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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. ^ Any weekend where my brother and sister in-law take the kids. Where we can engage in small talk wit' out an extra set of ears. Go t' bed wit' out pajamas, and wake up wit' out 'em (both).

    < Haven't written anything in over thirty years, until the pub; enjoyin' this more than I should.

    V Cyber pirate, re-enactor, or both?

  2. "Welcome, Time Keeper! We don't usual allow time pieces in the pub; some of us spend too much time here. I myself lose all track of time here. Course we've used time keepers t' see how fast we can drink a pint!"

  3. Jacky walks over eating a piece of unburned fruitcake, and offers a slice t' CrazyChole. He gently, places a hand on Red Cat's shoulder, t' stop the bouncin'.

    Whispers t' Eyes, "I'd say yer cards are worth thar weight in gold!"

    To CrazyChole, "Any markin's t' tell us wot kind of map it be? Does it look like a chart, or directions?"

    Red Cat seems certain it's a treasure map, and starts bouncin', again.

  4. I salute you, Jacky.

    Can you guess how many fingers I am using to do so? :blink:

    "Matt... Matt... I'm not yer Secret Santa, so this was the best I could do." I walk over and pick up the snowglobe, "See there's a little snowman in there, and a little house..." (sigh)

    "Lad if'n yer goin' t' give a proper knuckle salute, ye have t' bend all yer fingers." I turn the globe over in my hand, and back and watch the festive snow fall. Quite soothin' actually; it's been one of those days.

  5. As gay or corny as this may sound, I LOVE snowglobes. But dang it, I don't have any.

    Matt walks in t' the pub, and all the lads move t' the far end of the bar. Matt approachs the bar where a 'snowglobe' wit' a gift tag bearin' his name, awaits...

  6. Now, why would I be wantin to leave Mr. Tar? Was just thinkin we might need tha emergency exit, in case o fire o militia o some such. Plus, I hear if ye try ta leave, there's capt'ns 'ere tha'll come after ye and drag ye right back. I'm not riskin *that*!

    Consider this fair warning Lilith. Once yer 'ere, yer 'ere fer good.

    "Ah! CrazyChole, ye know we don't have t' drag ye... just leave a trail of big fruitcake crumbs, soaked in brandy fer ye, and lead ye right back here!"

  7. Dillard should have been back by now, wit' Captain Ransom.

    "Stones, I'm going ashore." Stones didn't look surprised, as I started down the gangplank. I was worried, but tried not t' show it. The walk calmed my nerves, and I arrived at the dock of the Rakehell, in short order.

    I was surprised, and pleased t' see Dillard on the dock, "Mister Dillard!" He stood immediately, and explained that Captain Ransom was not ready to leave.

    I gave him permission t' return t' the ship, and told him that I would escort the captain, to the Relentless. Dillard looked amused, but didn't comment and returned to the ship.

    Now, I waited...

  8. Returnin' t' the galley, I see Spoons has things well in hand. Goose's hair is tied back, and he is busy scrubbin' pots and pans.

    "Spoons, I hope Captain Ransom will be joinin' me fer dinner. I would like ye t' prepare Toad in a hole, roasted potatoes, and English peas." Goose mutters somethin' about bad meals and frogs. I smile, "Goose, we all eat the same meals." Goose starts t' look green, "Goose ye best come topside fer some air!"

    Goose, and I go up t' the main deck; he t' the main deck railin', and I scan the deck for Dillard.

  9. Another crew member from the Rakehell was at the gangplank of the Relentless, and requestin' t' give me a letter, from their captain. "Blast, is that woman goin' t' send 'em one by one, t' be fed?"

    I looked over the side of the ship, and saw the sorriest excuse of a sailor I'd ever seen. I yelled to him, "Stand fast! Wot's yer name sailor?" He weakly replied, "Goose."

    "Ye the cook from the Rakehell." He replied, he was the cook. "Stones, do we still have a laundry tub and brushes on the dock?" Stones smiled and said, "Aye, Mister Tar, and lye soap aplenty." I looked seriously at Stones, "I don't care how much he protests, but see that Goose has a bath, and burn those rags he's wearin'. Then show him to the galley, to report t' Spoons fer galley duty." Stones chuckled and looked down at the skinny man, and started down the gangplank.

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