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Silkie McDonough

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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. I believe it his middle name is "Trouble" is it not good Silas?
  2. Fionn would, as always, prefer to spend his time out of sight and out of mind but he also knows that if an officer gives a command he had best obey. Since he was first conceived he has nere been able to keep himself out of trouble. Polishing all the cannons on the ship has not yet taught him his lesson. I believe he has been the ships lier for 6 weeks at last count. But this is not a discussion for a public forum. If the Captain wishes him to remain on the ship I am sure he would be happy to do so. THAT is between Fionn & the ships officers. I very much want to have learned the knowledge needed to discuss the role of the ordinary & the propriter of said extablishments at the time. Much to learn!
  3. silkie silkie..come to va...then ill get ta meet you;)

  4. Captain Sterling, As to contacting the "email the leaders of the various encampments listed in being in attendance to see what they're interested in doing". You could check out the PiP 2010 Role Call thread and contact those people. I guess they don't come to the pub often enough to see this thread before say, August.
  5. Robbie was a blast at Pohick last year but ...who shall make him "walk the plank" this year? LOL
  6. Since I dont' recall what a "rope walk" if I ever knew what it was but I thought perhaps it could involve falling and cement hurts when falling. lol DUH! ....making rope! ...Sometimers setting in!
  7. Cross, I fear the answer is a bewildering "yes". To both questions.
  8. Very well done indeed lads! My compliments ...and lamentations that I can not claim any involvement.
  9. I said "on the boards" not "of the boards". Hurricane, you are a writer are you not? You know what words you use and how to use them. Had you simply made a suggestion rather than starting the post as an "attack" it would not have come across as a criticism. Honestly I think the suggestion has merit.
  10. Hurricane, has it ever occurred to you that perhaps you could PM or email your suggestion to those who are arranging the event rather than making what reads as a criticism on the boards?
  11. OH! As a woman who is "above average" : I am all about that! Too bad it is late 1700's
  12. I know that I missed lots of stuff this weekend but I am very GLAD that I missed the ticks ...especially since I live alone.
  13. Welcome lass. You are likely to find many kindred spirits here. As to that pirate town, grand plans that best of luck with it.
  14. Sounds like a great time! I loved the place (about 6 years ago). Beautiful view of the river. Wish I COULD join you but the drive home would be murder. If the tour boats go by while you are there you should organize a boarding party. I am sure you will all have a great time ...along with all of the others watching you. lol
  15. Tomorrow at what time. I would be interested but I work evenings. Saturday would be my preference ...I need to learn how to use Skype first.
  16. Happy Birthday mates!
  17. Sterling forgives Stynky ...one down ...MANY more to go. Good luck with that Stynky.
  18. What ship is this?
  19. Cool. Thanks for the additional info Dorian, especially the Pittsburgh connection. lol This bit of history and does not claim to cover it all. I suspect that since this on the the "Dayton Innovation Legacy" page they are covering only the information that is relative to their needs.
  20. I am assuming that this was directed towards me. It didn't work for some reason. Fortunately it is the waistcoat pockets that are not right, the captains tailor made my coat and the work is MUCH better than any of the sewing I did on my waistcoat.
  21. The flap attached independently of the pocket. I did my first pockets incorrectly. Try this method. The pocket has two layers (A)the front of the pocket and (B)the back of the pocket. Attach the front of the pocket to the outside of the © coat and then turned inside the coat. Prick-stitch the edged of the opening to keep it neat. Then the back of the pocket( can be attached to the front of the pocket (A) The coat has a lining so the raw edges of the pocket are concealed. Then attach the flap in the down position (edges all finished) above the pocket opening on the outside. If you sew it upward and then let it drop down it may not lay flat. Mine didn't. Still have to redo that one. Does that make any sense?
  22. Then, the Americanized version would be "Frecklestone." Yer a hard woman, Silkie...but yer freckles are so adorable! As my mother (Edna McDonough) use to say ...if I could just get the freckles to blend I would have a wonderful tan. lol
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