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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. I often find that my memory of a dream is at times more vivid than a memory of a real happening. It is easy to see how some may be confused. Yes, I do smell and taste things when I wake. Lucky for me I don't have nightmares just some surrealistic dreams somewhat regularly when I actually dream. I have had a few years where I just wasn't dreaming at all. Thankfully the dreams are returning. Makes me feel like my brain is functioning properly again. hehe
  2. If you find a gray one it is mine. Dutch, does the hat fit?
  3. Happy Birthday Captain Caught.
  4. Sir? hehe Happy Birthday Michael!
  5. making time lines of three different stories merge is not easy ...as of this moment I am escaping my slavery, running my ordinary and reestablishing myself after my escape from slavery on the same day. hmmm ...what to do?

    1. Ransom


      Rent a Tardis. ;=}

  6. Cool! I am usually the one who misses the details. hehe ...RN Mark Question - do you mean on a regular ship or on a pirate ship? ...
  7. What size is your spoon Mission? It puts me in mind of a baby/toddler spoon. Cant wait to see it in person! ...you too.
  8. Or with the respect they don't deserve.
  9. That question has never been resolved in all the years that we have been beating this poor old nag.
  10. Actually, if you read the introductory thread we were talking about authentic vs. non authentic. At least I think that is what I read.
  11. Welcome Jimmy.
  12. Tank you once again Lady. Tis nice t'learn bout those what we know only in passing.
  13. Sounds great Mission but I can't justify the cost at this time. Too bad because my unused passport expires this year. would have ben nice to use it.
  14. Related Thread Here's my Sealkie. My own design based on traditional Irish Celtic Zoomorphs. No pirate tat's Unless you know the story behind the tatoo.
  15. In no particular order: Waking Ned Devine,Young Frankenstein, The Princess Bride. oops ...I misread ...hmmm historical fiction ...wellI suppose those three are "historical" fiction. hehe Well, maybe not Waking Ned Divine. I think I would have to go with "Master and Commander"
  16. As to encampments and wall tents: Click here and have fun reading.
  17. Good for you. When at pirate festivals I will not have pox or scurvy or any other ailment other than being over weight and feeling older than I wish I did. My character is a woman of means since she is a woman of "girth". She will be of the merchant class therefore comfortable with lower and middle class folks and when the public goes home she will take a shower and put on her comfy slippers. See you at the festival. Now back to the discussion. Being a woman of means I can on occasion wear earrings. hehe
  18. My tuppence worth. Pirates were like any other other criminal. Look at the mob or any gang these days. It is not always easy to spot the members yet there are some that you look at and say "now there is a criminal". I would guess that in a time when the general public wanted to conform to the average or emulate their betters a successful (a.k.a. not dead) criminal would prefer to blend in. Yes there would be the exception when someone would want to emulate the criminal. As recently as the 1960's, if memory serves me, society was just getting use to the idea that it is okay to be different. I imagine that it would have been even more conformist 200 years ago. They don't call it a revolution for nothing. Either way I am not an anthropologist and I don't have any documentation. This is all conjecture and this is Twill and maybe I should just sit down and shut up. Sitting down.
  19. Deleated ...wrong thread.
  20. What make are the shoes? Fugawee? With buckles? Smooth or rough side out?
  21. Sorry you have to part with things. Could you provide photos? could make the sales easier for you.easier.
  22. Key West. You needed to ask?
  23. Happy day to you Master Hawkyns!
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