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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. "We need t' drop a rope, and climb down and follow Eyes. Where is that rope that Inigo was playin' wit?"

    Red Cat finds the rope, and ties it to somethin' heavy (a sleepin' Mike Van der Bulge). Then our intrepid adventurers, begin t' climb down through the hatch, wit' torches in hand t' follow Eyes...

  2. I thank Spoons and Goose, fer wot appears t' be an excellent meal in the makin'. I then led Ransom from the galley, and offered her a drink before dinner.

    Ransom seemed pleased wit' Goose's progress, "Send Goose by, from time t' time, t' add another meal t' his repertoire," I said. "Truth be told, Spoons couldn't boil water when he first came aboard, either. But he learned quickly, and thar were no mutiny over meals."

    "I'm glad ye recognized my response t' yer letter was a jest; even though it was at yer expense. I've received many a request from a fellow captain, but yers is the first request t' train another ships' galley cook!" She blushed, and I could tell she was grateful.

  3. "Ye declare, yer a man who is a wolf *towards* man!"

    "Beware of this one, lads and lassies, he preys on his fellow man. Even his name, says let the buyer beware." I turn my tankard over, draw my pistol, and watch my brethren's backs.

  4. "Aye, it is Moet. Alas, it's only the 750ml bottle!" (Need t' plunder a few more ships, fer the big bottle.)

    "Is the rib pork, or beef? Did ye bring ribs t' barter fer the Moet champagne?"

    "The basket is filled wit' meats, cheeses, french baguettes, fresh veggies, fruit, and some pasta salads!"

  5. ^ Stayin' home, my wife's family all live near by.

    < I feel like I know many of ye here, better than those outside the pub.

    V All my real friends are ... (finish the line, no one word answers! Like pirates.)

  6. As we enter the galley, I'm relieved t' see Spoons had taken Goose in hand, and things were as I had left them. The smells were agreeable, and nothin' burnt lingered in the air. Goose is shellin' peas, and has chopped some mint, for the English peas. The toads in a hole are bakin', and the potatoes roastin'.

    Goose's color has returned, and he looks quite pleased wit' himself. Spoons re-enters the galley, and smiles at us, and pats Goose on the shoulder.

    "Spoons I just wanted Captain Ransom, t' see that in fact Goose was in the galley, and receivin' yer fine instruction." Spoons looks like he doesn't recognize Captain Ransom, and offers t' serve us in my quarters on the hour.

    Ransom looks genuinely surprised by Goose's appearance, and inspects the meal preparation wit' keen interest.

  7. "Thank ye, Iron Bess fer gettin' us into Walt Disney Studios! It was a beautiful day, and Red Maria, Zeta, and I got the autographs of Lee, Marty, Ted and Terrie. It was fun seein' yer office, with all the toys, too!"

    "I appreciate ye takin' the time fer this ol' pirate, ye made me feel like a kid again."

    "T' Walt Disney's memory, on his birthday, the studios still have the Disney magic!"

  8. I felt my chest swell wit' pride, when she took my arm. I had t' remind myself, this attire she wore by design. I gladly let her play her games wit' me, fer now.

    The walk to the Relentless, was not long enough. We stepped up t' the gangplank, and I hailed the ship, "Permission t' come aboard!" Stones came t' the main railin', "Aye, Mister Tar... and lady?" I walked ahead of her, to lead her up the narrow walk. Barefoot and surefooted, she did not require my assistance.

    We stepped onto the deck, and were greeted wit' stares and smiles. Thankfully, the way t' the galley was clear. We decended down the steps t' the galley.

  9. ^ Huggin' the wrong woman, from behind. (Explanation: I hugged my wife's twin.)

    < My poor son has mistakenly taken his aunt's hand (many times), and thought it was his mother.

    V Ever mistaken someone fer someone else?

  10. ^ Yer posts!

    < My kids tell everyone, their dad is a pirate. But I think it embarrasses them.

    V What do those who prefer barefeet, wear on their feet when it's cold?

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