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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Murin's voice awoke her from her dreary slumber, opening her eyes slowly to watch Murin storm out of the cave with such excitement. Sitting up to watch the barely visable image but hearing her nonetheless though the storm that bellowed out side. All she did was sit there and watch... then sat up upon her legs tucked underneath for a while again.. watching the rain storm... hearing Murin... in a slight daze. How in the devil could there be a ship? Now standing up.. she moved to the entrance of the cave, leaning against the rock wall.. gazing out, her eyes searching for that faint hint of a ship. For any sound... anything. But saw nothing. That look of doubt washed over that once beautiful face. Crossing her arms as though to hold herself from harm, those hazel emeralds were glassy and red as just before falling asleep she was crying... silently... to herself. She feared dying here. Longing for civilization and for comfort. This was NOT what she bargained for when heading off to join her betrothed. Her eyes shifted again towards the direction of Murin's voice- Then she perked up a little in fear and disbelief... even hope! Was that a boat? A small boat coming to shore? Could it be?! Taking a couple steps unfolding her arms and placing a hand on the rock wall but she wouldn't leave the comfort and confines of the cave... not to go out into the rain. Her once milky white sikin ached and burned. The cacctus juice was ok for the burned skin, it still burned. She wished for aloe that was best. Her eyes watched... and waited. She would wait. Not so eager to meet their rescuers. Who knows who they were and if they would be saved or if they were going to fall into the hands of slavers! A horrible fate for her... she a Lady on her way to wed her childhood beloved who was a Colonel in His Majesty's Army. She would wait. Praying...
  2. Cascabel... ya leave little t' be desired! Yer a fine pirate! :) And am in awe of yer blunderbuss there. My compliments, mate! Lookin' forward t' meetin' you at PiP. M'Lord Theobald... a fine pirate ye be, too! My my... so many fine gents here who make piracy all the more tempting and perfect!
  3. Oh, indeed would be a grand time indeed for all us Midwestern Pirates! A GREAT chance t' meet... be like an annual family reunion! I'll be dressing my best on Friday evenings Buccaneer Bash. The rest of the weekend, that is still up for debate on how fancy or not I will be. PLENTY of attire really for at least 7 days worth of piratical fun! Lookin' forward t' meetin' there, Bloody Jack!
  4. Hmmm.... aye... and interesting question, Pete. Who would I want to meet? Cascabel, Patrick Hand, Arthur Richards, Iron Bess, RumbaRue, Will Red Wake, Cyneful, Silkie, Callenish Gunner, Mad Jack, Bo, Christine, Oderlesseye, Barbados Sam, Blackfoot, Bloodscalp.. SIREN! .... ..... ... I know there are some more who I wish to meet... just can seem to remember who all else. Shoot! Most everyone here! And others not on the Pub. :) Anyone who will be going to PiP this year... I plan t' see ya there! :) Toss back a few drinks and I'll whip up a feast some night.
  5. Some day face t' face, Patrick. God help ya!
  6. Aye, Bloody Jack! Would LOVE t' meet up with ya! Gonna be there for the Buccaneers Bash on Friday evening?
  7. Mr Porter.. if yer piratical soul be sweet an' kind then indeed I would be worried.. or better yet YOU should be worried! :: evil grinz:: An' I like that idea, RumbaRue. Tis a good idea! But.. welcome here nonetheless. and hopes to see images of your piratical adventures.
  8. Fine attire! :) My compliments. Ye are a fine Gentleman, Mr Porter!
  9. Ahhh..... such fine Ladies an' Gents here! Mad Jack... nay, those images of ya were spectacular! Such a fine Gent ye are! :) Long Tom... A fine outfit.. and ye too are a fine Gent! Tya remind me of someone I know though. Spooky! Siren... again, ya look fabulous, m'dear! Keep th' images a comin' all! LOVE seein' them! :)
  10. I hear you all... BO! :::Raises hand::: I am SOOO there! Not really pissed horribly at the Government, just annoyed with them that they are dinkin' around... it's those damned fools of Corporate America (and elsewhere) that are doing the age old stupid trick! Didn't the East Indian Trading Company do the same? Profit big time on bad things like piracy, lost ships, conquering foreign lands in the name of England? Sad, really. But, Aye, Bo... I'm ready to put my foot down on all this. I'm not living the American Dream but would like to. I hear ya all. Filling up my gas tank around $50 a week... YIKES! It adds up! Yes, all... I'm no fibbing. It's not cheap in rural America when you have to drive a long distance to various places. I feel sorry and can sympathize for those who do the same. Even donating plasma to help add a wee bit more money to the rising gas. It went up the other day to $2.74... and are expecting them to go up further this spring... though they lie and say it will go down. HA! Unfortunately, I had to cancel 2 events already (though will barely be able to do Port Washington)... I don't know if I will be able to do a lot this year event wise.. and the way Gas is... so much for going to see Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest at least 20 times (like I did with Curse of the Black Pearl)! I can't afford that much! It's insane! I don't want to be paying a lot for gas... cause,... well.. I CAN'T AFFORD IT! why do I have a vehicle then? Only way (besides walking around 15 + miles a day) for me to get around. Cedar Rapids is NOT as small as Colonial Williamsburg. If cities were that small again... or if trains returned into use... other other means of transportation that will keep the American on our hectic schedules... aye, I wouldn't mind having to keep the Jeep for traveling. Yup, Mad Jack... I hear ya. For those who haul horses around ...it is pricy. Shoot! We just may be using them again the rate we are going with the gas prices! Reason being that there is a large stock of crap in warehouses is cause no one can afford to buy a lot any more due to gas prices! I constantly hear of businesses fighting not to raise prices. We are in a crisis here, all! I'd say if the Government is not going to do anything... it's time that THE PEOPLE put our foot down and say ENOUGH! But yeah... it's hard. I was hoping to go on a trip for my Birthday... and now... I can't... (not just illness thing, but another trip to replace that)... I can't due to gas prices being so high. I may be able to go to Port Washington and PiP this year.. and that may be it cause I just haven't the money to travel. These events were what kept me sane and happy.. they were my vacations. My weekend get aways. Nice and lovely that those greedy bastards ruin them! True enough, Oderlesseye... Most of our ancenstors came over here legally. The Legal Immagrants came here with passports to work and all...working towards Citizenship. I praise those folks. Those who come here illegally... they need to work towards the same.
  11. Currently $2.65 here... however.. wouldn't be surprised if it goes up tomorrow.
  12. :::nods:: I hear ya, PyrateWench. Having been sick is both a curse and a blessing. For if I stayed in college at the moment I'd have to worry about enough gas money to get me to college, work and a over to my sister's to assist with her twirps in the morning (since she starts classes mostly before I do). PiP is pushing it for me this year. I'm attempting to figure out how to go to these events when it once cost me $40 roundtrip on gas to go to events that were 6 hours away. Now... it's costing me over $100 roundtrip! That's A LOT for someone who doesn't have lots of money. :) :::hands a bottle of rum to PyrateWench::: I'm a Republican... but DAMN.. even I think this is beyond rediculous! Maybe we should demonstrate in the streets like the Immigrants did with the Immigration Bill. :angry:
  13. ::le sigh... OF RELIEF!::: I thought it was another damn Pirates of the Caribbean list! I'm burdened with plenty of those at the moment. ::Runs to sign up::: ahh... as to the photos... you can put them up now. Somehow Yahoo was screwy the other night. Just another perk of Yahoogroups.
  14. Over heard the lie that things won't get better until the Fall with the prices. The problem is... it'll hurt those of us who enjoy these events and these are our only vents of vacation and stress relief. Higher prices, meaning shorter distances to go. Unfortunately, since Gas will be going up too high, I unfortunately cannot make it to 2 events I made a commitment to. Gas jumped up today to $2.65. Nearly 10 cents again in one day. Over $3 by Memorial weekend? Nope.. can't do 3 events in 3 weekends. I'll only have enough (barely) to cover for Port Washington. These gas prices are gonna hurt the ability of going to events if not differ ya from going.
  15. Har!I like that idea.I'm with ya if ye start one LadyBarbossa. Bloody hell! Oh, how I wish I could! You've NO idea! Not that I hate the US... but I tire of the BS that happens on a daily basis and I am subjected to. Besides... too many idea in my mind and have conjured with others to let it go to waste! Tis a pity if it did! Hell! Buccaneer Bay is starting up! Why not a Buccaneer or Pirate Island nation? Think of it mates... NO WORRIES ABOUT GAS! WooHOO! I think... an island that looks like Bora Bora would be perfect. Hmmm... :::Evil grinz::: ... why do I feel this needs to be transfered into another topic? :)
  16. There is plenty of us to make a noise. Though... what sickens me is Immigrants and others are more than willing to march and protest in the streets and in the open against the Immigration issue... yet the only thing we do about everything else - tax issues, gas prices, businesses not listening to us, etc.. - we only hear about it on TV and some people jokingly say "it's hurts" or "we don't like it" and generally ignored! It's sickening! Immigrants get front row whilst everyday Joe takes the back and is forgotten with his hardships about too high of prices for gas and other things, little pay, medical insurance, etc. Maybe... to be heard.. time that we all start just marching and protesting. Protest about what is making that American dream impossible. Town meetings when that government Senator or Rep is in town. Petitions! Something! If not... well, other option is... we can obtain a fair sized island... and have our own little piratical country!
  17. Lots of pictures of the ship and various views of it, please. and details on it if you could. Ya lucky sea dog! Miss ya, too, MerryD. We'll have so me fun soon enough.
  18. What a spectacular coat! As always, my compliments, Pete! Aye, an' th' images of yer new attire ya posted on the Fool's Gold photos is extraordinary! Very fine for such a sharp gent such as yerself. Tis a pity that that coat be missing. It is a fine one. As well as yer young lad unable to attend the event. Such smart lads coming whom I'm sure would love to have enjoyed some piratical mayhem with him. Young Master all them may b'come! :)
  19. Aye! Th' lads 'll see we adults enjoy this just as much - if not more so - as they. And to my understanding, that yes, Bloody Davy will still be coming. Arrangements are still being finalized and his outfit being worked on (no machine, so having to do it by hand. ::Groans::: ) Still attempting to convince a few others to come. One I know is coming which she'll be hanging with us. Another gent.. well, haven't heard a word from him however still hoping he comes. Tis PAYBACK for a certain Captain Sparrow if he does! :: evil grinz :: other than that... not sure who all will be attending for sure. There was a lass whom MerryD and I met on St Paddy's Night and she's still attempting to figure out if she will join us as well. ::knocks on the wood of the Black Pearl::: again, if not much this year, all is not lost... there is always next year as well to recruit more folks.
  20. Though.. ya have to admit... the site of us pirates commandeering a tanker would be interesting... if not funny. Sort of.
  21. My compliments, dad! a fine Tom it be! Wow! We've PLENTY of those buggers around here... alas, can't hunt them in the city limits though. But.. I'm sure that bird made for a fabulous feast! Makes my mouth water already!
  22. Sounds good. I know MerryD doesn't want me to be dragging along a lot of stuff. I suppose with good reason... but we all have good reasons. Mine would be to have some good period style items and a shelter for storage as needed, too. Your tent may be like mine.. so, one tent for storage is really all we need other than a fly... I'm still attempting to find a very old, worn out tent, marquis.. or even just get some canvas and make it look like some old scrap sail that is worthless... that would look right wicked. ::Ponders::: Ooooo... idea! ..... Perhaps we can ponder for next year as well. God be willing I can find a good trailer (as I will need one for my re-enacting stuff anyway). Have a few things in the "camp" that looks like we've acquired from the town... would look even more so piratical.
  23. Aye... and they wonder how us younger folk will survive? Poor wages and high prices on things? ...Makes for history to repeat itself. Poor college student or single parent raking in less than $15k a year.. yeah.. it's rough to the point it's depressing. Some people pinch pennies when in a bind... for those making wages of $30k or less a year (and $25k to $30k a year is normal here and less).... it's hard to keep up with the demands of rising costs but no wage increase. We be pushing ourselves to an all time low and worse. :::Rolls in a couple kegs:: Hell... ok, we need somethin' t' get our minds off this a wee bit... if not defuse the situation. Cause oh, the 21st century life is just not as fun any more as it use to be. But the gas prices being high is a killer of events. Pitching in over $100 to go to an event.. yikes! It adds up! And that's just gas.
  24. Ahhh... the image of us pirates commandeering a tanker... how interesting an image would that be? Thank you Harbormaster. Seriously .. if that's worth a shot to ask at least. I may be a whiny American to some.. but, there is a point. Granted I think the gas is rather high everywhere. Tis silly.
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