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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. ^ About the same, and many of the jackets given t' me. I often don't buy new cloths, till the old ones wear out. (and I'm not hard on clothin'!)

    < Not buyers guilt, just not a clothes horse.

    V Better t' give or receive?

  2. I pull Eyes from the foamy deep, t' the safety of the pub porch, with only my boots gettin' sticky. Ransom gives me a look, like ye said it wouldn't get any dumber, and I just shake my head.

    "Lads take note, fill the Cat's tankard wit' Dr. Pepper and stand back!" She is still rollin' in foam and gigglin'. Seems she has turned her artistic talents t' makin' animals out of soda foam.

    "Seems Red Cat, there are three pieces t' the map, and Eyes just gave ye the second, and CrazyChole has the third." I look over and see CrazyChole is also outside the pub, and is taste testin' the soda foam, and offerin' her services as a sawbones.

    'I'm goin' t' hav' t' help Ray man the bilge pumps, before we can go back in the pub,' me thinks.

  3. Not wantin' t' take too much pleasure, from Ransom's fall from grace, I tried t' look more serious. "Ye certainly know how t' make an exit!" It's not one I'm goin' t' forget anytime soon, I thought.

    I decided it was best we depart the dock, and leave the pryin' eyes of the crew of the Rakehell behind. I offered her my arm, and apologized profusely fer not sendin' a carriage.

    This had been a day of surprises, not the least Ransom's surprisin' attire.

  4. I watch Red Cat's furtive glances about the room. Is she lookin' fer clues? I notice Eyes is showin' interest in the charred remains of fruitcake, at the end of the bar; is Eyes lookin' fer another piece of tin.

    "Watch out Red Cat, a martini that dry will sour yer cream." I pull up a stool next t' her, "So, how many pieces t' this puzzle... I mean map, are there? Should we be retrievin' Eyes' tankard fer more clues?"

  5. With a clean shirt, no sign of fleas, and no lingerin' coconut smell, I'd say it's time fer a martini!

    "Ray, a vodka martini, shakin' not stirred! ('cause I do give a damn.) Aye, mates the martini bar is open, name yer poison."

    Looks like Ransom is sippin' her drink and warmin' up. I wonder where CrazyChole has wandered off, wit' her drink and her piece of the map; wonder if this bloody thing is a map?

    T' recap we've had flamin' fruitcakes, and fleas. What's next...

  6. The creakin' of the Rakehell gangplank caused me t' turn my head, and what I saw made me think I was dreamin'. I must of fallen asleep, while waitin' fer Ransom. Fer surely Goose's cookin' couldn't be that bad, that she would put on a gown?

    But, just as this dream like vision was about t' step onto the dock, upon which I stood, her slippered foot got caught. She fell forward into my out stretched arms, and started wit' curses that would make any seaman blush! Aye, it were no dream and this were no ordinary lady.

  7. Not wantin' Ransom t' shiver so, I go t' the back room, fetch a fresh linen shirt (made by kass's elves) and a blanket from a cedar chest. I wrap the wool blanket over her shoulders, and place the shirt on a stool next t' her.

    I find the festive napkins at the bar, and return t' Red Cat, t' wipe the garlic butter runnin' down her cheek.

    Sniffin' my own shirt sleeve... coconut? I guess I need a change me self. I head t' the back room, fer my own wardrobe change, and t' clean up wit' some unscented soap.

    I stop t' order a Dirty Martini with extra olives fer CrazyChole; Ray smiles and breaks out the Martini shaker.

  8. I brush off the stuffin flakes, and start laughin' when I hear Red Cat say, 'Fleas Navidad!'

    Ray comes out of the pub galley wit' roasted garlic, garlic pizza and garlic toast. "Well if the garlic doesn't drive away the fleas, we'll drive away each other."

    "Fer yer own protection mates, I recommend ye all eat some." I take a big bite of roasted garlic, and wash it down wit' ale.

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