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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. ::: a sweet smile; gazing at him right back; purring::: Yeesss? Of course, m'dear. If you want, you can have.... ::Smirks wickedly:::
  2. If ya have the money to blow on ANY historical patterns, then by all means do so. I.. for one, don't have the money to blow on them. I've bought one pattern that was for stays. I also bought a pattern on stays/corsets from a commercial pattern maker (Butterick I believe). But I cannot complain totally about it. For a $1, I can buy a cheaper pattern, alter it after the research done and comparing to various books, images, etc. Which, in many cases is not all that hard. Honestly, what makes the commercial patterns so difficult for people is that once finished, the outfit doesn't look right - either too big, or too small, etc. Well, I have come to know my own body measurements in my head to when I look at a pattern when laid out, I can make those proper adjustments to where the outfit fits perfectly. Cheaper commercial patterns out there can be adjusted and altered to make more authentic attire. The fall front breeches... well, those can be altered to be made into fly front breeches. I did a pair of fly front style pantaloons (a la Barbossa pants style) from a much older Simplicity pattern that was NO where close to an authentic style. However, a couple minor alterations that was dramatic enough made it a more dramatic change. No elastic waist but with a waistband, fly front, button at the knees, etc... Aye, they are a fine pair. Ditto with all my gowns. I took those patterns and altered the patterns to be more of a authentic cut and sew style. Again, it's not that hard. If you have at least one book that shows you how the outfits were constructed, you can take these commercial patterns that go on for sale (like currently, check out Hancock Fabrics or even JoAnn fabrics for pattern sales).... use the books for references, make the adjustments... there you have it. Granted people put their hearts, souls, money, life, etc in these patterns to research, etc... well, I've not been going that far, I've just gone far enough to see a few outfits by chance, read a couple books, watch a few movies, look at others outfits, etc... but not gone overboard with it to complete expertise. I just know the difference now in the make of attire just by the few books out there, etc to know what I can & need to do to make my outfit look authentic. But.. of course... with piracy... sometimes I don't want to look totally authentic. Piracy is my escape away from the strict nazi world of authenitic historical re-enacting. Don't get me wrong, I cringe at folks that bark about my oufits not being right.. but these are the type that have black tennis shoes on or shoes that are barely passible as 18th c. at least I attempt to go to lengths to pass off as 18th c. Again, looking forward to seeing those coats, Pete! :) Mercenary Wench... patterns are not all that complicated.. just time consuming. When doing them by hand, they definitely take longer depending upon your time. Take your time, hun. I know it took me 6 weeks to hand sew one outfit of mine & I took it to work with me during those 6 weeks! It seemed I would work on it 24/7. I've just started work on my nephew's pirate outfit.. and will be starting my new one soon. Both will be hand sewn since I don't have a sewing machine any more. But, sewing by hand has got to be far better than by machine in my opinion.. you feel you have a bit more control and creativity that way.
  3. ::: Sipping on the sweet elixer - and I mean sweet! - call Bailey's! one of her new favorites now::: Oder.. ya recognize 'im? Dirty Jack! Ye've been holdin' out on me? Hmmm.. more to ya than I though or what ye've been tellin' me. ::Drinks somemore::
  4. Tis right awesome, Callenish! :) Again, my compliments to ya. An' Thank ye, Redhand. Indeed... the works of art here are rather good and sparks the imagination of people about piracy just as it has been for most for many years.
  5. Awwww .. yer Lad is adorable, Pete! A fine outfit! Right nice an' b'fittin' on the young lad. Is William th' Bloody attending Port Washington with ya?
  6. Lone boat m' arse! I found ya an' pick ye up! Haulin' yer arse back here! Well... tis good t' see ye survived an' made here. I know ye've nothin'... so... I'll help ya out. Private stock so you can wet th'gullets of many mates of mine here. ::: Whisks out a bottle of sweet red wine for herself... and a bottle of whiskey for Dirty Jack; tosses the whiskey to Dirty Jack:::
  7. ::: wheezin', sounding like a hound dog, tears streaming down her face; rolling on the deck; gullet hurtin':::: Oh, dear God.. Patrick.. that is ... TOO GOOD! :: Applauds:: Reminds me of that scene in "the 3 Musketeers" that had Kiefer Sutherland, and some others in it... The one gent that was a musketeer and a pirate... facing some Oriental Ninja like dude... doing some fancy moves... then the Musketeer (was it Porthos?) mocked him in return, only to swiftly slash the rope.. & down into the drink went th' Oriental! Too hilarious! Aye.. Pirates are far better. ::: still recovering from the image:: Too hilarious. As to the pistol.. I've a couple of the older wood and metal toy pistols. No orange crappy cover either. Now... I just have to find those little paper caps. The little plastic ones don't work so well on these cap pistols. You can see the toy pistol in the signature. I've a better non-firing replica since then. The 2 toy cap pistols I've reserved for my nephew to use at the pirate events.
  8. Easy there, Mad Matt...::: wipes the drool from his lips; then offers him more brownies on a finger:::
  9. Oooooo... Makin' me wish I was closer to ya to see that! :)
  10. I've not seen the islands yet. Eventually I may purchase them. That was my worry as well.. the size of the islands. Would they hold the forts, are they large enough for that? What about coves with colonies, ports, etc on them? The Gale Force 9 islands are what some of us who are inept to make their own islands, want. I have gotten a hold of some South Chine Seas cards & I like South China Seas FAR better than Barbary Coast. More piratical stuff in South China Seas than Barbary Coast.
  11. Wicked, MercenaryW! Would love to see pictures of this new coat of yours. :)
  12. Aayyeee, Mad Matt... the emerald is the most splendid of gems. Tis m' birthstone as well. Now... luv... I'm gonna keep it here PG-13... seein' as youngin's are on th' Pub... ::leans close enough to trail the finger over the lips, down the neck to the chest & other various areas::: but, seduction... I can do. Swappin' places with Merry? Nay... I'll just stay right here, next to you... an' let your wonderful piratical scoundrel mind wander as to what... this Lady can do to you & with you. ::: all in a seductive purr; softly gliding the hand up to his face, caressing the very softness of the back of her hand across his face.::: I'm softer in various other places, mate. Gent's only dream of what I may be like, they fear touching me may spoil my divine loveliness... that I've been told. ::those emeralds gazing deep into his eyes::: I'll only stop tempting ye if you ask me to stop. ::: using the soft lips to brush lightly and teasingly over the neck to the chest::: ((And If I go any further, yes, it can go from PG013 to R to X rated!))
  13. As long as the drinks hold out, Tom... we won't mind. Though, m'dear, t'would be fun, if by some chance... t' "play" a hand of Pirates card game with ya. If e'er we were t' meet face t' face. Perhaps regale us with stories of your Pirates CCG battles. I know I'd love t' hear 'em. Yo'r fav ships....
  14. Possibly. I can think of a couple more ways it would actually be heaven. But... I leave that reserved only in my private mind. I know Rummy's givin' you th' brownies... but, ::: leaning over to show plenty of that milky white, soft an' smooth skin; brownie fudge on her finger, barely brushing that fudge over his lips; those emerald hues gazing at him::: anything to make you feel... well, what ever you wish to feel, luv.
  15. In the middle of Spring Break... I'm bored and my lungs are still not up to par. Concerned? Yes, I am! But the bordom is what's no fun at the moment. I've so many classes that I haven't time for anything else.. now, this week.. no classes.... absolutely NOTHING to do. Cleaning has generally been done. It's NOT that nice out to be walking... got rather cold since Sunday. Evil weather! I was hoping for a lovely warm Spring Break! Especially a warm & perfect St Paddy's Day to celebrate on! I did some embroidery of my 18th c pockets and a couple drawings.. attending to my recovering pirate kitty. Most of the time.. I've been stuck at home. When I generally venture out, my body acts up & goes into a fit/astham attack from the Inflammatory Pneumonitis. I hate this. Too cute, Rummy. Too cute! LOL... Mad Matt... as if that's a bad thing, right?
  16. Long Tom! Tis a pleasure as always, mate! Fo'give my neglect an' replyin' so late. Aye.. tis a good thing we didn't frightin' ya, Tom. Crazed... we 2 ladies were... but, that be normal... at least fo' me. Especially 'ere. ::Tosses Long Tom a bottle o' rum:: here ya are, luv! Again, private stock from m' own private stores. Hopes t' be seein' more of ya's 'ere. We've some wee chats on the Pirate Pop concernin' th' Pirates card game. ahhh... how I do so adore them ships. Th' crew, treasures an' events be grand, too. Now... I've had a couple people tell me... I look like Calico Cat. I personally don't see a r'sem'blance... maybe you or someone else can see it. Calico Cat is one of m' fav characters of the game. ::Arm around Long Tom; bottle o' rum in her hand:: Again, welcome to th' Pub. We ladies 'll ALWAYS make ya feel.. welcome. :)
  17. I hope that the Mods don't treat this bad. Not really wanting to step on toes... but.. I want to bring to light something.. some of you may have seen and heard about it on the NBC Nightly News last Friday night. World hunger is an issue. Especially now with the natural disasters that are going rampant & destroying lives. People are finding it hard... just o have a simple meal. My parents have been taking part in making meals designated to areas of need in 3rd world countries. We finally tried this evening the fortified rice-soy cassorole-chicken flavored. & I tell you what... FABULOUS! It's the BEST rice meal I have EVER had! Folks eating this are having a gormet meal! It's not a slop! It's like a rice pilaf or some rice side dish you get or make. Now.. what makes it special... it what is in the cassorole. It not only has necessary vitamins and minerals, the good things to help sustain a body... but it actually helps to REVERSE the effects of starvation! The great thing is... one bag, is only just a little over a $1 to make! So... $50 can make a box worth of food to feed 216 people! A gormet meal these people are getting! The problem is... not enough of these are being made. Funds need to be raised in order to make this and send them out. To gather more info, check out Feeding Children This would be a wonderful thing for some pirate crews to pitch in and do some good deeds, or something to do at events to raise the funds to make this fabulous meals. Again, hope the Mods are not angry with me. But after finally trying this cassorole, I just had to say something! Help feed someone in need.. even a pirate has a heart!
  18. I was gonna say! That would have been a hell of a twist! I'm in Light Horse Harry's Legion in the NWTA... and if it were true in that manner... wow, that would have been a hell of a twist! True partriot an' pirate!
  19. Tis not a dream that I'm incredibly curious about. My dreams be odd, that's for sure. I'll talk about the one where I become a young Pope-ess. But... what I am curious about, an' it's nagging on me at times... is something that happened in reality. I have this white linen hand kerchief. I've had it since August of 2005. How I got it.. is this... I was at Camden, SC for a 225th anniversary of the Battle of Camden. Sunday morning's battle was a special one that was specific for us re-enactors and special guests... to have a re-creation of the Battle on the actual battlefield site! A grand treat it was, too! Oh, the images I have of those (courtesy of my parents who tagged along with me) are fantastic! At the end of the re-creation, I being the lone Green Dragoon from the British Legion there watching the Continental troops lining up, as we prepared for a bayonet charge for the film crews that were there that morning, too... In all the excitement, a lone white piece of cloth laid on the ground. It was pure white, not a spec of dirt on it. Laying in the very spot where I had "felt" ol' Baron de Kalb 3 years previous when I first when to Camden. I picked it... can't describe the feelings as I really didn't allow to feel them, I wasn't really myself anyway... but I was asking all the gents there if they lost a white handkerchief... apparently not one of them lost one. So, I was bewildered where the white hand kerchief came from. The gents immediately all told me it was mine now. So... aye, now it's mine. I keep it with me, within view at all times. But.. as silly as it sounds... I do feel a heaviness or something from it. My mind's eye shows me the Baron every time. I've been told I have a "connection" with the Baron. What it is, I don't know yet. Partially afraid to know, cause it may be the wrong answer compared to the answer I keep hoping it will be & what I've been told by a few others. Haven't had a regression done yet. $$$ being the major issue on why I haven't had one done yet. But.. anyone out there aware of what the symbol is of the pure white linen hand kerchief in the middle of battlefield, left on the very spot where a famous Rev War hero fell from his wounds. What that symbol is? What does it mean? Why?
  20. Robert E. Lee... this th' same gent who was General during th' Civ War? Th' one who is son of Light horse Harry Lee? Or is this another Robert E. Lee whom I have no clue of?
  21. Maybe... try a bit of each? :)
  22. Your black heart? Or some other portion of yerself? Ye be most welcome, Barbados. Tis a lucky guess.
  23. Joshua! That's a fantastic paintin'! I'm in utter awe! Tis fantastic! I loves it! :) Can't wait t' see more! From th' looks of ol' Blackbeard there... I'd say yer calender will be a mighty fine one that I would be willin' t' purchase!
  24. Amen there, Pete! I'm in th' same boat as you! JoAnn fabrics can be an inspiration on new outfits just by lookin' at their trim an' th' buttons! Waiting for my tax refund so I can swing by the fabric stores and WalMart in hopes to find the discounted velvet again. ::le sigh:: I knew I should have bought it when I spotted it. Tis the same pattern I am using to make my nephew his pirate outfit.
  25. Daniel... anyone who has the courage and desire to put something on paper with pencil or pen, crayon or marker, paint or something else... is an artist. Even if the image is only in your head. An artist is someone creative. Everyone here on th' Pub... is an artist.
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