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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. I watched as Ransom sniffed the proffered drink, "Yer glass holds not but Spanish port, but if the bouquet offends yer palate, toss it!" She didn't look convinced; so I took her glass and poured it into mine, I sipped the drink wit' no ill effects, and shrugged.

  2. I see CrazyChole pullin' a torch from her bag, "CrazyChole, how much fuel do ye have in that torch?"

    "Eyes, stay close mate." I notice the lines on the railin' aren't knotted!

    I turn t' Ransom, who has just arrived, "Did ye bring yer cutlass wit' ye?" I examine a line, runnin' from the main deck railin' t' wot once was a mast. I bring the lantern close t' the line. It's the thickness of a rat line, and looks like silk, but it's stickier than molasses.

    "Red Cat, don't go bouncin' off! Everyone, come closer, please." The hairs stand up on the back of my neck, an' I sense a set of eight eyes is watchin' us.

  3. "Welcome, Crimson Blade! Not related t' the Crimson Pirate arr ye? (I luv'd that movie!)"

    "As fer addin' pictures, ye need t' have one online and know the URL t' it. Then ye can go t' yer personal profile under yer 'My Controls' and add the link thar. Avatars arr easier, because ye can upload those from yer computer; so, ye might start wit' an avatar, and fill in yer bio."

    "Now ye need t' be buyin' us a round. I feel parched wit' all that jargon, bein' said."

  4. "Avast! We need t' see if CrazyCholeBlack and Ransom are goin' t' join us. Don't want anyone fallin' down there!" I look over the rail an' into the abyss. "Sides, we need t' tie off this rope so we can get out later."

    Red Cat has that gleam in her eye; thankfully she's not bouncin'. Seems t' me this ship moved a bit when she made her landin'.

  5. I like my pirate to have enough sense to know when to stop talking about how hot other women are!!! He should at least have the intellegence to give me a good ogling once in a while if he's going to talk that way!!! :lol:


    "Sorry thar Rogue Mermaid, the fella should have more sense. Vent away, sez I. Add t' yer list, I like my pirate to ogle me first."

  6. I might hafta quit drinkin'. This thread went from "What do you like in your Pirate?" to raising stakes over what I lost track of and Jacky's Bar and Grill....

    "Sorry Matt, I too was a bit confused by the rollin' card game; so, I brought in lunch and decided t' watch. I'm sure it'll get back on track... Care fer lunch?"

  7. Even t' the untrained eye, it appears that the pub was built over the remains of an old ship. The deep crevice were passin' over t' get t' that ship, gives one pause; this crevice is deep but not wide, and couldn't have been here when the pub was built.

    Red Cat swings accross to join Eyes and me self, on wot appears to be the ships main deck. I take Eyes lantern, and pass it over the deck and see somethin' else t' fret over, puddles of rum!

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