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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. Oh My Gosh!!! Where where!! Hide me!!! ;)B) LOL

    ;)but not fer th reason ye think......

    Welcome aboard!!

    "Red Cat, ye can come out from behind me, yer a pirate, luv. Watch that one CaptScratcher, she'll pick yer pockets. Welcome, t' the pub!"

  2. Me mates wants to know what he needs to do to get on yer gift giving list. :P


    Well now.... I should think that THAT would be obvious! :P

    "Black Hearted Pearl, tell yer mate Herself can be bought! She is a pirate after all, an fer the right price, she'll get yer mate a gift."

    I wonder can BHP's mate name a city or small town, after Herself? Wot wit' her already havin' her own island, wot would the town be called?

  3. I turn t' Ransom, "I suspect our caged friend, was not a meal fer the spider." Could she have locked herself in the cage t' avoid bein' carried off by the spider, I wondered?

    "She couldn't leave wit' the treasure either." I walked over t' the cage door, gave it a tug, an it opened!


    I'm wit' Ransom, an hav not acquired the taste fer rum. I too prefer wine or ale.

    However, Red Cat's history of rum, has inspired me t' persevere an try t' find a rum which agrees wit my palate.

  4. Each attempt she made t' scowl at me, was followed by a giggle. Next, her elbow slid off the table, an I suspect that wine on an empty stomach, was takin' it's toll. I tried t' make light of her challenge, "I've never tried drinkin' under the table." I quipped, "Perhaps I'll try it after dinner."

    I took a bite of the food before me, an pointed t' Ransom's. Stubbornly she downed her wine, held out her glass, an wobbled a bit. I obliged her by fillin' her glass.

    "Ye really should try the sausage wit' the puddin', the lads hav made the best I've ever tasted." I sipped my wine, an remarked wot progress Goose had made. Despite my best efforts t' get Ransom t' try the meal, she chose the drink instead. A change o' tactics was needed, lest I be the one holdin' someone's hair out of the bucket.

    I put down my fork, an dragged my chair closer t' hers. I picked up her clean fork wit' a piece of potato, an brought it t' her lips.

  5. Ransom's lady like veneer was wearin' thin, as I watched her empty her glass in one fell swig. So, I had gotten under her skin as much as she under mine. Well this levels the playin' field, I thought.

    Her frown had turned t' a pout, an' her now empty glass was beyond my reach. So, I stood up and walked t' her side of the table, an poured more wine into her glass. She smiled, an I bent forward t' whisper in her ear, "Mayhaps ye should sip this glass, lest this dance be over 'fore it's begun." I then tenderly kissed her ear, but did not linger, an thought I saw a shiver of anticipation.

    She had closed her eyes briefly, but now they flashed wit' devilish delight. While I didn't want t' dampen her ardor, it was too soon t' speak of feelings.

    I returned t' my seat, an smiled, "Let's feast 'fore it gets cold."

  6. "Easy now, Red Cat! Did ye hav' a nice cat nap, luv?" I hug her, an try t' calm her, "The spider is outside, an were all here. See, even Eyes is wit' us again." She stops jinglin' an tremblin'.

    I look at CrazyChole who seems t' be formulatin' a plan, or at least is sizin' up the cage. Ransom seems t' be awake an is comin' around, too.

  7. I was more surprised by her frown than her response, an' I paused t' see if a smile would follow; no smile was forth comin'. I took another sip from my glass, an' casually replied, "I thought we both agreed, crew before self?"

    Her frown softened, but she did not seem satisfied wit' my response, an' I did not wish t' spoil the evenin'.

    "It was nothin' ye said or did!" I wanted t' reassure her. "I did not think it was the best course, an' I hoped ye would understand." I'm not sure I even understood, I thought.

    I gazed in t' her blue eyes, an' looked fer any sign of redemption, wit' that answer.

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