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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. He grabbed his wrist and swore an oath in pain. An unmasked expression of surprise shown in his features as he faced his adversary.
  2. yep, that could do some damage but you can't carry it in your pocket. hehe
  3. Bright, I agree. I was thinking that his mouth was too clean & healthy. Then again, depends what his goal is. If historically accurate then he needs to dirty up. If he is closer to Hollywood (depending on the movie) then he looks just fine.
  4. Hello silkie I just read your letter and I am sorry I did not get it sooner Yes I will gladly be your friend so please corospond with me anytime! sorry to hear your leaving New Jersey but I can understand Virgina is a lovely state. hope to hear from you.

  5. Nice. All I am going to say is that Kate's cannon in longer. hehe
  6. Won't let me watch & I ain't signing up. I know that Kate Souirs (sp?) has a pretty small firing cannon but I have never seen it actually fire any projectile.
  7. Since when dear John were ye crowned king?
  8. I am trying to remember what this thread was for.
  9. Do I qualify as an acceptable charity?
  10. I keep thinking that I would rather be with you than visiting family next weekend. haven't seen them since September ...and I do have a new grand nephew that I would like to meet before he is walking ...at least I don't think he is walking yet. HAVE FUN ...I WILL make it up there some day ...just not some day soon.
  11. Now ...how the heck did we end up HERE...we started with Jib stating, "I saw the nomination for the last round of the Order of the Leviathan in Pirates Magazine. Just curious as to who is now considered a member of this elite group?" We need a tour guide here.
  12. I was the one who referred to Robbie as "the village idiot". I have corrected that mistake and I apologize for it. I was thinking like a woman teasing her friend not as an outsider scoffing at someone she did not understand. I apologize for my in accurate and unkind wording. May I also add that the "fool" in many classic works is actually the most astute individual in the cast.
  13. oops ...meant to do an edit, not a reply
  14. Seems to me that the character of Robbie was not for the benefit of the special needs children but for the average children who do not know how to approach or interact with the others. Guess it just depends on your perspective and what shade of rose or brown your glasses are. Also depends how long a stick you are measuring by.
  15. Have you ever sailed lass?
  16. That isn't Robbie! The writer of that post used punctuation! I fear that Robbie has been abducted by undesirables I wonder how long it will be before they offer a ransom to Robbie's "snobbish" family family to take the lad back! Perhaps that is how the family has acquired their wealth?
  17. There is no doubt what YOU are thinking good Captain Sterling. I for one, knowing Robbie as I do (sigh) took it as the luck of the lovable lad.
  18. Aye and that it does. I went back to the start of the thread and you DID ask for critique on garb & gear not technique. Since your images are from later in the 1700's I can't help you much. I "live" in the earlier part of the 1700's and am still learning so I dare not venture for anything much later than 1720's My suggestion, as you have likely found, The forum here titled "Captain Twill". Images and information about it all ...well about all we are about here. You'll find the thread on Bucket boots quit ...controversial. lol Can't wait to see more sketches and the eventual finished images!
  19. I would have to say that if the feet are the only problem then you don't have far to go. However, and speaking from experience, if you stop improving you may as well stop drawing. I think you have accomplished much and have untapped potential. You clearly have talent. I found that it helped me to get the shoes and boots & gloves & clothing right if I first started with the basic fugure. Find some books on figure drawing and foreshortening, take drawing classes weather in school or not, work on still life drawings, they will help with things like swords and pistols and ...well everything. If you can't take a class just keep drawing and doing just what you are doing ...having others critique your work.
  20. Doesn't seem to have worked either. sigh
  21. Jack, I have done that from time to time, but no, not this time. Isreal, I shall try that ...don't know that it will work. i have even tried "mark board as read" so as to start anew, that DIDN'T work at all. Still looking at browser settings ...hmmm ...think I shall try another browser.
  22. better than a mute sailor ...well maybe ...I'll let you know how that works out. lol
  23. Nice to look at but I don't imagine that my teeth could survive one bite. lol
  24. ....LIBIDOTHIANS ...Such innocence.
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