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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. "Looks like even the un-dead need t' sleep." Jacky looks over at Inigo, who is starting to nod off. Rosie's head is down, at her table, too! While Joaquin's snoring has gotten even louder.

    "As fer drinks, one vodka martini won't hurt me." Jacky turns and picks up the glass from the bar, "Cheers, luv!"

  2. i DO mean drowining in love - in the sense that your entire atmosphere changes - and it permeates you from your skin down to your core.  i mean the very sweetest sort of drowning - that which extinguishes your parched former self.  And i mean the sort of altogether unintentional dive into this lovely, deep, permeating love, where neither party sees it coming until it's filled both of your lungs, replacing your very breath.

    "Aye, so why didn't ye say so in the first place! So, who is the lucky fella?"

    "Yer blessed union aside; yer choice of wordin', while poetic, gives me pause. That which extinguishes self, parched or otherwise, implies loss or transformation; even possibly death of self. I should hope that when these lovers come together, they are not in danger of losing themselves. That their transformation is that of becoming a couple, and not changing one fer the other. That their union brings together two complete souls, who are ready t' face the world, arm in arm. Whose tenderness fer each other will extend from their first day together, to their last."

    "Love is a heady brew, one best sipped, and enjoyed over time. May yer cup of love, never run dry, Bonnie Red Weasel!"

  3. Umm... I think she might have meant drowning in a sea of love, not the salty stuff?

    "No, I think she meant both. Besides both can be salty!"

    Sorry for the delay in my response. i didn't actually MEAN both, but i don't think he's too awfully fond of the salty stuff...

    "So, Red Weasel, ye were speakin' of drownin' in love! I thought love was suppose t' lift ye up... give ye wings?"

    "Most fellas aren't too fond of drownin' in anything! But I suppose love is like that fer some. As fer me, I'd rather swim then sink. Love, like salt water, has always made me more buoyant!"

    "As fer the delay in yer responses, I'll look fer ye response in a couple months."

  4. Crazy Chole Black: Another one with such soothing seductive eyes. Her eyes will lead ye thru the darkness for they glow in the dark.

    aww, Captain, flattery will get you everywhere.

    "Aye, Blackfoot is a smooth tongue devil. Be not so sure that were flattery, wit' out a tease. He did say yer dead lights glowed in the dark, after all!"

  5. Before Jacky, can except a mint, Rosie takes a seat at his table. With her back to Ransom, she strokes Jacky's chin, "Mi no reconocer jou Jacky. Jou shaved por de pirate chicas?" She smiles and lifts his tankard to her lips.

    Jacky snatches his tankard away from Rosie, stands and smirks at Rosie. He reaches into a pouch, pulls out dill seeds; chewing the seeds and swallowing them eliminates the ale smell, from his breath. He walks over to Ransom's table. Jacky bends forward and tenderly kisses Ransom on the lips, and then whispers in her ear, "At yer beckon call, luv". He straightens up, smacks his lips, "Yep, onions!" Turns and walks toward the bar, to rid his tankard of ale.

  6. ...Pull up a chair. I always like your company, especially when I'm in a teasing mood."

    ..."Care for a pickled-onion poodle part?"

    "If I'm only good fer teasin', I'll stay right here. 'Sides if yer eatin' pickled-onions, I should definitely stay over here!"

  7. If any of you locals would like to have Ted and Terry sign a copy of the DMC DVD on Tuesday the 5th of December, they will be doing so here on the Studio lot for a few hours that day.

    "Would they sign the first one? Not too crazy about the second one."

  8. Jacky takes what is left of the half and half, and pours it into a hot mug of coffee, for Red Cat. With Red Cat sipping her coffee, and busily creating new creations with a fresh batch of olives, he decides it's time to move to a table. He has Ray fill his tankard, with ale; leaves the bar, and sits at a table next to Ransom. "Ye know Ransom, Rosie is just protectin' what's hers'." He said, referring to Inigo; who seems to have withdrawn.

    "Ye could invite me t' yer table, and show her yer not interested (in Inigo)!"

  9. .... does th pub have half n half?

    Jacky turns to Ray, "Ray seems the pubs' Red Cat likes half milk an' half cream." Ray pours some cream and milk into a bowl. "No, Ray! It's fer Red Cat Jenny's coffee." But before Ray can find a suitable pitcher, Red Cat is lapping up the half and half, and grinning again.

  10. "People luv pirates right now! Say what ye want about POTC, but it's made many pirate friendly. We were walkin' in Newport Beach in our garb, last summer, and folks honked, waved, and were really friendly!"

  11. Jacky is seeing a side of Red Cat he hasn't seen before, tonight. The only thing more precariously balanced then the olive, is Red Cat on her stool; Jacky places a boot on her stool to prevent the condiment waving Red Cat from tipping. "Ye like olives do ye. How about some coffee t' go wit' 'em?"

  12. "Oh, sorry. They all look so alike, it's hard to keep track." Looks at the cheesehead hat, then back at Rosie. "You're right, cheese just isn't you. How about a red-hot pepper hat?"

    Jacky walks up t' watch the exchange between the ladies, as they circle and taunt each other. "Welcome back Rosie! Ransom a red-hot pepper hat, honestly?"

  13. Why bother with vitamin C... Just eat some limes, they just didn't know what caused scurvy.... but I do..... :P

    Same with sunscreen, I'd get localy made clothing, and dress like everyone else.... all covered and wearing a hat......

    A container to hold stuff in ?..... they made boxes, barrels and sacks back then....

    The same with paper and pens..... I can use a bottle of ink and quill to write with........just like they did......

    Other than the possibility of VD (OK add a few handfulls of condoms to my list).... everything else I can deal with.... because of Modern information..... avoid swampy areas and moskittos, eat as much fresh food as possible, and wash my hands more often than people back then did....

    "Patrick, ye make many good points. The most important is that we would take wit' us knowledge and information, they didn't have back then. I think most of us would fare well back then, even Silkie!"

  14. I forgot! I would take one of those fish finders/depth giver things and trade it for like 100,000 acres of coastal front property, put the land in my families name and then come back and sell it! Oh! And also, I would buy up a ton of those dutch onion bottles and stash em' in a cave and then come back and sell them to you guys at a discounted rate($150) cause I'm such a nice guy! Maybe trade some tennis shoes for diamonds?

    I'm not kiddin'.... :P

    "Fix the past t' assure yer future! Those schemes never work and often eliminate the prospects of ye even havin' a future. Sort of follows wit' the no wishin' fer more wishes, when yer given three wishes. But can't blame a pirate fer tryin'!"

  15. Awwww Jacky~~~~ ;)

    We'd be a pair in th 18th century huh? They'd scarce know wha hit 'em!

    Yes a wily well armed cat be a good time travelin companion!

    and ye be piratey enough t keep me outta trouble...for th most part ;)

    "Awww Red Cat... We'd be a pair indeed, and an armed cat wit' a sense of humor, would make a great travelin' companion. 'Sides how much trouble could we get in, on a short trip? Don't answer that!"

  16. In fact there are a several that I would give up my "trip" to. I am an entertainer not a re-enactor. Someone else could share the experience when they came back while I was nursing them back to health. LOL

    "Now whose no fun, Silkie! I said short trip, and not necessarily aboard ship. Ye could make it a shoppin' trip, and any lad or lass could help ye carry back the loot."

  17. ...but considering the situations you could get into with ruthless people where the tables suddenly turn...well as I said in extreme odds I'd like t' keep me head situated where it is.

    I don't think any pirate avoided hedging a bet if they could. Why play fair? ;)

    "The next question should be, 'Who from the pub would ye take wit' ye?'"

    "Ye can only, take one! This would be a short trip."

    "Much as I luv Ransom, not my first pick! Sorry, luv."

    "I'd take Red Cat! She can fish, sail, and heck she's packin' heat! She's probably a better shot then I am, and I'd feel safer wit' her, 'cause we'd probably avoid the un-necessary fights."

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