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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Bump? Oy! Thinkin' upon this... if ever we continue with such events & desire to use firing replicas... dare we look into insurance? Especially since we are already carryin' around weapons. A little somethin' for the crew? &... I be workin' on ideas for little treasures for the lot of ya. So far... I know of a couple of ya who be goin'. Bilgemonkey... I'm presumin' ye'll be there. Red Bess & Sjo... I'm presumin' ye'll be there as well. An' MerryD?
  2. Ahhh.... fabulous! I was rightly curious what they would conjure up next. I'm awaiting South China Seas. Already I want Calico Cat & the Lady's Scorn from China Seas. There are some darn good cards so it seems in this new one. I wasn't all too impressed with Barbary Coast. Only what I wanted from Barbary is Barbarossa & Jack Hawkins. Davy Jones I'll be looking forward to. :)
  3. Tis a bleedin' shame ya won't be joinin' us! Would have liked to have met ya. Will have images for ya. But if you do come, ya can't be missin' me!
  4. Very true, Hector. I don't think most people could visualize Mrs Washington in something super sexy that you may find on Angelina Jolie. NOT gonna happen. & I agree... I like the Mary Read thing where I leave the shirt open & don't button it at the neck. Works great. :) Hey Kass... here is an improv I did with my pirate outfit where I also converted it into a riding habit. It worked perfectly for the re-enctment of Baron de Kalb's funeral back in August in South Carolina. I hope the image is not too huge.... Not the world's finest as I know there are still some issues with it. Granted, it's loose. But... people liked the outfit nonetheless. It served it's purpose. Who knows... perhaps I will wear it for my riding final at school.
  5. Oooooo.... you know exactly how to tempt a piratess, man! Perhaps...
  6. Right brilliant, Kass! Took another look at the site. Tis very nice. The blue gown was very lovely. You stood out amoung the others.
  7. Curious to be seein' though, Kass! Hmmm.... I can see me so easily liken to the one image of the Lady in the darker color with the carbine... :) I can do that! :: evil, wicked grinz:: Tis always that close fitting around the upper torso that is a strange one to me. I've not been bold enough to attempt to alter my black outfit... but... I'd imagine there is a small trick to having a close fitting/tight coat that is open yet to show the waistcoat. Darn & blast me... wish I could scan in an image and show ya. I drew it... but... I've no way to show ya.
  8. Brilliant, Kass! Tis good to see some patterns from this particular era... since there pretty much are none out there at least to my undertanding other than the very limited gentlefolk like attire on G. Gedney Godwin. Question, though. Do these patterns have historical documentation or something of the sort with them? Can't wait to see more, m'dear. :) Foxe.... granted you asked this long ago.. that hooded coat looked like a Capote . Jas. Townsend & Sons sells them. Tis something nice for those cold nights in camp.
  9. Alas... have not fired one. But I SO want to! Ooooh, how I be desirin' to do so! I tell ya... to me... standin' near a cannon is the most comforting sensation in th' world! I love the feel of the cannon's shovewave crashin' through ya. One of these days.... I'll be learning how to fire a cannon. Ones ya see there upon the battlefield likes a 2 or 3 or 5 pounder at Rev War events. Someday I'll be blowin' holes in the side of ... well.. ANYTHING!
  10. Aye. Ignite th' flame, feed it further into a raggin' inferno! Tis not much of the actual real or perfect history of piracy that grabbed my attention I shoot for as my own persona... but the legend and lore, the fantasy that grabbed my attention when I was but a young lass. I pray that image I have carried with me I can portray well enough to the likes of all there at the Fest. So... again, do keep us informed. The major part being the pirate camp. Like I said above, I've an idea (if I can get the items up to Port Washington) to make the camp's appearance look more like it's of plundered items than a military camp.
  11. Hmmm.... I can't really say other.. but... I've the Drunken Monkey at the moment, but he'll be a gift to one of the Barbossa's out there whom I know doesn't have the monkey yet. Granted, the Drunken Monkey is a non-living, stuffed critter. I've now my little pirate kitty. His name is Boo. But the way he acts, I may have to change his name! Though, he acts like the little Prince of the world, he's no fear whatsoever (no joke!), adores anything that shimmers & can grab his attention (as he was playin' with my Cursed Aztec Gold medallion that hung from my neck today. Wouldn't want to let it go... I had to pry it from his claws since he was darn near chokin' me!)... and he attacks without a care other than for his pleasure. He's the perfect little pirate kitty! He's the sleekest, deepest black as you've ever seen with the tips of his paws perfectly white, a white patch on his chest and his belly somewhat in the shape of a diamond! & yes, he loves to sit upon your shoulder at times. 4 months old & he's already a hell of a cat! He's slightly larger than his sisters body frame wise, generally the size of him mama. Last I looked... his eyes were like gazing at the ocean on a darkened night. First expedition to Petsmart & he enjoyed himself greatly! No fear of a vehicle nor afraid of being in it, was gawking out the window with utter curiousity & enjoyed being adore by people while at the store. But he loves the trinkets that capture his attention. Mostly it's things that shimmer and shine. I'll have to get a picture of him... as well as he upon my shoulder whilst I am in my pirate outfit. Now... if I could, I'd have myself a white tiger! One that would be lots like Boo, just bigger & deadlier! A couple dogs would be interesting. Be like the Hounds of Hell! Course a Friesian horse would be grand for that land roving when ashore for some pillaging. Tis that Dragoon in me that desires that. Hmmm... a falcon would be right good to have as well. But... my little pirate kitty is my current choice. He a critter after my own heart.
  12. Apologies to th' both of ya on the issue. T'wasn't exactly the idea of historical re-enactment to the historical perfection or progression - I fight with that year after year a the Rev war re-enactments. Piracy... to me... I'm no historical true re-creation. It's the fantasy part that I first saw & read about & even acted out as a little girl that I still work on now. So, I'm not pirate re-enactor... but more on my way of being a... hmmm... tis a good question what to call us piratical portrayers? If it's the fantasy, Hollywood style they be wanting, something that has roamed about in the heads of people as legends & lore the same as it has in mine for years upon end... then yes, I can do such a thing. Perhaps this year then, I'll just use my non-functional weapons. As to spendin' money upon items... Hmmm.... perhaps if they see th' lot of us wearing these legendary headresses, then perhaps they may buy & return the next year to join the pirate ranks. Time to be sparkin' the fire of Pirate Legend & Lore. I've been having some ideas well about in my mind, Bilgemonkey (Sorry lad, I forgotten yer name, horrible, I knows). One of them being (& I am attempting to figure out how to get the stuff up there)... is not much a historical camp with the bland white canvas tent... but to find a bunch of old canvas that looks like an old worn out sail, even some furs, fabrics of rich appearance, old-style furniture that looks like it comes from a local Governor or the King himself & a few boxes or a chest of items of vasious sorts.... with the look of it appearing as though I've plundered then set up camp. So... I be hopin' for that camping site. Either that or allowin' us pirates the opportunity to sleep aboard the ship like right pirates would. Welp.. unless it be the Windy or Windy 2 that they be wantin'... no chance of sleepin' aboard ship then. Ahhh... Aye... I've ideas. Plenty of them. Think they would want to hear them? Doesn't mean they need to have them for this year. Blasted! Seems would need our own vessel, don't we's? One that's right piratical. Ahhh... the wheel be turned wickedly within my mind.
  13. Ahoy, Calico Jack. I'm not in Minnesota. But in the state below it... I live in Iowa. More than welcome to drop a bottle with a message in it & chatter a bit.
  14. Hmmmm... does indeed sound a bit confusing. Aye.. hopefully the closer it gets, the better the info & other things are ironed out. As to doing something stunt wise... I'm not the worlds greatest, nor am I SCA certified, etc with a whole bunch of years background... but, I've fired a carbine for a good couple of years... I've been pullin' off Will Turners with my swords - practicing... I'd imagine I can offer assistance of some sort, even if not in melee or close quarter's combat. The appeal to the general audience... Hmmm... kinda does concern me as to what they want from us pirates who do attend or what they will allow. Yer words confuse me, but I know it's not bein' your fault by any means. But... if this is more for the non-piratical type, then what do they need the lot of us for? The camping will be an issue. & Aye... no camping... I know I won't be able to come. Perhaps... best time to be workin' on Articles. That way we know who all be involved, able and even guests, what we have as guidelines & demands, etc.... the type of standards used by re-enactment groups and associations before an event is even planned. This being in concern over insurance & other issues. I'm willin' to work with ya, Bilgemonkey on that issue. I've a feeling that's one of the major troubles behind it all. Government lands make it hard for weapons to be on them. Even camping is not liked. Your ideas for the Bash and the doubloons sound fabulous! I hope it works fabulously! Again... to keep me informed. What they have for us, allow us, expect of us greatly depends upon if I arrive for the festivities or not.
  15. Ahhh... Bilgemonkey... ya do justice to lettin' slip th' word. Aye... I do have questions an' haven't heard from th' lot who be in charge. 1. Bein' the campin' they intend to be puttin' aside fer us. Any news about that? I've an idea billowin' in m' mind on how t' make my camp a bit more... well,... realistic as though I've done a fine work o' plunderin' the town! 2. More about what we can an' cannot do. Though... granted th' rules, as all will agree.. will be more like... guidelines. 3. Perhaps some coordination with the "Port King's Men" as to a scenario on how the takin' over is t' go so as no one looses a limb or worse. Th' Soldier in me discates that an' I can see how plannin' a scenario at some events I've gone t' has helped greatly. Even if it's a written scenario that the wild lot of us reads. At least we read it over an' over... it'll be locked away in our thick skulls that even a sharpened, heavy cutlass won't be able t' remove! 4. Firearms safety would be good t' have around. I'd say the captains of the crews out there, need to be keepin' a man or woman in charge of the lot with the firearms. A Master Gunner or Master Cannoneer. 5.The other part bein' the ship. Our access to it, what they've planned for us. Including what cannons be aboard. Who will be the cannoneers. I doubts I can get a huge lot in from the NWTA to be our cannoneers. Ol' Capt. Morgan... lad, I pray you be learn the use of a cannon soon. Ya should! The Marines be a right wonderful lot tto be a'handlin' a few cannons! Th' geocachin' sounds a bit raw an' strange. Fill me in upon what they have in mind fer that. The Doubloon R'ward Station... ahhhh.. now they more than likely 'll have a bloody hell of'a time tryin' t' keep all us pirates away from the Doubloons! A pirate an ne'er have 'nough treasure! Maybe we crews ( as to how many be there, t'will be a grand question)... ponder somethin' on the invasion battle. I knows I be a bit... military with this... but... military I be! Bein' a Dragoon. I knows a couple gents already who be military as well. I'm sure we can be more than a great lot for th' crews... but right dangerous for His Majesty's Men. Ooooh, yes.... how many ships do we get to use? An which ship(s). Bein' familiar with a ship does a good pirate justice to what e'er he or she's in mind. Do keep us informed, Bilgemonkey. I intend t' be fully involved with the Festival to the extent of m' piratical abilities! This Lady requires details.
  16. Perhaps next year, Callenish. Hopefully will have more pirates... & commandeer more than one ship! I've not a clue on what all they have planned... but, I'll be there for the festivities. Now... if only I had a real ship.... I tell ya... been pondering that one for a couple years! Then I do hope to see ya there, Emerald! :) I'm trying to convince a few pirates to come.
  17. I bet Jerry B just LOVES that Black Pearl ship. well.. hopes that they keep those vessels in one piece. What a fabulous piece of movie history those ships would be to visit! Just like the Bounty! I tell ya... I'm eager to see her again & to walk upon her decks again. Patiently awaiting her voyage up the Ol' Miss, too. IF she ever gets there. Hope she makes it back to Lake Michigan to Chicago again. Perhaps some year for the new Pirates Festival at Port washington, WI. Here's to luck for the rest of the year. Sounds like it's well needed!
  18. I did see "The Lion, the Witch & the Waredrobe" on Sunday & there before the film.. the first preview as the Trailer to PotC 2! Ooooooo.... I was ALL grins! I think even my mum is curious now. She's NOT the kind to be watching but she did enjoy that little snippet of Jack. So.. compliments to Depp there.... mom likes Jack! Ol' Davey Jones looks right wicked! Hopefully... will be goin' to see the Narnia film again... & so very eager to see the trailer again! I tell ya, Bess! I'm ready, willing & able to wreck havoc upon an unsuspecting world. I think I & another pirate be thinking about doing something on the opening of PotC 2. :) Something in the Chicago area. & I'm right curious, Bess... what they will do with the ships after the filming is over. Please I pray they will not demolish them! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE! Don't demolish them! Hope Disney keeps the ships & goes to Pirate festivals with them! Or even just PiP would be wild enough! Or at least something to keep them afloat for the world to enjoy &to walk upon the decks of legendary vessels.
  19. ::: Wicked grinz; removes black, plumed hat & bows deeply & elegantly::: I am to serve a certain purpose. Aye, and I have acheived that... even if it be only to taunt one gent.
  20. Calling ALL midwestern pirates! I know there be plenty of ya out there! Just received this bit of information & figured I would pass it along. I'm beginning to make plans to go! Ahoy, Mates! This is Dean Calin from Bounding Main. I'm helping organize the second annual Port Washington Pirate Festival. It is being held the weekend of June 2-4, 2006 in Port Washington, Wisconsin. What started as an impromptu event ended up having about 3,000 people in attendance, so this year we're planning ahead and we're hoping to triple that number. Friday night will have a Buccaneer Bash, a general party for all pirate types, with music, a cash bar and mingling with friends new and old. Saturday will feature a kick-off scenario where a pirate ship, guns blazing, battles with the town's militia, who are summarily defeated. The ship lands, the pirates invade and the days activities kick off. There will be a Thieve's Market with various maritime vendors, music and entertainment with a nautical theme and lots of food, costume contests and fun for everyone. If your group is interested in participating in this event we're working with the city to set up a reenactors' encampment for period tents only. Please give me your thoughts on this when you can. Fair winds, Dean Port Washington Pirate Festival www.portpiratefestival.com
  21. Hmmm... World's End. Could mean variety of things. But. we shall see eventually. IF the bloody hurricanes stop roaring through! Kiera mentioned that filming is taking longer now. At the rate they were going they may not finish up until Oct '06!!! Crazy... As to the world being round... no comment. & the bone in Jack's hair... was to my understanding that it's a bone net needle or whatever you call those blasted things. It's a type of device to repair the holes in nets.
  22. I've no vast amount of weapons. But darn proud of the ones I have. Granted I am rightly picky upon which weapon I arm myself with. A Potter sword (From "the Patriot". My pride & Joy & I pretty much WILL Kill whoever dares to take off with this specific sword. This is my Rev War sword. Is quite functional!) A smaller sword that is more decorative. With a tassel that hangs from it & a blue "gem" (if you wish to call it that) on the tip of the hilt. Not functional. A silver knife with a black horn hilt in a black leather sheath with Mexicana designs on it & the name "Oaxaca" on the sheath & the blade. The blade has designs similar to the back of the Curse gold in PotC. Whilst on the other side of it says "De Estos Chiles Pocos Da La Mata" which I'm not totally for certain what it says but after talking to a few Mexican comrades they believe it says "With this knive I bring death". 2 tomahawks. One decorative. The other functional & I have used it at events to practice my tomahawk throwing. A rather plain knife in which could possibly fit in a boot or not. I generally use it at Rev War events as a cutting knife. Serves me well. Along with the bone handled knife. A non-functioning replica flintlock. The George Washington pistol, mind you. A grand adoration of mine. Being as General Washington be a hero of mine.. one of a few. And of course my carbine. Right old, but not too old. It is a totally functioning carbine as I have used it a few times... Shot a good many redcoat with it.. & a few Continentals (I switch sides upon where I am, Midwest I am Continental, Out east in SC, I am with the infamous British Legion under Tarleton). I once had a sword, a Civ War dragoon saber, that looked exact to the one that was in the PotC logo... rust, tarnish & all. Alas... that was stolen! Imagine... stealin' from a pirate! Oh... for some humor sake.. if I may... my dressage whip could be a weapon as well. Rightly had a wicked mock sword fight with the whip a couple weeks back with a fellow classmate... she was good, but not yet prepared to handle the likes of a piratess. I feel as if I am forgetting something. Perhaps I will add to this list in due time. But those above are my pride & joys of mine. Epescially the Potter sword & Washington's pistol!
  23. The need for freedom... the desire for revenge... the thirst for rum... the ache for the sea... the hunger for treasure... the joy of the challenge... the thrill of cheating death... the want to satisfy those seven deadly sins that burn within that devilish heart within our heaving chest when the excitement of the moment overhwelms you with an unknown sensation that you cannot nor will not deny yourself but you BEG for more! It generally is because we want.. therefore... WE TAKE!
  24. AAAARRRR.. I be ALIVE! Ya best be runnin' fer yer lives! Now.. on to more pressing matters... in concern to Dead Man's Chest.. love the title by th' way. Bess.. torture th' hell out of us wild bastards. We be pirates... darn well I'm sure we deserve our taste of torture... it be as strong as rum to be sure! Either way, yes... I'm delighted as Hell to hear of Barbossa's return. Bootstrap looks like a hell of an ugly old sea goat... being as he's been dead for at least 8 years! Though Davy Jones looks rather wicked himself. At the moment... I would put Davy Jones into the dust & take his ship... the Flying Dutchman looks like a far more wicked ship than the Black Pearl! A hell of a design there... my compliments to the chef! They deserve a side of calamari! Hmmm... the Trailer be put out with the showing of the Chronicles of Narnia? Oooo... Was a movie I was planning on seeing already. I pray to see the trailer. Any possible heads up on PotC 2 Premiere fun? A friend of mine was just begging & whimpering over the tickets on eBay from Good Morning America. Hopefully... will have a lot of pirates in Chicago to welcome PotC 2. A certain Sparrow carbon copy in the Chicagoland area & I are eager to make some waves with the unsuspecting patrons of a theater or 2. But.. plus.. do keep us poor pirates informed of the ongoings of PotC 2 & 3. Well, what info you CAN spare that won't be gettin' ya in trouble.
  25. Aye... as Pete Straw an' Rover mentioned... met them fine gents. I'll be up in Freedonia WI Labor Day weekend. Swing on by, Bilgemonkey! Hope to see ya! Occassionally see MerryD. Always a riot with the 2 of us together. But recently had the honor an' pleasure of meeting a couple more gents. Alas, forgive me if I have forgotten thy names. One I believe was Ship Mate Dog or something like that. I know the both of them are on the Pub, I talked to the 2 of them for over an hour! Again.. thank ya most kindly for the fan! I swear I would be still recoverin' from the heat if it were not for your kindness. T'was a hellish weekend weather wise. I was in Camden, SC last weekend when I met them. They be running a business (if you can believe it).. some nice plundered items, mates! They be one of the few seein' me not in Pirate mode.. but in Patriot mode! Well.. alas, wasn't a Patriot that weekend since I was with the British Legion (Pretty much worse than Blackbeard and his crew!). But again, thank you most kindly for the fan. & was a HUGE pleasure to meet a descendent of a Patriot! Already I feel a kinship with Pirates who are also Patriots during the Rev War! Keep in touch, Mate! Hope to cross paths with ya soon enough whenever I get down to the Carolinas again. Cowpens may be my next invasion to the south. At least then won't have to worry about the heat and those damned fire ants! Christ almighty! I've bites all over me still from those nasty little buggers! Oh! Images, mate! I've got them! Lemme know if ya want to see them! Sunday mornin's battle was just ever so wicked! So... again.. I've met a fortunate few. I leave ya standin'. Most stay on my good side. Comrades mean more to me than gold an' silver. The more.. the merrier... the more you can plunder, ransack, pillage, & destroy! :) Lookin' forward to meetin' more of ya! Someday I'll be getting that damned website of mine up so as you can find out where I be goin'. Guaranteed, I'll be making trips out east within the next year due to 225th Anniversary events. Yorktown VA will be one I will hit next year as I am hearing that will be a hell of an event!
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