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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. 'No, CrazyChole, I'm purty sure that spider likes cookies! Ye know spiders must drink their meals; so, I sez we crush up some cookies in rum, an' use the mix t' draw the beast away from Eyes. It'll take some work, an' the task won't be wit' out risk. What say ye?"

  2. I'm still starin' at the belayin' pin an' where Eyes had been tied t' a chair, which is no longer there. My trance is broken when I see Red Cat charge from the room and scream!

    I turn grab the lantern an' draw my pistol. Rushin' through the door, I see the broken chair and Eyes is gone.

    By the railin' Red Cat is single handedly tryin' t' lift the spider by it's own web. I put down the lantern and tuck my pistol in t' me belt, and help her pull the silken rope up. Ransom and CrazyChole join in the liftin' of the spider, too.

  3. "Red Cat, ye wandered off before ye knew wot we was facin'. Eyes left us wit' that creature confrontin' us. He left wit' out a word an' snuck away."

    "I can't abide cowardice or treachery!" I wondered which we were dealin' wit'? Did he even warn Red Cat of our peril?

    "Red Cat ye need t' cinch yer knots tighter."

  4. I uncock my pistol, as Red Cat could get hurt. "Alright... alright! But I want Eyes pistol, fer I don't want any more accidents!"

    Reluctantly, Eyes hands his pistol t' CrazyChole.

    I motion t' Eyes t' sit in a chair. "CrazyChole, I saw a bit o' rope in that bag of yers. I want ye t' give it t' Red Cat. Red Cat I want ye t' bind Eyes t' that chair." Eyes starts t' protest, and I cock my pistol, again.

    "Eyes wot ever we find, ye'll get yer fair share. Ye should be safer in here than we were out there!"

  5. Wit' Ransoms temper abatin', mine is boilin', and that shot was too close t' be accidental.

    I pull my pistol, an' take aim at the center of Eyes' chest, "Ye left us fer dead wit' that creature, now ye try t' finish us yer self!"

    "Ye hav' visited fleas, ants, and spiders on us. Wot's next a plague of locusts? I fer one don't care t' find out. Any last words?"

  6. "Set the creature a blaze, when the deck is puddled wit' rum? No, we need t' find Red Cat Jenny and Eyes, before that creature comes back top side."

    "This might be yer last chance t' exit wit' out bein' chased by the beast, ye might want t' consider it, Ransom."

    "CrazyChole, ye can quit rummagin' thru yer bag, we need t' find the Cat and Eyes."

  7. "I admire yer courage but I was serious about the blunderbuss! I fear my pistol won't do much t' the creature, 'cept maybe put an eye out!"

    My torch spent, I toss it over the side, and draw my cutlass.

    "I hope Red Cat is holed up somewhere safe, and if I get t' Eyes before the creature..."

    Before I can say more, the creature turns an' goes over the main railin', and climbs down in t' the abyss.

  8. Oh I have a mate, Iron Bess, and he's a mighty fine man to have for nearly 25 years. Wouldn't trade him, even for a jar of dirt! :)

    "Damn I hav' t' wait til' we been married over 25 years, t' be wort' more then a jar of dirt!"

    "Suppose it's not that far off. Oh well, gives me somethin' t' look forward t', sez I."

  9. My torch is startin' t' flicker. Hearin' somethin' crunch behind me, I glance back and see Eyes lantern on the ground. I mutter, "Bloody Pirate! Where did Eyes disappear too?"

    The spider seems t' be swayin' a bit. It raises a huge hairy leg and seems t' be pointin' at Ransom. I step in front of Ransom, and draw my pistol again. The spider retreats a bit; the damn thing knows about pistols?

    "Ransom, would ye be so kind and pick up the lantern, luv." The lantern is low on fuel, too. I do not want t' be standin' in the dark wit' this beast.

    "Ransom I need t' hav' ye climb back up that rope and fetch more fire power. Ray keeps a blunderbuss behind the bar."

    "CrazyChole do ye have any cookies in that sack of yers? If'n ye could find them now, and follow Ransom up that rope, after ye give me wot ye got."

  10. I must be hearin' things, I think the creature spoke! I tuck my pistol back in my belt. I put my hand into me waistkit pocket, and search fer a leftover holiday cookie. I slowly pull the cookie from my pocket, and I sware all eight of those eyes were fixed on that cookie.

    The spider starts t' twitch, and I wish I were holdin' my pistol, I toss the cookie in the spider's direction. The spider reaches out fer that cookie, and drags it into a puddle of rum, an' smashes it. Then it dips it's head into the puddle, and sucks that puddle dry!

  11. ^ My wife sez my quiches and chili. My son likes the way I cook pasta wit' Italian sausage. My daughter likes baked pork loins.

    < Now I hav' t' think about wot t' make fer dinner.

    V Wot's yer favorite restaurant?

  12. Wit' the added light of the torches, I see the faces of Eyes, Ransom and CrazyChole starin' at the fearsome creature that now shares the deck wit' us.

    I curse, "Shite! Did anyone see Red Cat?" The hideous creatures' back is t' us and is stalkin' unsuspectin' prey.

  13. Somethin' above our heads is movin' about. Wit' Eyes holdin' the lantern, I have a hand free t' grab a belayin' pin. I take the scarf off my head, and wrap it around the head of the pin. I dip the makeshift torch into a puddle of rum, and get a light from Eyes lantern.

    The shadows created by the torch and the lantern, make my spine tingle. Then we get a glimpse of the creature.

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