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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. Mission, it may be "just a day" and the wishes don't make or break it but boy they do feel good when they happen. :)
  2. I confess, I encouraged the man to buy it. lol ...no that isn't a quote, just a confession.
  3. I don't wnna go back to weeeeeeeeerk! Well, at least I have a job.

  4. I keep getting alerts to messages that I have already read or responded to. Is this happening to anyone else? Does anyone know how I can correct the problem?
  5. Oi! I forgot Shay's dinner! So happy to be included lady ...even if it was just because I sat down in the right place at the right time. hehe
  6. Okay, no worries, I have more. I will pick it up when I come to work on my mantua. I missed the travel talk but I am really liking the extra time between the event and the travel.
  7. Fantastic weekend! Thanks all!

  8. Fayma said the park has it. We will pick it up tomorrow & drop it off on the way past.
  9. Lily, Thank you for all of your hard work! The effort put forth by Fayma and you to organize this ragtag bunch of criminals was nothing less than amazing. The cooperation of all participants working together wanting to make thing function well and make the event successful always leaves me feeling very connected to you all. This is a great family! I am blessed to be a member ...just hope I am not the crazy aunt in the fuzzy slippers or the purple hat ...oh wait ...that is Lily and Fayma. We even managed to warm up to the "Green Coats" (Park staff)! As with every event I have attended at Fort Zack there are good things and bad things. I think this one was full of good things like having the event IN the fort. Sure, it wasn't the beach but with the cool temperatures down there we would have frozen assuming that we could even set-up tents in that wind! It was a perfect place to be and NO hiking to the rest rooms! Shower was outside but it was heated (eventually). My only afterthought is "So, how are we going to top this next year?!"
  10. The Fort Zachery Taylor Pirate Invasion was a blast! Never made it to the Thieves Market, I was having too much fun at the fort. Hope all went well there, I know it did at the fort. The park people were pleased and so were we! Thanks all for a grand time.
  11. "I use to have a big truck but Amber didn't like it so I got rid of it. She doesn't like big things. I guess that is why she is with me." ~Matty Short Thumb
  12. Fiontan is considering entering the "Bad-ass Pirate" contest next year.
  13. Well done lass, thank you. I to had to enlarge the page to read it but I adjusted.
  14. Lyrics? Sounds like a rum induced evening project.
  15. Thank you all for your efforts in making this a wonderful reunion. As someone (Fayma I think) so eloquently put it: "The holiday between Thanksgiving and Christmas with the family you would choose" ...or something like that.
  16. Blessed Thanksgiving and every day to you all.
  17. Oh dear! Feel better Lady, tell Mr. Longshanks that we said hello.
  18. Considering the fact that we are seldom on a ship at events if you chose to coordinate a plague ridden port town it wouldn't be too far fetched. The question would be how do we explain all those pesky sailors, thieves and other unsavory people we usually have in our encampments? Perhaps the good doctor could be warning of a plague from a neighboring town, checking on this port town, unknowingly spreading said plague.
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