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Silkie McDonough

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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. 2nd level isn't any harder it just gets you locked up more easily! lol
  2. How did I manage to read this earlier and not post a response. Best of birthday wishes to you Ransom.
  3. I could be wrong but I believe that the black blanks were at more readily available to reenactor for some time. I still see more black blanks than other colors but as to that being historically accurate I wouldn't know. My two cents should makes things as clear as mud for you.
  4. Happy Birthday Jill!
  5. I have a beautiful Deep Forest green velvet ...yards & yards of it ...I can't ever see Fionn dressing like this and me...well, I am just too hot ...I mean too warm for anything more than linen. Hmmm ...Maybe a barter item that ...hmmm ...although I loath the idea of giving up my beautiful velvet I have had it for at least 10 years and have not used it yet ...many yards of it too. Hmmmmmmmmmm
  6. fíorchaoin fáilte So it is not French but it is possible that you may know some Gaelic having born in Brittany ...now which dialect is another matter all together. lol Welcome! (looks like we both understand English) Enjoy all that the pub has to offer, there is a plethora of information, companionship and fun to be found here. Again, welcome!
  7. Willoughby LOL ...got it back at Fells Point.
  8. Perhaps he is visiting with Cousin Rose. She does love her cousin Robbie.
  9. Or in my garage.... Yea that too. Note to self: Don't buy equipment that you can not transport in the civic ...still need that roof rack. Wait ...what am I missing ...there should be the poles, ridge bar and ridge posts, and the ropes ...what else is out there that I have left ...and who has what?! I am guessing the ridge pole and posts are at Dutcheie's and the posts and ropes are at Sterling's ...if there is more than that don't tell me I may never miss it ...I am just happy to have my cutlass and parasol in my possession after so long. lol EDIT: I am also missing a very good canvas drop-cloth.
  10. Tell Mrs Foxe ...not that she doesn't know this already ...FANTASTIC! I wish I could order a set but ...I suppose I will have to actually make my own if I want some. Just beautiful the pattern, the work, the fit ...BRAVO! The likelihood om me making my own ...well ...it is unlikely right now.
  11. John, I did not say that these indiscretions were recent. With that lad being as old as he is I dear say it was well before you were married. Additionally, it is highly unlikely that the missus is ever about this establishment nor would she speak to most of the like found here. My apologies dear John, I would offer to speak to her of the matter but I am well below her station and guess that she would not wish to speak to me.
  12. Last I remember his puddin cap was floating in the waters off Key West.
  13. Mr. Dogge, I must protest, the man has both of his eyes in use. No other objections save that you did not request that he purchase said drynk at my establishment. oh ... and, I almost forgot ... I wish Eye a very Happy Birthday
  14. Listening to others here I guess having to travel between 2 to 6 hours for my events isn't so bad.
  15. I you speak of William wot was at PiP & the Fort Taylor Pirate Invasion some two years ago? I have seen it.
  16. It means children and what does age have to do with it?? Not quite sure I follow you here I do not speak from experience, rumor has it that the goode Captain Sterling has been "at it" since he was able to be "at it" and his sons are many. As a close confidant to the captain I an say no more.
  17. Or in my garage.... Yea that too. Note to self: Don't buy equipment that you can not transport in the civic ...still need that roof rack.
  18. No garage, no marina, no boat, no cannon. I have taken to leaving my gear in my car. Makes packing & repacking much easier.
  19. You shall be fine I am sure. I hope that the temporary injury gives you a nice break but does not set you back in your work! Many prayers and HUUUUUUUUGS to you lady.
  20. Nah ...Sterling's features are more rugged.
  21. ewwwww ...that photo doesn't make me like them any more and I am not going to take them out of the house they will come back anyway. I have no idea why but they still give me the hee-bee-gee-bees.
  22. Mission, I commend you for capturing those white wispy legged critters and releasing them ...I just couldn't do it ...they give me the willies. So do Gypsy moth caterpillars.
  23. You were welcomed company Davey. We look forward to seeing you at Hampton!
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