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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. I pull the red head away from the cage, "No one is leavin' anyone." I turn t' Eyes, "Eyes, we'll get ye out of here, I swear it!"

    "Where is that key?" The key is no longer in the lock. I turn t' everyone, "Check yer pockets!" Ransom steps forward wit' the key, an places it in the lock, an once again the key is turned (click!). Eyes pushes on the door, but it will not budge.

    I roughly grab the red head, an menacingly ask, "How do we get Eyes out of this blasted cage?"

  2. Jacky Tar, sorry mate, but like any good pirate I only takes the choicest booty.

    * downs three more tankards of rum after setting them on fire, scoops Honor back up in his arms *

    I look at the rumpled Mistress Bright, "Aye, choicest booty." I scratch my head, "Me thinks this is why I drink ale."

  3. Honour's hair is tangled, her lipcolouring is smeared, her bodice is laced wrong and knotted. Her boots are on the wrong feet. She leans agains the doorjamb and says dreamily, 'Make no mistake, lads. That be not just any pyrate....'

    "Aye, we other pirates choose the ladies whom can dress themselves!" I chuckle softly.

  4. Spoons knocked an entered, an seein' the seatin' arrangement had changed, moved my place settin'. I was about t' protest, an move back, when she placed her hand on mine.

    "Spoons, do we hav any coffee up?", I asked. Spoons nodded an left t' fetch some.

    She released my hand t' pick up her knife an cut some sausage. She was takin' small bites, an I don't believe I have ever enjoyed watchin' someone eat, as much.

  5. :P Whew, only six posts and he be stealin' women off ta his room! Now, that man be a pyrate!

    "Any pirate can carry off the women he knows. It takes a real pirate to whisk away the ones he doesn't know, an they go willingly!"

  6. I wonder can BHP's mate name a city or small town, after Herself? Wot wit' her already havin' her own island, wot would the town be called?

    Black Sam's Uvulae?

    Wot? No, I was thinkin' mayhaps Sam's Town, or Bessieville! (She'll probably run me thru fer the last one!)

  7. Here's me toast for the New Year. Taken from our local paper, but it sounded good for pyrates as well.

    "Here's to cheating, stealing, fighting and drinking.

    If you cheat, may you cheat death.

    If you steal, may you steal a woman's heart.

    If you fight, may you fight for a brother.

    And if you drink, may you drink with me! B)


    I luv that toast...

    If ye can cheat death, ye are lucky indeed, count yer blessings.

    If ye steal hearts, know that many of ye here have stolen mine.

    If ye fight, may ye not do it alone; take someone who'll watch yer back.

    If ye drink, may we share one together one day outside the Pub.

    Happy New Year to every man jack (or woman jack) here!

  8. "Red Cat let's try somethin', push the door luv; if it opens, walk out of the cage." Red Cat pushes the door, an it opens. She walks through the door, still holdin' the red head's hair. "CrazyChole follow Red Cat, an don't let the red head get away." Jacky turns t' Eyes, "Uncock an lower the pistol mate. Don't want any accidents."

    The red head is pinned between the door an the cage. CrazyChole steps out t' help Red Cat strong arm the red head. CrazyChole has an arm bar on the red head; so, Red Cat lets go of her hair, an steps clear of the door way. The door slams shut! Red Cat is angrily tuggin' on the door, wit' Ransom pushin' from the inside, but it won't budge.

    "Red Cat, check yer pockets luv." Red Cat finds the cage key in her pocket. She turns t' the red head, an accuses her of dispositin' the key there. "Red Cat, try the key!" Red Cat places the key in the lock, an turns the key till the lock clicks. But she still can't open the door. "Step back, Red Cat." I push on the door, an it opens!

    I stare at the red head, "Ye left out that little detail about the key, didn't ye?" Wot else wasn't she tellin' us?

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