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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. See ...told you that all was fine. Mama has it all under control. ...well, maybe not ALL, there is after all Papa.
  2. I suggest keeping it natural. Fionn loves his black one but the dye bleeds and perspiration & rain don't help the issue!
  3. I am saddened that the FoFT & the fort felt the need to break the contract with the BIB's. Please remember that the BIB's were not the only reason the festival has been thriving. I am also confident that the fort management & the FoFT know that having the encampment & battles on the grounds brings visitors & revenue to the fort. Also note that Spike mentioned that the BIB's, although not the hosts, will still be at the event. Stop focusing on the negative and look at all the positives of what has been and will be accomplished at this event by ALL of us. Besides MUCH can happen in a year.
  4. We are pyrates (and pyrate hunters), we adjust well. If not at the fort then some other place on Bone Island. I have faith it will happen.
  5. Why am I not surprised?
  6. It is official. Philadelphia has 70.3 inches of snow. Unusual for us. This the most snow the area has seen in recorded history. I miss my 4wd SUV right now.
  7. Snow, rain, snow again. Up to about 9" of snow so far. The rain caused flooding and the new wet snow makes the roads hazardous ...that and the occasional white-outs.
  8. Happy Birthday Lady!
  9. I too, am not the captain, I can tell you that we are using a melton wool from B.Black & Sons for the capotes http://www.bblackandsons.com/fabrics-wool-coating-fabric-c-68_74.html?zenid=5e136b2619b08e0679d93f3c5b846c98
  10. Snow. Again. Very wet. Someone has either stolen my snow shovel. I left it out by the place where I park my car because I couldn't fit it in my trunk to take with me. I had intended on shoveling the space out before driving on it. I am hoping that it hasn't been stolen and that it has simply been moved.
  11. Wow, how did I miss this one? Happy belated to you.
  12. May the day bring you many blessings, like melting snow, phone service,electric.
  13. This from she who is on the west coast. Thanks Jill.My work schedule (until this week) was Sunday - Thursday so Friday is my normal shopping day ...OMG, the morons in the grocery stores! I needed Dog food and a few other things. You would have thought it was the end "snomageddon" to quote someone that I don't know. I could empathize with those looking for ice melter, I was one of them. I could understand the people stocking up on junk food and movies. What I don't comprehend is the people who are out there buying milk, eggs & bread. What are they planning, french toast for day? I don't get the reasoning behind stocking the cabinets and refrigerator with enough to feed the household for a month. Okay, some seniors are wise doing this but if you aren't someone who's neighbors shovel your sidewalks for because you are old you only don't need enough for a month. I suppose that everyone who would normally be shopping today took off work and did their shopping yesterday. They were likely shopping for the superbowl parties that they will be canceling tomorrow ...not because of the bad roads but because if they have guests over they have to find some place to park said guests cars. Okay ...I'm done spouting off ...for now. Enjoy your snow day ...I am going out to make verl large snow Archangels. Wings, gown, a cutlass in one hand and blunderbuss in the other.
  14. There are lots of people missing.
  15. Officially 18 inches of snow. It is still snowing. Drifting snow means that I can see the grass on the front lawn and there is about 3 feet at the corner sidewalk ...figures.
  16. Dearest John, I can think of no one who's company I would prefer in my travels round the sun. Happiest of natal days to you ...old man.
  17. been snowing for a while here ...still less than an inch I think.
  18. It is still clear in south Jersey. I can guarantee it is going to change ...I have a sinus headache brewing.
  19. Mic - See you're here again. key - Why? Because your addicted. Souris Good Mr. Rodant ...have a happy birthday!
  20. No you are the guy without the hat. I am the woman in green.
  21. Captain fancies Port ...unless it is after hours ...then it is Absinthe. He knows where to get drink when needed. The good Captain Sterling's tab is always open at "The Silkie's Hide". (I must keep it open so that I may keep that fool Fionn on that ship somehow. Well, more to the point out om my establishment.) The more Sterling owes me the less fear I have that the place will fall down around Fionntan Murtaugh. The ship is on water as long as they don't ask the man to keep the thing from leaking and they keep him away from flames and out of the powder magazine and out of the rigging and out of the galley and out of the fighting top the only life that is in danger is Mister Murtaugh's.
  22. 31 & snow again. I didn't pay attention, did that stupid rodent known as Punxsutawney Phil see his shadow or not?
  23. Drat ...now I am gonna have to find another because all I can see is Muftak the Talz. Blasted drunken surgeon. ...as to the drunken surgeon song ...somehow I thought Rumbas post about where she hangs out was Missions ...sorry about that Mission.
  24. lol ...it is a seal with frost on it's whiskers not some Star Wars character.
  25. What do you do with a drunken surgeon? What do you do with a drunken surgeon? What do you do with a drunken surgeon? Early in the morning.
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