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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. Should I ask how one knows what rot and manure tastes like?
  2. Welcome lad. Missed you when the fun at Fells Point started!
  3. I wish Eye a Happy Birthday.
  4. Thank you Jack. I was afraid I was the only one. and this is why I hate research ...can't trust anyone ...danged pirates.
  5. WAY COOL! We are all a little nuts but man ...that was almost as amazing as the storm on the Kalmar Nykel only no pitch or roll. Can't say I would want to do that for every event but what an adventure!
  6. I think it is a great idea! My character isn't a sailor or a pirate. I own an ordinary/tavern/inn/coffee house. Life went on around the port city even when the ships were out. Come to think of it my cleaver needs to be sharpened.
  7. Happy Birthday Lass!
  8. Happy returns? Is he going somewhere? Happy Birthday Chrispy!
  9. I don't have much information on pyrates or sailors in taverns. However being the proprietress of a pub I have researched the laws. I have found information online. If you would like I can send you the links. It was the proprietors responsibility to keep the guests under control and to not let them become rowdy. That having been said I am still awaiting the day when there is a well choreographed brawl in the "Selkie's Hyde"!
  10. Welcome lad. My suggestion is to "try on" a crew or two. I was with the mercury to start with. I then chose and was chosen by the Crewe of the Archangel. The Archangel is indeed about as close as a pyrate group gets to having "units" and we really don't have units, we have characters and ranks for the public but as a group it is generally majority vote.
  11. The bar would be higher if we had more cash and didn't have to work. Yes....Captain obvious is here again.
  12. Only took me HOW long to get the blasted thing painted. P.S. The other side is the front of the sealchie emerging from her hide. Her legs are folded infront of her to the left and her left arm hides anything up top that would make her rated "R".
  13. Done, hope it helps.
  14. I think it is a hoot ...and has been for several years now.
  15. Make them walk the plank? ;)
  16. Hatched? I think dear cousin that you were nay hatched. You lad, are an experiment.
  17. Dia duit. Hello.
  18. PC, and it is working now.
  19. I recall little else. Men at tables. Women, don't recall if the woman was seated or serving. It was a pencil or charcoal drawing but I recall nothing else.
  20. Chat says "[#CSTART-4] The room ID supplied was invalid. Please notify the administrator. " You have been duly. notified.
  21. Someone out there gave me a link for an image of an Ordinary a few years back. It was a drawing of people under a canvas canopy that was in amongst the trees. I am NEED of that image. I will take any images that you would like to share also. Thanks
  22. Good luck with that. All I can think of is "Silver Shoebox" Wish I had a shoebox. My civic is called "The Civic" Shows you how creative I am with car names.
  23. Welcome lad.
  24. DuiDuit! Welcome. You should fit right in with the beer and the boats and all. Most here don't bite but many bark LOUDLY.
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