate - raped, slavery, murdered, etc. She waited and watched the approaching party and the man that spoke with Murin.
  24. I hear ya there, Bo and Cascabel. It's more of finding some place or thing that works easily to post images and such online. Tis not a fine task. And you are most welcome, Cascabel. Such a legendary Gent as yourself... hell, always find m'self with a smile when you are around cause I know there be a party brewin'! Bo.. I like th' Signature, mate! Right sporting! ~Lady B
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