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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. I'd expected that question would come up someday, but wasn't sure I'd had enough t' drink t' answer it now. I took a sip of the Burgundy, an' answered, "I knew that Sir William couldn't cater yer fete, on such short notice, an' truly even rats won't eat Goose's muthers' stew." I laughed an' hoped my ruse, would change the topic of conversation.

  2. A table in my quarters had been set, fer wot I hoped would be memorable meal. Ransom dazzled Spoons; somethin' fer which I would tease 'em later. Even Goose, who was strugglin' wit' the servin' tray, seemed awed by his captain. Tryin' t' remember my manners, I pulled a chair out fer Ransom. She moved wit' grace, as if she were a refined lady, an' took her seat at the table. True t' form she had dazzled us all.

    I sat across from her, an' thanked our cooks for their fine work. They hastily left us, but not 'fore exchangin' the bottle of port for a bottle of Burgundy, which Spoons uncorked. I filled our glasses, an' swirled my glass, waitin' fer Ransom t' speak.

  3. I look at the skeleton, an' it looks like she were guardin' the treasure. In one hand she has a sword, an' in the other an empty key ring.

    I turn t' Ransom, "I've not heard any tales bout this one. The cobwebs an' spider webs on her, look like they were made by regular spiders, an' not our drunken one. She appears t' hav' been in there a long time!"

  4. Thank ye kindly Mr. Jacky Tar. I suppose it wouldn't be too bad if'n I was washed out to sea with the Pretty Red Cat! Any remote islands around?

    "I believe she be near the island of Manhatten! A bit cold this time of year, an' hardly remote."

    "Red Cat, not bad t' be at sea wit', sez ye; ye'd be hard pressed t' do better than our Red Cat, sez I."

  5. Amused at the lengths CrazyChole will go t' avoid the mistletoe, I pull a sprig down and wave it at her. This does not amuse Ransom, but at least no swords were drawn. So, I quickly put the mistletoe in the front pocket, of my breeches.

    Turnin' t' Eyes, "As sorry as I am that the spider ran off wit' ye, I'm not sorry enough t' give ye a loaded pistol, at least not yet."

    I follow the others down the stair case, an' wonder wot we'll find next.

  6. Ye need t' add t' that list...

    Let them spoil ye.

    Extra hugs fer those that celebrate wit' ye.

    Do wot' ye luv today.

    Take time t' enjoy today.

    Realize alot of folks are thinkin' about ye today!

    Happy Birthday CrazyCholeWhite!


    P.S. That's a lot of 'ye' and 'today', because today is about you!

  7. ^ Old pair of western boots (20 years old).

    < Hard t' let somethings go, not sentimental about them, just not used up.

    V Wot thing do ye still hav' that ye should let go?

  8. "Welcome Lizzie! Never heard anyone proclaim, 'Pirates are love', before yer post. I suppose we hav' a few 60's pirates, too."

    "As fer U.K. pirates, there always be some Sheppies lurkin' somewhere about here. They mayhaps just be the group ye be lookin' fer. They look rough, but they play nice."

  9. I like pirating, 'cause where else can ya swash yer buckle, strut yer stuff, and wear a hanger, all at the same time! :huh:

    I mean, how much cooler could ya get? :huh:

    Silly pirate, yer suppose t' take the justacorps off the hanger when ye wear 'em!

  10. The spider is leavin' the burrow it's been hold up in, an' followin' the bucket. So far, so good.

    I've convinced Red Cat t' walk the tethered bucket away from the cave, and lead our cautious creature away from Eyes.

    I climb down the second rope and descend t' the burrow, I pick up a torch that had landed just outside the openin' and peer into the burrow.

    "Well I'll be..." Eyes is just sittin' there, unharmed, an' sippin' rum! I hiss, "We were worried sick about ye. Wot are waitin' fer... Christmas?"

  11. "Red Cat, let's lower the bucket wit' out ye ridin' along, and try t' draw the spider out. If the creature hasn't hurt Eyes, I'm willin' t' leave it un-barbecued."

    We lower the bucket a few feet from the spider's hidin' place. The creature's front legs start t' twitch, the smell of cookies an' rum, is drawin' the spider out.

  12. "Damn, Blackfoot, Siren and Capt. Bo all postin'! Ye all been away too long!"

    "Captain Siren I hope yer feelin' better, luv."

    "Blackfoot, Red Cat thought ye had washed out t' sea. Hope ye'll visit the Pub Beach Party, again!"

    "Capt. Bo, I'm Jacky Tar an' I hope t' see yer self around the pub!"

  13. Interestin' choice of words, I thought. While she seemed t' find me stimulating, I found wit' her about I needed no wine, to feel intoxicated.

    "An interestin' story, when we told Goose that he would be helpin' prepare 'Toad in a hole', he turned green. I think the poor man thought that we meant t' have him gig frogs, and eat 'em."

    "The toad is a sausage prepared in a Yorkshire puddin'. Spoons prepares a gravy wit' it. It's simple fare fer a hungry crew an' their captain."

  14. I can see that Red Cat is gettin' restless, an' I fear wot' will befall Eyes if'n we don't act soon.

    I find a bucket an' attach the spider's own line t' it. I grab Red Cat's remainin' cookies, and toss 'em in the bucket. Takin' a belayin' pin t' smash the cookies, an' removin' my waistkit t' sop up some rum. I wrung wot rum I can gather in t' the bucket.

    "Well mates I hav' the bait, an' now shall we draw the spider away from Mr. Eyes? We'll be needin' a second rope t' drop near Eyes current location, an' I volunteer t' go down an' fetch 'em."

    "Should the spider decide it likes Eyes an' me, more than cookies an' rum, who'd like t' stand ready wit' some torches?"

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