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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. ^ Ted

    < Ted is a character on, "how I met your mother!" (A love story in reverse). Heck, I was Ted... am Ted...

    V Ever woke up wit' a pineapple? (yes, the fruit! or anyother fruit ye woke up wit')

  2. The mornin' light streams through the windows of my cabin, "Aye, right where I left ye." She is lyin' in my bunk, an looks so peaceful when she is a sleep.

    Quite a different picture, from last night. I thought she'd bust the skull of that cook of hers', fer droppin' that tray. Thank goodness, Spoons put that whiskey in her coffee. Took t' it like mother's milk, an forgot all about that cook, she did. Slept like a lamb.

    I place the mug of spirit free coffee, next t' where she sleeps. Laid out her dress on the chair beside the bunk, an exited the cabin quietly.

  3. Ha! ;) Cant you see my reflection in the cutlass? Can't you see the look in her eyes? I think that says it all. No, I was not wearing the mermaid's fins, but I was wearing the camera around me neck!

    "Aye, camera around yer neck, so ye were a tourist? So, where was said mermaid on display?"

    (Takin' bets mates... even odds, his place... 2:1 odds her place... any takers?)

  4. "Silkie, luv. Here I was tryin' t' sneak off wit' a snack 'fore bed." I put down my plate, an give her hug, "Red Cat has been helpin' out Sir William, an ye must try some."

  5. I walked in t' the Tsunami Kate, lookin' fer a mid-night snack, an found Iron Chef Red Cat servin' up a feast.

    "It looks grand, an no line!" I pile up plate wit' a little snack 'fore bed. "Thank ye, Red Cat an Sir William!"

  6. Eyes is drippin' wet, an fadin' fast, "Eyes, Eyes... stay awake man!" I turn to Red Cat, an release my grip on the red head, "Watch her!"

    Plan A

    Turnin' back t' study the cage, "I've seen this type of door before, theses are half pin barrel hinges..."


    "... with the right leverage, and the proper application of strength, the door will lift free!"

    Plan B

    "I think we can get the spider t' open this fer us. CrazyChole, how many cookies have we got left?"

    Plan C

    Keep t' the Code... Let Eyes sleep, an go back t' the pub, celebrate the new year!

  7. ^ I'm afraid mine's as busted as Jack's.

    < I think I know wot I want sometimes, but often take the usually course (Translation: do wot I always do, work harder at wot I'm doin'.)

    V Wot is yer dream profession?

  8. she turns t CrazyChloe,. Flase Ransom n JackyTar " Oi !! ye scurvy lot be me true mates! an I don't trust many.... drinks on me!!!!"

    Scurvy? Scurvy? I'm in no way, shape o form scurvy, Red Cat. Ye'd better be buyin tha round fer implin such. Hmph.

    Psst, Ray, mak sure thars some lime in me rum aye, jest in case.

    "CrazyChole I think in yer case (and Ransom) she meant curvey." I turn t' Ray, "Ray, a Screwdriver, please."

  9. Aye, Mate, Honor rumples very well. The, Lass would look good in a sackcloth, not that she'd ever wear one. B)

    * tosses the Red Cat's purse back in exchange for me pistol *

    "Aye, sackcloth... Ye just keep raisin' the bar mate."

    "Since, ye returned Red Cat's purse, which looks a lot like my purse. Welcome, Blackjack!"

    Turns t' Red Cat, "Ye honour me, by includin' me in that scurvy crew, luv."

  10. "Lad my eyes ar older than yers, but I see her reflection in the sword. As fer the look in her eyes, well... she has nice eyes."

    "It does look like yer coat, I'll give ye that, ye sure ye was even there?"

  11. "Ok, I'll ask. If she was wearin' yer garb, wot were ye wearin'? (Besides a smile!)"

    B) I was thinkin tha same Mr. Tar! Captain Blackfoot, dear, if yer wearn Blue Mermaids garb, we don't need ta see it.

    "Aye, CrazyChole, Blackfoot in mermaid garb, not somethin' I want t' see either. But just noticed the Blue Mermaid has on, only the lad's coat, so mayhaps he was still wearin' his shirt? (And smilin' an even bigger smile than I imagined!)

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