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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. why not just make them the crochless kind mighty comfy I'm makin' a pair of Ladies bloomers that are crotchless... so I understood from research that they were. As for scenes... ahhh, I've too many in mind to tell.
  2. Haven't tried them all... yet. But I have full intension to do so! :) Thus far have had Captain Morgan, Captain Morgan's Private Stock, Captain Morgan's Tattoo, Cruzan banana flavored, Bacardi.. ::ponders:: and I think some other type of rum I can't remember.. YES, I WAS SOBBER! Does rum in chocolate count? if so it was Morgans, Myers, and Malibu. Course, not sure what type or brand of rum that it was in the Tortuga Rum Cake. Captn Morgan-Touche can tell ya that.. I think. ::Points at him:: he bloody well got me hooked upon it! tis an addiction! Not that I'm complainin'. Thus far.... my fav is torn between Private Stock and Tatto. Captain Morgan be the best I've tasted thus far. Taking donations to try other rums, though! OK.. if not donations.. then up to you gents to make sure I try EVERY rum under th' sun down at PiP '06. Right?
  3. Ironically enough... I had a piratical dream last night... :::: looks at Jack Sparrow::: Crazy enough, you were in it. Haven't a bloody damn clue WHY... but you were there.. and Gibbs. Again, haven't a CLUE why nor what you were doing. But, ye both sure as hell made me laugh like th' devil! I distinctly remember a lovely island though. No... I was chasin' ya like some lovestruck girl... I'm far from that, laddie. Now.. WHY Jack graces my dreams more so than Barbossa (which of whom has NEVER been in my dreams)... I shall never understand this paradox.
  4. OK all... Coastie kinda was the bug starter here, so Coastie gets some credit here. With her talk of wanting a certain vessel but not enough funds to obtain it, purchase it, commandeer it, etc.... she's looking for donations. Now... again, she was the bug.. got me looking at vessels... looking at just any type of sailing vessels led to looking at wood vessels. Finally that led me to look for pirate ships for sail. Yes... I admit it.. I'm a fool at the moment... following a dream that may never come true.. but, hell! Who knows! Oh, I found this lovely little pirate vessel for such a lovely price! But there is NO way I could buy her all by m'self. Let alone her upkeep either. Bulgarian Pirate Ship for sale Adorable, is she not? my question for some of ye who have vessels, how a poor young lass such as myself who would like to see this vessel sailing the waters of Lake Michigan for events like the Tall Ships fest, Port Washington Pirate Fest and whatever else may come up and use the ship for little ventures like parties or whatever. Would obtaining donations from corporations or businesses or federal funding be possible? What about upkeep? How to go about that... I'm no brilliant person, but it would be wonderful to have something for the midwestern crews to have an actual ship for us to use. Wouldn't you agree?
  5. Indeed a fine vessel. Whereabouts would she be anchored?
  6. A wee bit late here in postin' on this topic.. but.. again, welcome aboard, follow Iowan. Always a'lookin' fo' more Iowa pirates. :)
  7. Welp... Haven't really thought of tavern names much. I used a tavern in a role playing story a couple years ago - Journey's End.
  8. If you haven't checked around at the local Video rental places... try them. I don't know if they have it currently, but a Blockbuster in the city I am in has the Heston "Treasure Island" on VHS. Unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to record it.
  9. Ahhh... well, hope the lad will be able to join his dad on this exciting adventure. He won't be alone since my nephew plus Red Bess' and Sjovorjen's boy's 'll be there as well. Eager to see your new outfits. The lad's outfit is spectacular! Doing one for my nephew right now as well as a couple more new additions for myself. Hopefully will have them finished in time for Port Washington. I need something else other than that black outfit I currently have. OH! and if there is a Hancock fabrics near you as well... they have a sale on some upholstry fabric! I bought some fabric enough to make a couple new bodices with... for less than $50! The fabric is wonderful and lovely! I'll be going back for a couple more yards to make a couple more bodices.. or maybe skip those and get fabric to make velveteen breeches. :: Shrugs:: who knows. I LOVE sales. And Mr Sterling... Tis nice and all that there are some folks out there who make these historical patterns but I still cannot justify spending over $15 a pattern. Commercial patterns are not as tabboo as some think. Their seams are not in all the wrong places, etc. Adjustments made here, adjustments made there... be it with a cheaper commercial pattern or a more pricy historical pattern, there will always be adjustments needed. I personally can use that $15 to get myself 15 patterns compared to only 1 pattern. As to time, Mr Sterling is precious to us all. And certain patterns are not going to make one's sewing time better.
  10. I agree with Carmina.. that is hilarious! Can't stop laughing!
  11. Ahoy, Gabriel! I PMed ya already before I read this post of yours. What a brilliant idea. Tis good t' see others out there wanting to do something fun and exciting. :) Welp, seeing as you are in the Quad Cities, just an hour from me, lad. As I live over here in the Cedar Rapids area! A wicked pirate close enough to ya! Word can spread quickly enough. Let me know what you are wanting and needing, can't guarantee anything, but I can spread the word on what extras you need or even major and minor parts. PLENTY of folks around these parts who are with Ampguarde, SCA, and various re-enactment associations. I am not just a pirate, but a Revolutionary War re-enactor as well. Belt out yer idea t' me, laddie. I'm rather interested in assisting you gents. The Royaliste will be in Chicago in August. Bounty may eventually still sail the Mississippi (whenever it's released from it's duty of being used in the PotC sequels), New ship going in up at Bristol (north of Chicago, it's a ren faire), new ren faire place in DM... Port Washington is coming up, Amana Colonies Labor Day Weekend... Ushers Ferry here in CR... and the re-enactments I go to... plenty of places! :) And yes... I saw Rocky Horror Pic show... I'm one of the few (VERY few) who CANNOT stand that film!
  12. Hear, hear, Captain Bo! Yer not alone in the qualms, but not entirely with the Government, but more so with our own People! Bloody damn fools out there who don't give a damn! PETITION! Email your government Officials about this story. Only then will the Congress take action. If people REALLY have interest in the vessel, want it bad enough, then they will think twice about things. We as Americans have LOST our Rights, we have become too wussy! Whimpering and whining about things, and not taking action! Dare we REALLY let the Law get in our way? If the Law is NOT in benefit for the People then that Law is not to be in place! We want that ship, by damn... LET'S GET IT!
  13. Looks like Take Out you forgot t' take out! May as well give it to th' dogs. If THEY don't eat it, mate... then tis a good idea ya ne'er ate it. Ya may have been dead by now! ahoy, Will! Hmmm... th' shrimp be temptin'. No arguments there. How's 'bout whipping me up some enormous feast... Dinner's on me, Ladies an' Gents! We feast t'night! No special occassion. Just figured we all need somethin' t' cheer ourselves up. What better than the lot of us enjoyin' a feast, lots of drink, and whatever else comes t' mind!
  14. Not a dream or nightmare... but a couple years ago for Halloween... I dress up in my pirate outfit.. while a co-worker friend of mine dressed up as a Nun! It was HILARIOUS! People couldn't figure out if they should laugh their arses off or run away screaming!
  15. A hearty seafarin' welcome to ya, M'deary. :: waves hand about:: E'eryone here has done stated what ye be a'lookin' for. For me... I'll have a Bloody Mary, hard Sangria, and Cap'n Morgan Tattoo. May ye stay on th' Pub be a fascinating one.
  16. Recently I've been having some odd dreams. But... not really seeking any revelation to them at all. One I had a couple weeks ago was myself as a young woman who was in something like a vast Cathedral, many were there at mass, as were many there who were Priests. I was like a visitor and wandering the halls quietly. Next thing I know, I've been "crowned" the new Pope! & I am not Catholic! Let alone I'm a woman. Oddly enough, there were some who debated whether I should be in the role, so they attempted to remove me. Some were attempting to help but were not helping. Finally I was easing into the role and doing my duty. Though at times I remained in seclusion. I explored this vast Cathedral, checking out the rooms that the former Pope had held. It felt incredibly odd to be a young Lady now a Popess, I felt more like a young Queen. Wild horses that were owned by the Monistary were shown to me, yet the wildest was a white stallion whom I was able to ride and connect with immediately. As well as later on, I meet with a "retired" Pope who was actually Pope John Paul II, as he became my advisor and gave me his blessing for being the new Popess. It was an odd dream. But, the ones I have been having recently are of me in dark, cold and bleak places. city scapes that are in winter, Macy's parade that when to crap, an old house in the middle of no where, that either no one lives in or some wicked elder man lives there, a couple skeletons of horses, caverns far below ground leading to vast underground colonies, & many other things that are foggy and unclear that I dreamed but cannot entirely remember or explain. Not eager to learn the meaning of it all. But I'm sure they have some meaning to them that I am actually aware of. The dreams I LOATHE the most are the ones that have the bloody damn spiders in them! I LOATHE spiders! Why the hell I dream about those spawn of the devil.. haven't a clue! If you've every been bit by a Brown Recluse, then you will understand why I HATE those 8 legged bastards! I've been bit by them twice! Oh, I love however my one dream I had that George Washington was in. Oh, what a riot that one was! I'll explain it another time, I suppose.
  17. I've not had the gumption to pick up a box of the PotC cereal yet. Has anyone bought the Cimmamon Flakes cereal or something like that where you send in 2 UPCs and a certain amount of $$ you get a PotC computer mouse? I noticed that today whilst I was at WalMart. Pretty wicked! I'm more than tempted! I may just by the cereal for the UPCs... who bloody well cares about the cereal?! Give me th' mouse!
  18. TY Silkie. aye... it has been driving me bonkers, too. So, I've been doodling, sewing, etc. But not too often. a month's worth of set back is horrific. Charity! Tis good t' see you back as well! Glad to hear you are feelin' a wee bit better. Love the signature. :) Hmmm... I'm beyond dogs and bones, Rogue... I'm falling into the "Tiger" phase... A MANEATER!
  19. Thank you, Christine. I'm hoping it all ends soon enough. Here's to prayers and hopes that this will be all & we will NEVER be sick again this year! These illnesses can do a number on ya.
  20. At the moment... I'm extremely miserable. For a month I've been ill beyond compare - Inflammatory Pnuemonitis, Flu, Sinus Infection, Strep. Now... I think Strep has returned with a vengence! It's EXTREMELY painful and I'm in tears. Can't eat, swallowing hurts bad... yes, I went to the Doctor, just told me I was a wee bit red... that's all. Well.. here I am in more pain, cold as though I were in the Artic and running a low fever. I'm so miserable. It's taking days out of my life and threatening my future career. I've never been so sick so many times in my life! Literally... for a whole month, I've been stuck at home. On those rare occassions I have been well and been able to get out, such as St Paddy's Day. But out of a whole month, only 4 days have I been fine and well. I HATE BEING SICK!!!
  21. Tis a pleasure t' make yer acquintance, Mr Free. Many hearty welcomes to ya. Ye've come to th' right spot fo' piratical fun. Hopes t' be seein' ya 'round th' Pub often. Maryland, eh? Tis a lovely state.
  22. ::: tracing along his nose and lips::: I'll be right here, luv. ::smiles::
  23. ::: Sighs escape those lips; allowing Mad Matt to do with her as he very well pleased; arching just slightly towards him; eyes slightly closed, her skin reacting to his wicked lips upon that tender, sweet soft flesh:::
  24. ::Complies, leaning closer to Mad Matt with a smile::: Drink up, me hearty. ::Purrs in a sultry tone; fingers trailing along his jawline:::
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