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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. Jacky faced the man, who wanted to board the ship, "Permission granted, Mister Dillard."

    "Arr ye fit fer duty?" Jacky had heard that Dillard had succumbed to the bottle, while recovering from injuries; injuries received after a failed battle at sea, with a french privateer.

  2. Jacky was pleased with the progress they had made today. Most of their stores were aboard, but they needed more fresh water. Jacky shouted down to Spoons, who was in the hold, "I didn't see any lamp oil come aboard, do we have enough t' last the next two weeks?"

  3. Rifle, Loot and Salvage Companie


    not-fer-profit, all fer fun

    Working on building a true GAoP impression

    for Pirate events in the Northwest go the the PDX Pirate Calendar:


    "Stormfeather, yer website is grand! If yer group ever makes a patch, for the 'Rifle, Loot and Salvage Companie', put me down fer one. Been aboard the Lady, down here in SoCal, would luv t' sail wit' her up there, in Oregon or Washington."

    "Best of luck, and thanks fer postin' the pictures!"

  4. Maybe I shoulda said, "How good are ya with yer weapon?"

    A coy smile crosses Jacky's face, "I don't wish t' be indelicate; but I am skilled in the art of love makin', and know how t' pleasure all a woman's senses; was that what ye was askin'?"

  5. I spent to many years as tha tallest gal in school I guess. One too many Jr. High dances where my partners face was in my chest ta not 'ave height issues.

    "CrazyChloe, I can't believe yer that tall, that ye couldn't find taller dancin' partners? I dated a lass who was 5'11" and my face never ended up in her chest, while we was dancin'!"

  6. Why, Mr. Tarr, is that a cyber proposal of pyracy partnership? Must we sign articles? If so, I promise not ta kill ya the first night, and I'll hire a taster for yer all yer drinks.  B)

    So, when does the pyrate honeymoon start? B)

    "Aye, I thought we was on the honeymoon! As fer signin', ye want t' sign fer goods, ye haven't seen? Ye better check, how tall I'm not (on the thread, 'What size do you like...)."

    Jacky walks around, and inspects his cyber bride to be, "But yer offer deserves serious consideration."

  7. "This is sad, sez I. I'm not tall enough for CrazyChole, Red Cat, or Ransom! Oh well, I'm 5'9" and 152 lbs. So, I'm even too thin fer Rumba. Ye ladies, all like those six foot tall pirates?"

    "I've always said the perfect women fer me would be around 5'4"; goes back t' the high heels thing. Although I've gone out with women taller and married one shorter. Doesn't bother me if their either, c'est la vie!"

    "Bodice and chest measurements, don't matter either. Like Patrick, I've known women who have suffered from too much of a good thing. Clothes seem to flatter the ladies wit' less."

    "I always come back t' comfortable in their own skin; that makes any size, the right size!"

  8. Taking Jacky's hand, I head back to my table, where I've left my martini. "Come on, Luv, let's sit a spell and enjoy the peace and quiet."

    I look over at Red Cat, who is snoozing, a slight grin on her face. "Hmmm, must be a cat nap."

    Jacky lets go of Ransom's hand for a moment, picks up a sea blanket, and covers the sleeping Red Cat. He takes Ransom's hand again, and smiles, "Ye know I believe she can sleep anywhere."

  9. Well, I guess I'm speaking up again to show off what I've been sewing in the catigory of "pirate garb".

    I wanted to make something for Halloween, but I was afraid that I wouldn't have time (Says the seamstress who sews some projects in less than two weeks) so I threw together some of the stuff I had in order to make my pirate character's costume:

    "Kass, if yer about, looks like ye have future competition! Good job Cap'n Shamrock!"

  10. Ah, Red Cat, I see your musical tastes run much the same as my own - in other words, I like just about anything, depending on what mood I'm in. Except for real twangy country - that makes my teeth hurt.  :rolleyes:

    Yes, I'm not one for "My woman took my pickup and ran off with my hound" stuff..lol

    "That's funny, two of my favorite pirates and they don't like country... I'm listening t' 'Bring It On Home', by Little Big Town."

    "I dedicate it t' the both of ye, fer ye don't know what yer missin'!"

    "Where's my hound?"

  11. Now, I will admit that the romance does bug me sometimes, but that's my own issue. I'm just not a romantic person. I'm much more comfortable with fights, blood shed and hate. Given a choice I'd write someone getting stabbed in an alley over two people kissing anyday. I think that's pretty well reflected in what I write. But I don't begrudge anyone that is comfortable or enjoys writing the romantic end. Like Ransom said, it takes some of each to make a good storyline. Plus, I can always channel my frustrations into one of the angry charecters and it works to my advantage.

    As a reader, non-writer in PR, I'd say CrazyChole is adept at this balancin' act (Romance and violence). On the one hand she has a character that adores Captain Striker, and one that is ready t' kill 'em. Striker sleep wit' one eye open, and keep yer pistols close.

    Those who feel they can do better, show us.

    I marvel at how well ye all play together!

  12. Very well said, Sir. It's also quite sweet when they dedicate romantic songs to ya! Even if they not be your partner for life. B)

    "In the world of cyber romance, words, images, links, and mpegs are the only gifts we can bestow on our beloved characters."

    "What makes ye think that Jacky couldn't be Ransom's partner fer life? A pirate's life is a short one after all!"

    "Sides if the honeymoon night didn't kill 'em first, he might sip a drink prepared by Miss St. Claire, by accident."

  13. Despite my best attempts to express myself through metaphor, "love" which requires a death of self is not love at all.  The blessed sea into which i've been thrown has not drowned my being.  It has, however, brought about a sort of rebirth, that i liken to a change in atmosphere.  i am free to be myself with him.  It is beyond that, in fact.  i am more fully myself with him than i have ever been.  He knows and loves my weaknesses as well as my strengths, and for that, i feel stronger, and am able to accomplish more.  i love him more deeply and fully than i ever thought possible, and for that, i am more loving with others in my life.  He draws the very best of me out, and i feel more empowered, more energized, and freer than i have ever felt.

    "It must seem like divine providence has played a hand, when ye find someone who loves ye warts and all (Not sayin' ye ever had warts). The fact that ye have more love t' share wit' others, because of this relationship, speaks well of ye both."

    "Again, glad t' hear yer cup runneth over! (Yet another metaphor!)"

  14. Pub life would not be worth livin', if not for romance! Most great adventure stories, often have a romantic thread. Why should the stories here be any different? Granted Port Royal could use a few sea and land battles, I wish Dorian and William could offer their expertise in this area.

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