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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. Yeah yeah....

    It should have been posted here any how and was my intention....

    Since it annoys you so lad, I've requested it be removed from the RR thread. :rolleyes:

    "Did I say I was annoyed? Quite t' the contrary, I went online t' the Mouse House and tried t' order one!"

  2. I thought about the feedin' frenzy, aboard the Rakehell, when they pulled out those lobsters. I hoped my letter was as well received; if not, I better have the gunner roll out the cannons.

    "Stones, keep an eye out fer the captain of the Rakehell. She might try t' board us, and take our cook!" Or worse I thought, leave hers.

  3. I left the galley and went topside, t' speak wit' Stones.

    A young man approached the gangplank, and said he brought a letter from the captain of the Rakehell. I told Stones, t' let him come aboard. A hungry lookin' lad, I asked him t' wait in the ship's galley while I read the letter, and penned my response. I took the letter t' my quarters..

    "She wants wot? Seems things aboard the Rakehell are worse than I thought!" How t' respond...


    Dear Captain Ransom,

    I'm sorry, t' hear of yer crew's plight. Please, accept these lobsters, and let yer crew know there's more from whence they came.

    Before yer crew has all deserted yer ship, mayhaps ye would like t' negotiate the terms of yer surrender, say over dinner?

    I await yer response,

    Jacky Tar


    I powdered and sealed the letter, and walked back t' the galley. Spoons whispered t' me that young Cox had eatin' like three men!

    "Mister Cox, take this letter t' yer captain, and the bag of provisions which Spoons will give ye. Give them t' yer captain wit' my compliments."

    Mister Cox, wiped his face wit' his sleeve, said his thanks, and returned t' his ship. But not wit' out grabbin' one more sausage.

  4. I hope Mister Dillard fully understood my position; he didn't make any flimsy excuses, I'll give him that. Come t' think of it, I still only have Spoons second hand account.

    Some local fisherman traded us some lobsters, this mornin'. Wonder if Captain Ransom's crew is fond of boiled lobster? Best have Spoons cook 'em, Ransom didn't seem all that keen on her galley cook. Hope she'll accept 'em as a peace offerin', better the lobsters in hot water than yers truly!

    Best head t' the galley, t' fill this mug, and inquire about the lobster.

  5. Dillard's clothes were sullied, and his face swollen; but he was not as bad off, as I was led t' believe.

    "I hope yer not seriously injured, and can carry on wit' yer duties." He looked like he was about t' speak, but just gave an affirmative nod. "I've been led t' believe ye was accosted, and escaped wit' yer life!" Again the nod, "Unfortunate, but yer lucky t' be alive. Some in this port will slit a man's throat fer the clothes on his back."

    I wondered if that were the whole story, "Mister Dillard, I will not tolerate drunkenness, or brawlin' by any crew member, whether on duty or not. If ye have anythin' t' add, please speak up. If not yer excused t' clean yerself up, and return t' yer duties."

    I watched him as he gave me a knuckle salute, an said, "Thank you sir", and hastily exited my cabin.

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