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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Ahhh... Mr Cooke... I hope to see at Port Washington then.
  2. I've not seen the new Doctor Who. Wish I could.
  3. I just want the high gas prices to go down. Is it so hard to ask? Yes, I make choices, too. Get in the vehicle to go to school or not? Well if I don't, I fail. Go to the doctor or not? If I don't, no medicine to get better. Get in the vehicle or not to go to the store or somewhere for food, clothing, necessities, etc or not. Do I get gas in my vehicle or not? If not, then I won't be able to go anywhere unless I want to spend more money on a taxi or spend 2 -3 hours to get to my destination when generally in a car would take me 15 mins. Not all choices that affect my life are made by myself. My travels to events are pretty far... on average 4 - 6+ hours one way! That's a lot! I could decide not to go, true. If I am complaining (& I'm usually not all that vocal about issues) and not all that positive, aye.. I've sat still long enough. It hurts, all... it really hurts!
  4. Mad Jack... I feel sorry for ya. In a manner of speaking, aye.. Christine is right. It really is silly for a woman to be jealous of a spectre from the past. it's jealous and other negatives that push a man away from his woman and vice versa. In my opinion.. that wife of yours needs to let it go! that was nearly 20 years ago you liked that other girl. Now... if you were seeing her in a secretive affair.. then, she's reason to worry and be the way she is. Tis a grand list there, Patrick! I'm with you, Silkie. I'm a horrible house keeper. I really can't clean worth to save my life. I try and try... but am really horrible at it. If I do clean, I take days and weeks to the point it's like a whole corporation restructuring! It's sad really. I love to sew... I love to cook and I am a great cook... but I cannot stand to clean up. Some house work I can do... but not always. I admit it... I wouldn't make a great housewife. But I would be a hell of a fun wife to some lucky Gent... or so I have been told many times over the years. Mad Jack... here's t' hopin' that wife of yours doesn't get carried away with an afterthought. Tis my opinion. Perhaps she needs to address the idea why it bothers her and would give you a grand opportunity to prove that she's the one and only for you.
  5. Aye. Thank you, Foxe. Indeed that term of the Quartermaster and the First Mate/Leftenant has confused me (along with everything else)... since I know more of the Quartermaster to be - in Army terms - the one in charge of the supplies and it's distribution. And heard the term used both historically and fictionally as the "most powerful person on ship" as second in command and rep to the crew. Again, thank you all, keep them coming. I've continued to scroll through my books... attempting to find answers again.
  6. I'm too much a Patriot to enjoy the ideal of tossing my money away to someone who has a hell of a lot more money than I do. I don't own stocks, I don't have cable, I don't have a lot personally. I find very little out there worth putting my money towards. The re-enacting and events were worth it especially when gas was down below $2. I'm aware that there are people who are slapping on these high prices for their own greedy nature. And yes, I feel so very sorry for those hard hit in the gulf region by hurricanes, no fair for them. And it's no fair for us. Yes, other places have gas rather high compared to us... but, hell! England is generally the size of Illinois! Alas... I cannot just walk around Cedar Rapids here... as it's not all that walking friendly... nor does it have reliable public transportation ( 2 hours to get across town on bus - which is all we have - compared to 20 minutes by car!). Your own vehicle is all you have. I know people who travel and have to travel up to 70 miles a day round trip. A couple more than that. It hurts... it really hurts. I, personally, don't want to idly sit by as I fork over money to someone who REALLY doesn't need it as I can find better things to do with my money such as help those poor folks in the south .. not just the hurricanes but with the recent tornadoes as well! How long can we endure such gas greed? Until you find yourself on the streets in a Hoverville tin shack? filing bankruptcy? I just feel like my freedoms as an American are not freedoms at all. I can vote, yes... I do.. but most of the time, voting for folks is not worth it. I tire so much of the issues at hand with gun control (I'm finding it extremely hard just to obtain the right gun powder for my carbine)... No.. personally... I think it's time to say enough is enough. I don't want to be tossed into more financial troubles over the fact that some 6 digit bastard out there wants more money at the cost of millions of others suffering. It's just not right! Captain Bloodscalp.. I'd hate to see your family suffer and all with a new arrival on it's way by the end of this year. That's something to be joyous about. And most true there on the other things rising quickly, Harbourmaster. I hear ya there. Minimum Wage? What be that? In my opinion, anything under $20 is not cutting it! Unfortunately where I live.. $9 an hour is the average for most folks. It's sickening. No... I know I am going way out and winging out over this... but, I haven't money to belt out. It's really irritating me when I see the gas stations prices continuously going up and never going down! Robberies around here have increased, you name it... a lot had increased! I don't want to sit still over all this any more. I can't! Honestly... I can't. I didn't bargain for more hardships when I returned to college.
  7. Aye... so that part in the "Code" with the weapons is what also confused me. I'm sure each vessel was set up differently yet similiar in structure. Now.. Navigation is another that kills me since from research.. young lads of good Genteel standing we taught Navigation as well as Latin and other means to get them further in that day and age. So... if the Captain did know Navigation, obviously they didn't need a Navigator, correct? A couple terms appear to be the same like First Mate and Quartermaster... another is the Navigator and the Sailing Master. It all seems rather like "crossing wires" or they all nearly have the same stations as another to me. If not, it's where I have read these terms and titles are not all that clearly defined to me which again confuses the heck out of me. I'm sure ships titles were varied depeneding upon the type of ship and the number of crew. And thank you, JoshuaRed for your assistance. It is appeciated.
  8. Now... for some of you who do much more research than I... may be a wee bit clearer on this subject... I've a couple books and looked about on the web.. asked a couple people... however I'm still rather unclear on the titles and ranks of those aboard ship. I know some have multiple titles and some titles have the same meaning. Is someone out there willing to assist in clearing up what is what and who is who? Example... what the captain does and why they are there. Is the Quartermaster and First Mate the same rank? What is the difference between Master Gunner and Master at Arms? All these and many other titles and ranks have not been clearly defined to me. Help! Please?
  9. Hopes all is well with the Colours. It's fun but also time consuming and a challenge to make Colours be it a Pirate flag or the Union Jack or even a unit Regimental. Done those and the pirate flag has to be the worst and time consuming. Especially done by hand. Again... eager to see your handiwork, Bones! I'll be lookin' for the flags you made in the films. :)
  10. I know some of ya are groaning and wondering why again... I'm sure many of us as bitched about how high they are. Why does this have anything to do with piracy? Well... how else will we all get to our events? Hmm? Need gas for that vehicle of yours! A few of ya have gone off to events already this weekend. Grand! Bavo.. Lucky you! I am now having a HARD enough time attempting to keep gas in my vehicle. It's $2.59 here in Cedar Rapids Iowa... REALLY high for us. I heard it's $2.80 around Chicago.. and nearly $3 out on the east coast. Honestly...I don't know about the rest of you.. but I CANNOT continue to pay this much in gas! I've already paid 2 extra years worth of gas compared to what the price use to be since 2002. I haven't the money for it all. I'm a returning College student relying upon Financial Aid.. or was since now I am sick and cannot really do anything but trying to get myself back on my feet...literially. When will we ever really say "enough is enough!"? How will we say that? I've already complained to my Senators and Representatives about it. Many times. Am I the only one who is having it real hard with forking money out to make the big gas guys rich? And no... I don't blame just Bush, I'm a Republican... why just blame him? I blame EVERY bloody Politician in office right now! They should know better than to allow this! I'd REALLY hate to do the same darn thing that was done with the Boston Tea Party... I'm rather environmental that I wouldn't do that. Though, commandeering an oil tanker a la pirate style? But seriously... how many of you out there are sick of all this? How much of the gas price hike is affecting your going to events?
  11. One of my fav quotes comes from an animated series I use to watch back in the 80's.... "A man can face the most dangerous challenge so long as he believes he can master it..." ~Esteban, "the Mysterious Cities of Gold" Another from that series... "...Go ahead and set sail, then keep your eyes wide open." ~Mendoza
  12. Ahoy Captain Russell... Ooooh, the Amanas is what was and is a German Colony of old with many a fine shops and plenty of wineries around to tickle th' taste. As well as the good restuarants there with their incredible faire of fine German specialties. It would be most graciously kind of ya as this piratess needs some good boosters to be rid of whatever illness be keepin' me down. I read that there is a sweet version as well as the more common sour-pucker version. Either way, this fruit is a fine fruit t' help any poor soul down with any illness. Again most gracious an' kind of ye. I'll be sendin' ya a message soon 'nough. Now I could be sayin' the same when winnin' a gent in th' same manner... Alas, all... I'm back in m' bunk here in m' cabin... as the weather may have put me back under... aye... despite yesterday bein' in better spirits.. t'day... I'm will with painful ears, sore throat, etc. I more than pray now... I beg for it all t' end! Th' felines be doin' well.... mama an' her 6 wee ones.
  13. I realised that I hadn't posted my Colours on here. Haven't gotten around to making them yet. I have the fabric, just haven't made it. Rather rudamentary and not as grand as Will's handiwork but here it be...
  14. A mum? Bloody hell no.. :) Though a cute idea, Arthur. No.. just a proud new owner of 6 wee kittens and now attempting to figure out what to do with them in the future... luckily I've all my nails... Aye, MerryD... a soak in a hot tub sounds fabulous. Plenty o' German food nearby. Amanas are great for German specialties. Only problem I am having at the moment... is obtaining a cherry like fruit from the Caribbean that is unavailable in the US... called Acerola? Anyone have some they can ship? I read it helps with boost your immune system and gets rid of fatigue. Jack... ye are a devil! Temptin' women with backrubs! That specifically be a weakness of mine!
  15. Tis a very lucky break for ya, Rumba. Very lucky! Mother nature is a wild one.
  16. I unfortunately jumped in on it halfway through... but caught some of the fun stuff. Might I state that seeing the gold was rather blissful. As well as the sketch of the 300 yr old face... and what was rather sweet - in my opinon - was their statement "Now doesn't he look happy?" "No. I think he'd rather be down there with the rest of his shipmates.." Awww! and how so damn true! Who wants t' be on public display 300 yrs after ya died suppose to be protecting a treasure with the rest of your shipmates. It was an interesting episode. Too many commercial breaks in my opnion..
  17. Hmmm.... still not the greatest... but, I'm in a better mood this morning. I awake after sleeping in and having a dream that the cat had her kittens. And sure enough... SHE HAD THEM! Now.. what makes this grand enough is that ... she's a stray! I've kinda adopted her by feeding them. They trust me well enough I can generally pet them and on that rare occassion they'll (as there are 2 of them) will walk up to me slowly and will allow me to pet them... they don't fear me as much as they fear others. But, aye, the grey and white stray had 6 wee ones just this morning in the box that sits right outside th' sliding glass doors to the cement padio. So... I carefully brought the box in... she wasn't so spooked about being inside since she and the other stray have often come in with little problem.. often it getting them back outside that is the problem! Once they reach of age, 6 lil felines will be up for adoption and I found an animal rescue agency who is fabulous, rescuing various cats and dogs from shelters or the streets to even a Huricane Katrina cat that was rescued and brought up here... to place them in homes fit for them. They screen their applicants well enough to make sure they can handle an animal so that animal will not end up in the shelter only to be put down in a couple weeks. So... that be why I'm in better spirits today. One issue down... many more to deal with.
  18. If worse comes to worse... and not sure what they could do... would be to contact the local police in finding a way to have a restraining order done. Tis legal and rather takin' it a bit far.... but taking it too far would be to threaten his sorry arse! We be pirates... the damn fool is messing with a pirate... in my opinion... one should NEVER mess with a pirate. Crazy of me... I know. But it's BS I get tired of and God damn it! I wanna defend myself in the way I want to! M'deary... I'm willin' to harass his sorry arse for ya....
  19. Ouch! The lad having misplaced the frock coat ya made him? Oooo... I can sympathize there, mate. Prayers that the coat turns up. It was a fine coat for such a young lad.
  20. Unlike some who collect the whole of each series... I only go for the Pirates... a some American a couple vessels and crew from other sides if I like them. But it be the Pirates I mostly go after. :) I didn't collect much with Barbary Coast as there wasn't really anything I wanted but the treasure and 2 characters. South China Seas I am finding a few there I want on the Pirates faction. I've already obtained Calico Cat from SCS (my fav character), have the Black Heart on it's way, a few of the pirate ships as well... but eager to get ahold of the Monkey's Paw, Lady's Scorn, Sister's Rage... as well as El Phantasma (another fav character of mine)! It depends upon one's taste in what is available. I think with Davy Jones' Curse it will bounce back in a wild way. Oh, the sea monsters, ships, and treasure are WICKED! Literially. :::Evil grinz:::
  21. Aye! I saw those islands. Right nice they are. Wishing they were real though, eh? Welp, Patrick.. if ever ya need some ships... again, I'm willing to send ya some. I've more ships than I do crew. And I do have a few of those as well including Jack Hawkins from Barbary Coast, El Phantasma from Crimson Coast, Stephen Decatur from Barbary... etc. Just made a trade deal with 2 fine Gentlemen in which they obtain crew and ships in return I procure a bust of El Phantasma and Captain Blackheart and the wicked pirate vessel the Black Heart. A few non-pirate ships have been.. commandeered by me since I liked them well enough I wanted to use them in my pirate fleet! And a hell of a pirate fleet it is!
  22. Niiiiiiiicceee!! VERY nice, mate! Where th' bloody hell did you find those? Ya makin' e drool and a wee bit envious if not jealous!
  23. Welcome to ye, Iceman. Tis an int'restin' name. I'm in th' mood for a glass of sweet red wine, luv. Thank ye most kindly. Enjoy your anchorage on th' Pub.
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