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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. Can't resist ... Hardwood sailors jackets?
  2. Well, I have seen only two in all the reenactors I know so I think we are safe in our representation. hehe
  3. Mind you I am not a historian, anthropologist, archeologist, or social scientist so help me out here. If it has been proven that a particular fabric and pattern existed before and after one point in time and a particular garment is proven to exist at that same point in time it is NOT logical to conclude that said garment was made with said fabric pattern? Particularly with the use and reuse of fabric until it was thread bare. Again, it is not proof but it is based on the evidence so is it not a logical conclusion?
  4. I am currently drinking a ...alone.
  5. So if I don't look out the window to see the snow will it go away? Please?!
  6. Nice shot. Next time get those people in civilian clothing to wear garb. lol Actually you may be able to get away with cropping the right side of the photo, just to the right of the flag and maybe "blur" or "smudge" the person in the red hoodie a bit.
  7. I read this and did a search. Hawaii has one but Jersey doesn't. I find that humorous. Just seems wrong.
  8. It was 60 and rainy last week ...what's with thei winter like weather?! ...oh ...wait ...it is still winter hu?
  9. NJ is one big freezer. I am aiming for VA in 2011 but now I am thinking that will not be far enough south.
  10. One word of blackmail and I'll drop ye there on the spot...and toss Finn over board as soon as we're out to sea... No worries John, snug has been the word all these years luv, I'd not blackmail anyone especially you dear friend. Besides, you would do better to blackmail me than I you, I have money. As to Fionn, what you do with him on your ship is at the discretion of officers and yourself but he is family so I would prefer he is returned ...alive ...unless one of his accidents has caused his demise, which would in no way surprise me.
  11. Silkie makes note for blackmail ...like she would ever blackmail captain Sterling ...even though she could retire on what she knows about the "good" captain ...if he had any money.
  12. That much is obvious.
  13. Thanks.
  14. Congratulations Matty!
  15. General goods ...maybe "Sterling & Son" could open a shop? lol As to an Inn, there is one connected to the Hide.
  16. I am hoping the contents are still there. Someone probably stole it and when they looked inside were disappointed that there were not power tools in it. ...I pray.
  17. Oh Syran ... time keeper ...you and syren should do a barter ...her painted canvas's are great!
  18. Oh Syran ... time keeper ...you and syren should do a barter ...her painted canvas's are great!
  19. Oooooh ...green ...ooooh ...sparkley ...wish I had money. Wait ...I have money ...wiush I didn't have bills to pay.
  20. Almost forgot to mention that Maggie's family has been located and although not all is well they are alive and unhurt! Thanks for all the prayers.
  21. Happy Berth-day!
  22. Happy B-Day lass.
  23. Besides, who knows how many years that ring has been under there?
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