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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. Sláinte Dorian! Tank ye' CaptainCiaran, there be many a rogue here who might lead me astray? A lady can dream cant she? Tis a pleasure t'meet ye' Constance, tank ya' fer the welcome. RumbaRue, where ARE all the men 'round here? Ah, well I'll enjoy them well enough when they come round. Until then, I'll raise me' glass with this fine group of ladies and wenches an' enjoy what merriment comes!
  2. Alisdair Fraser and Natalie Haas: Fire & Grace, The Sailors Wife/The Lads of Duns
  3. Thank you all! This is exactly what I needed! I'll be there this year. How can I not after reading this! The decision has been made ...now the tough part, making the plans.
  4. Never mind. Found another thread with the answers.
  5. Twas the Callenish Gunners tales o' this event thet peeked my curiosity 'nuf t' bring me' t' the pub in te first place. That and I spent two days in Key West a few years back and it is Paradise! I know there are camp grounds available near by. Is there camping at Fort Tyler? If so what are the conditions at Fort Tyler? I'm debating weather or not I can sleep without electricity for a few days ...sleep apnea I looked on the POP web site and could find nothing regarding camping at the fort. I don't recall where that impression came from.
  6. Capin' Bo is it? Tis a pleasure. As t' b'hayvin', thet's nil a problem, tis b'hayvin well that may trip ye' up! I make it a point t' always b'hayve well ...no matter what I may b'doin'! I'm sure thet yer Blondiewench will indeed keep ye' in check. An' t' her I say, I make it a point nil t' get b'tween a lady n' er man ...n' her blade!
  7. An' you (looking at Flint) I'll not be buying ye' any rum, until ye' actually introduce yerself. :)
  8. She walks to william red wake, What ye' be needin' is a nice hot cup o' tea with a hefty dose of me' pocheen init'! She says while laying her cool fingers on his forehead. Taking a step back, He asn't been in any quarenteened ports lately has he? Ray, a cup o' tea if' ye' will, an I'll hear no objections from any vu ye'!
  9. Tis very kind uv ye. An'nice t' be treated like a lady. go raibh míle maith agat! Thank ye' very much! I've nil objection t' to ya' addn the smooth but ...I've been here in the shadows fer a few days now an' I'm tinkin that humble is not the first word thet Id use t' describe ye'! An' smooth applies just as well t' y as to me! I'm thinking I should stick with the same poison fer now. Another raspberry cider i ye' please.
  10. Dia duit! Scarlet! Thank'ye fer your kindness! Ray?
  11. Ah, Hugh! I knew I'd find ya' here. Silkies smile brodens, she jumps off her bar stool runs to Hugh and embraces him tightly. So nice t' see ya! She kises him softly on the cheek. Hav a ...now what is it that ya' prefer? Then smiles dimurely Hugh, how sweet o' ye to compair me' voice to that of an angel. She hugs him again, holding him a bit longer.
  12. Dia duit! A friend tol' me o this pub. Spoke so well of er patrons that I ad t' see fer myself. So, t' be followin local custom, Ray, a round on Silkie! I've shillings in me purse (or safely hidden on me person) an' many thirsty friends. For me I believe I herad mention of raspberry cider wit' fresh raspberries? I'll ave a pint o' thet. Fer toes who are interested I'v a full flask o' pocheen!
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