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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Amen! I hear ya. Tis sad when it's an everyday occurance. Even worse when it's at your job and your superoirs. Or even if you try to look for another job... Every day it's like this. Drivers are horrible enough. Society? What society? It's utter chaos! Makes one wish to escape this stupidity and live like a hermit in the middle of nowhere! I've forgotten some stupid stuff that's happened to me for a reason. I just wanted to slap folks upside the head for some random acts of stupidity. ~Lady B :angry:
  2. Having been released from the Three Crownes after that little drama... Ana returned to the Resurrection. Seated in the Cabin in her chair, swirling around a glass of whiskey, the bottle on the table... she pondered.. or at least tried to. A sad little port...busy as hell but sad. Drinking the rest of the whiskey in the glass, setting the glass down... taking hold of the bottle as she got up... drinking from the bottle... pondering some more as she paced about. Corking the bottle of whiskey and returning it to the cabinet where she drew it from. Sauntering to the double doors and made her way out onto the main deck... looking around to see only a couple gents on watch... looking up to see Moultrie. "Ahh... good," as she faced the man on the quarter deck. "Mr. Moultrie-" He looked down and spotted her.. coming up to the rail, "Oui?" "Inform Graves in due time where ever he be, that we leave my mid morning. Best to be rid of this hell hole." she informed him. "O'v cou'ze, mon Capitane," the man replied. "Good man," with that she withdrew back into her cabin but not without a brief glance over the dim lights of the port. Back in her cabin.. she withdrew to her bunk, beridding her body of all articles of clothing and slipping on a thin chemise for sleeping in. Off to bed she went, with the netting around to keep what bugs were about out.
  3. Alas... I tried to watch the Webcast.. but, no picture and sound was so horrible as I couldn't hear a word really... it cut out that much. So... I couldn't hear it. Nor do I have cable to watch it. I did see some of the Premiere pictures on a site someone linked to. They looked awesome. Aye.. that image of Marilyn Manson and Mickey... I honestly thought that was the weirdest was to see Manson there.. and in his makeup and all. Odd fellow. But Mackenzie and Lee looked incredibly sharp! Good God! Someone pass my compliments on to those 2 gents! Johnny and Orlando and Kiera as lovely as ever. What a variety of folks that showed up this time. So how many pirates from this Pub went? In garb or not? ~Lady B
  4. It's a very lovely piece, Callenish. My compliments to ya. ~Lady B
  5. You are evil, Callenish... very, very evil! ~Lady B
  6. How th' devil could I pass this one up? Ok.. me... Your Seduction Style: The Charmer You're a master at intimate conversation and verbal enticement. You seduce with words, by getting people to open up to you. By establishing this deep connection quickly, people feel under your power. And then you've got them exactly where you want them! ~Lady B
  7. Aye... if I lived in California.. I'd go. Would LOVE to meet Marty. ~Lady B
  8. LadyB, wherever have ye seen that type of pistol before? Gee... don't know, Pete! ~Lady B
  9. I hope they will update their website this coming week then. It's still the way it looked BEFORE this years event. I've not sent in photos yet. Suppose I should. ~Lady B
  10. Sitting there listening and watching the turn of events. And it appeared to be getting worse. Raising a brow, and thinking to self, forced to remain in port over a man who collapsed in a tavern? Apparently it wasn't settling well with her. Debating whether to interceed or not. She REALLY did not want to be noticed... however, the Harbour Master was starting to annoy her and infringe upon her freedom. "If I may be so bold," she began... standing up, and slowly making her way towards the Harbor Master in a graceful stride- "Have you severe reason to keep every soul here and close port, making every person in Port Royal suffer including the financial loss caused by such a hasty decission. For all we know.. the man could simply have become overwhelmed with the heat." Coming up opposite of Morgan, next to Lilly. Glancing down at the Lady, then at Sterling. "He's pale and obviously not well, but why keep him here in the tavern where it's an enclosed area? No, Sir, I think it wiser to take this man to his ship until the Doctor gives sufficiant reason to quarantine. Assure that NO ONE goes to the ship, with a few guards on watch." "Water," she nodded to the Innkeep. Who was dumbfoundedly gawking at her. "Now," she bit out a little roughly. The man complied.. as he attempted to get it in a bucket and no so clean. Rolling her eyes, "Fresh, drinking water... make sure it's at least cool enough," she growled at the man. Obviously they'd not delt with a man who's passed out properly enough. Finally a lass gave her a tankard with good drinking water. Kneeling down, putting a wee little bit in the palm of her hand, she then slowly wiped it over Sterling's face. Handing Sterling's hat to to man, "Fan him with his hat," and the poor man stood there a moment before he started to fan Sterling. "Standing here arguing what to do doesn't help a man who needs assistance now," she grumbled. "Actions speak louder than words." as she used the water again to slowly dampen his face and neck. Looking up at the Harbor Master, "Well? You going to assure that there is fresh air in this establishment and not so crowded? Or are you going to ensure that this man dies?" Her eyes glanced briefly to Morgan. God help her now. But, if her act for at least saving a man of honor... perhaps... she won't be so condemned.
  11. There are many Jack Sparrows out there, and it's not easy for all to look like Mr Depp. But the few who do... my compliments. Aye, Tis a pity you were unable to go, Ace. It's a pity that this was done in NYC. Perhaps next years film... they will do a Nationwide PotC look alike contest/search! But, I agree with the consensus.... Toby was robbed of First Place if not the Grand Prize. He does have a spot on Sparrow outfit. And... just for show all... here's an image of Toby as Jack... of course.. with me, but.. hey... Toby steals the show in this picture! ~Lady B
  12. Final details are still being arranged. Thus far Friday - July 7th - late afternoon and evening will be a Pirate Invasion at the Galaxy 16 Cine in Cedar Rapids. Again the final details are being made but from what I know, the theater will be decorated in piratical decor, a costume contest between 5-6 pm... and hopefully more stuff to enjoy the evening. I might go in for the midnight showing in my pirate attire to help kick it off. ~Lady B
  13. Would this "Gunner's Sight" be used on land as well during wars? It would make sense to me. Why should it only be used to guage the distance and all when firing upon an opponent on the seas? Why not on land when war demands the attempt to be accurate (even though it was far from accurate at times). Someone would have to be VERY good to use one of those very quickly especially during a battle. ~Lady B
  14. Understandable, Lady Seahawke. I had NO clue what PotC:CotBP was about until I went to the theater and saw it. I then saw it was a period film and a REALLY cool one, too! I'm eager enough to see this film. 2 weeks away. God help me between now and then though. ~Lady B
  15. I spotted yesterday (unfortunately didn't buy, poor pirate here) PotC Life board game for $19.99 and the 3-in-1 PotC:DMC Chest/Checkers/Liar's Dice game set for $29.99 both at Target. Has anyone played the PotC DVD Interactive Trivia game? Phillip... don't remember if it was called Skallywaggs. ~Lady B
  16. What?!? No dog? Cute photo of Orlando, BTW... Still a kid at heart. :) ~Lady B
  17. "Very interesting indeed," with chin still on the thumbs, fingers against the lips, raising a brow with a slight smirk upon those wicked lips. Watching the scene as it played before her eyes.
  18. Her eyes just caught sight of the Sterling as he collapsed to the floor with a hard thunk. Partial instinct told her to run to the man's aid. But now was not the time for bringing attention to one's self even if her attire was a bit elaborate. Her eyes watched Morgan a moment, the body of the unconscious man at his feet... then traced her eyes to what body the voice belonged to that shouted his name moment's before... spotting the lass who was passenger aboard her ship. Miss Lilly. "Interesting," she simply stated, placing her elbows on the table, her fingers forming a tent as her chin rested upon her thumbs, the forefingers against her lips. Pondering and assessing the situation.
  19. Watching Morgan quickly dodge folks through the streets of Port Royal making a hasty retreat towards somewhere. "Curious," she simply stated more to herself. Without thinking about Read... she followed Morgan from a safe distance but did her best to keep him within her sights. Until she lost sight of him when turning a corner. Quickly she trotted up to the corner to gaze around it in time to see Morgan enter the Three Crownes establishment. "Very curious indeed," again to herself. She pondered as she slowly made her way from the corner. "Come," barely glancing at Read, figuring he would follow but didn't have to. Quickly returning to the docks, to the Resurrection. "Wait here," she told Read. Then she strode up the gangway onto the ship. Several minutes later... A figure in crimson red appeared on the main deck of the Resurrection- and spoke with Graves a moment,, then came marching down the gangway, her boots thunking the wood with heaviness and intimidation. The aura about her changed... just slightly. A little of that proper Lady was still there, but a haunting and intimidating air hung about her. Those amber-green eyes were piercing as she locked upon Read. "Shall we return to the Three Crownes," as a wicked smirk appeared upon her lips. Making way back to the Three Crownes, standing outside the door, inhaling deeply as she heard the comradery inside... then strode inside. Spotting several from the Service this evening as she glanced about for a table, Includng the Lady that was a passenger aboard her ship... A wench strode in front of her and stopped her, giving the girl coins and whispering to the lass. She nodded and moved off. Nodding to Read a table that was available, "Please sit, Mr Read," As she moved to the table and sat down herself.
  20. Congrats, Winston. :) May ye both have many blessed years with supporting family and friends. ~Lady B :angry:
  21. Sailing about, the lucky man! Bloody hell do I wish I could join him! Especially now since I am in need of some starting over in my life. M'dear, Royaliste Captain... you take th' rum cake at the moment. :) I do SO love cannons. If God be willing, I would LOVE for you to teach me and let me fire one of those cannons. However, knowing insurance.. they'd go berserk. I drool at the re-enactments every time I see the Artillery load up... and there I am on the other side of the battlefield, gawking at the cannons, but God how I love it when near them! LOVE the shock waves from them! LOVE the sound of a cannon firing! Yes, I am nuts. That is my FAVORITE sound in the world is the sound of a cannon firing. Again, eager t' meet ya and to see the Royaliste in Chicago, mate! Fair winds til then! ~Lady B
  22. Oddly enough just as quickly as the Service had begun... it was over. Thinking it odd as she remembered many a Service when young droned on for hours and hours it seemed. Fanning herself as the afternoon heat within a building was stuffy and stifling. She stood and began to slowly take her place to exit from the Church. But.. none to quickly. Once again her eyes fell upon Morgan, watching the man. He was a curious fellow. Turning her head to Read, then swiftly turning it back in front of her as she strode along towards the door. Those amber-green eyes of hers fell upon Sterling as she made her way to the entrance-exit. Recalling seeing him at the docks earlier. No, it didn't bother her.. but she had not acquinted herself with him at least. Something about him struck her with curiousity. Before she was able to approach Sterling.. he was out the door with the rest of the crowd and on his way. She'd eventually acquaint herself to the man. Eventually. If the Fates be willing. One more glance at Morgan and she strode out the door herself... sure that Read was right behind her.
  23. Captain! Lookin' forward t' meetin' ya in due time! I personally will try and catch hold of ya in Chicago. ~Lady B
  24. Jack Sparrow.. that one could NEVER have been more perfect for you! Hmmm... Mine was very typical of a Taurus.... Your Birthdate: May 9 You are a born idealist, with more pet causes than you can count. You prefer be around others, both when working and while relaxing. Generous and giving, you believe you can change the world one person at a time. You're open minded and tolerant. People feel like they can tell you anything. Your strength: Your go-with-the-flow flexibility Your weakness: Your flair for the over dramatic Your power color: Pine green Your power symbol: Circle Your power month: September ..... I'm more a Tiger (Chinese Horoscope) than a Taurus personality. ~Lady B
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