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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. Love the texture.
  2. I can barely see your name. Could easily just be my monitor.
  3. Perfect Patrick! Just perfect!
  4. "Recently Added Topics" reads "Ship lost for more than 150 years is recovered by MarkG Today, 09:56 PM" All I can say is GOOD WORK MIKE!
  5. Happy birthday lass!
  6. Okay ... the painting stuff, I did it but I am joking about boasting ...well a little.
  7. Okay ...I have to do it again. See that ship in the background ...those magnificently painted carvings of the mermaid, sea monsters & the city of Knykle madellion ...SILKIE PAINTED THEM! :rolleyes:lol Yes, I will stop ...some day ...maybe.
  8. The lad from the Nykle who helped with the land crews is Tucker Cobey (what a great name!) I am still working on getting the other names from the Nykle, waiting to hear from a forwarded email. I t has been four days but I am giving it a few more days because if the contact is on the ship he may not have access to his email.
  9. Yes , that is sick Robbie.
  10. Can someone tag one of these images at the spot they plan on putting the wind turbines. I am very curious.
  11. Some day ...maybe ...when I retire from reality for good!
  12. I say if they can move it down the beach that would be great ...but who's view would that obstruct? I do't have the answer ...stop using modern conveniences? Hey, wasn't that suppose to happen 1/1/2000 or 2001 ...or 9/9/99 ...or something like that?
  13. Something has gone horribly wrong.
  14. Awwwwwww! I was so happy until I scrolled down.
  15. Go ahead, blame it all on the artists and their blasted artistic licenses! :(
  16. Welcome! This pub is an excellent source of information. Any questions feel free to search and if you can't find it ask. Glad to have you aboard!
  17. Safety. Now I know why we are all so cautious around those things & the powder ...not that I needed a reminder.
  18. oops ...ummm ..no. hehe
  19. Fair winds to you good mate Gushaw. I too hope that some lawyer doesn't mess things up. Sounds to me like this volunteer was devoted to the ship & museum. I worked beside some people like this when I was on the Kalamar Nykle. It is a passion for them. He would much rather have the museum go on. I find it far more likely that any memorial donations people might wish to make will be directed to the museum in his name.
  20. One of the crew from the Nykle was on the cannon crew several times. I can't recall his name ...Duncan do you recall ...Tucker or Trever I believe.
  21. You do know that I was joking right? Anyway Eye, I think you have found your place in historic clothing.
  22. I worry about you Eye. Sometimes I think you take this hobby far to seriously.
  23. oops ...that is why they do the math for me. I ran out of fingers & toes.
  24. Diosa, How can you fawn over the captain you are from the Buccaneer camp, 1690 or so, you would be an old lady by 1720. LOL Lets see ...If you were 20 in 1690 you would be 60 in 1720. lol A bit long in the tooth for the good captain. hehe
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