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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. By God! Ray is REAL! Ray! Mate! How's about a few drinks for this parched Lady? First drink 'll be Irish Cream... bloody hell, man... just give me th' damn bottle! ~Lady B
  2. Drinks are on ye, eh? I'll not be sayin' another word! Welcome though, mate. And thank ye for th' drinks! I'll be having Irish Cream thank ye. ~Lady B
  3. Grand t' have ya here on th' Pub, Boots! Hope ye enjoy yerself here upon all levels on th' Pub. Ecumenicly, grammatically... spiritually. I'll have a whiskey, thank ye. ~Lady B
  4. Welcome aboard th' Pub, lass. I pray ye enjoy it here. Always a blast here (that's usually when the barrels accidentally explode for some reason or another). I'll be havin'..... Irish Cream thank ye. ~Lady B
  5. Captain. I apologize for not coming in t' welcome ye sooner. Always grand t' meet another who be formally against th' King. God can Bless 'im all He wants... bloody hell if I'll ever bless 'im! Prayer be with thee in yer search for more wealth, mate. Hope the seas be treatin' ya well. And the Ladies even better. :) I'll be havin' Captain an' Coke thank ye. Captain Morgan's favored drink that is. I don't think ye'd taste good soaked in Coke. ::ponders something a moment::: Someone else may though. :::evil grinz::: Again, welcome to th' Pub, Captain Talbot. ~Lady B
  6. Ye've come to th' right place for proper piratical carousin', mate. :) Tis no better place I know of around the vast sea known as the Internet. Maryland, eh? Fine state. Better yet... special crusies? Mighty sweet, mate! Do elaborate! If ye'd be so kind. Oh... an' I'll be havin' an Irish Cream thank ye. ~Lady B
  7. Mmmm... m'dear... how's 'bout some Hot Sex for this Lady? :::Hands him a bottle of Cask and Cream::: ~Lady B
  8. Welcome to th' Pub, Lucas. We'll be a seein' how mad ye are fo' comin' here. Hope you be enjoyin' yo'rself well 'nough here. An'.... be watchin' that spid'r of yo'rs... ::: Shivers and cringes::: Nay, I loathe the 8 legged buggers! After bein' bit twice by 'em... you'd loathe them, too! ahhh... a drink for this 'ere Lady... I'm in a fair mood t'day... so... I'll b' havin' an Irish Cream thank ye very much. ~Lady B
  9. Let's just say I feel so alive, and looking towards the future. I would never have known what love is without him. Always hear it, always see other people.... always hear about others supposedly in love or are in love... But to actually know it, feel it, understand it and look forward to seeing his face, to hear his voice, the sweet sensation of warm, loving kisses, his arms, and to feel such comfort and be comfortable... to place his needs and wants as a priority... I would never have known that without him. God bless him for it. ~Lady B
  10. Hmmm.... I've have no preference upon physical appearance of someone of the opposite sex. As this subject has been rather not a priority. I am, however, a sucker for blue eyes. :) But I dare say... the one I have a fancy for... he's a body I can hold on to. ... especially as I gaze into his wonderful blue eyes. And some hair to allow my fingers to comb through. It's not what I look for ahead of time with restrictions of the wrong sort, looking for second best. It's what comes to me in what matters the most and finding he's far more than I truly expected. Eye level... with a big heart and a big smile. What more can a Lady ask for? ~Lady B
  11. Hmm.... I adore that idea with the bed. I have dreamed the same for many, many years. The decor of the bed and room can be very elaborate. But I will agree... to enjoy the company of another within that bed, sexually or not, makes the room warmer and far more enjoyable. But... a carved, wood bed with the valances... the old style with "treasure" all around... candles... Highly charming. It's late at night and I find it hard to explain my pirate room. ~Lady B
  12. As long as Jack is NOT in Claymation! A 4th would be cool. Despite the rumors. I've learned to just shut myself away from the rumors cause sometimes they sound cheesy and seem to ruin it.. but all in all, even if the story sounds dumb... the fabulous cast and crew seem to save the story right nicely. Only film Depp COULDN'T save was "the Astronaut's Wife" ::: Cringes and shivers:::: horrible... horrible film! Not one huge on Jack... but some Jack is better than no Jack. And will ALWAYS LOVE Barbossa, too. Elizabeth is rather tolerable considering how many of us ladies feel like her or she appears to be us? I know I felt that way often. Even the little girl fascinated with adventure and pirates while men, boys and your daddy told you to shut up and be a good girl, girls shouldn't get dirty, girls do this, girls do that, girls don't do this, etc... Aye... Elizabeth is kinda the way we all wish to be.. the proper girl able to at last break free from the restrictions of blah life and have an adventure! Tis a good one, Christine.. that Fan Fic. Some weird Fics out there. Oh, well. But... some are enjoyable. Rumba... only fatal if she's allergic to something and he's not. Hey, who knows... perhaps Barbossa learned about Elizabeth the last time. Who knows. WB from Vacation, Bess. Granted this is a wee bit late... but hey. LOL... no chance, huh? Oh well... tis ok. Hope not, hmm? :) Good idea on the musical there, Sir Eric. I like! Mad Jack... wait til it spins off more so beyond Next Generation! How about PotC: DSV 9! Or PotC: Voyager. The PotC version of the Borg - the Dutchman crew! Now we know what happens when Jones goes bye-bye! The Dutchman crew become a Collective and attempt to assimilate Sailors! let alone Jack! ~Lady B
  13. Aloha m'dear. Welcome at last. Ladies... by all means, treat him. He very well deserves it! :) An' t' help out m'luv here.... ::: has several barrels of various sorts of drinks brought in::: Plenty for all t' drink. Party! In th' name of this fine Gent! :) ~Lady B :angry:
  14. B'careful there, Christine... he's just as dangerous. An' Aye... I can attest to EVERY word being the exact description of him. :) ~Lady B :angry:
  15. Rumba... if they do this again... how's about you an' I! wicked Ladies showin' the new crop what it's like t' be REAL pirates? :::evil grinz::: I'd love to do one if it's done in the summer. Or when my time is open. ~Lady B
  16. Don't know about that first kiss. My first kiss ... I loathed. The damned fool stole a kiss and it was just horrible. Pirate Passions? As long as there be a fine Gentleman there to be with and gives ya hope for a decent future, one who meets your standards with flying colors cause he's already who you are waiting for... then that be more than just pirate Passion. Now if he shares the same passions (things)... then, by God... you've got yerself a prize! ~Lady B
  17. First and foremost... Barbossa. Hence m' namesake. A fine pirate. Not as goofy and more a man than Sparrow. Davy Jones is a close 2nd. I like some others... but Barbossa and Jones are the top favs. Especially Barbossa. Again, not enough praises about him. ~Lady B
  18. :::embarassed as hell::: Again, we shall see. I haven't a clue if that weekend is open or not for me. Depends upon if there is a Horse Show that weekend or another equine event which means I have to be there. I will find out this week... or next week. But my cash is spread thin enough since a flight out west is going to zap a lot of it! Yikes! Pricy to fly out west in March (long story)! If I do go... can't guarantee I will be there as a Pirate. My outfit is not really historical. It's more fantasy than historical. I have Colonial/18th attire that is more period though. Would be nice to see a few folks from the NWTA, too. Hopefully discuss some more about the horse issue (another long story). As well as meet some of you and see others again before Port Washington. ~Lady B
  19. Cheeky... I'd say.... what do the ghosts think? ~Lady B
  20. Hmmm.... interesting. Sounds like fun. Not heard anything about it via the NWTA. But will check it out. :) Thanks. :) ~Lady B
  21. I pray all is well with her and we shall see her soon enough. ~Lady B
  22. Awww... bugger! March and April? Can't do that. I want to do this SO bad... just for the fun and experience... but I can't do it at that time... college comes first... and other things. If they do this again... someone lemme know.. please? :::Whimpers::: Damn, I really want to do that! Again, if another one is done... and it's shot during the summer... let me know. I'll jump at it in a heartbeat! I'd LOVE to do it! Can't do it during the fall and spring cause of classes... career comes first. ::::Praying they will have another Pirate reality show::: Wonder if I could bring Magellan ( my pirate kitty) with me? ~Lady B
  23. I can see what Iron Bess is saying. For the sake of T & T... they CANNOT read anything while working on upcoming PotC stuff due to Copyright issues. You all remember what happened to Brown with "The DaVinci Code"? Sued cause of supposed plagerism. I think Ted and Terry are trying to cover their butts and not read what folks send them so they don't get sued. A smart idea. Doesn't mean you can't do that. Write a Fan Fiction about the Black Rose being Jack's true love. The only issue is... how many fan fics out there are just like that? Already people are bitching that Elizabeth Swann is too Mary Sue. Mary Sue is a fine line and it's hard to not cross it. Especially when you have a supposed one woman who saves or is an equal to a hero. Making her the Heroine, and a Savior. Bad stuff there. Happens the same way with Barbossa. Hence why I never read fan fics either. Fan fics also inhibit one's personal creativity cause of someone else. Best to be a recluse. Be careful what you create. Cause someone else has the same idea, too. Personally.... not huge into Jack... but I think I like him better with his flings and may ladies. A harem of lasses he fancies. He's a rover anyway. Why remain with one lady? Besides... same applies to Barbossa. Granted people are thinking the same with him... one love, lots of children, etc... ::: rolls eyes::: It's rather sad. Embarassing this lass with the name sake really. I cringe every time. Why do I cringe? Cause Barbossa's a rogue! Same as Jack... he just has his Ladies to enjoy. Not just one to have and hold and spend the rest of his life with, etc... if so, Barbossa wouldn't have taken the Black Pearl, would not have been cursed, and wouldn't be where he is. Will and Elizabeth. That's good enough for me. Norrington can still have his heart adoring the woman. Jack we know is not really serious about her. And Jones' love... well, that too.... Please don't ruin PotC for the rest of us who enjoy what Ted and Terry produce. There is creativity... then there is copying. Taking Ted and Terry's idea of PotC and twisting it to your desires.... that's just fraud and not right. Hell.. there is NO way in hell a Lady Barbossa will ever show up in these films. Nor do I really want it. What be yours is yours. What's Ted and Terry's is theirs. Just becareful what you do. ~Lady B
  24. I was lucky enough to find Barbossa! Seriously... of all the figures at Wal Mart... there was only ONE Barbossa. He was up on the top shelf. Aye... pure pirate determination to obtain Barbossa... the one an' only! So.. Barbossa stands b'side Davy Jones. :) 2 of my favs in PotC. ~Lady B
  25. Aye.... tis a good one, Bess. As always, lass! I've generally just kinda taken it one day at a time. I've heard SO many supposed plots and possible spoiler info that I just don't want to hear anything and will see what's real and what's not in May. The info out there... my God! It's just weird! Don't know what's real and what's not! That official bit was cool. :) But true... all Jack. Not as annoying as Master Replicas with their new releases of replica stuff so far it's all Jack. :::Groans and rolls eyes::: Can't they produce other items that are NOT Jack's? Barbossa has plenty of stuff. Elizabeth... Will... Norrington.. etc. As long as I get my fill of Barbossa eye candy... I'll be a happy Lady. :) ~Lady B
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